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Posts by jablko  

Joined: 13 Jul 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Apr 2011
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Posts: 105
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Speaks Polish?: yup
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27 Aug 2010
Love / How to make a guy (Polish or other) happy? [62]

Do you think she gave him too much space?

Short leash is a bad idea, but no leash at all is even worse! Getting into relationship usually means losing part of your freedom, thats how it works and its nothing bad :)
15 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1464]

not really
25 Nov 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

wow Im surprised that so many people keep attacking Zimmy. To make it worse most of these 'attacks' aint even rational arguments but simply insults and taunts. He seems like a masculist doing the same work for men as feminist does for women. Yet he gets bashed constantly by sexist/ignorant women and pu$$ywhipped 'men'. This just proves that sexes are NOT treated fairly and that its deemed wrong for men to fight for their rights, even when they are abused. Cause woman deserves all the help she can get 'because shes a woman', while man IS EXPECTED to be strong and take everything world throws at him with a smile, right? And if he cant take that what is thrown at him without complaining then it means hes 'weak' and that means he doesnt deserve any support cause 'weak' man is of no use. What kind of logic is that?? Some of you people are blatantly sexist, and to make it worse you see nothing wrong in that, or you simply fail to admit it. Just like if sexism against men didnt exist.
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

But judging on internet comments

Oh cmon internet is a special place, you really shouldnt take seriously what people say here :)
On internet you can find mocking comments about almost anyone. According to internet french are all arrogant and smelly cowards, brits are fat and got yellow teeth, germans are nazis that dont wash themselves, any muslim is a terrorist, all asians are yellow gooks that talk like chingchangchong, poles eat mainly kielbasa and need 3 people to screw a lightbulb, and so on. And the people who get mocked the most are americans. I cant remember how many times Ive read about 'dumb and fat americans think that europe is a country'
9 Dec 2010
Language / Z pięćdziesięciorgiem dwojgiem dzieci? [26]


to jest prezent dla trzydziestu siedmiu dzieci.
trzydzieści siedem ludzi


to jest prezent dla trzystu pięćdziesięciu jeden dzieci
trzysta pięćdziesiąt jeden ludzi


to jest prezent dla tysiąc czterysta osiemnastu dzieci


to jest prezent dla stu dwudziestu jeden dzieci
29 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

everywoman should now under go mandatory DNA tests during pregnancy

thats great idea, it would make cheating more difficult
also it would help to avoid such cases when man brings up not his child and doesnt even know thats its not his
29 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

People look at others through the prism of their own values and character traits. The ones who are cheaters themselves will project that trait on others. Therefore I believe those who scream the loudest that the paternity tests should be mandatory are most likely cheaters themselves

It seems that those pseudopsychological articles in women magazines aint good idea...
I think its more like that those women who hate the idea of mandatory paternity tests are more willing to cheat. Whats wrong with fighting cheaters? I mean whats to be afraid if you are honest?

I don't want my insurance rate to raise

Those tests arent really that expensive. And its usually one-time expense.
29 Dec 2010

Well cats are usually cowards and torturers that love to make their victims suffer. Average cat abuse every animal thats smaller than him.
29 Dec 2010

Well, the thing that those kids enjoy abusing that cat is really bad. But cat getting abused is fair. At least in my (secluded) opinion...
29 Dec 2010

Cats don,t torture any other species out of malice

Well yea, its not really out of malice more like for fun. Im sure cat enjoys 'playing' with their victim.

they were welcomed into homes to protect the food supplies from mice in ancient Egypt..

True, but today cats usually 'work' only as a comforters for lonely people.
29 Dec 2010

Not around my home

Yes I suppose that if someone has farm or something similar cats are useful. Thats why I said that they 'usually' work as comforters :)