The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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10 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

So is Kapuscinski just a journalist or not? Is he a historian or do only the Polish consider him as such on soviet and russophobia matters?
10 Feb 2021
Off-Topic / This is why I say Poland is so far behind in tech [29]

I just had this interview scheduler thing from my icloud I tried clicking on basically asking me to choose a date for my interview and I realized it doesn't even support the iPad. It is run by this company called which seems to be Polish (go figure) that this other company uses for their scheduler. So today this morning I used a desktop to schedule it but something was off. like the user interface or something seemed off and also why would any company use it over the standard such as google schedule everyone else uses? I also realized when you click on the kontakt or about us section from an ipad on the bottom of the page it tries to download something on your device. I then realized this site and app is not at all usable or dostępne on mobile. In Poland they still do not even understand mobile exists or target mobile users in any way whether through advertising targeting or functional software use.

Here is why Poland is so far behind everyone else probably including Ukraine as well since they developed the great Stalker series, which is much better than Cyberpunk:

It reminded me of how when I worked at fakturownia their whole mindset is so behind google and what everyone else is doing and even user behaviour. at least allegro allows people to shop online using a smartphone now and have an actual app. But ebay had this years ago and is basically irrelevant now due to amazon anyway.

Oh yea and the previous day I also had this girl call me while I was on the bus telling me to look over some other position on their site or something as she felt it even fits better and to call back the next day. I did and thought it looked good but every time I tried calling it said the number was busy or the person cannot be reached lol. This was yesterday all day I tried calling even texted the number she called from. And yea thew position is still showing on their site.
10 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

" Are your diarrhetic rants possibly drug induced?"

they arent rants they are just questions you havent answer wny of. why do they oretend ro be polish in poland and poland only?
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

I just don't get why so many Ukrainians in Poland act like they're Polish or don't admit they are Ukrainians. Why not have pride where they came from? Like I said I think you're just part of the problem Miloslaw and hope in England or wherever you live they start making jedwabne and Polish death camp movies and about blue police and see how you like it. I'm sure there has to be a reason they clearly speak with Ukrainian accents but claim to be Polish or is it just me guys?This is why the world the western or civilized world looks down on Poland. how can you respect such hypocrites who take EU money but talk **** about their neighbours while not admitting to their own **** Milo? the hashtag polishdeathcamps is not literal it isn't saying that Poles were responsible for it but complicit in it Milo. Get it now?

and yea I think they're good people and better than Polish or certainly Polonia in my books. when I used to train mma they wouldn't try ordering you around or telling you what to do or acting like criminal inmates in California prisons trying to establish their dick male toxicity dominance on you their training partners. also they're more respectful as clerks in stores. just food people overall.
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

nompollacks are the only hypocrites. Jews don't make movies about being tortured slowly by you ir Ukrainians. you and your current right wing govt does about your own economic migrants it is forced to take by EU to keep EU money. last i heard they still haven't made a Wolyn movie particularly to bully young people if all of a sudden you become economic migrants in Israel. what country is lower than that? but since you probably don't even live in Poland you probably don't even know of this movie or what you see on Polish TV when turning it on and the hypocrisy from your land. and when are they going to start teaching real history in schools here like the blue police? or the truth about Jagiello who was no hero and how Lithuania was superior?

you don't think Nazis were more humane than being burnt in a barn by the Polish? you would rather be burnt alive than simply gassed first?
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

is what ok? Polish people killing Jews? or your current **** govt pointing its fingers like you at everyone else and every country around you and acting like some retarded victim and never yourselves? why should i have any respect for hypocrites? i don't care that Ukrainians Germans or Polish killed Jews or one another or whoever else i simply hate hypocrites with a passion. That is all son. hypocrites should literally be gassed.

also please explain to me whats a more brutal way to die or what Ukrainians did worse than those polish people at jedwabne and being burnt alive? maybe boiled alive is the only worse way to go bro. there are documentaries on youtube for worlds worse punishments or deaths and boiled alive and i think burnt fall in line alongside basically what Ukrainians did or hanged wuarelledmand quartered. how are you better than them? is it because the Ukrainians would take their time and it would take longer to die than the body burning in jedwabne? is that it?
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

and i don't think they make movies over Poland or obsess about it killing Jews or 1930 pow do they? so why should i give the polish a benefit of the doubt when they literally are just asking to be scrutinized and choose such a government or take in such propaganda against others daily? do the Jews make movies about Poland or jedwabne or their own economic migrants? I just judge ppl how i see them or how thy act. they don't wannabe judge so why judge others daily?

"Ukrainians sided with the Germans during the war and in many instances were more brutally Nazi than the Germans.

whats more brutal than being burnt alive in a barn? even the Nazis only cremated jews but killed them humanely with gas first so i think pollacks were also more brutal than the nazis. just because they did it on a smaller scale doesn't mean they still did it or didn't do it i mean the only reason they did it on a smaller scale was because their great leader Pilsudski died and nazis considered them untermenschen or didn't respect them despite dirk and other modern pollacks acting like they'd belong.
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

he just judged the Ukrainians tho so im just judging him and the Polish he loves so much. thy sided with them as well otherwise there would have been no #polishdesthcsmps or any arysn side everyone would be equal in Poland and no jedwabne would take place. what a retard.

"Those guys were young and had grown up in the worst period of history to date. They did what wasn't what they'd had (if that makes sense)."

i don't know man i judge people today and the Polish alongside the Arabs or middle easterners and blacks in USA are some of the biggest scum tod ste. Ukrainians in Poland are the only good people i ever run into. the only non patologia or pathology at any customer service for instance or any civilized ppl not born in a barn like them here. and im neutral or objective living in the west or civilized world my whole life so...
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

" Are you a Uke?
Ukrainians sided with the Germans during the war and in many instances were more brutally Nazi than the Germans.

id rather be than a pollack to tell the truth. they are much better people than the retarded pollacks I see every day or have to deal with any pollack govt office or zabka to tell the truth. and pollacks did as well when it came to jews so maybe they deserved it? i mean plus the pilsudski **** who sides with Hitler too omits really npot calling the kettle black here. if they didn't do it ur own would like ur own retard pollacks who sing heil Hitler and march in that retarded parade in Warsaw every yr called the marsh niepodleglosci so why fault them for what you tried to do? or would have had your great leader pilsudski not died and still have apparently in small numbers with the blur police and jedwabne?
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

"It is easy for us to judge them now, in the comfort of our homes and comfortable lives, but it does not gain us anything."

so why does the polish govt or Polish film studios sponsor movies about Ukrainians and not themselves though? im sure they didn't have much choice either considering they became a soviet republic and were starved to death a couple yrs earlier and all... so why push for these movies against the economic migrants in Poland? is it because the EU forces Poland to take them in instead of the third worlders or non whites but they're still pissed? is it? it is it now? also you say you don't want to think of the past but why does the current Polish govt so strongly focused on it and dwelling about it then? why do they have to mention it in neighbouring relations all the time on Polish TV or media? i think its more disgusting belittling and bullying people whoa re economic migrants in ur own country while taking money from the EU, but hey that's just me.
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

"Most Poles know perfectly well of the blue Police, especially the historians. You not knowing of the amount of "samobiczowanie" in the history of Poland makes you only an outsider to every Polish reader..."

Ive never heard of them until I was in prison and this black guy mentioned them there to me from Madagascar who was in Warsaw and had Jewish friends in the bay area. I grew up in Poland until age 9 and they never taught me even the holocaust or blue police until I was in the 7th grade I learned about such things in the USA not in Poland. I also never see any of this stuff mentioned on Poland In on youtube or any Polish nes tv channel. even the us history channel never mentioned it.

You said this guy was held by them in Lwów? was he Jewish Polish Ukrainian? curious what his story is.
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

"I knew someone who'd been in them. Not very nice."

in a ghetto or jail guarded by them? I am interested I know very little about them as they don't teach it her enor did they when i was growing up here. Maybe I cant write a book on it if you point me to the right directions or people to interview.
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

neither is your hero kapuscinski.

how come in poland they dont even teach about the blue police or anti jewish collaborwtor police that existednin the war?
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

"Jan Gross is not even an educated historian as far as I know"

neithr ie th guy who clearly wrote about a country he hated and was biased against and it was clear in his writing kapuscinski in his book imoerium. he is just a journalist. no historian in qny sense of the word. but why do you polish or the current right wing polish govt and society like this non historian so much? also whats up with all the fraudsters anti soviet suvorov books in poland at the emptiks? why do you guys alays point fingers at eveyrone els but cant look at yourselves? you remind me of ex cons or the con mindset.

also why do polish people think somene who is left wing or different form their current right wing govt isnt polish?
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

what I somt get is why there are these people on twitter who either act or may be paid by the pie government to discredit everything against Poland or anti Poland and are there always arguing with Jews or others about history on twitter. one of these people is named ojdana or ojdanana or ojnana or something. they are such propagandists im thinking paid they would not even watch that netflix Ivan the terrible show but were constantly talking about Poland just because it had the Polish map wrong. did netflix even fix that? i stopped engaging with these people because i would find my account banned or suspended very quickly and need to have one to advertise my work or services. have any of you engaged with them? they are also clearly racist and act like this iron guy on here when you disagree with them their first response is you are not polish or some ****. How does or did not sure if they are still around twitter allow such scum but bans me for engaging back at them? it made no sense except for the fact i wouldn't snitch or report them and maybe twitter doesn't actually investigate both sides or anything and uses retarded algorithms instead? you would think by their clear pis propaganda and racism they'd be banned automatically tho as trump was.
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

I really think they did it made that recent movie to point fingers at their economic migrants while trying to wash their own **** away and no production studio existing in Poland is independent nor pus controlled and paid probably paid them to make it guys. That's wat I fink.
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Why would Poland constantly mention Wilton tho and who is responsible for that movie being made about it some random Polish film studio or the current right wing pics givt to start sentiments vs Ukrainian economic migrants or bully them while hiding their own pollacks **** on Jews?
9 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

these Polish people who hate Ukrainians and upa or guys like iron and dirk need to realize their **** stink just as bad as the ukrainians toward them and quit believing the Polish propaganda about bandera and upa when they did the same ****
8 Feb 2021

" But then what else do Russians have besides an imagined glorious past and the ability to screw up other countries?"

what does Poland have beside backward tech industry that functions like china and their only call to success on a globalized stage full of diversity unlike Poland is cyberpunk a game that they tricked into customers hands through trickery and deception? and old communist buildings beurecracied and a school system that still force feeds religious dogmas down kids throats? and being ultra right wing and not diverse in any way in their work force this being ignored by the west and the workforce in the west? and a bunch of retards who work customer service at zabkas? and a bunch of dipshits asking to get punch who always have to have the last word? what do they have besides all this kaka?
7 Feb 2021
Law / Taxes working remotely B2B, Poland [8]

that's retarded just like Poland is. only morons deal with Polish offices or bureaucrat from communist times. no wonder Poland is so far behind silicon valley or Berlin or London. who deals with such old women retards from communist times or even registers **** just to start making money in those countries?
7 Feb 2021
Law / Taxes working remotely B2B, Poland [8]

maybe me and you should join forces and make the bit bucks together? I am a master or graphic design and journalism.
6 Feb 2021
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

naaah he wasnt a scum. i totally disagree. nothing scum about him. you hypocryte poles belittling jews ukrianians and others in my opinion are much bigger scum while tkwing money from eu in the process.
3 Feb 2021
Love / Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive? [93]

believe me all guys are eyephiles some just hide it better until they reach a certain age. There is a reason teenage **** is the most typed search on the internet. you're in denial if you think im somehow different or weird or other ****. ive never been a pedophile. look up the actual definition. even Polanski isn't considered an actual pedophile. you on the other hand are a wannabe feminist drama queen and a lair someone who tries to make lies a typical pollack trait to win arguments. you couldn't prove your last lies and just quit talking so maybe you should do the same here. you claimed i like to choke teenage girls where did i ever say this or what is your source for this lie? who the **** would want to **** a lair or be with some female feminist lair?
3 Feb 2021
Love / Am I The Only One Who Doesn't Find Polish Women Attractive? [93]

I would find someone like Paulina absolutely hideous even if she had a nice body and a nice ass because of her personality and the fact she is Polish. It is weird with us guys or men how a woman just stops being attractive if we dont like them as a person or their personality huh?
2 Feb 2021
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

i live there on piekarska street piekarska 4 to be exact. im always in that cafe in the sidebar with the mermaid on top with my ipad.
2 Feb 2021
Real Estate / About terminating my flat contract in Poland [23]

please explain it so i can learn from u. did they go to court first or you? who sent the letter and what was your reply? I want to learn everything from the expert on this topic since u clsim u won: u.