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7 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Nobody in Germany is still talking about those claims. They have been dismissed as obsolete and legally invalid and that is it. Partly because our government understands that needlessy stoking resentment with an ally at a time of war is just stupid.
7 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

all the time in regard to Poland

Nonsense. Not only is the EU not Germany, it was PiS that picked up that gauntlet with a completely indefensible agenda that threatens the Polish rule of law. None of this is in Poland's interest. It would solely benefit PiS.
7 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

We are not telling you what to do with your highy policitised legal system

Because our system does not endanger our rule of law or judicial independence. And of course the EU is perfectly entitled to voice its' concern and act in this regard.

Because and just to explain it to you once more: Poland signed treaties when it joined the EU. It accepted thereby the EU Comission as the guardian of those treaties. If it is found in violation of those treaties, the EU acts as it is currently doing.

The only reason why PiS is feeding this Poland vs EU/Germany narrative is because they know of course that their agenda is indefensible otherwise. It is not in Poland's and its' democracies interest to give its' government control over the judiciary to such an extent. Instead anyone for ruly wishes the best for Poland's future must hope that PiS fails with their agenda.
8 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

You know nothing about Polish system, I know basic about German system.

I know how PiS attempts to subjugate the judiaciary while you do not seem to know about the German system, or you would not make auch silly remarks. The German system e.g. requires de facto the government to involve opposition parties in the selection of judges for the Constitutional Court, which means that stacking the Court is impossible.

asking for too much

Literally all the EU is asking for is for Poland not to follow the example of democracies that became autocracies. That ia not "too much" but the bare minimum.
14 Sep 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

signed by a puppet goverment

None of that matters in international law. Loathsome as the government may have been, it was the internationally recognises government at the time (there was an Exil government sure, but even the Western governments send ambassadors to Poland).

Not to mentiok that the treaties later signed with the FRG firmly put the issues to rest. Pol


Greece's demands for reparations is also futile. The only "advantage" they have over Poland is that Athens and Berlin did not sign as many treaties later on, which means that they argue that unlike Poland, they never implicitely waived further demands.
28 Sep 2022
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [375]

I doubt that. Operations like this have a tendency to be revealed eventually in democracies. Imagine the PR damage if it turns out that e.g. the UK was behind this ecological disaster. All that risk for little gain?
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

the Germans never really paid for their terrible crimes.

You mean aside from losing 1/4 of their territory permanently, having millions of people expelled in marches that killed up to a million, having the rest of the country divided and occupied for the next 45 years and paying bns in restitution and reparation.

Disregarding the fact that the matter has been legally settled, asking generations of people to pay 1.5bn for crimea that have been commited years before they were born is just ludicrous. That much should be clear to anyone.
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Just pointing out historical facts here. Claiming that Germany never paid for its' crimes is hardly true given all of that happened because of the war.

As for playing the victim. It is silly that people born after WWII claim to be victims deserving of reparations to begin with.
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

Another is to ignore the consequences

Everything that came before us may or may not have influenced us before. You don't see Germas asking for reparations from Napoleonic occupation or the French for Caesar's conquest of Gaul.

Nazis had a lot of say in how Germans were educted after the war

I think I know enough, but past crimes by previous generations do not justify new payments to people who were not directly affected.

Everything is relative in the end. Poles may have been affected by WWII more than others, but nevertheless lived better than other people who suffered historical injustices (like many people in Africa).

How Germany will counter that grudge

Since the grudge is entirely fed and held up by Polish politicians, it is up to them to solve it (by accepting that the matter is settled and telling as much to their voters). Germany only hast to wait. Each passing year makes more and more a mockery of auch demands.
18 Oct 2022
News / Poland to officially demand $1.32 trillion WW2 reparations from Germany [457]

legal tricks and small print from the times when Poland was a Soviet puppet-state

Not true. The matter of reparations was not only settled in the agreement between the GDR and Poland (a perfectly valid legal agreement) but also later in the treaties between the FRG and Poland and the 2+4 treaty. Poland has waved his right to reparations multiple times implicitely and explicitely and thus has forfeited any legal claims.

affairs not covered by European treaties (e.g. much needed judicial reform)

That is not true either. This is not a matter that is settled in Berlin but Bruessels. If you have trouble accepting that legal fact, then there is really no point in discussing the legal status of the reparation issue.

Can you, legally, take full responsibility for something but refuse to pay for damages?

If the other party confirms multiple times that it has no further claims ( in addition to receiving 1/4 of your house) then of course.

As countries, apparently not.

You mean aside from publically apologizing, forgiving the crimes comitted to expelled Germans, signing friendship treaties and supporting Poland on its' into the EU and its' evolution into a stable democracy and keep smiling while Polish politicians hurl the worst kind of insults at you? Germany managed to get friendly relationships with all of its' neighbours. But yeah, it is Germany who does not want reconciliation.

If you ask for 1.5 tn in repartion without legal claim for crimes that have been commited 75+ years ago, you are not after reconciliation.
22 Nov 2022
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [231]

It is at the very least in incredibly poor taste, given that Russia has suggested that Ukraine should be partitioned between Russia, Poland and Hungary.

What makes this quite concerning is that Putin is evidently Orban's hero and he has done his best to undermine the European support for Ukraine.
28 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

locking the EU funds for Poland under phony excuses.

Let us be very clear here. This is not an issue the EU vs Poland or Germany vs Poland but the Polish government vs the Polish people. Undermining the rule of law like PiS intents is not going to be helpful to anyone but their intentions to stay in power.

Everybody with some understanding of democracy knows that PiS reforms are dangerous. Hence nobody outside of Hungary and its' wannabe dictator is willing to side with PiS with them. Even your other neighbours, including your Visegrad allies don't think it is a good idea.
28 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

no business meddling in a member state's judiciary

Wrong. The EU Comission is responsible for controlling if the member states are adhering to the treaties. Poland signed up to respecting the rule of law, thus Bruessels is fully authorized to take action, which the European Court of Justice has also confirmed.

analogous to German judicial system.

I think I have pointed out several times that this is not true. If not then in short: If PiS agreed to increase the majority needed to confirm judges to 2/3 of the parliament, and having the Senate approve every 2nd judge, then this would be true. If PiS still insists on enabling themselves to appoint all judges with a slim parliament majority and no input from the opposition, then no, it is far from the German system and still very dangerous for Poland's rule of law.

It's a problem but not a huge one.

I disagree. Many such steps taken, if unopposed, can hollow out any democratic system. It is important to act now before more damage is done. Orban did what PiS probably dreamed about, the EU did too little too late and now we have a de facto autocrat who is getting bribes by Russia and China. That PiS was chiefly responsible for letting Orban get away with this is another matter.

there is no reason for systems to be identical or even similar

They don't need to be identical, but they ought to be similar in the sense that they uphold basic requirements for a democracy like the rule of law.

Allowing a government to select their supreme court judges without any input from other parties is a terrible idea and hardly justfiable except for the need of the government to gain more power.
28 Nov 2022
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

It's a trading bloc

The EU was always more than that. The idea to share coal and steel in order to prevent future wars was a deeply political one and without the deep conviction behind its founding fathers, the EU would not have become one of the few unambigiously forces for good in the world.

adjusted/renegotiated or revoked altogether.

European law trumps national law. It is Poland that will have to make adjustmends down the line.Or eventually be forced to leave the EU.

regime of the tyrant Napoleon.

It is actually based on Roman law that predates the Common Law (which also drew inspiration from it). The Code Civil waa an important addition, but Roman law as foundation had been used for centuries before that.

verification of post-communist judges

How can this be an argument for reforming the judiciary more than 30 years after the communist regime fell? Hardly any judge who is still active can have been appointed before 1989, and why would it be justified to dismiss him if he was as long as he has not broken the law with his rulings?
1 Jan 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

No other party before had increased it as much as PiS has done.

Which - given Poland's demographic outlook - is coming back to bite them in the future. Some debt increase during the difficult Covid years would have been justified, but that they failed to reign it in even during the booming years is inexcusable.
1 Jan 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

polands demographic outlook is brilliant

It really isnt, that is a statistical fact. Those Ukrainian arrival will help a bit, provided they stay, but Poland would need permanent migration of a few 100k per year to avoid the worst.

no hundreds of T-72s and PT-91s

Why would a supposedly German-aligned Polish government not have sent old Soviet equipment to Ukraine when it was Berlin that encouraged other countries to send their Soviet weapon systems to Ukraine via the Ring exchange program? Why would no Krab howlitzers have been sent when they were part of Western initiative to send modern artillery to Ukraine?

There is no reason to believe that PO would have send fewer weapons. On the other hand, the European Ukraine policy might have been implemented more swiftly at times, because a PO government would not have protected the Orban regime as shamefully as PiS did.
1 Jan 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

it remembers everything :

Which I am grateful for, because everything I wrote can be backe up by the relevant sources.

That Germany offered non-lethal aid to Ukraine before the Russian invasion in February.

That Germany started to send lethal aid shortly after the invasion started.

And I also provided you with an overview of the Ring exchange programe.

Sorry facts are facts.

Ukrainians have a good memory

And to their credit, they are willing to reconsider their opinions if the facts have changed (something you could learn from). Hence their decision to welcome Steinmeier in Octobre while German Iris-T rockets and Gepards were defending the Ukrainian sky.
1 Jan 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]


If you want to treat a knife wound and prevent another, should know from which direction it came. Poland got hurt by PiS from the inside, and sadly they are still in a position to stab you once more. The EU is there trying to prevent the worst, but only the Polish people can stop PiS. You have the chance next election.

Just goes to show how powerful PiS propaganda is though. Distortion of facts, mixed with historical enmity and a victim complex. Frightingly powerful stuff. It even affects people who have access to non-poisened information in other languages.
1 Jan 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

It's not my fault

It is your fault if choose to believe that conspiracy theory despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Poland is getting punished for the indefensible actions of the PiS government. They are so indefensible that PiS has to resort to this sort of conspiracy theory, because everybody knows that trying to controle the judiacary in the way PiS wants is a bad idea.

Some facts. The EU Commission acted because PiS has violated European laws. Leading figures within the comission on this subject are Vĕra Jourová (from the Czech Republic) and Didier Reynders (from Belgium).

The EU Comission acting within a mandate from the member states. Nobody is siding with Poland on this. Except Orban, but that is telling in itself. Not the Baltics or other otherwise close allies. This is not about Poland vs Germany but PiS and Orban against the democracies of Europe.

enjoy when German besserwissers teach them about democracy

It would be fine if Poland under PiS were just refusing to listen to Berlin, but as pointed out, they are also refusing to listen to reason from all the other countries. The EU will continue to look after Poland, and Berlin should do everything it can that this succeeds. We have a special responsibility for Poland's future due to our past, and ensuring that it becomes a mature democracy should be part of this. Besides, a second Orban regime would be horrible for us too.

lecture the Czechs

The Czechs seem to be doing just fine, they have no government with autocratic tendencies as far as I know.
6 Jan 2023
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

Can't say that I shared Benedicts' orthodoxy and there are some questions still about the protection of pedophile priests when he was an arch bishop, but one has to give him massive credit for his fight against sexual abuse first as a cardinal in Rome and then as a pope. Even his fiercest critics must admit that he was a massive step up from his predecessor in this regard.
9 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

Virginia shooting of teacher by six-year-old 'not accidental', authorities say

Guns really add to safety, don't they? You read about elementary children (accidentally or not) killing others all the time in countries with strict gun laws... .
9 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

Have you heard about Gennie and the bottle?

Australia managed to get rid off its' guns a few years ago. Just make it illegal to own a gun with mandatory prison sentences and offer a buy back program and you'd be surprises how fast people will give away thir guns. And how fast public shootings an hun related crimes and violence decline.