The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by enkidu  

Joined: 23 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Apr 2014
Threads: Total: 6 / Live: 1 / Archived: 5
Posts: Total: 611 / Live: 129 / Archived: 482
From: UK, London
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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8 Jul 2010
Po polsku / Stereotyp Polaka brutala, gbura, antysemity? [67]

"Dr. Goska's style incorporates those necessary ingredients that justify writing as an art form: her grammar is impeccable, even while the pathways of her sentences can be unpredictable. Her imagery is robust, but yet it never gets in the way of the underlying premises of her arguments."


Szczerze - myślę, że książki, które udowadniają, że nie jesteśmy brutalnymi, debilnymi antysemitami są pisane tylko i wyłącznie po to, aby naświetlić i wyeksponować nasz debilizm i antysemityzm.

W skrócie - antypolska propaganda. Tylko winny się tłumaczy.

Dla tych, którzy się oburzją - wyobraźcie sobie, że powstaje oto w Polsce ksiazka pod tytułem "Żydzi nie używali jednak krwi chrzescijańskich niemowląt do wypieku macy".
6 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / To move back to Poland from the USA or not to move back....that is the question [119]

Rysiekk - I strongly disagree with the opinions expressed here that you would never be considered Polish by heart and soul. I know a guy from Nigeria who live in my home town (Toruń - I reccomend). After he finished his university studies he decided to stay. He speak Polish with very funny accent, and he is welll... black, but everyone consider him a 100% Polish.

Being a "true Polish" is a tricky matter. It's hard to explain, really. It's not even matter of language or a place you've been born. Or who are your parents. It's a choice. As you said yourself - this is a matter of heart and soul.

As others said - 1500USD a month and a money from selling your house shall give you rather comfortable landing. My advice - go to Poland first before you decide any permanent move. Stay for month or two. Live here. Make friends. Live a life of a Polish - try it.

I feel in duty to warn you. Poland has changed. It's not like in your mother's story any more. For you - born and accustomed with the American way of life - some aspect of life in Poland may be annoying or even unbearable on the long time.

Give yourself a "test drive" with Poland and see yourself if you like it.

The cities I recommend to consider are: Toruń (for me the best in the world), Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk. Smaller towns: Piła, Kołobrzeg, Tuchola.

Good luck!
15 May 2010
Language / Maria, what is the Polish form? [30]

I find it rather funny. I mean - the typical Marians are usually middle-aged men with moustache.
On the other hand - Maid Marian (you know Robin Hood's girlfriend). :-)

BTW - Real name of John Wayne is Marion Robert Morrison.
5 May 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Oh come on. Jews wasn't so important in Poland. Minority like any other. Like Tatars or Kashubs or whathewer. They lived they quiet life somewhere on the border of society, and that' all.

On this Forum it seems that Polish-Jewish relationship is the most important part of Polish history. Well it wasn't. Polish history was interesting enough without a "Jewish question" (lol)

Maybe Poland really was a "Israel of the Middle Ages" - a very important place for diaspora. Centre of the Earth.
But still - Jewish minority was tiny, unimportant and one of the many on the map of Poland.
29 Mar 2010
Study / Rumor about racism - will I be fine in Poland as a black International student from Africa? [245]

And the same story again - "famous Polish racism, antisemitism, whatever"... Everybody heard the stories, no one has seen it in action.
Will they kill me, because I black? Will they rob me? I'm betting sick of this kind of questions.
I tell you - It is highly probable that someone will kick your ass badly in Poland. But not because you are black, but because you behave like moron. If you starting your contact with Poland from insulting Polish people on the forum, you probably would end up in the hospital.

Hey Succesor! How would you feel if I ask: Will they eat me in the Nigeria? I heard they eat white people. How would you feel?
22 Mar 2010
Food / Polish v Western farm produce? [14]

Partially - you answered your question yourself. Hi-tech modified vegetables and industrial scale farms plus subsidies vs Polish traditional, family running 5ha farms.
But the taste is different.
For instance if you would ask me if the western strawberries taste more like strawberries or shampoo, I would answer: Strawberries, off course. But it don't taste like a real thing.

Living in the UK, I feel very sorry for millions of the natives who never in their life tasted the real butter, strawberries, mushrooms, pork, cream, milk, blackberries, cheese etc. What you can buy at Tesco is a remote remainder of the real taste.
21 Mar 2010
History / MAP OF POLAND IN 1880'S [95]

Nowhere. Such a map of Poland in the 1880's do not exist. :-)
20 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Bialystok in 1905 was a part of Great Russia. Pogrom in Kielce was a provocation of the soviets. Jedwabne - under German occupation. I don't deny the significance and suffering of the victims of these accidents. If I follow this logic - burning down a Warsaw ghetto by the SS, can be seen as a pogrom committed by Polish. Its not fair thinking.

Jews and Poles share the same country for more than 500 years. I am sure that if Poles were such anti-Semite nation - I shall find a lot of proofs of other pogroms. Like in Germany or Russia for instance - pogroms that were initiated or at least accepted by the authorities. Actually I did find a lot of stories of pogroms in these and other countries. On this background Poland seems to be a country of quiet calm tolerance. I am little confused by this.

I can read (on the PF and in other places) how traditionally anti-Semite nation we are. And I started to think - maybe it's true? Who knows? But I can't find any solid proof of it. Only suggestions and accusations. It's frustrating.

Jonni - I don't want to start another historic-Polish-Jew rage. But from the proofs a have got right now it seems that Poland is (and was) far less anti Semite country than many others. Help me.
19 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Jedwabne and the villages nearby spring to mind.

Thank you Jonni and Harry, but I I've already read a lot about Kielce and Jedwabne accidents.
There is not much more to explore for me. I am sure that the Poles are responsible for the HUNDREDS of other pogrom's apart from these two isolated incidents mentioned above. Unfortunately I am unable to track down these savage atrocities.

I am counting on you, guys.
19 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

You mean they didn't join in the pogroms?

I would be happy to read something about pogroms committed by Polish. Could you please provide me with some sources?
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Maybe it's time to get over it and realise that you are in the different country?

Seanus - I am sorry. I am still thinking in Polish. And in Polish this *you* is referring to any one who is in the foreign country and can't cope with that. I understand that you take personally as addressed to you.

Silly as it seems - it wasn't my intention.
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Gee whizz, some people are nice and some are rude. The same person who was nice could be rude and vice versa.

People who view life too much in terms of a career ladder tend to be ruder. The old battleaxes too, many feel that we should bow down to them and this is a global phenomenon.

If you are accustomed with the US standards - the Polish clerks,attendants, waiters are seems to be rather rude.
Of course - a waiter with the American attitude would be fired on his first day at work in Poland.
Answering the title question - Yes. I think that Polish people are rude. (according to westerners) Maybe it's time to get over it and realise that you are in the different country?
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

This short "telephone manners" course shows only how different the politeness can be perceived in the different countries.
When I am in the foreign country, I don't apply a standards from my culture to them.

Therefore I don't believe this statement:

There ARE cultural trends whether people want to admit them or not. Polish culture IS rude compared to what your average person in the world would expect. But of course Poles don't want to admit this because they cannot be critical of themselves.

Simply because I believe the "World Universal Politeness Standard" do not exist.

Of course I may be angry at the Czechs, Russians or Americans that they don't behave accordingly to my own "Polish Universal Standards" - but this is rather silly attitude.

omg , I just realized something. I call my friend in Poland and only say: hello, I can hear tension growing on the other side, because she expects me to introduce myself. Well, she is rather formal. lol. I, on the other hand, assume that she know who is calling.

Of course she knows. But she expected you to say it anyway. Good manner are not always a logical matter.
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Yes, I agree, but how does one expect the foreigner to know this, it is not intentional on the foreigner's part.

That is what I call "the clash of the civilizations". :-)
Actually I like to collect this kind of stories. At first glance - Poland and the UK are part of the same culture and European tradition. But there are certain differences. Greetings, table manners etc.

For instance traditional British greetings: "How do you do?" "Fine and you?" transfered on the Polish soil may be seen as slightly impolite.

One of my favorites is about telephone manners in the Czech Republic (it's an Eastern European and slavic country so theoretically there shouldn't be any differences in the standards of politeness). Let's say - you are in the hotel room and the phone rings.

(at this point you expect that person who just called you, shall introduce himself. Instead you hear:)
(Now you think - what a bloody redneck! You are polite person therefore you decide to give him a second chance:)
(Now you REALLY expect some introduction from this person. Instead - All you hear is:)
Sooner or later - one side would hang up with the impression that he just encounter a VERY rude person indeed.

Explanation: In Poland - If you call someone, it is polite to introduce yourself first. In the CZ is more-or-less the same, but the person who receive the call shall introduce himself.

Culture and a good manners are funny thing sometimes :-)
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

According to Polish standards she shall be the one who speaks first with some greetings like "Dzień dobry Panu!". One is expected to say this every time when entering somewhere (like shop, taxi, cloak room etc)

The famous "Polish blank starring" is not meant to be rude. On the contrary - it is natural reaction of Polish to the behavior that they see as impolite. By remain silent an pretend they can't see an entering person they are try to give "this rude foreigner" some more time, a second chance to behave well.
17 Mar 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

A favorite opening gambit of rude Poles (in shops, banks, post offices etc) is the blank stare. e.g. you approach the cloak room attendant with your bag in hand. The cloakroom attendant looks at you, saying nothing. You are forced / provoked to say “this is a cloakroom, isn’t it?” The attendant replies triumphantly / witheringly/ scornfully, depending on the mood, “We don’t accept bags.” :)

Wow! That is what I call the "clash of civilisations". You think that the attendant is an extremely rude and arrogant person. Funny thing - I am 100% sure that he thinks exactly the same of you. :-)
13 Mar 2010
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

All I know about the Turkey and the Turkish people is that in times where the Poland get assaulted and erased from the map of the world - basically in these sad one hundred and twenty three years when the Poland was virtually an non-existent country (it existed only in our hearts and nowhere else) - the Turkish Sultan was the only ruler in the world who asked this question on the annual ambassador's assembly:

"Where is the ambassador of the brave Poland? How that is happen he is not here?".
And he embarrass all the kings and prime ministers and presidents that come from the countries from all over the world with this question. For 123 years. Every year.

And that is ALL I need to know about Turkey.

Dammit - our countries were never friends. Actually we did fought a war against each other for more-or-less 500 years. But we learned to respect each other in process.

That is what I want to remember.
7 Feb 2010
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

Enkidu wrote a definitive statement which was not true

Enkidu did suggested you to use some dictionary before you make a fool of yourself next time.
Do it now. Dictionaries won't bite you.
There is no such word in Polish language. As Magdalena pointed out- there is ONE reference to this world (murzać) in the Polish literature. One.
1 Feb 2010
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

There is no such word. Never was. Maybe use some dictionary next time.