Life /
Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]
Most sensible Poles and I agree that stamping it out is the right thing to do. We might see that as obvious but there are plenty nutjobs around.
It is still a problem to a certain extent. They have really worked on it but it takes quite a while to phase sth out of a culture.
What I have to say here is that Poles speak out against it more than I do. For me, I don't feel empowered to do much about it.
As for lies, I haven't heard that many. Some lie and some don't, just like anywhere else.
WB, how does that fit in with lying? We all know that ruthless capitalists will fleece you but what is it about a 'commie' that squares with lying? If he wants to take you for 100PLN, that's a fixed amount. Where's the lie?