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Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

that would be so staunchly against pornography.

Being a Jew in the US has nothing to do with religion. Here, Jews are godless atheists with enough power to be evil. See Federal Reserve - from the very beginning till now.

I wonder if they conduct their meetings in Hebrew or English...
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

My friend watched some of it and he told me that most people in it don't look Jewish at all. :)

Please don't play stupid with me. It never ends well...This time I forgive you for that smiley face.

Google "Jews and pornography". Quoting:

... Jews were dramatically overrepresented in the p0rn industry...

A reminder. Next time, bring a gun to a gunfight. Leave that used condom for a better occasion...

Are you sure "pogrom" is a German word? :)

I never said it was a German word.
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Opportunity makes a thief, the same could be said about Russians, Americans, Poles or Germans.

Nice try, Alien. What counts is the degree of representation in the scam and fraud business. The contest for the gold medal is between Jews and Gypsies - wholesale and retail.

That's why Germans didn't like Jews even before Hitler. See "pogroms". Those took place for a reason, not because it was Tuesday and people were bored.
6 Apr 2024
History / The history of Talmud and why idiots shouldn't read it [19]

European settlers should have been shot by native Americans.

Yes. Every last one.

Unfortunately, "Indians" were not organized well enough to resist. They were divided into warring tribes, which is what the US Bolsheviks practice today.

It's known as "group identity politics". Divide and conquer... while the top 0.1% is plundering and destroying this great country.
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Even great heroes have bad days sometimes :)

...except that Ben was not wrong...
Jews are notoriously in the "service industry" that does not produce the nation's wealth - only moves it around and offers crooks a chance to take some off the top.

Other Jews are in the business of fvcking with our brains, especially children. See Facebook, p0rn, and other subversive enterprises.
6 Apr 2024
History / The history of Talmud and why idiots shouldn't read it [19]

You may not feel the need but some people do.

What is that need?

Are you sure you always follow the only rule in your very short holy book?


I should be shot for illegally entering any country or a home not my own.
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

American Jews in particular have simply tried to mimic their money conscious W.A.S.P

...and in the process won hands down the contest for the biggest crooks in the history of mankind. See Madoff and the recent bit coin scumbag, Sam Bankman-Fried.

Quoting from

Even Ben-Gurion Thought 'Most Jews Are Thieves'

The quote in the headline wasn't uttered by an antisemitic leader, a Jew hater or a neo-Nazi. The words are those of the founder of the State of Israel, two months after it was founded.

BTW, the article was written by Mr. Levy, not Goebbels.
6 Apr 2024
History / The history of Talmud and why idiots shouldn't read it [19]

Respectfully, I still question the need to read what was written centuries ago by the guys who were less educated than my 10-year-old granddaughter.
They are not informative, funny, or entertaining. In fact, those books are anti-knowledge, dogmatic, scary, and do not apply to life as we know it today.

Even worse...they are full of metaphors as if to provide plausible deniability to the writers or future employment for the interpreters.

My holy book would be a single sentence: Treat others the way you want them to treat you.
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

I noticed that it's always a Christian woman who converts to Judaism in American movies and sitcoms to please her Jewish husband, not the other way around.
6 Apr 2024
History / The history of Talmud and why idiots shouldn't read it [19]

Talmud has been read in Poland, mostly by Polish Jewish community,

If it's just a lot ...who are "liable to the death penalty" for very minor offenses...why would anyone sane want to read it?
6 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Can the OP give readers any examples in jewish culture of jews ever doing the same voluntary care of Christian cemeteries in Poland?

Jews in Poland are not that assimilated.
5 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [187]

So does RuSSia, but I don't hear you complaining about that.

Because what Russia does has no impact on me. What the US and Poland do does.
Luckily, I have that First Amendment. Priceless...

You don't and that's why Poles love metaphors and paintings.
4 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [187]

You brought that swastka being illegal in Poland into the conversation.

Communist Poland also has its reasons why free speech was not allowed.

Same crap...
4 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Good job Alien, keep annoying him.

...and look like a retarded kid banging on a metal fence because he got bored picking his nose...
4 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Hey, Alien, why don't you go somewhere and come back when you have something intelligent to say. You are annoying.
4 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [187]

A swastika as a mural on the wall would be illegal

This proves that Poland today is no better than the one I left in 1996.

If swastikas are acceptable in the US, they should be acceptable in every NATO country if those countries expect Americans to spill blood there for "freedom and democracy".

No First Amendment, shove that A5 up yours...
4 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

How many damn generations do Jews need to assimilate?

Skip essays about "contributions". They had to earn a living. Muslim terrorists often work in the US. No, they are not "assimilated".

An assimilated Jew in Poland would be indistinguishable from Janek Kowalski next door just as I am indistinguishable from John Smith today. And not just in appearance but how he really feels and where his loyalties are.

If a Jew ever uses "goyim" as a negative, he is not assimilated. He is a foreign implant to be expelled.
4 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

If you don't know the meaning of "assimilated", then kindly look it up.

Assimilate - adjust to new conditions.

How many damn generations do Jews need to assimilate? Ten or twenty?

I assimilated to the conditions in the US in less than a week after my arrival in 1967. By 1974, I was a single-loyalty US citizen.

Today, I would pay 10 grand to get rid of my accent and the Polish language.

I already dumped being a Catholic after I realized that nobody offered me a free cup of coffee for being one.
4 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [187]

Obviously I'd prefer one that I would personally like.

That's the problem...Plain walls are tolerable to all. Once you allow "art" on them, one day you will find a pride flag on your apartment building. A week later, two faggots fvcking...Next, svastika...Hello, Ministry of Approved Art...

The same with air...We don't want perfume sprayed into it to cover up the shyt deposited on sidewalks by homeless bums.
3 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [187]

make murals on entire walls of a few storey buildings...

It's lovely on someone's apartment building. Not on our house. You would be furious if Picasso himself did it to yours.
3 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

I am making a list of ethnic groups I don't like for their lack of real assimilation. Amish weirdos are one of them.
I don't even know what language they speak. Jews are similar.
Speaking local language is not enough. Some terrorists speak the local language very well.
3 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [187]

Still standing 2017...If Natalia could paint it...
The address is: Zeromskiego 59, Radom. I used to live in the building next to this beauty...

3 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [187]

Yeah, it can make some run down, gray buildings, etc. look less depressing, I guess.

Those should be wrecked, not painted.
3 Apr 2024
Life / Paintings of artists from Poland? [187]

Graffiti originated in the US - so maybe that's why you love it :)))

The US had intelligent graffiti to support gang drug sales.

Polish graffiti is dumb and serves no identifiable purpose that requires intelligent thought.
2 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

You know perfectly well what I mean

No, I don't. Assimilation goes with immigration. I immigrated and assimilated.

If I asked my US-born daughters if they are assimilated, they would say: Hey, dad, what the hell is the matter with you? Are you drunk?

All those who were born in Poland had no damn reason to "assimilate". If they are not assimilated having been born in Poland, they should expelled from Poland.

It's that simple. That's why I can't stand Amish.