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Posts by cms neuf  

Joined: 12 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 day ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 1,809
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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cms neuf   
6 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

All of those three businesses are Polish and not having a spare terminal or putting on enough staff on the Saturday morning has got nothing to do with neo liberalism and everything to do with common sense.
cms neuf   
6 Oct 2018
Travel / So I went to Warsaw - my thoughts after visiting Poland [88]

Right - 99 percent of the time ?

I have been out to run a few errands this morning and already had 3 instances of poor service - in Smyk (not enough cashiers meaning a long line of stresses parents) in the Dry clean (card terminal not working) and in pizza hut (cold pizza, only margarita)

Its perfectly valid to call out poor service in Poland - its not about fake smiles but more about whether people can make your life a bit easier
cms neuf   
3 Oct 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

One thing that worries me about Trump is that whatever comes next might be worse :) i dont know how many Americans have these whackjob religious views but extrapolating from my facebook friends it could be 50 million !
cms neuf   
30 Sep 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

Amusing until he wants to get stuff done and then finds politicians from his own side voting against him.

Of course this nonsense plays well to a West Virginia audience - they are probably all out of their skullls on prescription opiates. I would've thought that highly educated person like you, product of one of America's elite universities, would've been able to see through this.
cms neuf   
28 Sep 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

That was before - now Trump wants to insulate Americans from the free market and force them to pay more for inferior home produced products. It's a message that resonates in Steubenville Ohio so it must be right.
cms neuf   
27 Sep 2018
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

No it is not one of the richest now - but it is in the middle and has overtaken wvery other east european nation except Slovenia.

The poorest ? Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Serbia, Kosovo etc. What they all have in common is Russian intervention and a refusal to reform.
cms neuf   
27 Sep 2018
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Yes in 1939 they bombarded and destroyed many Eastern Polish cities with artillery. Whole villages were burned and the inhabitants slaughtered and raped during the Soviet advance at the end of the war,

Yes the USSR deported hundreds of thousands of Poles, basically just for being Polish,

Soviet rule left Poland one of the poorest countries in Europe by 1989.
cms neuf   
26 Sep 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

Yes that is right. Because it is a bigger country, with twice the population. The rates however are lower.

It might take several hours to explain this to you by the looks of it, so I will let someone else try.
cms neuf   
26 Sep 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

I know you went to an elite university but I cannot understand your statistics at all - when I use this site it is full of old data sometimes 10 years old, incomparable definitions, and in an any case most often shows Germany as being safer. Add to that the fact that in Poland most people know it s a waste of time involving the demotivated police. So find some reliable and up to date statistics.

Your point about education is ridiculous - you now seem obsessed by these spurious rankings of universities but start its more basic measures like who can read and write and do basic math. Of course US universities will be better - it's due to language and the fact that the best professors and students from all over the world generally speak English and want to work in English, when I was at US university I had teachers from Spain, Turkey, India, U.K., Italy etc etc.
cms neuf   
26 Sep 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

Cant wait. I would be extremely surprised if Germany has a higher rate of violent crimes or rapes than Poland but you can do your own research and prove your point if you want.

What is indisputable is that Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands et cetera all have higher life expectancy, better rates of health, more equal societies, better education not only than Poland but also rhan the US.
cms neuf   
26 Sep 2018
News / 'Fort Trump' Military Base in Poland [537]

It is more than the federal education budget. However it is many times less than the total spend on education in Germany - that is because education costs are the responsibility of the Lander and not the federal government.
cms neuf   
26 Sep 2018
Law / Unemployed Wife - Maternity in Poland / Parental leave for Father [4]

1 no
2 none
3 in theory then straight away. In reality then nobody is going to give her a job on a regular Polish ZUS eligible contract without her speaking or understanding Polish. I see more and more Indians employed in Warsaw but I doubt any of them on a full-time contract called Umowa Pracy
cms neuf   
24 Sep 2018
Work / My experience leaving Canada and going to Poland to find a job [19]

In work the culture is about halfway between a European type and an Anglo Saxon type. Poles are learning modern business ways quickly but there are a dee differences

It is not expected that you will go to the oub every friday with your colleagues- rather the reverse that they will often scoot off a bit earlier to start the weekend

On the other hand you are expected to attend and be cheeerful at company events (which is normally a bbq and beers next to some lake).
cms neuf   
16 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

These elite nazis would be over 100 now. Probably unable to go to the toilet unassisted, let alone take over Europe.
cms neuf   
15 Sep 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

There is some truly nutty economics on this thread. All of the stupid claims come from people who don't live in Poland and have little or no

experience of what it was like before 2004.

Yes EU funds are only 2% of GDP but trade with the EU, investment from EU companies, salaries deriving therefrom, spending all those salaries in the Polish economy et cetera et cetera adds up to more like 50% of GDP. Which makes sense because GDP has more than doubled since 2004.

Of course the zloty was getting stronger in 1999 - that's because accession talks had already started and it was clear that Poland would join the EU.

Of course the road building program is flawed but it is still a hell of a lot better than before 2004 when literally nothing was done. Want a comparison? Try driving around a non-EU country like Ukraine or Moldova.

The number of foreign investors in Poland since the start of EU accession talks has tripled. Yes some of the big boys came in before then - mainly those that could afford losses while the economy strengthened.

You have votes and voices in the US and your government they can spend money on whatever they like. How you suddenly decide that you know what is best for this economy from your Illinois bedrooms is beyond me.