The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 835
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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15 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

"So, what do you think about male guards who force female inmates to have unwanted contacts?"

Are you sure it was forced? That is hard to believe and if so would be more akin to human trafficking and really life sentences by us standards than regular prostitution or a brothel like the title suggests.
15 Jan 2021
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]


It's so inspiring and reassuring that in the current wave of neo-communist censorship it is Poland, one of the oldest democracies in the world, which is taking a stand against it.

Bravo Poland! Bravo PiS"

The thing is there is a bunch of Polish female cards on twitter who got my two previous usernames suspended and one even threatened to sue me who are haters of Ukrainians Jews and right wing moron females. They are all hypocrites and will have you ban if you simply point out to them they should watch the movie first or terrible Ivan on Netflix before dismissing it and talking **** just because their ****** government pis tells them to hate it because it mentions polish death camps or has some wrong map in one tiny second of it. They bashed it without even watching it because they are retarded pis loving Polish cards who will get you banned for no reason and like little sissies threaten to sue you if you call them out or tell it how it is and they are all just hypocrites like Paulina and most females worldwide.

If this law passes does it mean I can openly criticise Anna Spysz and her work or claims on her website that she charged 50 dollars per hour consulting fees to startups and barely mentioning she co wrote not wrote one book and being hired as a developer making the big bucks despite only having a degree in creative writing a masters in European studies in Poland (another degree that has nothing to do with what her work is or claims charging startups) and only taking one online course or boot camp in coding which she makes the big bucks in while passively aggressively putting me down despite me being superior to her and a much better writer on tech in every way (but her making the big bucks)? I mean she is a public person since she uses her full name on twitter so how could she claim harassment for me simply stating my opinion on her work and boot camp she took to get that job and the fact she only got it due to feminism in west and liberalism and her being a female unlike me? Or if twitter bans me again can I sue twitter this time for simply being truthful about Anna spays and her bs claims?
14 Jan 2021
Life / Are Poles suspicious of Facebook? [50]

I just don't buy into this modern internet culture movement bullshit. Where is the movement to legalize drugs or lift people up instead of breaking them down.

All these "movements" are just dressed up bigotry. cancel culture is bigotry against alternative non mainstream opinions. White privilege is just bigotry against white, #metoo is feminist anti male bigotry.

I assume toxic masculinity is just the response to #metoo bullshit. I am not the bitter one here. I don't give a **** about any of this fake moral self licensing.

It's like those people who change their facebook or twitter profile pictures to KONY 2012 and donate $5 to save the trees and feel better about themselves. ******* pathetic.
14 Jan 2021
Work / NFZ and contributions and a FINE!? Working as a teacher in Poland. [12]

or you can just declare unemployment wnd lie to the unemployment office and theyll give you free health insurance.

"Shame you can't just bribe your way through red tape any more."

are you sur about that? hoShame you can't just bribe your way through red tape any more.mwould you know they wont tak bribes unless you try? if thy will in serbia ukraine and belarus hy wouldnt they in wuch a backward country as poland?
14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

what about how the trend nowadays for young women to use men and even be very selfish in bed? demanding it all but not giving any though? How do you answer that Paulina? I mean women that just want to be serviced and **** and even put your face toward their ass.
14 Jan 2021
Life / Are Poles suspicious of Facebook? [50]

but theyre all doing it every big tech and even startups. unless you want to be a manual worker or kopac rowy or do construction these dwys ur fuked if ur someone like me or a young well bred white male with artistic or creative skills or really most skills unless youre exceptional lucky or have connections. i dont even know whats better to out unlisted or not answer their race and gender baiting questions (fu both paulina and anna spysz for not admitting this bias and you having it easier) or lie?
14 Jan 2021
Life / Are Poles suspicious of Facebook? [50]

Even apple now is about to start hiring non white men so whether you polish people like it or not the world is becoming more left and soon you'll probably be out of a job unless your an entrepreneur or are only stuck in Poland for a Polish company if you are white and a male:

believe me those job questionnaires all firms ask what race you are and gender and sexual orientation will be soon worldwide. just accept it that the world has no room for your kind and is left or lewackie.
14 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

here is some truth for the retards and normis on this forum like johnny boy and Paulina and basically just normis or all of u:

shaming people, or disenfranchising them, having the biggest penal system in the world, and constantly punishing men, often young men, and almost always way worse than women doesn't work. what goes on in the u.s. which Paulina is just so fond of and loves doesn't work.
12 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

what I don't get is why they look at you or look away if you catch the, but then act like youre the one looking at them or the culprit or the guilty party.
12 Jan 2021
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

"What was that all about anyway? Has your salary really been that low?"

you dont have to register businesses with polish tax offices until they actually turn a profit. anyone can set up a website or an entity and call it a business. it isnt illegal. for instance if I have 0 clients or money for marketing and dont evne know if my skills or business idea is desired, why would I register it?
12 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

if they would treat you like crap, point fingers at you just because you were smiling to them or simply was horny and just got out of prison, if they demanded you to not sit newr them even if you asked nice while having the audacity of asking you to even move just to make room for them with some excuse like i have room somewhere else, how would you respect such scum? welcome to my cultural awareness or shock or reality when being deported to them in this country or how they are in warsaw. And Im talking about hypocrites like they are to the bone. ******* who themselves would stare or look or smile but with evil hearts or intends and selfishness just to feel or feed their egos.

whats funny is they are polish retards themselves who havent been anywhere and act this way. they aint **** and their country is or was should we say just a ***** of donald trump and the usa. and thrn thry talk **** about ukrainians or others like theyre better than anyone when the reality is opposite. theyre just mad about ukrainian women stealing their men.
12 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

youre full of s-t. are you saying those Warsaw fems at trendy spots dont act superior to being born females and like complete bydlo when they move your drink or even spot just to make room for themselves or your friends if you turn away for a sec or use the restroom and come back? who touches other peoples **** besides garbage people full of themselves who think they are entitles to everything like children? or how bout how hypocrytes they are when they dont want me to sit near them but think they can sit near me to make room for their garbage kaka friends anytime they want next to me? scum i tell ya scum.

I can tell what sort of people normies are here in Poland by just going to twitter and that scares me enough of interacting with them and choosing to harass you people or annoy you for fun instead. No I will never be a normi or integrate well within this society:
12 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

do regular humans ask what is your job or how much money do you make as literally the first question and demand free **** like little children at bars just because youa re born male and they arent or even care about such trivial nor i bullshet like fems do? or sit there expecting you pay for their crap even after barely meeting them at skme meetup? only they do this hence why they arent ws you call normal humans. just parasites and users.
12 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

paulina claims she is hot and complaining about men seeing her as an object but doesnt even realize how it would feel being completely invisible in the world or to the opposite sex. i bet shed much rsther be an object than that snd would even relish being an object in such an existence being a man. or her existence and i seriously doubt she looks good vs being someone who cant identify with the culture they are in or deported to plus only visible for money or constantly asked what you do by virtually every female or ignored. which existence would you rather take? plus that isnt even tkaing account the new liberal trend at least in the west or us to only hire females and screen people based on diversity and having it much easier paulina. plus aleays having to pay for everything if you ever go on a dwte just for being born with a cock. imagine paulina... just imagine being me or your average male these days.
12 Jan 2021
Life / iPhones/iTunes and Apple products market in Poland [47]

anyone beside me want to start a perition at netflix and I can make the site and graphic design to get airplay available for netflix so european users can beam u.s. content from their ipads or macs in the eu or other regions? like its possible on virtually every other service like amazon prime?
9 Jan 2021
Life / iPhones/iTunes and Apple products market in Poland [47]


So I recently got an Apple TV

I got one for Christmas. Anyone own one of these things? For the love of god I cannot figure out a way to make the u.s. content via vpn like what I use NordVPN able to work on it because it supports no native vpn apps. I tried mirro casting but it works for some apps and not netflix apparently since they took out airplay support. I think there is a way to do it via dns or putting the software on the router somehow? Anyone knows how to do this? Or what dns numbers I have to input into the fields manually? When I click on mirror cast or airplay from netflix from a show only available in the u.s. when i am on nord vpn it just keeps loading it but does not display unless i disconnect from the vpn and reenter netflix. but in another app it works called Tubi. I am watching this movie called sex and consequences and its quite good.
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I've noticed this and I always wonder why is it women tend to always agree with oneselves or other women or there is an argument with a man? they also cock block or try to get the man away even if their friend is interested saying she has a boyfriend or is married or some **** she herself wouldn't even say nor it mattered in the scheme of things until the other woman interfere. they also tend to put you down or treat a man like **** if he isn't hug or willing to **** on her demand or on the spot but if a man says the tiniest thing wrong she rejects the man and the sex.
9 Jan 2021
Work / Learning Polish in Olsztyn... crazy prices for private lessons. [27]

100 zloty is the least id charge for a lesson being that i have both polish and english locked down and a native california u.s slang, accent and way of speaking which is rare in poland thus i am a hot and rare commodity and can demand such payments. plus, i can explain in both polish and english to polish only speakers which again is rare commodity as people know either language well and not both or they just wing it in general. but even 100 zloty is nothing when you factor in if you have to prepare for lessons or find reading materials, etc. just for an hours worth and 30 or so bucks. again you cant live off that even with such rates.
6 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

the only thing men and women should be discussing and have in common is *******, if there was more ******* going on in the world, there would be less war or need for drugs.
6 Jan 2021
Life / What do Polish people talk about? [21]

"So just complain together with them and it wil be ok."

I used to do this in the ice center at adelanto complain about everything in there and being there since technically my sentence was up wnd I signed the waiver really the only person besides a German in that whole facility to go home or to Poland and the fact they kept me in there locked away behind w key months after signing it and completing my prison sentence was a lot to complain about. dont you guys agree?

the reason I mentioned this because me and this tall Lithuanian guy sileikis of Russian origin I think (he claims his dad was born in a gulag) who by the way recently told me i was right as he ended up also deported after years of tribulations going to court paying craploads of money tons of thousands his family did for lawyers multiple probations or electronic monitoring for both his federal parole and supervision of his international court case etc. they ended up deporting him anyway and i signed it day one and he kept arguing with me also claimed that I complained too much and i eventually told him this argument which was that I am polish and thats what we do. What do u fink John? was I right?
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

You guys should lookmup nina adach and youll see what polish women are really like and laugh at their idea of feminism. literally i see her with a diff foreign guy every time i would see her at these meetups she goes to. in my opinion she makes a mockery of polish women and puts all women to shame.
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

" These women didn't strike me as being especially gullible; they were just looking for love from the confines of their homes like so many others."

more like looking for a wallet and a free ride. Am I the only one who doesn't feel sorry for then?
4 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

lol investment bankers. thats what they are all expecting now every dude to be some hot shot like dirk?