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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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15 May 2021
Life / Why Milosz not Herbert ? [38]

Miłosz is decent Slavic name. Let us reward Miłosz for having nice Slavic name. And also Miłosz have nice poetry. Best.
14 May 2021
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]

Yet, Gavrilo was needed for the independence of Poland. Serbian. Exactly as Adam Mizkiewich said to Czartorisky. ``Work with Serbs.`` Mizkiewich didn`t expect support to Poland from the Vatican, France or the USA, or anybody else. Serbians.
13 May 2021
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]

Do Serbia and Czech have a combined military unit?

Czechs would be free. Same as Poland, same as Lusatia. Same as eastern Germany.

I like the idea of a pan east european army and people.

Only Serbia can make this become reality. And I do think Serbia pushing for it.
13 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

I identify as a Kashubian (Kaszuba) myself. :)

Respect brate :)

Did you heard for John Bosnitch? His mother is Lusatian Serb woman and his father is Balkan Serbian. He is very active regarding rights of Lusatian and other northern Serbs and western Slavs in Germany. He is great benefactor for occasions that connects all Serbs on the Balkan-Baltic line. John Bosnitch is among people that affected Serbian government to put question of Lusatian Serbs on the table in talks with German government.

spot brate


The indigenous Serbs of eastern Germany, targeted by genocides over centuries, are still hanging on. Called Sorben or Wendi in German, they call themselves Srbi

It's high time the government of Serbia insisted on autonomy and cultural rights for the indigenous Serbs of Germany.

Albanian women giving birth to babies and Serbian women... well... they probably had something more important to do

It was not the problem. Kosovo is mostly rural region and all people there tend to have more children. Problem was that communist dictator Tito, on the payroll of Britain and Vatican (btw, same as Croat nazi Ante Pavelic) supported speeding Albanians on Kosovo.

When are you going to deal with the traitor within your ranks Herr Donald Tusk. ?

Tusk is no traitor. He dared to openly say that Poland recognized Kosovo under the pressure of NATO and EU partners. One need to be brave to tell it openly.

how is he a traitor? i don't get why people keep saying him and Lech Wałęsa are traitors.

Yes. I am also surprised.
13 May 2021
Language / Etymology of the word "brat" - in Poland and other Slavic countries [21]

Synonyms of word BRAT in Serbian:

* BATA, BATICA, BRATIĆ, BRACA, BRATAC = little bother, also in sense dear little/younger brother
* BRALE, BURAZER, BURAZ, BRAJAN, BRATA, BRATAN, BRAJA (read BRAYA), BRAJKO = brother (when you talk nicely to/of your brother)
* BRATANAC = cousin, son of your brother
* BATAN = when talk of somebody in superlative to describe him as alpha male

'brat/brother' and English brat (naughty/spoiled child)

I here recognize Slavic origin of BRAT

English is younger language then Slavic, separated from old Slavic. Being younger language becoming simplistic, crude.

from Proto-Indo-European *bʰréh₂tēr.

There was no Proto-Indo-European. Only Proto-Slavic, old Slavic or if we were to be precise old Sarmatian.

Mmm, I don't know. In the Irish language, the word 'brat' means flag

Could be connected to the Serbian verb BRATI = `to pick` or `to collect` apples, for example. To pick apples you need a stick. So comes the connection to flag.

This could be in logic of ancient people and could affect evolution of language in isolated communities.

Also interesting. SABRATI = to collect, add up / or SABIRATI = to add

Then BIRATI > to choose
13 May 2021
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]


Army of the Czech Republic²⁰¹⁹ x Military motivation >

The Czech Army Scouts >

Czech Military Power 2021 | How Powerful is Czech Republic?>


12 May 2021
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]

You can disagree all you want but the results speak for themselves. In that contest, you lose.

Well sure, war is not just army. War is layered. Its also politics. Even primarily. Look with whom is Poland in alliance. With Britain, France, USA, Turkey, Germany, etc. If not sad would be funny.

So yes, take all in account, results are predictable. If just not for that arming of Serbia from Russia via Poland`s air space, no matter all complainants of EU and NATO, and no matter ongoing anti-Serbian Vatican`s projects. Poland to allow that to Serbia is the real glitch in the matrix. Do we have OUR OWN politics? Poland and Serbia?

And if Poland had two dozen nukes, WW2 would not have even started. Ifs don't count.

Nukes wouldn`t annul role of politics in war. Would only increase Slavic casualties.
12 May 2021
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]

I disagree with such a stance.

Spot this > King Peter of Yugoslavia at Polish manoeuvres - Król Jugosławii Piotr na polskich manewrach >

I assure you, Poland and Yugoslavia were armed at least same as back then Soviet Union. At least that technological level and seemingly had better connections with USA, Britain and France. If politics behind curtain didn`t destabilize Poland and Yugoslavia, alliance would be activated, plus joined with at least Czechoslovakia, as was deal. We (Poland, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia) were significant power. If Soviets were able to resist, we would be also able. But, politics. We all were betrayed firstly by Britain and France. Then Poland became desperate and made unilateral move and invaded Czechoslovakia. That violated treaties with Yugoslavia that declared neutrality on Reich, with just certain concessions. Soviets then made final deal with Hitler, Poland was invaded from east and west. Pact with Hitler and events in Poland and Czechoslovakia made Yugoslavia politically volatile and coup d'état happened, Serbs moved on the streets to protest against Germany and pact between Germany-Yugoslavia was canceled. Then Yugoslavia was invaded by the Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria. Final blow to the royal army in the midst of outside invasion was formation of Vatican sponsored Nazi state of Croatia within Yugoslavia.

Point is. Economies if USA, Britain and France and entire western Europe needed war. They invented Hitler, Musolini, Franko. They then made false deals with Poland, Yugoslavia, Soviets. Crucial plan was to deal with Slavs, with genocides whenever possible, to grab their resources and also to deal with certain Jewish magnates, solve Jewish question in Europe. That was the idea. All other stories are daily politics.
12 May 2021
News / Army of Poland and other kin Slavic countries [39]

Times are troubled and Slavs are vigilant.

Feel the Slavic power / First in space, first on Earth

How Powerful is Poland? Polish Military Power 2021


Polish Army PT-91 Twardy Tanks Maneuver


Wojsko Polskie / Polish Army



8 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

That. I feel Poland grow stronger as much as we talk on this.

Love! Give love, understanding, empathy... to the Kashub brethren that suffered multiple genocides from the Rome and Germanics. Heal them in Poland. Popes aren`t above that!

Come back Poland!
8 May 2021
History / Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now? [47]

Jesus was real. Svetovid is fiction.

Funny, really. Some say Jesus was real and they turned him into fiction. With Svetovid we are clear from start. He never abandoned land of dreams.

These years, Serbian peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, Serbian soldiers sing on the Christianize day dedicated to Svetovid >
8 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

Please, tell me that you are not trying to make the two equal.

Me? Who am I? Am I to judge?

But I do respect fact that some believe Jesus to be God, some believe in Svetovid. Do you respect those facts. Equally?
8 May 2021
Love / Do Polish people like Scottish people (friendship or relationship with a Scot)? [56]

Are Japs Sarmats too?

Not that I know.

The ancient Celts (not a concept they'd recognise) were spread across Old Europe

As you could learn, Sarmats were spread across Old Europe. Picts are proof. Scots. And they are western most Europeans. Sarmats. Baltic was Mare Sarmaticus or Oceanus Sarmaticus. Romans in Europe bordered solely with Sarmats, on the West of Europe, North and South. Etc, etc.

Plus other evidences.

We Europeans, Whites, are all Sarmatians in origin. Some are still, some were.
8 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

I deny all that nonsense. Originally, we were fish. Or frogs. So what?

If you think so papacy would globalize you and merge you with Latinos, Arabs, Turks and Africans and you would be even happy in the process.

In my entire 25 years in Poland, nobody mentioned any of that Sarmatian crap even once.

Vatican is powerful and cunning.

How did we manage to survive without that revelation?

You survived because you are Sarmats. That is why help came from Gavrilo, not from Vatican or western Europe.

...and by that time, "Sarmatian" would have lost all meaning.

It would be uniting point. Religion would be private thing, and dominant culture would be Sarmatian. Plus common origin, if you want all the way from frog. But Sarmatian frog, in my book.

Svetovid is a piece of wood

And what is cruciforma or picture of bleeding Jesus?
8 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

But you can`t deny Polish Sarmatian ie Serbian origin. No true Poles desire to give up on Sarmatism. Give up from it and you giving up from yourself.

If I rule Slavic world, there would be peace around Sarmatism. Somebody would say `I am Sarmatian and Catholic`, other would say `I am Sarmatian and Orthodox`, other would say `I am Sarmatian and Protestant`, other would say `I am Sarmatian and Buddhist`, other would say `I am Sarmatian and Slavic rodoverists`, and so on.

My answer to all would be `How nice`.

All would be welcome to be whatever they want, united around Svetovid as common point.

If I rule.
8 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

That is insane to say. Man, you are all their in Poland Serbs in origin. Even Eastern Germans were Serbs just 500 years ago.
8 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]


Let us make sure that Kashubs see they are loved in Poland, that Poland care, that Poland isn`t their to assimilate them but to protect them. Etc positive things that will make Poland great.
8 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

because he does not mention Kashubs, he commits a violation that should be reported to the Administrator.

Of course. Ignorance that border with intentional ignorance should be punishable. Poland is named after Polani and we all know that Kashubs also live in Poland. Why always Poles, Poles, Poles... Why not Poles and Kashubs, Poles and Lusatians, Poles and Silesians. Poland is country of Kashubs too, is it not.

All this is even more important when we know that Kashubs feel frustrated because majority in Poland accuses them of being pro-German, what is highly insulted considering genocide Kashubs suffered from Germanics and considering Kashubs provided assess to Baltic to Poland.

Serbian national TV > Kashubs talk of their Serbian origin, on loyalty to Poland but also of violation of their rights in Poland >

Either I am missing something or your post is insane.

You missed something.
8 May 2021
History / Kashubians are nation in Poland? [124]

moved from:

It is all about Serbs with you..... please stop pretending that you care about Poles.... who suffered much more than Serbs in WW2.

You again ignore Kashubs, Lusatians, Silesians, etc brothers while sitting in Britain and waiting for global flood, you actually don`t care neither for Polani and Poland as a whole.

If I`m Kashubian Serb I would tell you to fo* off and stop burring me alive. Kashubs also exist you ignorant. If I`m Kashub long ago I would report you to Admin for constant insults on ethnic level because when speak of Poland you never speak of Kashubs.

Not to say that harming Balkan Orthodox Serbs, Vatican most directly attacked interests of Poland. Being loyal to Vatican on Balkan means being loyal to Germany. And being Serbian means being neutral on Russia, having warm feelings on Poland and resisting to Germany. You can be Catholic, Orthodox or whatever if you fight against Serbs here you have Vatican for ally. Then, when they finish with us they will distinguish Poland. That is why Gavrilo was from Serbia and not from Vatican or western Europe.

Vatican hate Poland! You can turn into salt, into Catholic salt, but they will hate you because you are Slavic!

...and distribute food, teach kids, preach Ten Commandments and console the old and the sick. They oppose gay marriage bs and abortions.

or they make you poor and dependable on them, rape kids while they teach them, preach Ten Commandments and console the old and the sick just to hypnotize masses. Many of them are gay and force woman to abort when they are fathers OR they don`t wish woman to abort when they are fathers in secret.
7 May 2021
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

Why not care? Its idiotic not to care? In situation when is well known that official Poland too often works against interests of Poland and for the higher interests of foreign factor.

Not to care is sh** message to Kashubs, Silesians, Lusatians, Lemki, etc. `You can cry but we would urinate you if you don`t share enthusiast of official Poland to work for non-Poland`s interests.`

Why would official Poland care even for Poland`s interests. There are Serbs, they still didn`t extinct. They can fight for interests of Poland. Then, there is Russia. Russia can fight and if it suits us we would accuse Russia for something. There will be something, friends from outside will give us idea.

That was official Poland prior to Duda. Now, official Poland care so you @Az010 speak for yourself.
6 May 2021
Love / Do Polish people like Scottish people (friendship or relationship with a Scot)? [56]

She was arrested on the orders of the Holy Roman Emperor,

Why am I not surprised

was helped to escape by an Irishman

Why am I not surprised

Papacy wanted always to control. It has nothing with Christ but with wealth. That is why our Emperor Dushan gave middle finger to the Popes and since then Serbs are hunted.
6 May 2021
Love / Do Polish people like Scottish people (friendship or relationship with a Scot)? [56]

I love Scots. Scottish NATO contingent in Bosnia refused to fight alongside Arab mujaheedines against Serbs.

Bonnie Prince Charlie, the famous Scottish prince, was the great grandson of Jan Sobieski.

I didn`t know this. Now when you say I`m not surprised. Nothing strange there. Scots belong with us Slavs. They have ancient Europe in their veins.