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Posts by kaprys  

Joined: 23 Jul 2017 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 31 Jul 2021
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 2 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 2076 / Live: 1138 / Archived: 938
From: Poland
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23 Apr 2018
Law / Climate change/environmental businesses or NGOs in Poland [66]

Firstly, do poki is a spelling mistake. You don't make spelling mistakes in your anthem. An 'optional' version is 'póki', but it was originally 'kiedy'. And that's the official version. If you respect the anthem as one of our national symbols, don't make mistakes in it!

The next two lines are about fighting to regain our homeland. It's Pieśń Legionów Polskich we Włoszech that fought for the country's independence and you say it's not about a physical homeland?

The original version talked about Niemiec and Moskal - those who had partitioned the country. Also, the original version starts with ' Jeszcze Polska nie umarła', so you weren't quoting it. The lyrics of the anthem are different though.

And all those patriotic Poles knew Polish. You need to practise yours. You may start by learning the national anthem. Because using it (wrongly, anyway) as an argument in another silly discussion here is a disgrace.
23 Apr 2018
Law / Climate change/environmental businesses or NGOs in Poland [66]

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, kiedy my żyjemy. Not 'do poki'/'dopóki'/'póki' ...

And we need a physical homeland - that's what our ancestors fought for!
Read the rest of the anthem. Have it translated! What is it about?
It's not enough to claim you're Polish.
19 Apr 2018
Language / Busha and JaJa [140]

Or Polish American ...
11 Apr 2018
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

So you're of European and Asian origin, yet you constantly get called murzynek by random Polish people? It obviously happens so often that you had to post here.

Another day, another troll.
Them bloody, racist Poles!
11 Apr 2018
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [401]

It's derived from a first name Klemens/Clemens.
As for coming from the nobility, I haven't found any information about such a noble family.
But I found information about a Klimczak family that were highwaymen in the Beskid mountains back in the 17th century. But it's hard to say whether you're related ;)
10 Apr 2018
Genealogy / What does my Polish name mean? [401]

I came across an anecdote online about changing Jewish surnames to Polish ones in the 19th century. Those who had given the mayor's wife a nice present got nicer surnames like Warszawski or Krakowski (btw, aren't surnames derived from city's names typically Jewish, too? ), those who hadn't, got more common surnames like Zimny, Posłuszny, Wróbel, Kaczka etc.
10 Apr 2018
Language / Who actually says "Ale decha!" in Poland? [5]

Both 'deska' and 'decha' are used in this context. It's not a particularly polite way of describing a woman. It's colloquial, too.
6 Apr 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

You love the Polish language so I'll teach you: nie odwracaj kota ogonem.
You still HAVEN'T provided any sources supporting your claim that Poland and the Church approved of killing Jews.
You named two books (just the titles really) that talk about antisemitism in Europe. I googled them. One focuses on Germany according to what I found online. The books are just two of many that talk about the same subject - how Jews are hated. Both authors are Jewish if I remember correctly.

I asked about a book that researches the indifference of influencial American Jews to what was happening in Europe. Is there anything that focuses on this topic?

How about your parents and grandparents, Lyzko? What did they do?
No one denies antisemitism in Poland but not all Poles are antisemitic. Antisemitism exists everywhere. Stop generalising. Especially that you're so narrow minded and judgemental.

So, have you got any objective sources to support your claim?
6 Apr 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

That's actually a really good point. It might be shifting the blame to other people not to question the lack of action of his own people.

And now a genuine question: has anyone written a book about it?
There have been a lot of books about antisemitism. How about any books about the American Council of Jews ignoring Karski's report.
5 Apr 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Because these four people experienced the war.
I sometimes think some just want to feel like victims even though they were lucky not to experience the horror of the war. They can't appreciate the fact they lead a safe life.

As for his blind admiration of Germans and constant bias against Poland, it's probably better he lives his life now in the USA and not then in Poland.
5 Apr 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I doubt any sort of discussion with him makes sense. His 'argument' was 'no', but it was me who was histerical and rude.
After all, women should not have opinions about pathological cases of pregnancy. A 'no' is a 'no'.
5 Apr 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Sources please. Any official statement that Poland and the Church approved of killing Jews.
You can't provide them, can you?

Naming two random books that talk about antisemitism in Europe with no exact quotations from them or sources the authors referred to are not sources.

Let's reverse the situation and make the following claim: It is a well known fact that antipolonism is common among Jews.

You're a living proof of being raised in hatred and despise against Poland and the Catholic Church.
Your unbased bias against us is not different from any anti-Jewish sentiments among certain Poles.
Medice, cura te ipsum.
4 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]


Thank you. I'm starting to give up as there are far too few other sensible people here. Not to mention, there are very few who actually know Poland.

I'm not sure about Pepiki - I think it may be slightly tricky to call them that. But Polish are generally really fond of Czechs and Slovaks and Pepiki has never seemed deliberately offensive.

We like lentilki, Sąsiedzi, czekolada studencka, krecik and so on.
We just need to be careful if we ever need to look for a brush when we're in the Czech Republic :)
4 Apr 2018
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

It's mainly because those who post it don't know much about Poland or Poles. Although they claim otherwise.
We are Slavic. We enjoy it but politically it's a different story. Poles don't mind Russian people generally but Russia as a state is a different story.

We have always found more in common with other West Slavic people like Czechs or Slovaks. Why are they hardly ever mentioned here?
And there are certain differences among West, East and South Slavs. Although there are some similarities, too.
4 Apr 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Sources? Or you're being hatefully generalising AGAIN.

Priests that are among the Righteous:
ks. Bruno Boguszewski, ks. Stanisław Falkowski, ks. Mikołaj Ferenc, ks. Władysław Głowacki, ks. Marceli Godlewski, ks.Józef Gorajek, ks. Antoni Kania, ks.Michał Kubacki, ks. Albin Małysiak, ks. Aleksander Osiecki, ks. Andrzej Osikowicz, ks. Jan Patrzyk, ks. Jan Pawlicki, ks. Jan Poddębniak, ks. Jan Raczkowski, ks. Adam Skałbania, ks.Franciszek Smorczewski, ks. Witold Stolarczyk, o. Klemens Szeptycki, o.Adam Sztark, ks. Witold Szymczukiewicz, ks. Ludwik Wolski, o.Ludwik Wrodarczyk, ks. Wincenty Mieczysław Zawadzki, ks. Jan Zawrzycki, ks. Ignacy Życzyński
4 Apr 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Where was the Church?
Polish clergymen were sent to concentration camps and methodically murdered, too. Many of them as part of killing the Polish intelligentsia. There was a list of tens of thousands of Poles to be murdered at the very beginning of the war.

Polish priests and nuns were awarded the title of the Righteous among the Nations. You often mention Irena Sendler - where did she hide the children? Are you able to answer this question, mr historian?

Can you give us a source that supports your claim that Poland and the Church approved of killing Jews?
How about Spira and his men helping to hang Polish civilians?
4 Apr 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Oh, I'm sorry you came up with nothing else but accusing me of histerical reactions or having no arguments. ;)
That was a strong argument on your part. Yet another time, you didn't surprise me.
Well, I guess I agree with late Maria and Lech Kaczyński about abortion. You may find their opinion about it slightly histerical.
4 Apr 2018
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]

Mirela Mlynska is on Facebook. There's a piano in the background of her profile picture. There's albo information abo her online (some local events in the US)
3 Apr 2018
Genealogy / How to find a burial site / records in Poland... [80]

That's what I found. We don't know if the grave still exists - it's been around 80 years. But it's best if you contact their office.

As for the vital records, you need to contact the correct branch of the state archives or their local parish, depending on the age of the documents.
3 Apr 2018
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

So if your wife/girlfriend or daughter is raped and gets pregnant, you insist that she should carry the rapist's baby for nine months and let her remember him every single day. Then, of course, you raise the kid and are lucky if the child takes after the mother.

And when the mother's life is at risk, you let her take the risk. Her life doesn't matter. Martyrs are cool. You will visit their grave every November. If she orphans her children, you will bring them along.

So yes. If it is the woman that has to cope with the trauma or risking her life. It is HER decision. Not an Internet troll's who either knows nothing about compassion or has not had a woman for ages.

And no decision is right in the above cases as far as I am concerned. As I'm generally against abortion.
As for disabled children, they're born every day. But it is their parents who know how much care they require. And they should get more support.

People are not statistics.