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Posts by Tacitus  

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11 Dec 2021
History / Royal Family still in Poland? [79]


That was an era of planned, legal and orderly migration

I urge you to read an book by an actual historian about the waves of migration in the 19th century because then you would know how silly your entire post is.

Very little about this would look "orderly" to us today. Registration for instance was rudimentary at best and often non-existence. There was no need, since they were left to their own devives anyway, and interestingly often had to deal with similar sentiments muslims have to live nowadays.

And let us not start with your peculiar idea that there was not a significant of people fleeing the political realities at home... .
12 Dec 2021
History / Royal Family still in Poland? [79]

You simply don't know what you are talking about.

Your post in a nutshell. Your ignorance is so high that you don't really realize how laughable your claims are. You could avoid this by simply reading one or two books about this subject.

James Charles Bergquist's Daily Life in Immigrant America, 1820-1870: How the First Great Wave of Immigrants Made Their Way in America might be a good start.

Please educate yourself before you continue to make a completw fool out of yourself.

Wrong again

Look up how the Irish or Italians were treated. That they had the wrong religion (Catholics) was just the start.

there are few if any accounts of people

There were thousands of Germans alone who fled after the failure of the 1848 revolution, many of whom ended up serving in the US army and fighting in the Civil War. The monarchies in Europe in the 18th and 19th century were incredibly opressive and caused many people to flee. Those are not comparable to the kind of monarchies we have today, which are de facto parliamentary democracies with some dynastic atavism.

the typical left

I suppose anyone who does not agree with you is a Marxist?
13 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

If more Poles would had appreciated the old Commonwealth

People often only appreciate what they have once it is gone. The Roman Empire is perhaps the oldest and best example. Yeah it was heavily flawed, but entire generations could live without direct threats of war to them, something we only experienced again after 1945.

No doubt many of those who now villify the EU would come to miss it, because they would realize that things they are just now imageing (like being dominated by a group or country) would feel much worse once it actually happens.
24 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

in London democracy is done differently

Indeed it is. They select their head of state through his ancestry, part of their second chamber of parliament is selected by this as well, and their FPTP-system - that no one would choose today as election system - regulary awards the majority to a party that gets less than 50% of the votes. How democratic... .
29 Dec 2021
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

Yeah, who needs a working infrastructure and hralth system outside of Moscow when at least the subway looks beautiful. NK has also relatively beautiful looking subways as well.

Meanwhile, Russia reports more than 1m excess deaths thanks to Covid, but who needs hospitals when you have tanks and missiles?
29 Dec 2021
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

Tacitus, always take a deep breath and count to 10

I already do, which is why I only reply to your most inane posts.

You praise Russia, while I point out that it is failing its' citizen during the biggest crisis of the last 76 years.

The Russian government has downplayed the number of Covid victims in thr past, but the excess death rate reveal the true picture. Up to 1m people have died.... That is more than three times the number of Polish victims relative of its' population size and five times the number of victims of Germany.
30 Dec 2021
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

The reports of excess death rates since the pandemic started are btw. also based on official Russian statistics. If anything, they might still be too low.

And like I said, there are many more articles available.

There have long been suspicions that the Russian government has been hiding the true death toll, and those numbers confirm this suspicion
30 Dec 2021
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

You do understand what excess death means right? Those people died in addition to those you would expect to die based on previous years since the pandemic started. Based on those figures, Russia lost several times more people relative to its' size than all the other Western countries (whose populations siffer from high obesity rates and hogh median ages, factors which make Covid more deadly).

Or in simple terms: Russia hast lost more people to Covod than the USA despite having slightly more a 1/3 of the American population.
31 Dec 2021
News / Green electricity in Poland [41]

Not that this a particular smart way if you also want to decrease Carbon emissions, but it is likely going to be much cheaper long-term than using nuclear energy.
6 Jan 2022
History / Chances of Moscow becoming part of Poland again? [102]

that excess death from covid has nothing to do with how much we spend on healthcare

Of course it does. A well equipped health care system will be better able to cope with the strain the pandemic puts on to the system and Russia's hospitals were known to be in terrible shape even before the pandemic.

US Americans are suffering from obesity and had a president who woefully mismanaged the pandemic for the first year, yet its' hospitals were evidently able to much better deal with the situation than Russia.
7 Feb 2022
UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland? [150]

Honestly, you can think what you want about his career or politics in general. But someone who bans people from visiting their dying loved ones or hold proper funerals for them, while he himself holds several parties with dozens of guest is despicable, plain and simple. Leaders are supposed to set an example in tough times, but how can he serve as one after that?
16 Feb 2022
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

If we look at the time period, we can see that not necessarily wealth or size (in terms of ressources or territory) determine the success or failure of states, but how effective they can utilize their potential. Sweden used to be a powerhouse in the 17th century and continued to punch above its' weight despite being relatively poor and sparsely populated because it had a good administration and a very effwctive recruitment system. That only came to an end because of the disastrous Northern War (and Sweden continued to prosper nevertheless). In the 18th century, states like Russia, Prussia and to a certain extent Austria managed to significantly improve the reach of their bureaucracies, as historians note, we suddenly have much more detailed documentations about their subjects and wealth. As a result they could suddenly field professional armies several times the size of the undisciplined mercenary groups that dominated the 17th century. Poland was unable to do so and fell behind. But again, Poland was far from the only case. Saxony uses to be incredibly rich, it was in fact wealthier than Prussia until the Seven Years War, yet its' money was not invested into the military and thus it could only field a pitiable army that got easily crushed by Prussia.
16 Feb 2022
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]


I don't think any regime from the 18th century would qualify as totalitarian, but it is true that those who were governed by enlightened absolute monarchs tended to be succesful (as long as the monarch was competent). That being said, the UK was on its' way to become a global superpower during the same time despite having a royal figurehead.

But having a competent, deeicated monarch could really make a difference back then, since the governmental affairs were still small enough for a king to oversee, and his spending habit could directly affect the state finances. Prussia's ascendence is populary linked to Frederick the Great, yet it was his father who made his conquests possible. When Frederick Wilhelm Icame to power, Prussia was almost bankrupt, with a small ineffective army that fared poorly in the War of the Spanish Succession and with a potential encirclement by Saxony and Poland. He left his son a huge surplus that financed his wars, a huge standing army that was best drilled on the continent and - by the standards of the time - highly sophisticated bureaucracy. Frederick Wilhelm was a truly terrible person in his private life, yet probably the best monarch one can hope for his country. Compare the results with the exploits of his contemporary August II of Saxony and the results for his domains.
3 Apr 2022
UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland? [150]

The UK is hardly in a position to criticize Germany on Ukraine. They have done nothing for them diplomatically leading up to the war, have given them less financial aid and are not willing to take in any meaningful number of refugees.
3 Apr 2022
UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland? [150]

Since the war started? Plenty.

Arms are useless if you do not have the money to pay those who use them. Germany gave more money to Ukraine than any other European country.

The UK has signed the Budapest memorandum, yet was too busy with their Brexit folly instead of trying to help Kiev out afterwards.

The UK can start talking once it has accepted more than 100k refugees.
3 Apr 2022
UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland? [150]

money which is useless!

Training and maintaining a professional army costs money. More money is spend on wages than on new equipment. It also needs support from an effective administration, which Germany also helped with. German money is part of the reason that Ukraine was able to reform its' army and state after 2015. There are countries like Poland who can claim to have done more for Ukraine than Germany. But the UK? Never and it is laughable that some British people might think so. Your country did not even put up any pretext of wanting to help Ukraine in 2015 despite having signed the Budapest memorandum. Johnson only started to play tough when he wanted to distract the public from his many scandals.

will be welcome

Yeah "welcome". I encourage everyone to read up the visa guidelines for Ukrainian refugees who want to travel to the UK and compare them to German hospitality for Ukrainian refugees (let alone Poland's).

relying on Russian gas

Again, fair criticism from most country. But not from the one that assisted Russian oligarchs the most to launder their money and make them lords in return for investments and donations.
12 Apr 2022
History / The Smolensk air disaster [6]

The Russians were obviously capable and willing to commit this crime.

They were certainly capable and would have had no qualms about it. But I don't really see what they got out of it. They had little reason to kill Lech Kaczyński since he was part of the eurosceptical movement that the Kremlin likes to sponsor in order to weaken the EU. I've also read claims that Kaczyński was also quite unpopular shortly before his death and thus likely to loose the next election. So if they wanted to get rid ofd him for some reason, they could have just waited.
18 Apr 2022
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [231]

Like Putin and Merkel and Erdogan, Orban

Could we please not put Merkel in a line with those people? Like or dislike her, she has won her elections fairly without murdering her opponents (Putin), imprisoning them (Erdogan) or redrawing election districts and rules and outspending the opposition 10:1 (Orban).
18 Apr 2022
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [231]

Why not?

Because she was a democratically elected leader who upheld the rules of democracy unlike the former.

Those who did not like her in Germany could vote against her and her opponents could make a case against without fear or consequences. They just failed to do since she was the greatest European politician of her generation.
19 Apr 2022
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [231]

Orban was elected democratically as well,

And since then he has been rigging the rules in order to stay in power. Redrawing voting restricts, banning media that portrays him unfavourably and outspending the opposition 10:1 during election campaigns. Merkel has done nothing of the sort.

crippling the entire political system along the way

Nonsense. There was a very smooth transfer of power after her departure. Smoother than Ibmight add in e.g. the USA.

no head of state is really effective at serving

Her exceptional handling of the Covid crisis begs to differ. We got really lucky that we had her, instead of someone like Johnson who has now blood on his hands.

horrifically misguided policy

That "horrifically misguided policy" helped keeping the peace in Europe for 50 years. In hindsight it was wrong to continue it past 2015, but there was little to no support for a drastic change in Germany back then. Other countries felt the same, even countries like Poland that had been sceptical of Moscow still bought gas from Russia.

That failing of her is more than balanced by her defence of the EU. If not for Merkel, Ukraine would not today be in position in which it can aspire to join the EU, and Europe would be even more fragmented and vulnerable to Russian aggression.
19 Apr 2022
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [231]

at least among those who count

Quite the opposite. Germany is now sending arms to an active war zone. Buying gas from Qatar and the USA. Keeping coal plants longer online. All approved by ministers from the Green party. A seismic change to be sure.

That's all that matters.

It might look so now under the direct impression of the war, but this will perspective will change in a few years. People will then appreciate that we still have an economy and the EU.
19 Apr 2022
History / What do Poles owe to Hungarians? [231]

Germany has been sending arms to Ukraine, Klitschko is not arguing that Germany is not sending any weapons.

Klitschko is condemning Germany for not sending heavy arms like Tanks. Ignoring some serious doubts how useful the available tanks would be in any case, it is rather telling he singles out Germany for criticism despite the fact that no other country - except the Czech Republic who could so on short notice - has send any such weaponry.

There are no Abrams or Challengers in Ukraine either, but somehow the lack of Leopards' is what is deplorable.
22 Apr 2022
History / How much Poles trust to France? [93]

There is no diffrence between them in that regard.

France under Macron is sending weapons to Ukraine.

MLP has previously called for recognizing Crimea as Russian and wants to stop sending weapons to Ukraine.