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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 3 hrs ago
Threads: 29
Posts: 1366

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24 Dec 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Over 70s? In Belgium euthanasia of children is legal without specifying any conditions with respect to their age...

Once "life" has been removed (...) it never even knows what happened.
The fetus is as yet a nascient, while NOT conscious organism, therefore, the term "murder" doesn't apply

Oh, so it's OK to kill someone in their sleep as long as they "never even realise what happened" while they are "not conscious"?
18 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Poles just love imitating European ways

We don't have to imitate European ways - we are European par excellence, the heart of Europe; and anyway, Europe has already started turning conservative, so there.

the changes will continue anyway

I don't think so. Amiga500 is right - the only result of pushing people too far will be a healthy reaction of turning even more conservative.

I see you adopted the role of Goebbels now.

I'm not nearly as good at it as you are. :)
18 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

you want to incite politically motivated mass killings of Polish people - as yourself wrote ("eliminate PiS like rabid dogs" - your words)

And this is the worst part.

Insulting people, being a hysterical retard, acting like you're 16 when you're 60 etc. etc. is one thing, but wanting to murder Poles for their political views is too much even for a rabid troll and hater like you. You should be ashamed of yourself but apparently you don't even grasp the concept of shame. From now on you will be treated like a Stalinist mass murderer wannabe that you are.
18 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

you support murdering thousands of Polish POWs by Soviets in Katyń Massacre and others during WW2

I never said any such thing. You, on the other hand, wrote that PiS has to be eliminated like rabid dogs - it's there for everyone to see, so you call to murder Poles for their political views. You are the greatest scumbag this forum has ever seen, a tiny spiteful man - spewing his frustration online. The scariest part is that you're a teacher - a teacher calling for politically motivated mass killings. What a scum.

so I won`t call you

I don't care what you call me - your behaviour on this board reflects only who you are.
18 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

from 20 years ago

What do you mean 20 years ago? You claimed that 14 months is like prehistory in this regard. :)

Here you are:

The survey I posted was about legal rights for homosexual couples - one of the LGBT movement's aims; yours is about tolerance toward homosexuality itself. Not the same thing: a lot of those who said that they tolerate homosexual orientation would still be against granting such people the right to adoption.

your ridiculous hysteria

The only person being hysterical here is you: all your "hahahahas", "madafakas", "come outs", "eliminate PiS like rabid dogs" etc. and so on make you look like a total retard. A hysterical retard at that. If you were 16 your behaviour could possible be justified but you are probably closer to 60 which makes it just sad.

If the EU insists on pushing their pro-LGBT agenda, then the countries who still regained a bit of sanity will have to consider their options. Or maybe we will just have to wait until the '68 generation dies out (should be soon enough) and conservative politicians take over - it is already starting to happen.
17 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

That was a seventeenth century presbyterian document.

That sounds rather accurate...

̓Εὰν ὦσι δύο εὐθεῖαι, τμηθῇ δὲ ἡ ἑτέρα αὐτῶν εἰς ὁσα δηποτοῦν τμήματα, τὸ περιεχόμενον ὀρθογώνιον ὑπὸ τῶν δύο εὐθειῶν ἴσον ἐστὶ τοῖς ὑπό τε τῆς ἀτμήτου καὶ ἑκάστου τῶν τμημάτων περιεχομένοις ὀρθογωνίοις.

... doesn't it? And guess what - it comes from a third century BC document. :) The Westminster Confession of Faith is the most accurate expression of true Christian faith in existence, and the fact that it comes from the 17th century is irrelevant.
17 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

14 months is like prehistory in our fast moving world.

Wrong again, misiu-pysiu. 14 months is an eyeblink, it's nothing when it comes to deeply ingrained societal attitudes.

Try harder. :)

No. It is you who claim that something has changed substantially in this regard in the last 14 months, so you should show us a newer survey. :)

To the best of my knowledge, there are more of them.

The ones I mentioned are leftards. There are, of course, some libtard parties too. These two sets of retards surely do intersect, but they are not identical.
16 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

It seems like those who use it don't know what they mean either

The best definition I've read (and a very succint one) comes from the Westminster Shorter Catechism: "Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, the law of God."

Demanding someone change their use of language

The problem with transgender youth, Ami, is that we have reliable data that show us clearly that if people insist on calling them by their "dead name", they are much more likely to commit suicide. Hard statistical data (I even read an academic paper on the topic some time ago), and this changes a lot, doesn't it?

The main concern of a teacher worthy of that name is the good of a student. That's it. No way around it. So, if I knew that refusing to call Magda Marek (or the other way around) could push the child to commiting suicide, and I still refused to use her/his name of choice, then I'd be a real son of a b*tch.

From my point of view as a Christian, the child might be in error, in sin, maybe even ensnared by Satan, but he/she might still realise their mistake, receive God's grace and repent, but there's one condition - the child has to be alive. Stubborn c*nts, like the "teacher" that jon357 mentioned, really get on my nerves - there's no love in them, they give Christians a bad name.
16 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

And who will decide about it?

The democratically elected government. :)

Most Poles are decent and reject ritardism.

Actually, if you take a look at surveys about LGBT ideology, for example, you will notice that it is rather leftardism that is rejected by majority of Poles...

... also, all you have to do is take a look at the results of any election and see how many votes leftards (SLD, Razem) get to realise that. I know that it's painful when the reality hits you in the face but that's how it is. :)
15 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

EU demands are brazen and illigtimage


KPO is a trap for sukers and PiS is that sucker.

Yip. PiS agreed to the conditional mechanism as well as the milestones, so now they have to dance to the EU tune or they won't be getting any money (and they need the billions to soften the inflation blow). That's what makes them moderate - as Amiga said - they eventually succumbed to the EU pressure. Ziobrysts wouldn't bow down to the EU but they are a minority in Zjednoczona Prawica.

You all seems to be fooled by t he same name while substance keep changing.

Luckily, it is possible to leave the EU (the British did and the world didn't end), so if the neo-marxist elements within the Union try to exert even more pressure on normal countries, then it will be bye-bye, leftards. Meanwhile, the billions will come in handy, he he. :)
15 Dec 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

PiS are moderates willing to compromise

Of course they are. Again they chose what's better for Poland and not their particular party interests. Commendable.

PiS are selling their voters now

Certainly not. Only the Ziobrysts (and their 0.7% or something of voters :)) will be a bit dissapointed but I'm sure that Kaczyński will be able to explain to Ziobro that his antics are not more important than the good of Poland. If only the oppositard party leaders had a tiny fraction of responsibility and statesmanship presented by PiS!
13 Dec 2022

I care about my country

No, you don't. If you did, you would see - apart from their obvious mistakes - also all the good things that PiS is doing for Poland. If you cared about something more than your particular political sympathies, you would never say about other Poles that they have to be "eliminated like rabid dogs"...

... you lost it, pawian, which is a shame because you didn't use to be like that. Your rabid hatred totally blinds you. Seek help.
11 Dec 2022
News / Corruption scanadal in the European Parliament [30]

Thanks for the links, Gumishu. I think hypocrisy is too light a word. Oh, well... conclusions will have to be drawn regarding what the EU has turned into in recent years; conclusions drawn and difficult decisions made.
11 Dec 2022
News / Corruption scanadal in the European Parliament [30]

somehow Bulgaria and Greece didn't have a problem with their post covid rebuild plan accepted

Very good point. Obviously it has nothing to do with "corruption" or "rule of law" but it's about falling neatly in line with the 1000-year Leftard Reich agenda. A year or so ago I would have shivered at the thought of Poland leaving the EU. I am not shivering anymore.
11 Dec 2022

The first shipment took place 5 days ago - tanks and self propelled howitzers from South Korea.

The same tanks and howitzers the purchase of which was so criticised by oppositards and their "experts" (some of whom already announced the cancelling of those contracts if they win the elections)? Good. Polish Army is in dire need of modern equipment.

We can only be glad that oppositards are not in power at the moment. If they were, they would probably purchase rainbow-coloured uniforms and armoured abortion-on-demand vehicles instead. :)
6 Dec 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]


It's not about a political system but about total depravity of man. It is, by and large, a theological question not a political/economic one.

Of course, in certain conditions and countries men are allowed to indulge in the sinfulness of their wretched hearts more than in others, and that was the case in Poland. Let's not forget that Polish nobles were in overwhelming majority members of the apostate popish cult, so being deprived of proper religion they allowed all their worst faults to flourish.
6 Dec 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]

There were others.

As I said, a couple of spoonfuls of honey in a barrel of tar. For every one of your Zamoyskis and Stadnickis we could find ten others who were thieves, traitors and warchołs. If this hadn't been the case, Poland wouldn't have lost independence for 123 years and regained it only in very favourable historical conditions, when even dwarves like Latvia or Estonia were declaring their independence.
6 Dec 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]

You mustn't throw out the baby with the bath water though.

Zamoyskis might have been a spoonful of honey in a barrel of tar, but as a social class in general nobility were a disgrace.

Pity you didn't have more like them.

Pity indeed.
6 Dec 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]

Bend the knee to the old Polish nobility

I think I will join Milo in my lack of reverence for "old Polish nobility".

The nobles, not necessarily the ordinary szaraczki but especially those from grand old families were the worst scumbags of all. They exploited peasants, blocked all the attempts at reforming the country, defended their overblown privileges, broke Sejm sessions, started rokosz rebellions etc. etc. In simple Irish terms - they were c*nts of the first order. It was their selfishness and greed that eventually led to the downfall of Poland and her disappearance from the map of Europe for 123 years.
4 Dec 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]

You can't really understand the history of a country if you skip a big chunk like that.

Especially if, in case of Poland, you skip November and January Uprisings - such momentous and national mythos-creating events; as well as 123 years of struggling to regain independence, then the Polish-Soviet war, the 2nd Rzeczpospolita period (which, believe it or not, still influences political life in Poland today), the September Campaign, WW2, Home Army, Volhyn massacre etc. etc. Why would anyone seriously interested in Poland's history decide to do it? Strange.
4 Dec 2022
Off-Topic / East Europe's Wild Nature - flora and fauna (zoological thread) [24]

The most common definition of genocide is "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group". Hence, "cursed soldiers", as opposed to UPA, cannot be accused of genocide. They never aimed at destroying an entire nation or ethnic group in a given area whilst UPA did exactly that - they conducted orderly and regular ethnic cleansing, acting on orders of their leadership.
3 Dec 2022
Off-Topic / East Europe's Wild Nature - flora and fauna (zoological thread) [24]

But I'm not accusing the whole Ukrainian nation of anything - merely pointing out the difference (not only in scale) between the actions of UPA as a whole, and actions of particular "cursed soldiers" units who weren't under Home Army command.
3 Dec 2022
Off-Topic / East Europe's Wild Nature - flora and fauna (zoological thread) [24]

Leaders chosen by who?

By eskimos or aliens from outer space, I suppose. :-/

Also, exactly what percentage of the Ukrainian nation did they represent???

It's irrelevant. UPA leadership made the decision to conduct ethnic cleansing of Poles and units under their command conducted the genocide. I already explained the difference between this action and "cursed soldiers" crimes in my previous post.
3 Dec 2022
Off-Topic / East Europe's Wild Nature - flora and fauna (zoological thread) [24]

Do you really think the difference in numbers plays a role?

It's not merely a difference in scale but also of politics.

The genocide of Poles was a political decision of ethnic cleansing, made by Ukrainian leaders and conducted ruthlessly and systematically on civilian population, whilst criminal acts of "cursed soldiers" were individual decisions of particular unit commanders - they weren't under Home Army command any more; as you surely remember, Home Army was dissolved on 19th January 1945 by the order of general Leopold Okulicki and any units who disobeyed the order and commited crimes against civilians after that date brought the disgrace and shame only on themselves.
3 Dec 2022
Off-Topic / East Europe's Wild Nature - flora and fauna (zoological thread) [24]

Ukraine has banderists

... in their government unfortunately (this Melnyk guy is a typical Bandera apologist). They also have streets and stadiums named after them as well as monuments all over Ukraine. I know they are a minority, but unfortunately a very vocal minority that is not only tolerated but also cherished on a political state level. That's the problem.
3 Dec 2022
Off-Topic / East Europe's Wild Nature - flora and fauna (zoological thread) [24]

Here we see some rare photos of a humanoid species commonly known as Banderopithecs...




... they can be observed in their natural habitat on Eastern European Plain but also on other continents (mainly in Canada).