Genealogy /
There is some correlation between Chosiński surname and those two villages. Today they belong to two different administrative provinces, yet they are only 19 km appart:
Retkowo, (municipality) Gmina Szubin, Nakło County, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, 33 km SE of Bydgoszcz.
Srebrna Góra, Gmina Wapno,
Wągrowiec County, Greater Poland Voivodship, 55 km SE of Bydgoszcz.
The biggest concentration of people named Chosiński (male) and Chosińska (female) is in
Wągrowiec County - 14 and 22, correspondingly (out of total 95).
See the red areas in those two maps:, That's Wągrowiec County. Coincidence? [Move your pointer around and the county names will show up. Summaries are shown at the bottom and in in right lower corner]
The Poznan Project database has 22 exact matches for marriages of grooms Chosiński or brides Chosińska between the years 1834-1874 (scanned 1800-1950), from various catholic parishes, including Srebrnagóra (alternate spelling of Srebrna Góra). I'll just post the exact matches from Srebrnagóra and Wągrowiec.
Srebrnagóra, 1853, Jacobus Knoch (28), Catharina Chosinska (19)
Srebrnagóra, 1860, Andreas Chosinski (28), Marianna Horka (30)
Srebrnagóra, 1861, Andreas Sobecki (22), Francisca Chosinska (19)
Srebrnagóra, 1864, Telesphorus Radaj (23), Antonina Chosinska (20)
Srebrnagóra, 1865, Franciscus Chosinski (27), Marianna Szaskowska (20)
Srebrnagóra, 1867, Andreas Chosinski (36), Margaretha Ryback (45), Additional information: viduus/vidua
Srebrnagóra, 1873, Michael Crzech (24), Helena Chosinska (26)
Wągrowiec [Wongrowitz], 1859, Thomas Chosinski (29), Marianna Rexmer (31)
There are also approximate matches listing Choysińska , Chozińska, Chocińska alias Choczyńska, Chozinski, etc. You can get it from this page:
Just select the date period and use the simple surname search in the right upper corner.
There are five exact matches for Hosiński? and Hosińska/Hosinska in Gostyń and Kletno parishes. Inexact matches involve Hoziński, Hozińska, Hasiński, Hasińska. Most of them from catholic parish in Gostyń, none of them from Srebrnagóra.
my moms maiden name was Domansky, and we know that my great grandfather said he was born on the "Russian side of Poland.
Domanski, Domański - since 1436, from village names Domanin, Domanice (several in Poland); directly from the given name Doman (= Damian). In Old Polish it was known as Damijan since 1178, Demijan 1405, Doman 1250. It derives from from Latin nickname Damianus. It came to Latin from Greek, and to there from Egyptian goddess Damia.
There is a bunch of related surnames, having the same root, ranging from Doman, Domanek, Domanczuk, Domanicz, Domańczyk, Domanowicz, to Domańszczyński, etc.
The surname Domański (with N acute) is quite popular in Poland: 10944 + 11336 (Domańska). It is fairly well distributed all over the country, but the biggest concentration is east of Warsaw, in Podlasie historical region.
Domanski/Domanska - only 15/14 persons of this name. A little acute sign and such a difference! :-)
Domansky - 0 people of this name in contemporary Poland; this is according to "Moi Krewni" database.