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Things you can't get used to in your new country [95]
1) Air travel - American air travel definitely the worst in the developed world. Nowhere else have I seen this amount of delays, cancelled flights, ****** airports, idiotic staff, and anti-human interior design.
2) Police - I don't feel that they "protect" me here, instead I feel a compulsion to cross to the other side of the street when seeing one. No objective reason to feel this way, just feel cops are a lot more approachable in Russia. Maybe it's the fact that I'm here on a visa, and don't feel nearly as free as I feel back home. I could conk a cop on the head in Russia, and nobody would deport me anywhere.
3) As mentioned in the "Turning 60 years old" thread - the absolutely atrocious attitudes towards seniors and family in general. This constantly shocks me, and not in a good way.
4) Anywhere outside the big cities the food seems to be absolutely terrible (and even in the big cities, food that is good is very expensive). The people eat sh!t. Like literal sh!t. Then they look correspondingly.
5) The goddamn air conditioning. It's everywhere and all the fu*king time. Americans live like astronauts preparing for cryosleep. I'm a big guy, that doesn't often feel cold, so then I feel like a woman when sitting in an American movie theater or subway car.
6) I don't know what this thing is called in English, but it's the thing you put your blanket inside of before you use it to cover yourself in bed. At least in civilized countries. In America, a minimum of homes seem to use this thing, instead employing a stupid system where you cover yourself with a sheet and then the "uncovered" blanket on top. This seems to me very uncomfortable, and rather unhygienic. In general, the way Americans do up their beds is weird. At home, and in hotels.
7) Tons of houses with no light fixtures in the ceiling. What the hell is up with this? Why does everybody use goddamn lamps?
8) No bidets to wash your ass.
9) The tea is never actually hot. Sometimes they warm it up in a microwave. Savages.
10) The coffee is sh!t, except in big cities.
11) Did I mention the food is terrible?
12) Rich people behave towards poor people in disgusting ways. Everyone thinks this is normal.
13) The roads on the East Coast.
14) People from New Jersey. No such thing in Russia, thank heavens.