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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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27 Feb 2022
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

Weaponry to Serbia coming via Poland. Money to Bosnian Serbs coming from Polonia.

You think Poland wants to give to German sphere the only warm waters in Europe where Poland can penetrate its influence? Or to fail to support Serbs and leave us desperate to rely only on Russia, at a situation when we call upon old alliance between Poland and Serbia?

You think Poles are stupid?
27 Feb 2022
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

Duda is wise. He call EU to accelerate Ukraine EU membership. Good, good. Brate Duda just buy time to Poland, Visegrad and our mutual projects from Baltic to Balkan. Let us come unharmed until this situation between western Europe, USA and Russia end. Now is not the time for big words.

He, he... Ukraine in EU. What EU? What Ukraine? Eh, Duda, Duda ;)

Stand up for fellow Slavs in Ukraine being attacked by Russonazi Putin!

Croat clero-Catholic Nazi ustashe are side by side with banderists there. I can only feel empathy and sorrow for fellow Slavs entrapped at that madness.
26 Feb 2022
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

Despite EU and NATO sanctions? Many flights. And most heavy armament. Even migs-29 and Mi-35 helicopters, tanks, etc.

I don`t need to make any legend. I am sure that Poland knows what doing. Somehow Poland can`t quite trust into friends from the west of Europe. When one of these days real global shi* start it would be only Visegrad and Serbia. Britain? France? USA, papacy? Poland is nothing to them.

Please, please, please. Don`t BS.
26 Feb 2022
History / Other famous Polish battles [24]

We Serbs and Poles shouldn`t be there at Orsha against Russians in 1514. Better that we focused on west, north and south. God forgive us

26 Feb 2022
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Poland, same as Belarus, is part of Slavic world. Fortunately, I would say, considering tendencies of western Europe. So what Poland doing in NATO my brethren? NATO unleash chaos and foreign interest onto us Slavs. Poland should move out of it and have best possible relations with other Slavs, Belorussians included.
19 Feb 2022
News / How does Poland feel about influx of US troops? [60]

The first US encounters with Polish peasants were exciting

In Serbia during WWII, too. When peasants sow black US pilot they called his `baked man`.

Pro Russian troll alert!

All what Russia doing these days is in best Polish interest. So why you complaint?

Actually Crow, 'Nato imbeciles' train

I hope not enough. If Russia lose, you know that it won`t be Poland and Serbia to get to Russian resources. No, and we would be ourselves globalized.

I don`t say Russia is perfect. Far from it. Just, it suits us Russia to exist and hold balance so we exist, too.
19 Feb 2022
News / Is Poland restoring its influence from Baltic to Balkan, with consent of Russia and USA ? [18]

When spoke of Polonia`s (Polish US dispora) and Poland`s actions on Balkan, I was here often accused of bringing false news when informed about things that are normally seen on Serbian mass TV stations. Its no secret in Serbia that Corey Lewandowski oepned even private company to pump money to the cause of Bosnian Serbs.

Let me show you. Links are now available and topic ids more then interesting.

Ex-Trump campaign officials are now appearing with pro-Moscow separatist leaders

source >

Before Bosnia and Herzegovina, Corey Lewandowski visited Serbia and had meetings with top Serbian politicians and what is even more interesting top Serbia`s economic magnates and richest Serbs.



Corey Lewandowski in Belgrade

This for starter of links here.
19 Feb 2022
News / How does Poland feel about influx of US troops? [60]

Also, early detachments of troops weren`t prepared for the Polish winters.

I clearly can imagine what Polish peasants say for NATO. `imbeciles that came pollute Slavia can`t manage even simple Polish winter, let alone Russian winter`.
18 Feb 2022
News / How does Poland feel about influx of US troops? [60]

How does Poland feel about influx of US troops?

What one can feel about it? Svetovid and ancients for sure have seen better days and things. My people, today`s time is era of Charnibog and it was foreseen by our oldest foreseers. Cockroaches and fiends walk over our lands. Morons from evil mother and even worse father with hand in hand lurk in the darkness to attack from behind.

16 Feb 2022
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

integrated? How could you

Tell me Milo, do you support raping of brat Walesa at London airport? What you feel about that tragic event? Any empathy?
15 Feb 2022
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

I am upset with Lithuanians. They betrayed their old alliance with Poles and Serbs. They now behave as mongrels and fight for globalists. So I truly hope Poland once and for all take things in its noble hands and bang Lithuania. Wildly.
15 Feb 2022
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

We know what would happen with the Swamp at critical moment. All frog people (ie Italians and similar, if you understand me) would have to go out of Chicago.

BDW, was perpetrator ever cough >


Pole shot in Chicago. Jakub Marchewka was killed in broad daylight


Poles in Chicago say "All lives matter"
Jakub Marchewka, 28, was shot dead in broad daylight ....... the attacker a black male,

15 Feb 2022
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

When we are at it, stupidest Russian thing was to declare themselves as Third Rome, when we all know that Rome committed enormous genocide on Slavs (ie Sarmatians).