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Posts by Kowalski  

Joined: 13 Sep 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Apr 2015
Threads: Total: 7 / Live: 0 / Archived: 7
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From: Poland

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4 Mar 2008
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

On second thought: you may wish her happiness. It's a good wish, no doubt. Don't forget to say nice things to other women around in room if there are any. In fact all day to all women you may say some nice word and that would be appreciated by most but some feminist who might see that day as discriminatory and point for example to daily violence against women vs "stupid" flowers once a year.

Can't come up with any typical wishes other then .. Happy Women's Day Sweet Heart and similar, sorry.
4 Mar 2008
Life / Womans day in Poland? [242]

Definitely don't wish her just happiness. This day is to celebrate ALL women, womanhood, females. No need to particularly focus on ONE human being but rather celebrate her belonging to world of femine. Don't turn 8th March into Valentine Day, we celebrate Valentine, too.

Poles would often discuss what is female and what is male on this occasion and include their female pets plus wonder whether Moon is Her or Him.
24 Feb 2008
Genealogy / SURNAME:CZARNECKI [27]

Czarnecki family info here:
18 Feb 2008
Life / Cannabis / Weed in Poland... How much does marijuana cost per gram and how easy is to get it? [355]

Quality differs but good stuff is available. I am not positive how it is grown but it may be dried by freezing (?) as sometimes you would find buds very hard and need a knife to cut.

It is best to apply for drug counseling program when in trouble otherwise you would have prison term to do which may be postponed for years or changed for community service.

You can't buy off police, I wouldn't recommend it with any small money, they would likely arrest you and press bribery charges against you.

I don't have latest about prices but so called 5th "piatka" cost about 100 PLN
30 Oct 2007
Law / Opening a Polish Bank Account by a foreigner in Poland. Recommendations. [299]

^ Yes. Bank would mail you your set of passwords first. Then plastic card and token for internet use. Then you'd need to call bank and "activate" bank card and internet token. You may sign all papers at home as bank will deliver all paperwork to you. You send xerox copy of your passport back in enclosed envelope - and you're set. ... So you'd need address to pick up your mail. As for statements bank would offer you internet or sms statements instead of paper ones.
3 Feb 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

[quote]Jestzce Polska Nie Zginala[/quote

Jestzce Polska Nie Zginala

That's priceless! lol
27 Jan 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

The Chineese among themselves sometimes would call white people "big noses" and it i would be rather dregatory.
13 Oct 2006
Language / Polish sayings [237]

To continue with What's better theme...
Lepiej zgubić z mądrym niż znaleźć z głupim - It's Better to LOOSE together with a wise man then FIND with a fool
12 Oct 2006
Language / Polish sayings [237]

Post #2

Can anybody translate mine too? I'm having hard time finding proper words :)
12 Oct 2006
Language / Polish sayings [237]

Baba z wozu koniom lżej
Głowa siwieje dupa szaleje
Ręka rękę myje
Z deszczu pod rynne
1 Oct 2006
Life / Barking Dogs in Poland [65]

Next time start yelling!
Here's your line:
To make you sound like you mean bussines add KURWA several times(anywhere you want!)
28 Sep 2006
Life / Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile? [512]

The smiles themselves are 80% fake in english language speaking world and should be called grinning BUT the cultural ridding on a horse of "positive attitude" gives the english language culture smiling. It's not that the English keep smiling it is that they keep thinking about places they are not in yet. It's like being in a car and not THERE yet but happy about going forward. haha
17 Sep 2006
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Here's an authentic quote for you:
ty kurwa huju ablo dziwko kurwa taki kurwa kozak jesteś to pokasz swoją morde a nie oceniasz innych nie pokazując swojego ryja napewno masz jakiśkurwa przeszczek zk slimaka

Note: "zk" is an abreviation and should be: "z kurwa"

Spierdalaj is stronger then spierdzielaj.
Spierdzielaj could originate from pierdzieć = fart, -ing
Spierdalaj root is in fuck, -ing
Spierdalaj remains more popular. Google gives 170 000 results for spierdalaj wheras spierdzielaj gets only 2600

You can almost get away using spierdzielaj. Not many would/should feel offended. Spierdalaj is rather reserved for situation where a stronger statement is required.

Kind of like FUCK OFF vs FART OFF
17 Sep 2006
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

You can use kurwa whenever you like.
Kurwa, I went to, kurwa, the school, kurwa, and, kurwa, I was told, kurwa, I was, kurwa a bitch.