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Poles opinion on Sweden, Bavaria, Greece, Czechia? [28]
They were first to steal Slavic history and I f*k them
They gave us Democracy and Greek tragedy
Let me put it this way. Slavs ie Sarmats are only Whites that never used slavery and never had internal slave markets for exchange of slaves among themslves.
That for starter just to illustrate logic of Slavs and Greaks. Then, same as Romans, Greaks were destractors of Slavic ie Sarmatian urban centers that were older civilized centers then Hellenic one. Therefore, Greaks stolen knowladge of Democracy (AGORA is Slavic word, same as POLIS) from Slavs even in antiquity already. That is why we see medieval Polish Sarmatism as supreme Democracy and Freedom unknown to Greaks and western Europeans, similar only to organization of Slavic societies, same as Serbs had ancient principle `Even a slave is a slave no more if come to Serbian land`. Where did you ever heard of this among Greeks or on the west of Europe? Nowhere.
For example, Troy was a Slavic ie Sarmatian urban center destroyed by Greaks, while Egtruscans (RASI, RASENI as they called themselves, exactly same designation as medieval Serbs used paralel with ethnic name of Serbs) were urban Slavs ie Sarmats destroyed by Romans. Principle was- kill, enslave, loot, steal knowladge, assimilate, declare its yours, steal history.
Sounds familiar?
Sure. Western Europe, Germanics, Anglois, via Roman Empire and Greaks adopted the same principle and live it even today.