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R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [301]
Fairly simple
If it is so simple, why does the Polish government not do the same thing? I don't think you appreciate the colossal amounts of money required in building energy infrastructure. Some cooperative of average citizens with initiative will not accomplish anything.
What kind of group of entrepreneurs, regardless of tax breaks, has the capability to cut thousand km long paths through forests and tundra, construct technical roads, build compressor stations, and contract millions of tons of steel.
What the government really has to do, in Russia at least, is liberalize the energy market (more than it has been already). At the moment, Russians pay a comical cost for gas. Gazprom can earn many multiples of what it can on a Russian, on a German or a Hungarian. So, there is very little incentive for Gazprom to invest in bringing more Russians online to the grid. Instead, it will build some stadium, or recreation center, perhaps a kindergarten - so that it can report the government that its doing something socially useful - but not build the pipeline.
As a Russian, I would prefer for the government to build stadiums and recreation centers, and for Gazprom to focus on earning profits and paying taxes. However, that's not how things work in Russia.
Now, if Russians were forced to pay prices for gas that are closer to European prices you would see several things happen:
1) Gazprom would suddenly be interested in working with these customers and investing in the necessary infrastructure
2) People would stop treating gas like it's free, and would start implementing various energy saving approaches
3) The gas that is saved by Russians being more economical (this will be colossal amounts, tens of billions of cubic meters), can be exported to people that actually pay market prices - making more money.
Of course, the average Russian will suffer, and there will be protests everywhere.. but this is still better than the current situation which is just absurd. Russians need to learn that energy is not free.