The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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7 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Now there is a barbed-wire fence

Our Sarmatian ancestors rotate in their graves like propellers (or dust of those who were cremated swirl in the wind) on the site of Sarmatian realm being pollute by fences. As if false borders aren`t enough.

Svetovid is displeased for sure.
5 Nov 2021
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

That is a praise!

Strange. I thought its too simplistic. So hand on heart, to me, EU looks like ghetto of Maracaibo.



See? If I didn`t tell its Maracaibo, you would think its suburb of some western European city.

Now, moron can say its multiculturalism and tolerance. No, its experimentation on people. Mental f*k. Cooperation within movement of non-aligned countries is multiculturalism and tolerance. You helping to former colonies to develop and you cooperate with them, you show respect to their cultures and you praise human diversity. All profit in the process. BUT, but you don`t bring them to your home, neither they take you to their home.

So, I f*k EU.

Maracaibo, man. Maracaibo.
5 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Erm, erm, how too tell you people. Poland`s problems coming from the west, not east.

Poland needs to stand firm against the Bellarussians or they will take advantage.

so speak krele who passionately hate Poland
3 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Serbian media writes about chaos in Poland regarding woman rights. are you people sane there in Poland? what you doing? Of course that woman have right to decide would they give birth or not. They aren`t factories for babies. Help them, stimulate them to give birth, educate them but don`t force them on anything.
29 Oct 2021
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

It is most likely if EU push Poland too far. It is trump card with which Poland stops all pressures on Poland. After that west of Europe would think what is next if they continue to pressure Poland.

The moment Poland align itself with Serbia, complete Geo-strategic situation of Europe shift. Its a biggest fear of western Europe.

Hungarian Orban knows it. He knows that Serbia hold keys of Europe. Not Germany. Serbia. Russia and China are behind Serbia and certainly Anglo Protestant magnates of the USA. Like Trump.
29 Oct 2021
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

If EU continue like this, Poland would simple annul its Kosovo recognition. Over night strategic situation in Europe would be changed.

It would be like when doctor put finger in anus of his patient. Poland would play role of doctor and EU would play role of receiver.
29 Oct 2021
Po polsku / Z poselstwem do Watykanu [48]

Crowy, Twój język polski bardzo się ostatnio polepszył.

google brat. Polacy i Serbowie rozumieją się. Zwłaszcza jeśli rozmawiamy tak wolno, jak stare babcie. Aby uzyskać szybszą historię, jest Google.

Wstyd, ale niech tak będzie. /Srpski > `Sramota, ali tako je`./ > Także > `Wstyd (Srp. STID > STIDNO JE)`

słuchaj Polaków! Tak mówisz do gówna >

Ratko Mladić przesłuchuje pułkownika NATO >
27 Oct 2021
Po polsku / Z poselstwem do Watykanu [48]

Papież Rzymu i Patriarcha Konstantynopola są gorącymi braćmi i spiskują przeciwko Słowianom.
27 Oct 2021
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]


Jan Lopuzanski in parliament of Poland, in case with NATO bombing of Serbs (citation): ,,Today NATO bomb Serbs, tomorrow would bomb Poland.``


Why Is Poland Fighting the Supremacy of European Union Courts?


Ursula von der Leyen, .... "all rulings by the European Court of Justice are binding on all member states'


21 Oct 2021
Po polsku / Z poselstwem do Watykanu [48]

Jednak szkoda bo Polska i Polacy zawdzieczaja wiele Kosciolowi Katolickiemu np to ze przetrwalismy czasy rozbiorow jako jeden narod

Jaki dług? Watykan eksterminował północnych i zachodnich Słowian i otworzył drzwi Niemcom. Następnie obiecał ocalałym Polakom życie pod warunkiem, że będą śmiertelnymi wrogami Rosjan. Na szczęście Serbowie, od bałkanów po kraje bałtyckie, wciąż żyją i rujnują interesy Watykanu.

Jak to się stało, że Polacy uczynili z tych, którzy zabili swoich ojców, polski symbol wiary? Jak do tego doszło? Czym do diabła są te prace?
20 Oct 2021
Po polsku / Z poselstwem do Watykanu [48]

włoska odnosi się głównie do sytuacji w Polsce poprzez prasę liberalnych mediów zachodnich.

lepiej żeby brudni Włosi milczeli. Wszyscy pójdą do ci*y sku*wysyny.
10 Sep 2021
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

Unity between Lusatian and Balkan Serbs continues. In a special way, its something of great importance for security of Poland. Restoration of Serbian line from Baltic to Balkan would liberate Serbs/Slavs of what is now Eastern Germany, relaxing that way Poland`s western borders.



It's high time the government of Serbia insisted on autonomy and cultural rights for the indigenous Serbs of Germany.

Problem of Lusatia is now on the table of Serbia`s government. That way, great strategic issue for both, Russia and Poland.

You know what this mean? Serbia would reverse process of germanization in Germany, bringing that way freedom to our northern brethren. One of major events in post-Covid era.
5 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [139]

mportant to retain EU border integrity against a maverick dictatorship.

While Germany milk what remain to be milked in EU, Poland to keep integrity of border with Belarus?

mafe, are you really sane? Rhetorical question of course. See, border with Belarus should be erased and Belorussians convinced that Poland don`t serve to strangers anymore, that Poland returned to itself, as Gavrilo wanted. That should be done.
5 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [139]

Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese


Who on this Earth is trouble-free? Come to Poland and be trouble-free. What would happen? Lobotomization? This is madness. Even in Serbia people isn`t trouble-free. All who live are in trouble. Moment you are out of vagina or womb you are in trouble. As great Petar Petrovic Njegocs said- `Cup of happiness, asks for the cup of bile`.
3 Sep 2021
UK, Ireland / Britain's moral collapse? [99]

Say what you want for the Brits but they abandoned EU. Yes English are ugly, malevolent and stupid. But not that stupid. They have instinct of the rats.