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Posts by cms neuf  

Joined: 12 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 1,809
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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cms neuf   
7 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Correct but we must put off the other 90 percent of criminals as effectively as possible. In Poland even if you are determined then it is very hard to get a firearm illegally - you would need to have a good contact in organised crime.

The numbers of mass shootings in the USA do compare to Islamic terror - in fact they are far higher, in Europe then 56 innocent people were killed by terrorists in 2017, in the US then 58 in Las Vegas alone, just for attending a concert In 2018 so far then 5 in Terror attacks and 17 in the US school shootings. Small samples but just as relevant as comparing New York to London for a sinngle month. Killings are going down in Europe due to better police intelligence and the fact that lots of militants were killed in Syria.

The YouTube shooter would not get a gun in Poland. Background checks and the psych exam would quickly pick up her eccentric YouTube behaviour and the concerns her family had about her. Polish background checks are now extending to social media and checking affiliation to extremist organisations. It is clear that whatever checks are done in the US are meaningless box ticking exercise - no surprise as a proper background check would absorb huge resources when it is millions of people applying for a gun.

This is not a left / right issue - if any of you gun nuts ever visited a Polish small town and stopped 100 PiS voters outside church then they would overwhelmingly be opposed to relaxing the gun laws.
cms neuf   
6 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Hardly a riddle - she had a legally acquired semi automatic, took it to a shooting range to practice and then trued to kill a few innocent people at a company who had created some mild inconvenience for her

Thankfully that kind of thing never happens in Poland as they would do thorough backgtound checks and that kind of weapon or ammo would not be available.

Plenty of stabbings are prevented by thr fact that carrying knives is very risky.
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Dolno - So in answer to your question yes it does seem that certain groups do think it's hip or manly to be seen with a gun, that this will validate them as a person, make them glamorous and deserving of respect and help them to get women.
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

And fortunately the shooting and hunting clubs are extremely picky about who is let in and also have to notify the police and have psychological tests and no criminal records. So all in all far more difficult than the US. And that is just for owning a rifle or hunting weapon - not for owning an A,which is basically impossible unless you are in the Presidents guard.

As for the rest of your post well for me it's job done in the reproduction department. Unfortunately raising your kids well requires a lot more difficulty than being able to squeeze a trigger and take out a squirrel or a prairie hen. You will find that out one day

Not sure what drive a stick means - I will need to google it. If you mean drive a stick shift then that is what almost every Polish driver does, including women god forbid.
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Well That's democracy in the US. But in Poland if you want to own a gun, then you are not allowed. That's also democracy - because that's what the democratically elected government of Poland wants.

You think owning a gun makes you a man?
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

But several posts above Dolno has corrected me - Switzerland with the highest firearms ownership in Europe also has a higher rate of shootings. Czech does not have loose firearms laws and it does not have a low rate of gun crime compared to the US. That has been explained many times before with statistics - and it is the reason why no country in Europe wants to relax gun laws.

All of these countries have far lower rates than the US. You can buy guns in Walmart and I don't know what checks are done but probably not enough in 3 days. There should be one check " do you want an AK or an Uzi in your house, near your kids?". If the answer is yes then you should not be allowed one.
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
Work / Poland's Work Permit Document Apostille [7]

Really you should ask 3m to sort it out for you and pay the relevant costs - it's a big company and you will not be the first expat who needed a work permit.
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Of course not - it'needs good police, fair courts and above all citizens that understand their duties and not just harp on about their rights. It does not have to be a homogenous society - Switzerland with 3 major groups has hardly any gun crime, ditto Australia, Canada, Belgium.
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

It is a problem in London for sure but those are freak months - last year New York had 290 murders, London 130.

It would be more in London if there were guns.

As for the mayor well people voted for him and they can vote him out too.
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [942]

But like the NRA (who also don't often go to college) this guy is merely exercising his right to free speech for something he believes in. That is something he could not do in China or Russia, where the way to influence politics is either via coercion or corruption. Without some level of freedom then the potential of those big countries will always be limited and living standards for the masses will be below the West.
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Czech, Switzerland , Norway etc do not have lax gun laws like the States - you can not buy an AK at Tesco, Migros etc. And you certainly can not carry them around in any European country. The level of gun crime in most European countries including France is many times less than in the US. All of that has been discuss3d many times before.

Your "gun facts" graph about the U.K. is ridiculous - in fact 99 percent of guns were banned in Britain from 1920 onwards - in 1996 they banned the other 1 percent, after the only school shooting in history in the U.K. one is too many the govt decided and quite rightly didn't not want any more made me walking around witheasy access to handguns.

The only countries on your graph with higher rates than the US seem to be Central American states and a few places in Africa. Shouldn't you compare yourselves to the other rich democracies ?
cms neuf   
3 Apr 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

IS I basically agree with you that life is created at the end moment of conception. This is why I oppose abortion on healthy foetuses.

On those that are not healthy then what is your solution for caring for those children ? Is it the states responsibility or the parents (for sure it is not the church who steps up fort hat) On a practical level then support for these children and their families is virtually non existent. I don't know if it's true because I saw it on my facebook feed but I read the govt even wants to cut refunding of drugs for premature children. The proposed law does not include any extra support for parents.
cms neuf   
2 Apr 2018
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

Wtf - there are some truly weird arguments for guns but this is the weirdest. I am certain that texting while driving cause more deaths than guns in Poland. Thats because gun crime is very rare here. It's rare because guns are strictly controlled.

Next week...smoking kills thousands of Poles a year, maybe we should ban smoking and not guns.
cms neuf   
1 Apr 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

No - there are also Indians asking about visas.

Step one is to move all the alt right stuff about Sweden to a single thread. Those posters rarely comment on anything that is not political. If it is vaguely poltical they soon start spouting about cucks, moslems in trucks running over cucks, neckbeards, msn etc
cms neuf   
1 Apr 2018
Love / How to read the signals from this Polish Guy? [19]

He likes you. Waiting for the bus is going beyond normal Polish politeness. If he is too shy to make the first move it might be because you work together or something ? Maybe you might have to ask him for a date.
cms neuf   
31 Mar 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Not in Poland it's not. You can only get abortion here under strict circumstances. Most people in Poland think the current law is OK - only the hard line church support the governments proposal.

Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with this proposed law.
cms neuf   
31 Mar 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

The rest of what you said was a rant about how she should stay in Germany. In fact she is still working at the migrant center and she has no intention to emigrate.

Which makes your whole thread off-topic.

However, to simplify life can't we just have one thread about Moslems in Sweden, Germany, Netherlands or any other richer country - it's got nothing t do with Poland and you and Dirk spamming the board with these articles, half of which are fake and the other half creatively worded is really not worth so many different threads.
cms neuf   
31 Mar 2018
USA, Canada / So happy to be Polish-American [43]

Welcome !

I asked because there were a large number if untrue things in your few sentances -

Poland does not have the lowest crime rate in Europe, far from it. There are 13 EU countries with lower crime indexes including some like Austria and Netherlands that have substantial immigrant populations

Poland has strict gun control laws - thankfully there is almost zero public support for relaxing them.

Russia has a large population of Muslims - 9m, way more than any other European nation. Many are well integrated and have been for many generations there. Some were probably there when the Poles briefly held Moscow.

You are probably mixing Slovakia with Hungary in your discussion of immigration.

As for the stuff about atrocities then whole immigration is a huge challenge for Europe, there is little to back up your claim about unrecorded ones but plenty of other threads if you want to stir things up on a continent far from your own house.
cms neuf   
31 Mar 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

The original link is fake news. It even says it is fake news in the link.

Stephen you are welcome here better get your skates on - after Brexit you won't be able to move here without a work permit. You won't get a work permit without a marketable skill, an invitation from an employer and realistically that means speaking good Polish. If there is a transition signed then that gives you a bit more time but if not then you have until next March.
cms neuf   
30 Mar 2018
Work / Poland's Work Permit Document Apostille [7]

Its an apostille they are asking for not notarization.

Why dont you send the docs by fedex or ups ? Would be cheaper than an apostille but much less risk than the post
cms neuf   
29 Mar 2018
Travel / Seeking recommendations for car travel from Gdansk' GDN airport to Poznan [5]

It depends a bit which way you go - if via Bydgoszcz then there are plenty of places to stop.

If via Torun then note that there are no really clean or kid friendly places to stop between Torun and the McD in Gniezno. The reason is that bypass have been built round Torun and Inowroclaw but so far there are no gas stations or fast food there. There is an old Statoil at Suchatowka that is acceptable but not great. Its just been renovated so might be ok now