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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 13 hrs ago
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Posts: Total: 3496 / Live: 2629 / Archived: 867
From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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29 Jan 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

doctors shouldn`t work in state health care, let them move to private clinics.

A doctor working in a state hospitals should adhere to the laws. We wouldn't stand for a Jehowa Witness doctor refusing transfusion ...
29 Jan 2023
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

How is finding that term dregatory (and somehow it's always used in negative conotations) playing victim?
Did you ever hear 'Oh, those Polacs are real smart people'etc ? Seriously of course.
29 Jan 2023
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

i take it as a compliment and also self depraciating humour,

And I don't. And I'm Polish so your theory a out 'other people' doesn't hold.
29 Jan 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I don't do personal interviews or deal with hypotheticals.

Wasn't it you who asked me about what if my son fought in the war?
28 Jan 2023
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Looking forward - a lot.

How? She is still pregnant before her body is ready for it and now the guy won't even pay child support...
27 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

why cant everyone stop talking about the USA?

It's mostly you Americans that keep banging on about it.
And even when we compare it's not to change American laws but to see if that is a model Poles would want. We do not care what USA will do with their laws, Biden etc.

Stop asking us for guns (weapons) and money all the time.

Poland asks for weapons and money? And what that has to do with gun laws in Poland?

We have it here

And keep it that way, just stop boring us with it.
25 Jan 2023
Real Estate / Is my water bill too high? [11]

You would have to ask the landlord what is the ammount included and what is over.
As to that bill I would divide it in 2 and pay only that. What happened before has nothing to do with you.
24 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Diametrically better then slaving off to some corporation

You are more than welcome to stay at home :)
18 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

were adamant about staying home until the children were in pre-school if not longer

Do you try to comprehend what you read?
Or did your wife and her friends said ' I won't have kids unless I can stay at home'?

No kids, and no husband, but hey how is that career and vibrator at night treating you?

And this is exactly the dismissive attitude that will keep the crisis going. The fact is more and more women in relationships don't have kids and if they have a vibrator it's in addition to and not instead of a man.
18 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

You talk about people wanting more traditional roles, people being tired of leftism etc but neither of those are supported by the birth rates or the poll.

People who want traditional life have the kids. It's those who do not have kids that have to be convinced

Birth rate decline is less about actually child bearing and more about how we raise the children that are actually born.

No, it is about that moment when a couple (or just a women, depending on the circumstances) decide they want to have a baby. Of course what happens after that is important for society but doesn't affect birth rate.

Btw, I never EVER heard a qomen saying she won't have a baby because she cannot be stay at home mom.
18 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

those views are taken largely from what is happening in the US.

Or maybe that is how they see things?

As to the rest again why bang on about trans, sex ed and all? What it has to do with birthrate in Poland?
18 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

I am not ignoring anything other than the insane far left agenda

Why so obcessed? You are banging on about it without anyone really saying staff about it.

Judging by the poll I posted (you know, the one that restarted this discussion) it seems that even more women go completely the opposite direction.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

So a girl that at 20 would have her first child, at 30 lets say the last one. At 37 the last one is in full time education. And the women receives 1,5 of a nice wage for the rest of her life...
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

A stay at home mum of two should get an average wage, so that it pays off more to have and raise two children

That is a recipe for disaster. Plus, would that be lifelong or just to the kids specific age? And would there be a chance for the men to go for it?
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

women who could reconcile having careers/jobs with bearing and raising more children, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Co sidering the poll I posted more and more women choose career.

The thing is you guys repeat the same mantra 'go back to how things were'. They won't. And quite often instead of listening to what women say about it you tell us how we feel or shouldn't want etc.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

21 pln bilet in Polish railways.

And very happy about it.

OK, 0.3%. But shouldn't we rather consider with more care the fate of the remaining 99.7%

That is your assumption. Women had your system and actually fought quite hard to change it.
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

the kind of "career" that most of the women have are menial physical jobs, sales assistants, hairdressers or office workers, teachers at best

Or docrors, headteachers, laborants, architechts, lawyers...
And what if it just a job and not a cereer? Still gives other aspect of life, financial independence, a world outside of the house etc.

Most of the women I know would gladly leave their so-called careers, if only they could afford to stay at home with their children.

And I know different women. Plus as a said, they usually imagine things being the same just them not going to work and that is not the case

That could be the motto of this forum.....

Lol, so true
17 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Someone still needs to tell me how it is possible to spend that kind of money raising a child

No, I will ask what kind of a parent wouldn't want their kid to have the same standard of life. I would rather my kids had a nice house etc

Why would a parent not be responsible to give his/her kids the same support as they would if the kid was with them?
And I would also ask why one parent should not only be almost solely responsible for the kids, hindering earning potential, incrasing stress etc but also bear the bigger financial (or even equal) preassure?
16 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

The one most commonly mentioned, I think, is the green light from local police chef, another the mention in law that to get gun for self protection you have to be able to show how you are in danger:

W przypadku ubiegania się o broń palną bojową w celu ochrony osobistej należy wykazać się realnym i potwierdzonym przez organ Policji zagrożeniem życia lub zdrowia wnioskodawcy;
16 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Women in most cases should get primary custody, I would agree

and yet the laws around the world are written with the presumption that living with the mother will be the best situation.

So which one is it?
16 Jan 2023
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

So women should in fact get the custody unless something is really off since they are the ones better equipped?
16 Jan 2023
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

it at least acknowledges the other sides concerns and gives them something even if it is only a small thing.

Hmm, to me it looks more like virtue signalling (isn't that the term?). You don't actually change anything but make it look like you do...

And I think you base it on what affects you and not necessarily what that group wants.