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A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]
True. I can agree with what you wrote except this
it is also a historic document of its times
- the Bible rather treats notion of time as flexible (description of creation of the universe can be treated metaphorically however there are other problems with this interpretation), the timing, age of Earth is completly untrue there, there is nothing true about the creation of man, evolution... Adam and Eve were first and only people on Earth, they had two sons, and Kain killed Abel - so again Kain must've either competed with his father Adam to fornicate with his mother Eve (incest again) or he shagged some monkey and this would explain our evolution theory;) - only this happened in different time span.
Also most of the things described there are borrowed from older religions and cultures. For example Moses put by Jechebed in a wicker basket to river and saved by pharoah's family - this is borrowed from the story of Sargon of Akkad who lived around 23rd century BC.
I would say the Bible has some other qualities than historical, factual. The safest would be treating it as a great cultural source. However, often it is low culture I'd say, as for example you can find this fascination with feaces and defecation:
"that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own **** with you" (II Kings 18:27, Isaiah 36:12)
"Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow's dung for man's dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith" (Ez 4:15).
"Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces..."(Malachi 2:3).
What is this?!
"And thou shalt eat it [as] barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight" (Ezechiel 4:12).
And this is just a part of it. Very often in the Bible stealing, murder, disrespect for parents goes unpunished. You can try to interpret those situations somehow, but this won't change the fact that there is only little logic and it contradicts itself.
Just because you blow couple priests doesn't mean whole institution is evil.
- No. This means the person is totally f@g, and that the Church should maybe recruit it's personnel more carefully. I'd like to see that: a recruitment company working for the Church:D
Didn't he get punished for his daughter's bedtime story?
Not at all! He was still considered a "righteous man" (Gen 19:33) even though before he offered his own daughters to violent sex assaulters and rapists in Sodom.