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Posts by Crnogorac3  

Joined: 21 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 43 mins ago
Threads: 4
Posts: Total: 886 / Live: 875 / Archived: 11
From: Cetinje, Crna Gora

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21 May 2017
News / Americans try to defame Poland yet again. [93]

Further anti-Polish Hollywood propaganda

Two and a half men:


The "producer" of this filth they call a show:
10 May 2017
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

You people here know that I support joining of Serbia in eventual Intermarium

Crow it appears the Intermarium project you have been hoping for has been unfortunately hijacked.

Banderovits - Ustashe Alliance

In Kiev on 27 April, Ukrainian chauvinist party National Corpus (the political wing of the National Guard regiment "Azov") organized the second international conference dedicated to the promotion of the idea of ​​the Baltic - Black Sea geopolitical alliance (the word is about INTERMARIUM!).

The novelty is that the Union at this time was already named Adriatic-Baltic-Black Sea, and the event made by Leo Marić, International Secretary of the Croatian national-chauvinist party Generation Renewal.

It is important to note that, in accordance with accounts on social networks, Generation Renewal leaders are close allies of "Azov" chauvinists. So, Marić and party president Frane Čirko attended the inaugural meeting by the "national body", which was held in Kiev in October 2016, and in the organization of military formations of national-chauvinists "Azov", which is part of the "Right Sector".

Čirko is a part of the Ustasha rightwingers in Croatia, was a member of the Croatian Pure Party of Rights, (HČSP), which emphasizes continuity with the Ustashe movement of Ante Pavelić, known for genocide against Serbs.

For example, in 2012, members of HČSP have laid wreaths on the grave of their "predecessor" Pavelić and Croatian monument to the soldiers who fought on the side of the Germans in World War II. Croatian national chauvinists are working closely with the Hungarian Jobbik and other extreme chauvinist parties in the mainly Catholic countries across Central and Eastern Europe from the Adriatic to the Baltic and the Black Sea.
5 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]


However, the fact is that Russia Today has a large viewership precisely because it offers one interpretation of events which is not a priori based on ideological frameworks of the Neoliberal establishment.

Ofcourse that it will be seeing things from one Russian angle, that Russian angle is perfectly legitimate and has it's place the same as it has ultimately Deutsche Welle and Radio Free Europe. Let us not pretend that they instead have professionalism and journalist objectivity exclusively and only in the first place. But the mere fact that Russia Today has such big viewership not only in the countries of English speaking areas but also in Spanish, in Arabic, indicates that this is one novelty which represents an additional threat to the monopoly of the mainstream media, moreover as does the internet.
5 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]


This is one very sick individual.

Why Rothschild Wants Their Flunky Macron In France: David de Rothschild Indicted In France For Bank Fraud
3 May 2017
History / Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection? [254]


Aleksandar Makedonski remains an enduring fascination. They portray him in all sorts, they portray him as a Greek. I personally think that he was not a Greek, that he was a Macedonian of Slavic blood - by no means Greek. We know that he with the Greeks often spoke through an interpreter. Also the Greeks in his army and vice-versa when someone adresses Greek troops he does that with the help of an interpreter. His army seemed to have around 37,000 soldiers out of which only approximately 7 thousand were Hellenes (Greeks) the rest were Macedonians, Thracians, Illyrians and so on. And with such a relatively small army, you know 37 thousand people, which battles for 12 years more or less in the same composition, he succeded to conquer all those kingdoms and empires and create one state. However, considering how it quickly formed, after his death it seems that it also quickly fell apart on 4 parts his Empire, and so on. One large star which is even mentioned in the Bible through a verse Aleksandar Makedonski is mentioned as a Unifier of the World, as a Master, an Emperor over Emperors.
2 May 2017
News / Which French candidate for president will be best for Poland? [512]

look at what happened with Trump and Brexit. but if she wins, I think it will spell the beginning of the end for the EU.

After Brexit and Trump, if Le Pen gets the victory in the French elections it would be the final nail in the coffin for "mutti" Merkel.
16 Apr 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

And he made his views known several hours ago.

Delph also complained on another thread that areas in London and parts of Manchester resemble Mogadishu (without the sunshine).
9 Apr 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

dr. Vojislav Šešelj (youngest Phd in history of Yugoslavia) leader of Serbian Radical Party about Slavic people, Germany, EU.

Please stick to the topic
29 Mar 2017
Love / What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys? [134]

This is illustrated in how leftist girls are FAR MORE likely to date/marry out of race. They were brainwashed

I lived in Poland for long enough and had the "honor" to meet some of these people, but they were mostly either various junkie morons or some Polish women that watched too much of "Sex and the City" and similar projects of brainwashing, they think that the sick and degenerative worldview and way of life that this judeo-yankee trash propagates is correct. As a rule, these were all Tusk voters or voters of PO, and therefore, renegades-dropouts of the human (and certainly Polish) genus.
23 Mar 2017
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

The area around Westminster in London is on lockdown after at least one attacker in a car mowed into several people near the British parliament, leaving several injured. Reports from the scene say an attacker with a knife was shot by police.

It seems people are becoming used to terrorist attacks like this being a "normal" occurence. News coming out from Berlin and London are becoming more and more like those from Baghdad.
19 Mar 2017
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]


Never watched one of the "Death Wish" movies Marsupial?


How many mob members & bad guys has Charles Bronson (Buchinsky) taken out during his Hollywood career, the numbers are unknown.

Interesting info...

18 Mar 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

ISIS in Ukraine

Kiev and the jihadists: a dark alliance

While we're fighting the Islamic State, a.k.a. ISIS, in Iraq and Syria, and American officials tout the alleged danger of an attack on the US homeland, in Ukraine Washington and the Caliphate are fighting on the same side.

Funny isn't it, Russians ranting on about the evil West while they kill their slav 'alies'.

Fighter for a pro-Western "democratic" Ukraine in the EU. Captured by the forces of Novorossiya




Slava Ukrayini! Heroyam slava!
17 Mar 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Did you look at the link I posted to what happend when we tried to play a 'friendly' with the Serbs about two years ago?

Such comments can be expected only from someone who never played competitive sports.

For example, there was recently this friendly match between Dinamo Zagreb (Croatia) vs. Zaglebie Lubin (Poland) which turned out to be anything but friendly.

The Irish are a much milder, less hot headed bunch than Slavs and we are a forgiving people.

Sure they are. The Irish are as "mild" as a cup of chamomile tea. LOL

We don't hold grudges or seek vengeance in the way that Slavic nations tend to.

Not at all. :)

This is perhaps the most brutal foul ever seen on a football pitch that ended the career of another player. It makes Eric Cantona's kung fu kick seem like Mother Theresa compared to Roy Keane.
16 Mar 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

VIKING Trailer (2016) Russian Viking Movie

About Viking:
Kievan Rus, late 10th century. After the death of his father, the young Viking prince Vladimir of Novgorod is forced into exile across the frozen sea.

If anyone is interested this Russian movie is really refreshing for those who do not like watching todays Hollywood garbage with "feminist warriors" and boring superheroes.
16 Mar 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

My small contribution, striking similarities between the Celtic Cross, Etruscan Horse and Viking Rune.


Etruscan Horse


16 Mar 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

The Magic of the Celtic Cross


This ancient Aryan symbol is widespread since ancient times throughout the Eurasian soil, and most of the Irish and the British Isles as well as the ancient Celtic homeland. Its ancient symbolism is tightly knit with the show of unity of the four elements - fire, earth, air and water (four baptismal arms), and the circle as a symbol of eternity. Four arms symbolize the balance of power, the four directions, or the wheel of the sun, which represents solar power in accordance with the solar perception the supreme deity. According to Gannon, center point and intersection level represent a foothold, and the fixed axis around which circulates transience.


Charms of the Celtic culture and Celtic soul symbolized by the Celtic Cross, have always been very receptive to the Slavic patriots, and even more than that. Two levels of the Celtic Cross, the circle of eternity, as if to signify the Slavic-Celtic fraternity embodied in the fateful crossroads of centuries of bitter warfare for freedom, alternating ups and downs, slavery and celebration of our two peoples, seemingly distant, our soul close. At first glance, it would seem to us Slavs little that binds us to the Celtic islands, especially if we consider the geographical distance, partial Anglicisation of the modern Welsh, Irish and Scots.

However, our Celtophilia is addressed primarily deep in antiquity. On the waves of magical Irish music, it is as if we hear the steps of the old Slavs, whose soothing views of the White Tower of Celtic Singidunum.

It is our national hero archetype closeness, because in Gibson's character (we trust also historical) William Wallace, we recognize our own national heroes. And the fact is that the Celts and Slavs traditionally price openness, courage, and little attachment and compassion, and love to drink to cheer up, exaggerate, and fight, and then repent.

And today, despite the geographical distance, we feel familiarity with the deepest layer of the Celtic tradition. Every honest Ulster loyalist and honest Irish nationalist, easily can, each for their own reasons, recognize the righteousness and superiority of centuries-old, as well as today's Serbian struggle.


Just such impressions made in his masterful novel "Serbian Children of the Empire" Dragoš Kalajić, painter, writer and ideologue, one of the modern teacher of Serbian ideas. By his own experience of Serbian-Irish closeness and respect, according to the speech by Patrick O'Brien, the main hero of the chapter "The Irishman" in the mentioned novel :

"The Serbs are dear to me, also because everyone here is against them. Otherwise, a little bit I envy you because of that. You know how to say no! It could also not be said that you are bored: according to the media, you know how to nastily beat and fight! I read recently in the New York Times in an interview with US Secretary of State James Baker: he said that your land should be reduced in the situation before World War I, as I suppose, something terribly tiny... If he says so - it means that your defeat must be provided. And in that too we are alike. As our Irish poet Yeats wrote: we the Irish are born to do things much more difficult than is a triumph!"
14 Mar 2017
News / Tusk or Hollande -- a Salomonic dilemma? What will be better for Poland? [180]

More Irish than the Irish themselves - Haha!

Check this and then you will realise how very little people know. Like our people, Polish people are being taught a fake version of history which has been standardized since the Congress of Berlin 1878 and which favours the Viennese-German school. Serbia was forced to give up it's ancient history, the way it was once taught, as a condition for it's recognition.]https
14 Mar 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Old European Culture


Bran Vran

Gaulish chieftains from fourth and third century BC have names whose clear etymology is preserved in Serbian. Breton, Welsh, Irish, Lithuanian and Slavic languages are the only ones which share "vran" as a word for raven and crow, but only Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian and Polish languages use Vran, Vron as a word for black. Slavic languages are the only ones which have preserved the old word Bran meaning to defend, protect.

We can see from the spelling of word for crow in Breton, Welsh, Irish and Serbian (Bran, Vran, Fran, Uran) that B, F, V, W (which later turned to U) are basically interchangeable sounds which depend on accent and dialect.

The name of Gaulish leader Brennus, Brennos could therefore be a personal name derived from a word "bran" meaning to defend: Brannas = bran + nas = defends + us = our defender.

Irish word for chief "branán, braine, braineach" as well as the Welsh word for chief "breenhín" are all derived from "bran" meaning to defend. The main role of a tribal chief was to defend its people. It is the same with Irish Surnames O'Branáin, O'Branagáin, O'Brannie.

Words "bran" meaning to defend and "vran" meaning crow, black are actually related and are both derived from the sound that crows make. The sound that crow makes is something that sounds like craaw, graaw, wraaw, raaw.

I believe that there is a very strong link Between Slavic and Celtic languages and cultures which has been so far overlooked.
14 Mar 2017
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Tara Hill, Ireland - the site of coronation of Irish kings

The Hill of Tara, known as Temair in gaeilge, was once the ancient seat of power in Ireland - 142 kings are said to have reigned there in prehistoric and historic times.

Saint Patrick is said to have come to Tara to confront the ancient religion of the pagans at its most powerful site.

Tara Mountain, Serbia

Incidentally the people who live in this area in the vicinity of Tara mountain in Serbia refer to themselves as Ere (Era singular), while the name for Ireland in Irish is Eire.

Boyne River, Ireland

Bojana River, Crna Gora

Derwent River, Derbyshire,_Derbyshire

Derwent River, North East England,_North_East_England

Derwent River, Cumbria,_Cumbria

Derwent River, Yorkshire,_Yorkshire

Derventa town in Republika Srpska

Derwent is derived from Brittonic river name *Deruentiū, Latinised as Deruentiō, meaning "(Belonging/Pertaining to the) Forest of Oak Trees"; the old river name survived in medieval Welsh poetry

* Researchers have discovered 4,000 Slavic/Serbian words in the Welsh language. The Welsh people are descendants of Celts.

Still more in-depth and conclusive hard factual evidence needed to convince me!

Language and toponyms do not lie.
12 Mar 2017
News / Tusk or Hollande -- a Salomonic dilemma? What will be better for Poland? [180]

If I recall, that allegation was produced by Jacek Kurski but later debunked. I'm not 100% sure and don't intend to Google it.

Donald Tusk first said that he was personally not aware of his grandpa Jozef Tusk's Nazi past, then when he was grilled on the issue before important elections he made the excuse that his grandpa was "forcibly mobilized" by the Germans.

- My family history, and the history of many Polish, German and Jewish families, it is not so simple. When I learned that he had served in the Wehrmacht, I learned that he had been forced to do this - then explained Tusk


If his grandfather Jozef Tusk had been forced to serve in the Wehrmacht, from where is then the medal on his chest? (See the lent and part of the medal in the photo)

Those forcibly mobilized, do not stand out in the war and do not end up being distinguished...

The only problem with this statement is that SS officers were not forcibly mobilized but it was a unit formed on a voluntary basis.

This story that Jozef Tusk was "forcibly mobilized" by the Germans is a classic concoction.

Must be that Tusk junior also didn't know that his grandfather was the commander of the Sttuthof concentration camp.

Accidentally Donald Tusk was chosen on the anniversary of the beginning of the war, the Second World War as the head of the European Commission? At that only fools can believe!
12 Mar 2017

Just watch how brainwashed and manipulated those women are. Some of them don't even know what the march is about lololo.

Only masochist would even touch them lol

Due to the serious "lack of activity" over a long period of time finding the accurate location down there would itself be a problem with all the undergrowth and bush that has developed.


I recommend this.
10 Mar 2017
News / Tusk or Hollande -- a Salomonic dilemma? What will be better for Poland? [180]

Serbian media underlining that Tusk was reelected despite Poland being against.

Vrana are you aware that the grandfather of Donald Tusk Jozef Tusk was an SS officer and served in the Wehrmacht during WWII?

As the saying goes, the apple does not fall further from the tree. Different era, but the selling out of Polish national interests remains the same. Tusk continues the family tradition.


Deda Donalda Tuska bio pripadnik Vermahta tokom Drugog svetskog rata!?

VARŠAVA - Deda novoizabranog predsednika Evropskog saveta Donalda Tuska Jozef Tusk bio je član ozloglašene nacističke vojske Vermahta, koja je tokom Drugog svetskog rata sejala smrt na bojištima, a pritom je odgovorna za stradanje hiljade Poljaka.

Krv nije voda.
8 Mar 2017
Polonia / Volunteers from Poland in Novorossiya [90]

The Majdan and the whole Crimea conflict was created by Americans desirous of the area to set up new military base and provoke Russia even harder

As a result people of Ukraine suffer deaths, hunger, terror and see no future. Eventually Ukraine will end up becoming divided and destroyed.

Defenders of the Donbass - A sad and true Video about the War in Ukraine