The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 2 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 1443 / Live: 1366 / Archived: 77
From: poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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Cargo pants   
3 Aug 2019
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [597]

lol I hope your last name is not Zabinski?Reminds me of the movie"The zoo keepers wife".J?K
I dont like to take care of pets so dont like them,but if you do good for you,enjoy them.
Cargo pants   
30 Jul 2019
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [597]

How many pets do you have?Must have a huge house with the family and pets in the city.We have a cat that our daughter forced us to keep for her and is a freaking liability to travel etc.Reminds me of our house keeper Babcia who lives in Poland now has ducks,rabbits,dogs,cows,pigs,piegons,chickens,a horse and plenty more in her village house in Poland.The yard looks like a zoo and the work she has to do feeding and cleaning and taking care of a garden with veggies and fruit trees.I tell ya Polish babcias are tough,at age 70 something she also rides a bike to a church in the village everyday.LOL Pawian you sound to me like her in cpl of decades when you be her age.
Cargo pants   
19 Jul 2019
Life / Health insurance in Poland - your suggestions please [35]

Can you recommend something good and cheap?

Gothaer is a cheap health insurance Policy you can buy for around 120Pln a month,but you have to pay out of pocket and claim from them.A good substitute for non eu foreign students.Google:GOTHAER TOWARZYSTWO UBEZPIECZEN S.A.
Cargo pants   
17 Jul 2019
History / Cars made in Poland - during communist and post-communist times [23]

I have it since 2001 after driving for 3/4 yrs i left it in the yard and now getting it restored again.LOL when i drive it 60 kmph people tell me it looks like a flintstone car,and even a cop pulled me over just to ask what the f was that and the customs guys when i imported it told me to take it out as a go cart but I had to explain him that its a car for roads so he had to do the proper paper work.
Cargo pants   
17 Jul 2019
Food / What Polish foods and brands do you miss when you go to other countries? [216]

I miss my sauerkraut and kielbasa

Mind you Polish sauerkraut is of cabbage.IWhen back home I miss Bar milecznas I eat here 70% of the time in or the govt offices canteens.Real authentic Polish food and the smell of and em Babcias with aprons serving them.
Cargo pants   
27 Jun 2019
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [597]

Yes I do with my coffee and cell for emails,I dont have to rush in time to teach english.Its called retirement benefits for the last 14 years.(lol & of course my **** dont stink)
Cargo pants   
27 Jun 2019
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [597]

Why is it that so many houses in Poland countryside have no bathrooms where the most bedrooms are?I have visited so many houses in the villages that will have 3/4 bedroom upstairs and 1 bathroom on ground floor.Is there a reason?
Cargo pants   
13 Jun 2019
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [597]

(raising property taxes)

Poland has started doing the same as well now.I shifted towards Poland and its also getting expensive now,I think another 10 years and they will really destroy investment that took a boom in 15 years.My friends tell me western Ukraine is the new game now but I am too old for a new country.
Cargo pants   
29 Apr 2019
USA, Canada / Will U.S. Citizens Need A Visa To Visit Poland Starting In 2021 [11]

I hope this does not include Poland as happy as they would be for a little revenge.

The site clearly explains that visa runs to ukraine etc are still legal for US citizens.
Cargo pants   
1 Apr 2019
Law / Bus ticket fine in Poland (Warsaw) - what if I don't pay the fine? [36]

I got the white paper from the machine and I thought that is the ticket.

Sometimes in some machines the receipt comes out from the front slot and the original ticket falls in a slot below the machine,so my guess is that you picked the receipt and didnt pick the ticket,so the inspector was right.I had the same mistake once but luckily no inspector caught me.