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Posts by Spike31  

Joined: 16 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Feb 2022
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24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

At least you don`t mention that language any more. Good.

There's an English saying which goes "a word is enough to the wise". So if it wasn't understood the first time there no need to repeat it...

That's why it's so addictive to watch madness in slow motion while hoping that others are more mad than you.

PolishForums is a training ground for both: Stoicism and Socratic dialectics :-)

If you operate on a logical level, some members can give you a headache, though. Almost like arguing with your better half :-P
24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

I am really amazed at the shortages in your brain powers right now.

Argumentum ad hominem will take you nowhere [with me] and it only weakens your other arguments.

I just meant you are blowing this matter so incredibly out of its right proportions that I am flabbergasted why you are doing it

I like to uncover a true essence of disputed matters. In this case a basic concept and goals of such student exchanges. And I have to tell you that you have not convinced me so far :-)
24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

Come on, stop creating problems where they don`t exist.

Since when asking honest questions is about creating problems? I thought the we've put that era behind us :-)

This Krakow school specialises in teaching foreign languages, has a Hebrew class and runs exchanges with Israel.

So this Cracow's school has Hebrew class yet they communicate in English with Israeli students? I would assume that they would speak Hebrew together. And by the same logic when Polish student's go for exchange to Israel Israeli students would speak Polish with them. Am I mistaken?
24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

Exchange is fair when equal numbers of students take part (...) It is not important for them to learn the other group`s language

So I understand that this is only about numbers [and statistics] and not exchanging values and experiences between students since they don't learn the language of the other group?
24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

Why? Is it important?

It is very important. One cannot call it an exchange if it is one sided [asymmetrical].

Like in that communist era joke about Polish-USSR economic exchange:

"We're giving them meat and for exchange they also take potatoes from us"
24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

@Pawian, the question here is: are there language schools in Israel which teaches Polish language or it this exchange purely asymmetrical?
24 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

In Germany, Angela Merkel stayed in power for 19 consecutive years since the year 2000 (only Vladimir Putin can match her record). And she would probably ruled for another decade or so if not for "refugee" crisis.

And, since the role of the president of Germany is purely decorative, she had a total political monopoly and all the power in her hands.

Why don't you admit that it's not the "state of democracy" nor "rule of law" is the main concern about Polish politics but the fact that Germany is losing its political influence in Poland?
24 Feb 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

Do you think Russia is overall in better shape on total than it was in 1980?

Of course it is. Modern Russia may not be fully capitalist but it's not communist either. And Russia spend "only" 4.5-5% of its GDP on military as compared to 25% in the 80's.

A country that proudly allowed over 50 million abortions, some up to the day of natural birth

True. Abortion should be called by its real name: a murder of an innocent human being.

All that aside, their technological achievements were amazing considering the starting point in 1945.

After WWII they had an aid in form of skilled German engineers and their inventions and prototypes. The US has also benefited from it, but USSR more since their starting point was much lower.
24 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

I can live with the extension of 500 plus but the other elements especially no tax before age 26 are truly Venezuelan

On the contrary. 500+ is sounds more "Venezuelan" to me and reducing the tax is a step in the right direction. A country is rich by the accumulated wealth of its citizens and not by the amount of taxes and contributions the administration takes from citizens. Citizens knows better what are their needs, and how to spend their own money, than the government.
24 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

the Nazis proclaimed that this group were part of the Greater Germanic Race and worthy of separate treatment from the Poles

German Nazis have proclaimed many nonsense things. Since when are they mentors to you, @BratwurstBoy? ;-)
24 Feb 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

Stalin's evil acts aside, the USSR at its peak vs Russia hundred years before .....Not even close.

To be honest, Lenin wasn't any better than Stalin. He may not have killed as many people as Stalin but his ideas and administrative decisions lead to the deaths of millions. He started the Red Terror. Stalinism was only a logical extension of Leninism.

I imagine that if Lenin didn't die on syphilis in 1924 and ruled a little longer he would match Stalin's "achievements".

@Rich, the fact that Gagarin flew to space didn't improved lives of common Russians who lived in the same state of misery as 100 years ago. And millions of them who ended up in Gulags were even worse off.

In the 80's military spending of the USSR has reached 25% of their GDP which eventually lead to economic collapse. People were starving yet they had thousands of tanks and howitzers to be proud of. Communism had never ever worked in any country.
23 Feb 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

Well, Poland have survived Teuton Knights, Turks, Swedes, Russians, Bolsheviks, Germans, Bolsheviks again and it is now surviving the EU neo-marxism :-)

I love Russia, Putin, and RT

I like regular Russians but the same cannot be said about homo sovieticus. Russians should go back to their roots, religion and traditions instead of constantly remembering the USSR "glory". There was nothing great about it.
23 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

Do you think there would had been enough Poles ready to fill a SS Division if that had been on the offer?

It was on the offer and the offer was refused. The most famous failed attempt was forming Goralenvolk SS division but the recruits have deserted. The whole idea was abandoned as impossible by Germans.
22 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

Lyzko, let us not forget that there were also Jews who turned other Jews in. Read about "Żagiew"

Dr Janusz Korczak

There's a primary school in my hometown named after him
22 Feb 2019
History / Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe [132]

When Poland decides to come clean and admit that they weren't all angels

They would expect that from Poland, yet they are not eager at all to admit that Jews also weren't all angels during WWII either.

I think Poland wouldn't oppose the idea of having a press conference with Israel on which both heads of the state - Israeli and Polish - would admit that:

"yes, there were some Poles and some Jews who did immoral things during WWII but we also have to remember that the most of them behave morally and many of them heroically in face of death. And also let's not forget that the whole territory was occupied by German forces which were the perpetrators of the holocaust"
22 Feb 2019
History / Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe [132]

Never say never. Building an anti-Iranian (or rather pro-war) coalition may take some sacrifices. Israel may as well learn some humility in the process.

Yet hearing the apologies from Israeli officials and then not joining the pro-war coalition by Poland would be priceless.

After such move Poland would be slandered in Jerusalem Post and New York Times every single week for another decade or so :-P
22 Feb 2019
Law / Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?) [34]


It is virtually impossible to apply for Polish citizenship from outside of Poland unless you are a member of Polonia and/or qualify for Karta Polaka. That is if you have Polish roots (right of blood).

So in order to do so you have to live and work legally in Poland.

In your case you would have to move to Poland first to live here and to learn the language which is needed for passing citizenship test and voila!

More details in a link below

And are they neo-Marxists? I doubt it.

Oh, no. I select my friends carefully :-)
22 Feb 2019
Law / Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?) [34]

Mods can you delete the comments that don't pertain to the topic?

The man has clearly stated that he is Roman Catholic, and it seems that it is very important to him, so he may be interested in our post exchange with Atch. If it gets send to Random, then let it be.

@Rich Mazur

We have to remember that it is written in New Testament that Christ also said "Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." Matthew 10:34

Let's not confuse the teachings with the institution which is in a state of slow decay since Second Vatican Council and especially now under [anti] Pope Francis. If the left have infiltrated government and education system after WWII do you think the same couldn't be done with the Church?
22 Feb 2019
Law / Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?) [34]

You've never visited it have you?

No, I haven't but I read the news and I also have a few Irish friends. We do get along very well, there's a cultural connection between us. Much more direct connection than with Brits.

Our kind of Catholicism is not the same as Poland's

That's all fine. Only totalitarian systems [and minds] want to unify everything. Polish and Irish Catholicism has different flavour yet we still have much more in common than with Protestants or Eastern Orthodox.

Solidarity is long gone

Yet the accomplishments of "Sierpień 1980" are still alive. After that event the System has started to erode quickly, turned to violence showing its ugly face, and collapsed eventually.
22 Feb 2019
Law / Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?) [34]

Can you give specific examples of how that manifests itself in modern Poland and in the day to day lives of the people?

It manifest itself in work of the greatest Polish poets such as Adam Mickiewicz and Jan Twardowski, which are reading at school.

It has manifested itself in a political Solidarity Movement which was created after John Paul II visit to then communist Poland in 1979.
"Let your Spirit descend! Let your Spirit descend! And renew the face of the earth. The face of this land!" he said.

In modern culture, artists like very popular neo-folk band Tulia or rock band Wilki make references to it.

It manifests itself in many Polish proverbs.

And let's not forget that Polish nationalism is much different than a German [protestant] one thanks to Christian Personalism.

I come from a profoundly Catholic country myself, where the influence of the Church is now considered to be on the wane

Yes, I know it's on the wane and it's a shame. Ireland was a country which kept the Christianity alive after the fall of Rome. Seeing it fall to a modern neo-marxist doctrine is painful to watch.
22 Feb 2019
Law / Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?) [34]

@Atch Catholicism has influenced Poland on every level; from political to social and cultural identity. Like in any other society there are different types of believers: devoted Catholics, lukewarm Catholics and lapsed Catholics who, while non-practicing regularly, still appreciate cultural fabric of Poland which is based on Roman Catholicism.

Prof. Boguslaw Wolniewicz, a Polish philosopher, often half-jokingly introduced himself "I'm a secular Catholic". He appreciated Roman Catholicism as a cultural foundation of Polish society.

Roman Dmowski, one of the fathers of Polish Independence in 1918, has wrote "Catholicism is the inseparable essence of Polishness. To remove the Catholic religion and its ethics is to destroy the nation itself"

Anybody who comes to Poland expecting to never see a brown or black face or meet a Muslim, will be disappointed

That depends. Big cities, such as Warsaw have a small minority of non-European foreigners (in Warsaw it's mostly Vietnamese). Those cities also attract tourists from around the world so they may be confused with the actual citizens. Same goes with students from India and African countries.

That said, the most common types of foreigner in Poland are Ukrainians of which there is over a million of them.
21 Feb 2019
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [400]

Most member of Szurnicki family lives in NE Poland. It seems that the whole family comes from Ostroleka
21 Feb 2019
History / If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...? [240]

If Poles were anti-semitic, would hundreds of newborns?
21 Feb 2019
Feedback / Will this forum be available in Europe if Article 13 passes? [30]

Yes, that's a list of proposed legislation,some of which I see received negative responses from the government

Negative or not, it raise the awareness of an issue and it had to be processed in the Parliament. And only after that process it can finally be rejected [or accepted].

And a 100k signature threshold guarantee that it won't produce legislative spam.

Sure, some of them will be successful and some of them will not. But there's a way for citizens to mobilize and to change and improve the law.

citizens would really need legal advice from professionals in order to argue their cases effectively

There are non governmental organisations, like Ordo Iuris, which provide professional legal advice for citizens.
21 Feb 2019
Feedback / Will this forum be available in Europe if Article 13 passes? [30]

Spike, no laws are written by politicians. They're written by the government's legal team and submitted to parliament to vote on.

Well, politicians have the right and the power to write the law. In Poland Sejm is the Executive Power and Senate is a Legislative Power.

In Poland also regular citizens have power to write the law. It is called Obywatelska inicjatywa ustawodawcza. To propose a new law you'll need to gather up a team of smart and determined people, write the statute down, and get 100k signatures from adult Poles with voting rights. The parliament will have to take it into consideration, debate over it and either accept it or reject in the process.

If the most of law is written by legal teams it is only because there's so many, often contradicting laws, that you need a huge team of qualified people to dig through it and write something which will make a remote sense. In the EU there a big problem with mass production of glitchy, irrelevant, overly complex law. In Poland it is called a "legislative diarrhea".