Off-Topic /
American Jew Voice in Poland [93]
I think there is definitely a lot of hypocrisy in the Jewish community, but to assume that being a Jew makes you inherently evil obviously isn't fair. I mean, you can't just not like somebody for being Jewish or having a Jewish background, without knowing anything about them. Judge them not by their race, ethnicity or religion, but by their actions.
Having said that, I can see where people form this stereotype of the evil greedy racist Jew from. There are quote from rabbis who have said a lot of negative things about non-Jews. The most famous are probably those of Ovadia Josef, including 'Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world - only to serve the People of Israel' or 'Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.'
But again, that doesn't make disliking Jews as a whole right. Many Jews say he doesn't speak for them. This is one rabbi. There are a few others who have said equally nasty things, but you could say the same for imams and others. Judaism and Islam do not have an overall leader who you can turn to for guidance. There are various spiritual leaders who say shocking things, but there are also others who counter those arguments and say they are wrong, and preach peace.
There are many Jews who demand that Poland pay for Jews who lost their homes during the war and so people think Jews are greedy and use the Holocaust for financial gain. There are also other Jews who don't believe Poland should pay anything.
On the topic of hypocrisy, here is this clip by a Jewish woman, who says Europe must be made multicultural in order to survive.
[she talks at 0.38]
It begs the question about Israel. Multiculti for Europe but Israel only for the chosen people, right? Doesn't sound very fair.
But again, there are many [particularly right-wing] Jews who are against the idea of multiculturalism in Europe and taking in lots of immigrants. Jews don't think alike.
Back to the topic of the American Jew Voice in Poland. I too am concerned, or at least have my suspicions, about the very sudden heavy involvement of members of the Israeli government with PiS. Are they after something, or do they just want a good relationship and good business deals for both nations? Time will tell.
By the way Lyzko, as a Jew, do you consider yourself white, or Jewish or a white Jewish person? I ask because it seems that some Jews do not consider themselves white, but of the Jewish race.