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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
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16 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Again, another leftist feminist comment concerning fair treatment by the courts.

No, Paulina just showed you that if you truly believe man are not as equipped as women in childcare than such bias would be justified.
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Anyone can do what I did, women included

No, not anyone. Especiallyin Oland the job market is very rigid.

How is 5 days a week not staying at home?

It'snot. 2 days you still went to work, not to mention you had to also work from home on the week days.

We were talking about women NOT working.

My expression was meant to convey that my children will have thought enough about the life I gave them and visit the grave.

I understand but I found the expression...weird.
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Raise the kids then go back to work when they are in school.

Kids go to school at 7. If you have 2, let's say 3 years apart, that is 10 years out of job market...

stayed at home 5 days a week when my first was born, worked remotely, and then went into the office on weekends.

Sorry, but that is NOT staying at home. You still worked. Arranged it a bit to better suit your life (and that is great if you can do it) ut you still worked.

Everyone thinks about their legacy and mortality as they get older, anyone who doesn't is simply not normal.

I was only talking about that visiting the grave. I will be dead, who the hell cares...
And I also don't like looking at having kids as some legacy, help in the old age etc. One shouldn't bring kids to this world to feed your ego or as insurance policy.
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

I think that is the different outlook by people from UK, USA etc and Poland. Most mothers worked in my class.
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

the changes in the family dynamic over the last 30 years, have affected the birth rates of Poland and other countries.

The dynamic is one thing. More significant is reliable contraception.

When does the man's opinion come into the discussi

It does all the time. But it can't be 'I want my children to have a stay at home parents but I don't want it to be me'.

A nice car, clothes and vacations won't be visiting your grave.

Sorry but who the hell gives a damn about that?

Tbh I never met a modern women that qould 'miss her window. I know some that can't have kids, some that don't want to but never one that woke up too late. Might be demographics tough.
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

All the talk about population decline seems to be focused on what the adults want and not what children need,

Because at first it'sthe adults who have to decide to have kids. So that is what impacts the birthrate
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

OK. Let's start from the beginning:

In order for man to have decent wage women have to earn pinuts?

If women were so happy staying at home how did we saturated the market enough to have to drop the mans' wages?

And when did we could afford that for most of society in Poland anyway? Usually people worked, maybe not on a payroll but still.

How is it that, even when possible, so few man grab that wonderful opportunity to stay at home? Did any of you? Even for a year?

What with women that don'thave kids? How are they supposedto

Wanted or had to?

Wanted to. We had that conversationat work last week. 3 mothers- all 3 said they can't imagine staying at home long term.

And even women that do want to stay at home usually think along the lines of things being the same just not working. They don't think about financial dependency, stress of the only bread winner not being able to earn, brake up or death etc
15 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

They could have had the luxury of bringing up their kids properly

Thank you very much for that luxury I happen to like to work.

And most of the women around me wanted to go back to work after maternity.

Do you all still support equal pay for women?

13 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Meanwhile Norbert will be waiting by the mailbox for his permit?

That is quite ridiculous reasoning.
1- it has already been an year since Russian invasion, those who wanted the gun had plenty of time
2- big part of gun popularity is the relative easiness of usage
3- those that do apply are such unsignificant number in case of invasion that it's silly.

If anything it's the army that should buy sh*tloads and sh*tloads of equipment
13 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Should the process take six months or more?

Don't see a problem with that. I would even encourage it to weed out people who may be under emotional strain and want a gun due to some mischief in mind.

PAK explained he wants to make it better

The whole point is that his better may not mean better to others.
13 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

For such self defence to work you'd have to have strong community and a leader. In Ranczo it was Kusy who organisedall that.

Well it was Ranczo, not a documentary

PolAm was talking about all those guns. Plus most of them wouldn't be well maintained.
13 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

OK, there are some guns like that. Probably not as many as you'd expect as they would get lost, broken etc.
In my own family after the war the father gathered all the guns, went out for few minutes and no-one seen them since. The house was taken apart to the ground and still nothing. He never said what he did with them.

And comparing having some hidden, old guns to more access to guns now is not the smartest
13 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

But of course you didnt even read the article I posted after you requested a source.

I scanned it. It says about Kukiz (long time supporter of relaxing gun laws and NOT PiS) trying to pressure PiS to support the bill with the coalition support
13 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480],3796b4dc

Problems continue. According to new survey over 60 % of Polish women don't plan to have a child..
While a lot can be explained by more women being in the order group than at the last poll there are some changes that are bad news:

CBOS wskazuje, że w stosunku do 2017 r. bardzo wyraźnie wzrósł odsetek kobiet bezdzietnych w wieku 18-45 lat w ogóle nieplanujących potomstwa - z 22 proc. do 42 proc.]

The amount of women not planning to have any kids went from 22 to 42%.
12 Jan 2023
Law / Obtaining Poland's citizenship through decent [11]

Since your mom renewed her passport and that way showed us she didn'tlose her citizenship your case should be as straightforwardas Poland Saif.
11 Jan 2023
Law / Obtaining Poland's citizenship through decent [11]

As far as I am aware you just are a Polish citizen as your parents are still Polish citizen. It should be as easy as applying for Polish passport.

What year your parents emigrated and when were you born?
10 Jan 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

How many pregnancies can be terminated each year while maintaining the reproduction rate at 2.1?

'All - 2' for 50% of women and 'all - 3' for 50% of women

The logical falacy is that it's not about how many pregnancies a women will abort but about how many she will keep.

But then I talk to a halfwit that after years of banging about the topic didn't know the laws he was discussing
10 Jan 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

because women are not responsible for the survival of the tribe

And then you talk about how women aborting kids would finish off the which is it?
4 Jan 2023
Language / Some German loan-words in Polish language [17]

It's not former Silesia. It is Silesia.

And your example has not that much to do with word borrowing and more to do with people speaking Silesian. And has nothing to do with education.