Genealogy /
Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]
Of the colleagues of mine from eastern... i mean central europe... Okay, let's say A8 countries! Of my colleagues from... over there, the Czech bloke and the Slovak bloke are Gypsies. They must be really good at stealing because I haven't noticed any theft yet.
But it seems that these days, it is perfectly acceptable to discriminate against Gypsies, to reinforce negative stereotypes, to 'put them in their place'. Within any group, there will be some tendency for them to wish to maintain cohesiion and to stick to their own way of doing things. Is this not as true for Poles living abroad as it is for Gypsies anywhere?
The discrimination against Gypsies that I have even noticed for myself in Poland, merely exacerbates the problems. Of the Gypsies from Poland, Czech, Slovakia et al who move to western Europe, some will remain 'visibly Gypsy', whereas others will be finding a new life where they can get away from the dicrimination and negative stereotypes they are tarnished with in the countries they have left, and they can get on with living and working.