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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 3 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11647 / Live: 3902 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

More and more people in the EU have two or even three official ID's.....legally! That's crazy!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

Europe is different. I could never be French, German, or Italian. Or British.

I wouldn't call it "class" but definitely exclusivity....the belief in the power of a passport is here not as high as it is not able to change your identity that much. If I , for example, would immigrate to Japan I would still be a German, never become a Japanese, japanese ID not withstanding.

But yes, with an USian ID I would probably become a real American...over night....mind boggling but true!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

It's really a cultural thing I believe....on Twitter there is a turkish German active and quite popular who has done the impossible and became an infidel. As it is impossible to just "leave" Islam....there is no way to do that like you would leave a Church....and it is of course forbidden. But he did it, became an outspoken atheist....outed himself as gay and shows his stone age "brothers" daily the finger.

He is as popular with Germans and westernized Turks as he is hated by religious muslims. That makes him much easier acceptable in Germany than his enemies!

He has decided to go an unbelievably hard, stony and potentially dangerous way but he keeps going nonetheless...

What would Darwin say to that?
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

This might though have changed over the past several years,

Not's still hard to accept a headscarf Aishe or an islam-preacher-beard Ali with their Ramadan and Mosque-goings as Germans. Even as they are born here and speak perfekt German....many call them "Pass-Deutsche"...compared to the native "Kartoffeln" or "Almans"....*shrugs*

That is especially striking during the search for jobs and appartements....they have it much harder!

A majority still says in every survey that the Islam doesn't belong to Germany...its really a cultural thing....Poles and other Europeans for example had mostly been fully "germanized" after one generation...
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2021
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Interestingly Iraqi Kurds seem to be very, very different from Turkish Kurds

There have been studies about that:

....In the report of October 2018, DFAT further noted, 'Eastern and south eastern Turkey have historically been less developed than other parts of the country, with lower incomes, higher poverty rates, less industry, and less government investment. The Kurdish population is socio-economically diverse: while many are very poor, particularly in rural areas and the south-east, a Kurdish middle class is growing in urban centres, particularly in western Turkey.'22

These regions are culturally closer to the tribal society of Afghanistan...but on the other hand we have in Germany a rising numbers of politicians of kurdish origins, mostly with the LINKE and den GRÜNEN....women even, educated, independent, no headscarf in sight...yes, they are extremely diverse!

I wonder how a statehood would work if they should really achieve their own country sometime in the future...with such diverse realities of life.
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2021
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

....not necessarily! Did you ever hear about the "Grey Wolves"?

They are big in Germany and directly influenced by the hard core nationalists, fascists even at home...even if living in Germany already for the second or third Generation. Erdogan ist known to use them for support. He even uses their salute, the "wolf sign"!

They are at least as bad as some Kurds....

Yes, the turkish diaspora is heavily divided!
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Aug 2021
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]


I remember singing loudly and happily: "Wir fahr'n nach Lotsch" :)
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Aug 2021
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

Thank you! :)

I just recognize that "lods" dilemma....heh:)
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Aug 2021
Polonia / POLES vs BULGARIANS [160]

I hasten to add: "Let's try Polish" :)

Bratwurst Boy   
20 Aug 2021
Genealogy / Polish equivalent of William [16]

Wilhelm Name Meaning

German: from the Germanic personal name Willahalm, composed of the elements wil 'will', 'desire' + helm 'helmet', 'protection'.

*likes that name*
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Aug 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

For Germany it was the worst Olympics result EVER.....but here everybody knows why....the Germans have lost interest (mostly).....also it isn't financially very profitable compared to other (more successful) countries.

Beside football there is not much reason for young people to invest so much time and sweat!

I would expect more and more immigrants to take to the podium for Germany, they still have dreams and wishes...
Bratwurst Boy   
8 Aug 2021
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

At last but not least :)

But Japan did exceptionally well for such a tiny country...with such an quite old population.. :)
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

You all know what?

We are all survivors here....we can only here talk with each other (and insult each other) because our families somehow made it through!

Okay...the end of the Cold War and the discovery of the Internet might have something to do with that too....but that would mean nothing if our own parents/grandparents hadn't proven to be stronger or smarter or luckier than many others and survived....

*takes helmet and bows out*
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

It means that Germans as those who waged an unjust war even if they suffered in consequence of it.....

Are you saying my mother was guilty?

Following that thought one could say the Jews deserved the Holocaust because of what jewish communists and jewish bankers allegedly did.....

Nothing is clear!

And no, it isn't only the scale, it's the INTENT what counts....
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

Why? Iron and me were discussing which mass murder would count as genocide and which not....

Or you are looking for justifications for mass murder....that is a slippery path, it could end in a Holocaust and many people thinking the victims deserved their fate!
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

I don't believe in Karma at all....

Chancellor Kohl once talked about the "Gnade der späten Geburt"....the "mercy of a late birth" has more merit....we were lucky enough not to be born in this time in these places, thats all.
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

For whom? There were only women and children left...

My grandmother took the "trek" with four little girls, my mother was only 1 year old.....what karma had she to work off? The "wrong" ethnicity?

I told ya,'s a grey area....the Germans were targeted because they were Germans...many still wasn't a Holocaust!
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

....there are alot grey areas where things overlap, Iron....then the intention counts, I think.

If the Soviets did go after the polish farmers because they were Poles then it would have been genocide, but then you could call the ethnic cleansing of Germans in the new after-war-borders that too...where to draw the line?
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

Well....isn't it always that way?

Popular people count least popular in the West, we still rule the news and the social media.

I'm sure there is somewhere in the world a mass murder going on right now...and we will never know...because nobody in the West is truly interested (at least not enough to do more than just shrugging).
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

....not many people care about these ones....probably because not many people care about Tutsi's, Uighurs or Tigrayans!

But anti-semitism is still alive and well, and many Jew-hater in the West would like to see Israel eradicated....and Israel has been a consequence of the Holocaust....deny the Holocaust and it is much easier to deny Israel it's right to exist and to fight for it's survival ("poor opressed Arabs" and all that).

It is all still connected, the very old Jew-hate and the very new...that's why it is still talked about and discussed in a way the others aren't, it's probably for many people still more actual than the others.
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

If Katyn would had been a genocide after the official definition the Soviets would had gone for the wives and children of these officers too...just for being related to them, belonging to the same ethnicity, to the same people....

But they were after the "Intelligentsia", to destroy a possible/probable future resistance at the roots with killing the hearts and brains of it. There IS a difference! The common farmer, as long as they pledged their loyalty, had not much to fear from the Soviets....the Jews were never even given that choice!

Only a deranged maniac

It was the horrible consequence of medical euthanasia! And that was real hot stuff back then and seriously discussed by scientists...the idea to weed out the sick and the "unfitting" with pills and injections was a much thrown around and talked about idea in this time (also in the US and elsewhere in the modern West)....that's what Hitler build on I think....Auschwitz didn't spring out of the sick brain of one lone deranged maniac, I fear....
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Aug 2021
History / The Warsaw Uprising memory. To remember who you are. [180]

And that's why I respect the Soviets more.

Don't! There is no need to...

We Ossis pitied the soviet soldiers stationed in the GDR....Now and then some tried to flee their "barracks" and tried to hide to just get away...

As I grew up we hated our own miserable commie party brigade but not the Soviets....we had no reason...we lived better than them and had way more freedoms than them, and that is saying alot.

But still, to be stationed in East-Germany was coveted by these soldiers, they were seen as an elite...and we had a living standard they could only dream of!

That had most occupation troops together I think, in East- and West Germany...the common soldier-Joe and the common soldier-Ivan...experiencing a tidy country (after everything was cleaned up and rebuild)!