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Today's Polish Sunday dinner?

Polonius3 980 | 12277
19 Aug 2012 #1
What have you had or are planning to have for that big Sunday dinner today? I've just finished reheated roast chicken (from the supermarket), mashed potatoes, cranberry-horsradish relish and sliced tomato.
SmoothJazz - | 7
25 Aug 2012 #2
Any special meals for the long weekend? :)
OP Polonius3 980 | 12277
25 Aug 2012 #3
What about karkówka (neck pork), marinated overnight in Wishbone dressing with a splash of white wine and grilled over charcoal.
teflcat 5 | 1024
25 Aug 2012 #4
Any special meals for the long weekend? :)

Is it a long weekend in Poland?
I've just bought a rack of ribs, which I'll simmer in stock for a couple of hours this evening with carrots, spuds and the usual pot veg. Tomorrow the bones will simply fall off the meat when I reheat it. But will I skim off the fat that rises to the top, as I know I should?
SmoothJazz - | 7
25 Aug 2012 #5
Sounds good :) Sorry, it's a long weekend in UK - bank holiday on Monday.
OK, time to make some dumplings!

BTW - I love karkowka too!
pawian 221 | 24284
1 Sep 2012 #6
What have you had or are planning to have for that big Sunday dinner today? I've just finished reheated roast chicken (from the supermarket), mashed potatoes, cranberry-horsradish relish and sliced tomato.

My last week`s traditional Polish Sunday lunch. Preparation was very adventeruous.

pawian 221 | 24284
1 Sep 2012 #7
TBc as I said

pawian 221 | 24284
1 Sep 2012 #8

pawian 221 | 24284
7 Feb 2023 #9
The dinner in posts 6/7/8 was a little joke.

Now a true Polish dinner.

Except it wasn`t Sunday, but Saturday. Never mind, all the same.

The main dish is Polish fave fried pork chop - kotlet schabowy.

What is this liquid in photo 2 and what is this stuff scooped onto potatoes in photo 4?

pawian 221 | 24284
7 Feb 2023 #10
Saturday dinner continued:

Miloslaw 19 | 4949
8 Feb 2023 #11
what is this stuff scooped onto potatoes in photo 4?

Looks like a mushroom sauce.
pawian 221 | 24284
8 Feb 2023 #12
Sorry, no. Fried pork chop doesn`t go with mushrooms.
But thanks for your guess, anyway. Much appreciated.
Lenka 5 | 3526
8 Feb 2023 #13
Fried onion?
Alien 22 | 5227
8 Feb 2023 #14
what is this stuff scooped onto potatoes

Omasta, what else?
pawian 221 | 24284
8 Feb 2023 #15
Fried onion?

of course, typical dressing for mashed potatoes and not only.

Then there was dessert.

8 Feb 2023 #16
liquid in photo 2

Iced water with lemon or home-made lemonade? Not sure about the orange colour bit at the bottom of the jug though.
Dessert in the middle looks like sernik z rosą. I make this quite often.
pawian 221 | 24284
8 Feb 2023 #17
Iced water with lemon or home-made lemonade?

Yes, home made lemonade with pears and grapefruit... :):):) Excellent!

Dessert in the middle looks like sernik z rosą

Unfortunately, no but I can`t blame you coz the photo is obscure. That was an apple pie with beza - meringue top - you can see a piece of it in the last photo.

Thanks for relentless guessing - you are so stubborn and never give up. I love it coz it is so Polish! :):):)

For tea, adults have coffee. I add honey to it instead of sugar. Our village neighbour keeps bees in the garden. They pollinate my stuff, too, so I feel obliged to buy their honey from him. I will scratch your back if you scratch mine'. hahahaha

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