The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 15 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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14 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

check #2198

Thanks for clarification most dobri brate.

Bdw, mafe, can you imagine scandal in EU when Duda and Orban allow shipment of balistic misliles from Russia to Serbia via Visegrad air space? Oh that would shake entire continent. Can you imagine Ursula's and Merkel's jump on Duda. He would have full hands. By the God, those ladies would sit on him.
14 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Blessed be Poland and her old new President! Let us celebrate!

Warm greetings from Serbia, dobrom bratu Dudi, who would read this lines, I am sure. Let me dobri i veliki brate congrats to you with this famous and symbolic song >

Krzysztof Krawczyk & Goran Bregovic - Moj przyjacielu


Racowie love Duda and love to do business with Poland led by Duda!


Serbian President Vucic also congrats to Polish President Duda for winning the elections, calling him to visit Serbia and looking forward in even closer ties between two countries.

source >

Let it fly!
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Just wait though till Polish people are asked to pay for states like Albania

It would be nothing but financing Albanian mafia behind which is western Europe. Britain is wise that moved out in time. It was too much to them. Too much materially and mentally.

If the EU has been paying for the last 15 years, so it is Poland's turn now ...

Well, all have its price. Its truth.

Polexit will go with Big Bang, I`m affraid.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Any other -isms you could possibly miss out here?

It is what western Europe invented and exported to others, built EU on it. Values around witch rotate generations of western Europeans. We Slavs are also victims of those values.

Just compare Polish Sarmatism to all of it and you will see how deeply we Slavs sunk the moment our ancestors were subjugated by western Europe. We Slavs simple were naive, unable to comprehend greed of western Europe that initiated Drang Nach Osten. We barely managed to survive and still recuperate.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

That is democracy. Every voice counts. We all have to learn that. Politicians, too.

Polish law trumps EU law.

And Polish values are above EU values.

EU values are Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Racism, Slavery, Colonialism. Those are EU values. Its not for Poland.
13 Jul 2020
Life / Scars of Communism on Polish culture. [55]

Scars of Communism on Polish culture.

Resistance to communism awakened Poland, united, gave purpose. Like resistance to Russian or Prussian occupation. Much more damage was to Poland dealt by Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was slow death. Euthanasia blessed by Vatican. But go tell that to Poles and you would see that even in our time, again thanks to Vatican, they struggle to understand that.
13 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

My congrats to dobri brat Duda. My congrats to dobri brat Trzaskowski. My thanks to dobri brat Lewandowsky.

Back to business people.

Great > Serbian media bringing news >

Elections in Poland: Close victory of conservative Duda > Izbori u Poljskoj: Tesna pobeda konzervativca Dude

>>> b92/bbc/index.php?yyyy=2020&mm=07&dd=13&nav_id=1706251



51 % : 49,6 % (+- 2%)
12 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Duda said he's going to ban gays from adopting kids. It's a great plan.

This is why I love brat Duda among other things. Give all rights to gays but, don`t endanger rights of non-gays. Very balanced approach.

Duda The Magnificent. Duda The Leader. Duda The Invincible. Duda The Wise. Duda The Father of Central Europe. Duda The Great.
11 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Your thinking completely ignores the challenges facing young people

Brat Iron is good patriot but thinking in the box. He can`t move out of the box. He told me once he is Catholic first and Slavic second. Me? I would always give middle finger to Patriarch of Constantinople if he even dare to dream of harming Poland. Why would I live good in delusion if children of Poland suffer? But no, Iron is stubborn. Pope first. I can easily imagine him being volunteer for inquisition police who would scream `burn LGBT` and priest next to him is not just LGBT but perv to the core.

developing new industry and technology centers to keep Poles from leaving for other countries

You nailed it.
11 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Do you remember Soviet Poland? Do you want repeat that experience in its hardcore version?

Times changed. In past things were more simple. One ``knew`` where is democracy and where is freedom. Today one don`t know.

30 years ago was Soviet Union and then since few years ago, as Vaclav Klaus said, EU turned to be Soviet Union. Today, by many EU is Third reich. But what is USA? Yesterday it was world policeman. Today, it is or police state or no state at all. What is Russia? I don`t know. Most probable turning to Tzarism again.

And what is Poland? Servant or ruler of its own realm. Vote for those who speak of united Central Europe, from Baltic to Balkan or Poland will only serve to others. We all will only serve if we fail.
11 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Long live free Poland! We shall never surrender!

Why would you surrender? This way or another it is fight to the death. When you surrender, whoever the foe (well, hand on heart, especially if from western Europe), you helping them to exterminate you and your children.
10 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

People, hey people, where are those Lenka`s posts about nudists in Poland? Was it in this thread? Anyone?

You sound obsessive, possessed even.

Brat pawian? No, its just summer and sun.

If Crow's Serbian endorsement of Howdy Doody doesn't convince everyone here to vote for Trzaskowski then people are beyond saving...

Don`t speak like that. I think I am rather realistic. Did Duda done much? He did. Go, you try to balance successfully between USA, Russia, Opus Dei and Franciscan order. Lech tried and they burned him. I am sure they did. It was no accident. But Duda is very smart and survivor. Plus, sure, well, he also have brat twin Kaczinsky for fine advice.
9 Jul 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Duda is venerated here. Even more then Hungarian Orban. Duda is recognized as suverenist, patriot, Slavic and Sarmatian brat, fascinatingly skilled diplomat and balanced politician. He strengthening Poland and, as we all know, stronger Poland, we all safer.

God bless Poland.
8 Jul 2020
News / Topless sunbathers acquitted in Szczecin, Poland [128]

I have visions of catholic priest spraying holy water on the beaches to drive out the evil ......

That remained me. Few years ago, in my city, one priest entered a city water plant and sanctified water to be holly water. Local community of Muslims refused to use public water for a few days.
8 Jul 2020
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

That's true, but still I would expect a long term prices depreciation.

No, no, you are very very wrong. One of these years or months (if we aren`t lucky) those prices will go to the heaven. That because global elite (that mutually conflict in daily politics- ha ha on that) desire to move transportation industry into the green area, and at the same time to preserve limited resources for the industry. With current technology humanity can replace energy for transportation, heating, electricity, etc but, modern industry require more and more carbon based resources (oil, gas, coal, etc).

Serbian media are full of these news these days, where experts speak. World is really partitioned on info segments. Fascinating.

People, don`t invest in benzine/diesel cars. Wait for electric cars to be cheaper. Soon will only agricultural users have access to the oil and then would even they have to move green, green tractors.

Limited resources and damage to the nature by transportation gases, forcing global elite to change how world function. I must say, on this, long term interests of elite and little man aren`t in conflict.
8 Jul 2020
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

Demand and prices for hydrocarbons will continue to fall.

No. Hydrocarbons as energy resource relatively soon to be canceled but as industrial resource their use will only increase.

In other words oil and gas will stop to be used for engine fuel. Russian gas and oil network that blossom isnt for fuel but for industry. It will go green. But, no industry without oil in gas, no modern materijala besed on polietilene. No industrial gases, etc, etc.

This shift in world economy already happening. Airplane companies closing globally, automotive industry based on traditional fuels, too. See? Do you understand now? Forget daily politics.