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Posts by Sasha  

Joined: 19 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Oct 2015
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From: Moscow/Kyiv
Speaks Polish?: Russian, English, Swedish, Ukrainian
Interests: Slavic countries, politics, languages, culture, people

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18 Mar 2009


Korabl' is still the main word used for "ship" in Russian.

Is the Szczerbacki surname is variant of Shcherbatsky ?

In Russian they would be spelt similar way. Like this


In Polish I guess the first variant is more proper.
27 Feb 2009

of the surname rybicki

Sounds like it's related to the word "fish" which is more or less similar in all Slavic languages - "ryba". "Fischer" would be in German. "Fisher" in English. "Rybakov" or "Rybkin" in Russian. That's a very popular last name in all the countries.
25 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

I myself have nothing against Russians

Neither have I against Poles.

western Ukrainians look more like Polish people, and their language seems close to Polish as well

True. But their group is insignificant on the scale of all Ukranian nation and they stand apart of the rest of the nation. I equally respect Ukranians, Belorussians and Poles. There's no interest for me to say that exactly Belorussians are closer to Poles; this is just what I feel basing on my life experience and knowledge I've got. There's always room for mistake.

EDIT: I'm glad Slavs deal good with each other being abroad. :)
25 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

Pennboy, different professors make different studies. Surfing the internet you may easily find two diametrically opposite points on the genetics which would contradict each other (I for one have recently found the article "Scratch Russian... get Pole" with a study for it). On the whole I don't tend to thoroughly believe in any of them since the often tied up with political intrigues. So I'm trying to base on the common sense: Ukranians are mostly dark-haired for many factors including early Tataric&Don-Sursk influence whereas Belorussians are mostly blond. The info you're asking about I learnt from the article written by Ukranian author who claimed that in fact there were only two Slavic nation: Belorussians and Poles. All others can be hardly reckoned as Slavic. I don't think it's any biased and I somewhat share it. Btw Belorussian (the initial one, not the current Russianized version of it) is closer to Polish than any other language. And even the current version is so close that Belorussian lady and her Polish husband doesn't strongly need to study each others language since they understand one another quite well.
23 Feb 2009
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Kostia, privet!

Yanko- exposes his ukrainian origin.

His last name could have been transferred for several times. Afterall I wouldn't assert he's not any related to Poles. At least I found a couple links proving that (also see post#1 of this thread). What did you find?
23 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

Based on the newest genetic studies it is the Ukrainians who are the closest to us my blood,

Belorussians are the closest to you. "The newest genetic study" you mentioned was likely to be about politics rather than real state of affairs.
15 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Russians want Poland.

Russians are either friendly or don't give a sh!t about you... and the second option is what I'd worry about, if I were you Princy.

you dumb ass

Uff... such a poor rhetoric... bad-bad Princy...
14 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Russian resources are no longer cheap and the price is growing

Great times of the cheap gas (you meant gas, didn't you) are left behind. Now it's growing for citizens of Russia as well.

Russia instigated the conflict but Ukraine is to blame too

I agree in a way.

the point is that Russia could have played it differently, it could start alternate routes through Belarus for example but it didnt

She did. Seriously, or elsewise you would suffer a stronger deficiency. The problem is that the route through Belorussia technically can't ensure needs of all customers.

Because it's right into bullseye example

Don't give me your bull. :)

It hurts, doesn't it?

Well... only if you want it. :)

No, don't answer - let me guess: it's Ukraine stealing it, of course...

I'm not trying to talk you into. I wouldn't really mind, if you didn't buy our gas and oil. In this case Russia will have to get back to her industry which is essentially my dream.
14 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Europe will anyway be dependent on somebody's natural resources, id est on some particular country. If not Russia then anybody else but I'm afraid that won't make them (resources) for you:

- cheaper
- guaranteed

Russia is not a stable and trustworthy partner

You mean so-called gas conflict? I see the guilt of Russia there pretty slight comparing to Ukrainian one. However I don't deny Russia played some negative role in all that.
14 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Why do you like so much to compare some bygone superpowers with the actual state of affairs? Russia is not the USSR, Germany is not fascist anymore. Both are run not by Hitlers (Stalins). Why should you expect any surprise? You still at the times of Katyn... maybe that's the issue.
13 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [540]

Russia won't ever do anything bad to Germany, since she will be afraid of being cut from delivery of exceptional and exquisite German goods.

Richy you merely don't undertand the ABC of a diplomacy. If two countries get along well why should they do anything bad towards each other?! In your case considering that all Polish foreign policy is based on opposing to Russia, do you think you have any reason to expect some nice attitude from our Gov-t back? I guess no...

this is why we oppose it and use the ecology card,

And drive to Belorussia to fill your tanks up? Yes Russia is dominating... but isn't the prices they offer cheap? I would personally prefer to see our country not selling any resources abroad... so that you would "enjoy" the opportunity to check prices of other suppliers.
11 Feb 2009


That's a lovely way to say "cabbage" in Russian (the regular way is "kapusta"). I think it has the same meaning in Polish but there's always a room for "false-friends". I'm afraid I can't say anything else on your name.

Perhaps she is ethnically from Ukraine, but became Polish with the border changes? I don't know, but I figure anywhere around the Carpathian Mountains also means Southeast Poland, which may increase the probability of a Russian last name?

Even though there're lots of "Kapusta" and "Kapustka" in Russia I would look for the origins in Ukraine or Belarus or Krasnodarskij Kraj of Russia. Historically those are places where people have liked traditionally to pick as a last name some nouns, especially related to animals like "Volk" (wolf), Zajac (hare) etc. Considering the place you mentioned (Carpathian mountains) there's also an opportunity that your forefather might be Ruthenians (Rusini).
1 Feb 2009
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Sofia Vasilyevna Korvin-Krukovski, a.k.a. Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya (Russian: Со́фья Васи́льевна Ковале́вская). (Moscow, January 15, 1850 - Stockholm, Sweden, February 10, 1891, aged 41 from influenza), was the first major Russian female mathematician, and also the first woman who was appointed to a full professorship in Europe in 1889 (Sweden). Her first name is sometimes given as Sonya. - Wiki in English - in Polish

Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky (Russian: Олег Иванович Янковский; born February 23, 1944, Dzhezkazgan, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, USSR) is a Soviet/Russian actor who has excelled in psychologically sophisticated roles of modern intellectuals. In 1991, he became, together with Alla Pugacheva, the last person to be named a People's Artist of the USSR. - Wiki in English

Btw he's 65 today. :)
28 Jan 2009

In Russian doughnut is "ponczik" ("i" is like in "ditto"). I think it might be Polish or Jewish (PonczAk). Really few info about that last name in runet (it's not very popular in Russia). So Polish people should provide you with the better picture. :)
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Stop be sucha anti-semit

Am I? :) Probably you're right... depending on what we call anti-Semitism. I'm not at all concerned about the genetical question, all I care about at that point is the turn of mind. In general and in most of cases Jewish turn of mind is not close to me. I don't accept it for myself. Neither it's close for those who we call "Slavs".

just live with it that Slavs are so mixed with the jews

No more or I would better say less than any other folk. :)

I bet your family has a little bit jewish blood in it aswell.

I can't exclude that. As soon as I take DNA-test I'll provide you with the more precise data. Honestly I don't care, because my way of thinking defines my nationality rather than anything else.

What's so bad about the jews? they helped us build up our economy and made a great impact on our culture.

You're right about the impact on us. Finally neither me nor anybody else can say how well it was. One however can be said for sure: there's no other nation that has ever perfomed such a bloodshed for Slavs as they did in the past century. Unfortunatelly it arose in Russia... I'm not surely gonna shift all the blame to Jews. Russians shouldn't have been that stupid to give a power to bolsheviks.

It is because of us ( slavs ) that the Jews dont consider them selfs as a part of our family. we hated them, turned them in to the nazis, burned them alive, stole their money etc etc etc

Have you ever thought of why Jews are the most hated nation ever?
Have you ever thought of why there's no definition of "antislavism" despite the fact that antislavism ideed exists and thrives?
Why haven't you ever thought of word "anti-Semitism" itself which purposely perverted and inacurate? As we all know semits are the large group of folks speaking semitic languages including some north-african tribes. Why not call that anti-Zionism which would be much better or at lest anti-Jewishness?

They need you to feel constantly embarrassed always guilt about something you've never done... meanwhile thanks to them my grandparents dispossessed and millions of Russians, Poles, Ukranians, Belorussians, Germans, Tatars, Caucasians etc... were shot.

Don't take it as if I stay away of Jews. Some who were brought up not in Zionistic (Zionism=Jewish fascism FYI) traditions are my friends. I'm open to them, but they're not always open to "goys"...
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

By the name, 'Dostojewski' is a surname found often enough in Poland. It's not typically Russian, is it? Hehe, if I remember it right, one of the communist officials in Poland had the surname.

Really hard to say since 1/6 of Russian population has ever had Polish ancestors. The last names with -iy ending is not considered typically Russian but they're pretty widespread.

Sasha, no offence, but I think I'll keep clear of Dostoyevsky for a while longer

That's ok. As for me I'm not the biggest fan of his creation. :)

I still read Pushkin's prose

Do you read that in Polish? I wonder if you have his poetry translated into Polish?

, Gogol, was of Polish origin too, his Polish surname was 'Jankowski' or 'Janowski')

Kolia Gogol's considered Ukranian Russian writer. :) Sounds mutually exclusive. But that's the way it is... :)
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Another famous Russian of Polish origin is the novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

Haven't heard about it. Where did you read that?

That's why, after my initial great interest, I stopped reading him at all

If you like his books why not read him? Besides, is there any evidence of his "polonophobeness"? I haven't heard of it either. Neither have I about Chechov who was comedian and that would be quite weird to learn of his dislike of any nation...

As for Lermontov I heard only of "Scottish" version.
25 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Many Jews are of Russian descent tho, Sasha.

There're lots of them of British and Germanic tribe. But this fact doesn't make them relate to those categories. Most of them live not in Israel but in the US. This doesn't make them Americans either... Jews are jews.

Their impact particularly in the last century on Russian history was... let's put it "ambiguous". That's probably why many Russians have mixed feelings about that...

Russian cannot be a jew, but Jew certainly may be Russian

That's a profound thought. :)
25 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

He is realist when it comes to Russia.

I called him a "Russophobe" implied that his reasoning on Russia has never had anything with reality. Nowadays US is the agressor as the USSR used to be with the only difference that their "Poles" are Serbs, Iraquies etc... Quite hypocritically of you that you support them (to say nothing that it's not very smart).

I like jews, poles and russians. Stop hate!!

We slavs are so mixed, so if we hate each other we hate our own family. AND YES JEWS are part of our slavic family, live with it nananan!!!!!!!

With all respect... Jews are not Russians.
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

Szkliarski Edmund Mechislavovich/Шклярский Эдмунд Мечиславович (26 September 1955, Leningrad, the USSR)
Poet, musician, composer, artist, has also a degree in building of atomic boilers, considered as one of the fathers of so-called "Russian rock". The most famous representative of "psychodelic rock" in Russia. The leader of famous Russian rock-band "Piknik" (Picnic) URL.

Speaks Polish and Russian, sing in Russian but some say he has some songs in Polish (I haven't heard of any though).
His personal blog:
The example of his painting:

21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

So why is Sasha a diminutive of Alexander

God knows. :) Typically Russian invention. Even in Serbian and Czech it's the same name very seldom... But anyway I heard them using those names as diminutive for Alexander.

The Polish name I'm really interested in is Zbiegnew. It doesn't seem to have any analogy in other languages. What does it mean? What're the origins?
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

PS: Why do russian and Ukrainian male names sound so femaleish? Anyone noticed this? Kostia, Sasza, Żenia, Wania... ;)

This is like affectionate diminutive. Full names are different... Konstantin, Alexander, Evgeniy, Ivan. Sasha and Zhenia could be both female and male btw. Answering why so... well... maybe because Russians in general are very kind (and modest) nation. ;)
21 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

I can contiune.

Prince if I were you, I'd better start with the mention of so-called smuta and guys like Minin&Pozharski.

unfortunately you always had despotic rulers

You don't seem to get my PM in Russian. :) Fortnatelly or not this's the way things go. Russia is a big and multiethnical. One may be against despot rulers two others may be for. However I believe things are to change in the next 20-30 years.

Obama's forein policy advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski on US - Russia

Starina Zbiggi is a blatant Russphobe working for another Empire. I wouldn't state his opinion as something worthy on should strain ears for.

I like Bulgakov too. His Master&Margarita is one of my favourites. Do you read him in the original? I just thought it could be not easy...
20 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

From the one hand Russian colaborate (all the time in hisotry) against their "Slavic" brothers Poles with Germans, or everybody ealse.

Russians themselves have never collaborated with anybody against Poles. The head of it did though. As for common Russians that was usually represented for them as if it was "liberation". For instance till 90th my father'd known only one version of Katyn: "Germans killed 'em all". To some extent this kind of thinking is rightful... at least not one-sided. In fact nobody knows what would be with Poland if the USSR didn't interfere.

From the other hand you claim Poles being your brtohers because of some personalities you show us here.

I'm after friendly relationship with Poles firstly and with Poland secondly. I've never been taught as if Poles some hostile nation for us. One always has a right not to fall into propoganda trap. Why not use it?!

EDIT: I want to show that Poles contributed a lot to get Russia where it is right now, to show that Russia is essentially a big international game where Poles played a huge part.

Even he has monuments in Russia.

There're many monuments devoted for Poles in Russia.

The fact that so many people with roots in Poland have so big impact on Russian literature or other achievments isn't well known in Poland.

I don't speak Polish but if you follow the Polish link in wiki on Przevalski's personality the fact of his "polishness" is cast in doubt (as far as I got it using my knowledge of Russian). It's only one of versions right there...