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Posts by pawian  

Joined: 30 May 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 7 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 226 / Live: 154 / Archived: 72
Posts: Total: 27558 / Live: 21475 / Archived: 6083
From: Poe land
Speaks Polish?: Yes, but I prefer English
Interests: Everything funny

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21 Jan 2025
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [323]


Yes, it is interesting how you don`t comment on PiS` thievery. You are speechless. And that is so precious coz you might be even considered a decent person due to your reaction.
21 Jan 2025
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [633]

America is lost coz a quasi religious maniac has come to power there. He considers himself endowed with the mission from Goddess. Like Hitler or another mad dictator in the past.

Goddess Save America!

- When the assassin's bullet pierced my ear (...), I felt, and now I feel it even more strongly, that my life was saved for a purpose. I was saved by God to make America great again - Trump declared in his inaugural speech.
20 Jan 2025
UK, Ireland / What English food would you serve a Pole? [172]

you would grab it like a hungry monkey banana

Good you mentioned bananas.
Here is one of my 2023 breakfasts: more English than Polish this time.
Banana English:

  • a
20 Jan 2025
Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation - part 2 [517]

Please don't tell me you're talking William the Conqueror?

Yes, I am. William and his Normans became a new royal and aristocratic elite of England for nearly 200 centuries. Richard Lionheart spoke French, not English.
Similarly, aristocratic Poles/Polesses used French as a symbol of belonging to elites.

No need to be snarky

Snarky? I was simply ironic, which is a result of your earlier unfair accusations about previous riddles. Ha!!!

When you said 'who'

Hey, imbecile, who also concerns groups of people. :):):) It isn`t my fault that you don`t know history of Poland or England and had no idea that elites spoke French. :):):)
20 Jan 2025
Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation - part 2 [517]

Had you said ' What group of people?'

How about giving up riddles and just posting photos with direct explanation so that you don`t feel so stressed with too dubious questions??? :):):) hahaha

he's having a laugh.

No, he is a nationalist and they are unable to have a laugh. They are always dead serious. Ha!!!

take him seriously.

Of course he did and does, despite his knowing we consider him imbecile which only corroborates our opinion on him as imbecile. Ha!!!

So, have we solved the Bonjour riddle coz I lost the track due to all that noise about Iron???
20 Jan 2025
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

Another trait is the ability to improvise in situations when difficulties arise unexpectedly.
Like PiS ex Prime Minister Morawiecki who didn`t have a pass to enter Trump`s rally yesterday. So he showed the national guards his page on Wikipedia and it worked! They let him in. hahahaha

A recording is circulating on social media of the former prime minister trying to get to Sunday's rally at the Capital One Arena in Washington. The politician had a lot of trouble doing so, because he was stopped for inspection by National Guard soldiers. "They don't have a pass, ID, nothing," one of them said. The PiS MP showed them his Wikipedia bio, which journalist Olja "Scootercaster" Fedun confirmed in an interview with Onet.
20 Jan 2025
News / Presidential elections 2025 - the race has commenced!!! [250]

Another scandal by rightist PiS candidate. Those PIS thieves are really amaSSing!

According to media reports, Karol Nawrocki, who is running for president, as the director of the WW2 Museum was supposed to have used the Deluxe apartment in the museum hotel complex for over half a year, even though he lives only 5 km away. He was not supposed to pay for his stay, although - as calculated - with the maximum discount (80 percent) the "employee" price for him for all reservations would have been around PLN 25.6 thousand, and commercially - over PLN 120 thousand.


- There is not a week that goes by without us receiving further information that discredits Karol Nawrocki as a presidential candidate and confirms that he is a PiS candidate who uses state property in the same or a very similar way as PiS, treating the public good as his own property.
20 Jan 2025
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [795]

The only thing that matters is what the people of Crimea recognize.

No state recognised that illegal referendum. Crimea formally belongs to Ukraine. Just like Poland, occupied by Germans and Soviets during WW2, was still Poland, first to fight.
20 Jan 2025
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [323]

take it with a huge grain of salt.

Taking salt out of Wieliczka Salt Mine is strictly prohibited. It is a museum, you nationalist imbecile!!! What is your pathetic education???
20 Jan 2025
UK, Ireland / What English food would you serve a Pole? [172]

What Polish

It is Polish coz 90% ingredients are traditionally Polish foods. Additionally, it has been made by a Polish citizen in Poland. Ha!!!

You are a mental loser aka imbecile. We love you for that, though. Do not change. hahahaha

I'd mix it with vodka

I wouldn`t dare to spoil juice in such a way. Or vodka, either. :)P:):)
20 Jan 2025
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

I mentioned being stubborn several times. Generally it is a positive trait if you live in a country like Poland surrounded by hostile powers.
However, when combined with the belief you always know better, stubborness can lead to tragic effects.

It was supposed to be a dream trip, but it ended tragically. Three Poles drowned while swimming in the waters off Arena Gorda Beach in the Dominican Republic. wa.
The tragedy occurred last Friday near one of the hotels in Bavaro. According to local authorities and witnesses, high waves were present in the area at the time, and a red flag was displayed on the beach. Despite the warning, the tourists allegedly crossed the buoys and were then pulled into strong currents intensified by the unusually high waves.


There are very strong sea currents there. Standing in the water even up to your knees, you can feel the powerful force of the waves pulling you into the ocean. There are no lifeguards anywhere in the Caribbean. There is information about this at the entrance to the beach and flags on the mast.
20 Jan 2025
News / Dirty deeds of foreign guys in Poland [128]

Police officers from the Wawer police station intervened at a hostel in the district. The owner of the facility reported a brawl started by four men.

- At the scene, the police established that four Georgian citizens, after drinking alcohol together, had accosted the residents of the hostel. They started a fight with two men and then beat them up. In the process, they also destroyed a lot of equipment that was part of the facility's equipment, tables, chairs, doors - informed Sub-inspector Joanna Węgrzyniak from the District Police Headquarters Warsaw VII.

Based on the evidence collected, the Georgians were charged. - All four detainees will be held accountable for assault and property damage. By decision of the District Prosecutor's Office of Warsaw Praga-Południe, the suspects were placed under police supervision - explained the policewoman.