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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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15 Mar 2021
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

I think this. I don't trust the Vatican. Whatever the rich of Vatican do has its purpose and their main tool is the influence they have on people. Souls are their armies and they will do whatever is possible to retain influence on people. They will say whatever is needed.

To all Poles here

Let me show you something. But you would never again look at Pope John Paul II with the same eyes.

Still, I would tell you that we Serbs know how are Croat nazis responsible for this manipulation, for deeper Germanic interests and schemes within schemes, plots within plots. We know this because no matter John Paul mistaken, he recognized the evil plot around him and he tried to redeem himself and when NATO back in 1999 started to bomb Serbia, Pope John Paul did truly all possible and impossible to prevent the involvement of Poland in it. He even traveled to Poland and gave last of his health in this mission of his. But traitor Kwasnesky ridiculed his effort, played ping pong with him, sending him from institution to institution. It was the moment when ultra-right Catholic Jan Lopuzansky, after talking to John Paul, within the parliament of Poland raised the voice and said how: ``... today NATO bombing Serbia, tomorrow may bomb Poland... ``

And here is what I want to show you > How nazi Croat ustashe manipulated John Paul II, gave him false information and convinced him to beatify Cardinal Stepinac vicar priest of armies of nazi ustashe Independent State of Croatia >


It is worse than if somebody beatifies Bandera, Hitler, Mussolini or Franco of Spain. It is worse because Stepinac was a man of the Christian Church. High in the hierarchy. But monster.

This shame to John Paul II did nazi Croat ustashe fanatics. Great lesson to Poland and Poles always to be vigilant. John Paul tried to correct this but effectively, in the eyes of history, Croat ustashe used him, manipulated, wasted and destroyed.

I am so sorry Poles, for I had to show you this. I know John Paul is dear to you. I am so sorry.
11 Mar 2021
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

I merely gave info. Plus, I myself don`t know what to think on Pachamama. On one hand, I like it if its the sign of tolerance. On the other hand, what if Vatican clergy starting openly to behave as some dojo of dark satanic cultists?

Finally, if its wave of freedom, if Latinos can have Pachamama, why we Slavs shouldn`t get our Svetovid back. Coin of Svetovid in Vatican would be nice gesture of love for Slavs. Token of goodwill so we know that papacy don`t live only for itself and germanics.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Pachamama was worshiped at Vatican and it wasn't harmless

'To put Pachamama on altars or in consecrated churches in order to worship them, is a true and plain desecration.'

11 Mar 2021
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

Tolerance shine from the Vatican? Is this new era? A reset?

The Vatican pays in Pachamama


€10 coin in silver (€69) to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. ... is a young pregnant woman whose womb is the planet earth

At the same time the Mint issued other coins. ...... St. Peter with outstretched arms welcoming migrants

Just tell me where are you with Pachamama?
10 Mar 2021
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Oh, I will now nicely put a cross on myself and thank to dobri Bog. Yeeees, Italians are much darker. Just go to the EXIT music fest and observe Serbs. Serbs have lighter skin than even Austrians.
10 Mar 2021
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Either they didn't or did such a lousy job that they had to run for their lives when the dark-skinned and the gay invasions took

See, that is when Italian rule started. Italians supported the arrival of their darker kin. I mean, darker in the sense of the dark side.

Serbs never helped Poles in Chicago..... Only in your dreams.

What is with you?
10 Mar 2021
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

I said Slavs ruled. Read carefully.

Do you deny Poles ruled Chicago? See, Serbs helped Poles to rule better.
10 Mar 2021
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

From the time when Slavs ruled Chicago >


Bora Drljaca u Cikagu - Serbian dinaric rural Singer Bora Drljaca in Chicago
9 Mar 2021
Love / She's muslim and I am christian, will it ever work? Has anyone had similar experiences [63]

See? It's a question of her supporting you. You yourself have to accept her origins and the rest is on her. You are the man in that relationship.

That way you would be able to admit your children into your family and prepare them to be loyal to their paternal ancestors and paternal ancestors are those that carry a legacy. It is said so in Christianity and in Islam. Explain it to her if she is confused. And our ancient Slavic pre-Christian faith was also founded on this. Even in periods of matriarchate.
8 Mar 2021
Love / She's muslim and I am christian, will it ever work? Has anyone had similar experiences [63]

I am looking for advice.

Then you came to the right place.

She's muslim and I am christian

Speaking in general, both religions tend to be global ie to spread and rule, so why not. Let she rule you and, you rule her.

Now, difference between your religions is rather in the vision of paradise and hell. See, that what is paradise for Islam is hell for Christianity and vice versa. Fortunately, I am St. Sava Orthodox Christian so we connects our paradise with not just Christ but also with ancestors and my people is specific in that regard. And my people don`t think its cool to have global God. We don`t understand that concept. We don`t understand why would some other people need or must love our vision of God, paradise and hell. We think its primitive to impose those things on others.
6 Mar 2021
Genealogy / Do you consider Gorals, Lemkos, and Silesians Poles? [35]

Due to historical circumstances, Polish (Polani) ethnicity can only be understand as meta-ethnicity to Gorals, Lemkos, Silesians, Lusatians, etc, same as Serbian ethnicity coming as even older meta-ethnicity to all of them and to Polani themselves.

Why do you think old Polish Kings gave name of `Szczerbiec` to their holly sword that had purpose to unite under their rule? Sarmatism is nothing but Serbism and name of Serbs was first and original ethnic name for all Slavs.

21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Rubbish, it just proves we need some nukes. Since Russia

I know nerves of people in Poland. How things stand and develop Poland could rather nuke Brussels then Russia. For containment of virus, I mean.
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

also i think more immigrants would want to come to Poland no?

Only if new leader of Church in Poland start to wash legs to migrants and behave like Merkelica.

it just proves we need some nukes.

You hate Poland?
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

poland if there became a separation of church and state and the power of the vatican got eradicated? anyone?

More money will stay in Poland. Poland will be more independent. Countries will more eagerly want to join with Poland in Visegrad and any other future conglomerates, without fear of being subjugated by Vatican.

That for starter.
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

@Mr Grunwald

We have to talk of this if we are to create Central-European Union and make it independent global civilization. How else? Tell me, how else? Its question of all of us from Baltic to Balkan. Our question. Just then we can analyze how that affect relations with others.
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

This only shows you don't have a clue about the role of the church

Let`s not involve Christ`s Church in this. If Orthodoxy and Protestantism can function without Pope, Catholicisms also can. Christ connects all Christians, not the papacy or any head of any local Church.
21 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

@Mr Grunwald

Wait, where do you think you going? Let us speak how to make Vatican equally powerless as it is Constantinople. Or British prince Charles. You know very well about Vatican`s and Nazi ustashe cooperation during WWII in so called `The Independent State of Croatia.` Anybody can google that.

I am tired of your posts Crow, even my patience has limits. Blasphemy

Go watch movie Dara of Jasenovac. You would see where is blasphemy.

extering its control and influence over other free nations and societies. it is basiclaly the cult of the church.

It is also state on its own. Very greedy one, and as such do have its state interests and using all instruments to grab more.

Why would, for the sake Our common Lord Jesus Christ and His venerable Mother, and out common Slavic ancestors, Poland take part in greedy projects of Vatican that are even against interest of Poland?????
20 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

They cooperate. Didn't they allow an air-bridge between Russia and Serbia for weaponry supply? They did. But sure, anybody in Poland would always allow that to Serbs. Great profit for Poland in it in every possible sense.

And don`t forget Polonia and brat Corey Lewandowski that pump money to Bosnian Serbs that are also under the protection of Serbia and Russia, too. We coordinate when important.
20 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

Any potential of Rome to harm must be prevented once and for all and this means the Vatican must be peacefully pacified, deprived of instruments of power. It also includes Rome`s acolytes in Constantinople. And Russia must stop presenting itself as Third Rome. It's sick and must be ended.

And a new calendar must be in use. What Gregorian and Julian? We all have yearly calendars by Rome's genocidal maniacs.
20 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

If and when that day comes, Poles and Russians could become friends.

We Serbs will tell you both, when comes the day. That is how cards are dealt.


Slavic union

Maybe no need for quite a union. But first that we survive.
20 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

In a post-Covid world, many things will be changed. Some old evils must cease to represent danger.

So, there are free spirits on the internet that watch vigilant Poland (and all Slavs of Poland) not to find themselves on the line of fire. Call me naive but, I want to believe every voice means something.

as well as trolls on the Internet

I truly don't believe in Internet trolls. It's not how it works. But no doubt some people, good and bad, look very thoroughly at what people think and say. I only hope good guys are stronger.
20 Feb 2021
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]

Anti-war song by Serbian singer Djordje Balasevic, performance by Serbian children >



Just let there be no war


Children in Serbia and Poland after the WW1 1920 in Color

19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Rome was brute violence. Very animalistic, that was defeated. There is Italy, not Rome,

No, brate don`t be naive. Vatican is Rome. Size does not matter. Its Rome and still have same instincts and necessity to spread. One soul, one coin. Who refuse, elimination. And Italians? You sow that video about Iliryan (Serbian/Shtokavian area) rebellion and you can read on that. Do you know how many slaves (Sarmatian ie Slavic slaves) was took to the Italy of that time? There is no Italians. Actually, never was. Western Europeans? Its all us. Us but changed by brain manipulation of Rome. Its that world of matrix presented to us that we think there are Italians and western Europeans. There are only our brethren that later got Semitic add on (in Italy). Only those in northern Italy preserved original genetics.
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Can't you blame your own misfortune on yourself?

But I blame us on the first place. We lost this war to the Rome > The Great Illyrian Revolt - Rome's Forgotten War DOCUMENTARY >

Rome used more then 40 legions (the biggest force Rome ever moved) against us but still, the core of Sarmatia had to endure. That is when, backbone of people of Shtokavian (Serbian) speaking dialect (by linguistic science) of Sarmatians ie Slavs, was broken.

But we recuperated. And our backbone was broken again by the Turks. And we raised. Then AH broke our backbone. And we raised. Then Nazis did its deed. Then Soviets. And we raised again and we stand now. We stand. We are just a shadow of our ancestors but, we would try. Prepare yourself Poland to answer to the call!