The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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20 Apr 2021
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Here is one case:

Sąsiedzi wypytywani przez funkcjonariusza twierdzili, że Romulad G. jest człowiekiem konfliktowym, wulgarnym i agresywnym. Co więcej przeciwko niemu była prowadzona procedura wydania Niebieskiej Karty ze względu na znęcanie się nad rodziną.

Czytaj więcej na,304752.html

This is an English only forum
20 Apr 2021
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

why should a healthy and law abiding person have a problem with it?

You asked what they want to relaxe and I told you.

plenty for any person who is legit.

For legit people, sure. But most of society don't frequent hunters clubs or want the permit just for their great grandpa's gun
20 Apr 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

Because most of the time you don't have to kill to subdue.
And Police officer is not a normal person. He should be trained to make as calm decisions as possible. Most of the cases I read about resemble more an emotional/ scared response.

That being said I don't mind cops shooting legitimately when they are in danger.

Thanks to not using excessive force and not acting like tug Polish Police managed to distance itself from it's socialist past . Now they are in a bit of a PR deep sh*t but that is mostly due to the politics
20 Apr 2021
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

musi mieć ukończone 21 lat;

stałe miejsce zamieszkania w Polsce

posiadanie pełnej zdolność do czynności prawnych;

posiadanie zdolności fizycznej i psychologicznej do posiadania broni, którą potwierdza orzeczenie lekarskie i psychologiczne;

uzyskanie opinii Komendanta Komisariatu Policji odpowiedniej do naszego miejsca zamieszkania;

nie może być skazana prawomocnym orzeczeniem sądu za przestępstwa umyślne.

The most important part is the doctors and the Police Chef.
And ofc have a reason

Please give a tanslation if you quote some Polish text on an English only forum
20 Apr 2021
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

It always wonders me what is the argument for guns besides 'we want them?'
Crime rate is low and rarely involves guns.
Defending Poland in invasion? With today's technology it's laughable.
Fighting with gov? I would rather do it as we did it in 1989.
20 Apr 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

not because Polish cops took good manners courses or are chosen from the clergy.

Don't tell me training doesn't play a role.
American cop will shoot to kill, Polish not. That is just one difference.
Police worked hard for many years to get people's trust and it worked. Sadly in the last few years the trust level dropped dramatically
19 Apr 2021
Law / Polish Police and Their Tactics [181]

if they are unable to reach for a taser, they shoot the guy ijn the leg

They are supposed to use as little force and cause as little damage as possible.

That being said American cops work in completely different environment. Should they revise their tactics? Yes. But it's foolish to assume the could operate in the same way as in Europe.

That link comes up as nothing
14 Apr 2021
Po polsku / "Razem" chce aby Jan Paweł II nie był już honorowym obywatelem Warszawy [14]

Jako reprezentanta bym bardziej patrzył na mnichów i sióstr zakonnych jeżeli już mowa o reprezentacji

Twoje prawo oczywiście ale to niczego nie zmienia. Zresztą zakonnicy też mają swoje za uszami.

A o problem który ci chodzi to, niestety struktura kościoła jest bazowania na tradycji rzymskiej.

Tu nie o strukturę chodzi a o brak przyzwoitości hierarchów kościelnych.
14 Apr 2021
Po polsku / "Razem" chce aby Jan Paweł II nie był już honorowym obywatelem Warszawy [14]

patrzy na kościół przez pryzmat klechów

Księża reprezentują kościół i normalnym jest, że ich zachowanie rzutuje na postrzeganie tej instytucji. Co więcej tutaj dochodzi instytucjonalne krycie pewnych rzeczy i o to ludzie mają największe pretensje.

A w każdej grupie społecznej najbardziej widoczne są te jednostki, które wzbudzają kontrowersje.
14 Apr 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

should have a legal right to challenge her decision.

Sure, in two situations:
One when the same numbers of fathers will take care of their kids as mothers (especially disabled ones)
Two when there will be the possibility to transfer pregnancy .

And do you guys seriously think there is such a big amount of guys opposing their partners abortions? I know a women that was translating during abortions and most were doing it exactly because the father bailed and they didn't want to do it on their own.
13 Apr 2021
Life / Why Polish Diminutives/Nicknames are so popular? [14]

How do people dare to use standard grammar and punctuation. Why not make everybody happy and let them have their own.

I hope you only play a moron but here:
The flexibility of diminutives adds to the ways you can express yourself without making the message any less clear or correct. Not the case with punctuation and grammar.

Not that writers don't play with it from time to time
13 Apr 2021
Life / Why Polish Diminutives/Nicknames are so popular? [14]

With every Pole having at it to make it a more touchy-feely private mess,

Oh yeah, how do people dare to use the language in a way that makes it more personal and maybe even, god forbid, emotional!!!

Btw, the world urlopik wouldn't be used by an old lady but more by a younger person still in their productive years as they are the ones having urlop.
8 Apr 2021
Love / Polish women: what do you think of Polish men? Physically unattractive? [180]

A woman hitting on a guy in an overt way would be viewed as "desperate". At best it would be considered as weird or suspicious

Let's be honest, no matter if it's a man or a women simply introducing yourself to someone on the street would be judged as weird.
7 Apr 2021
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

itm is enough you cut down on it

That is what I would like to do (not vegan though, just vegetarian) but I have problems finding dishes that appeal to me.
4 Apr 2021
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [280]

Well you have two choices:
Either they are morons who didn't realise that giving people 500 zl will not make people have more babies or they are liars that new it will be a benefit but lied
4 Apr 2021
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [280]

introduce social solidarity as part of goverment policies.

It was supposed to increase birth rate. Moronic but hey ho.

and the money spent on the health system or other social measures.

Or TVP...
3 Apr 2021
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [280]

giving money via 500+ is something that can be easily abused in terms of where the money goes at the end of the day...

Hey, the money were intended not as a benefit as such but as a procreation incentive. If making her nails will make the women have more kids...

That is how idiotic their reasoning was

Saying that I am happy that certain families receive it. Too often kids were taken away not because of abuse etc but simply because they were poor. And then the gov was paying such money to the foster parents that they would solve all their problems in the first place
2 Apr 2021
Love / Are all Polish guys like this [48]

I thought it sounds familiar but I couldn't be bothered to check. Thanks.
Someone has to have a really boring life
1 Apr 2021
Life / Poles turn their backs on organised religion. [147]

People are turning back from this apostate body towards true evangelical, biblical Christianity

Most turn to nothing . They may still believe in god but rarely do they join different denominations
1 Apr 2021
Love / Are all Polish guys like this [48]

If I were you, I would not let this first conversation flow for too long.

I would probably start by saying hello when passing. If they work together she may find work related reason to start a conversation