The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Vlad1234  

Joined: 25 Mar 2013 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 21 Apr 2022
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Posts: 889

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12 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

and for a Tesla Model S85, the price is at around $6,500 (6.5K) to replace not 30K

Maybe this is just a replacement WORKS price, not a new battery itself? Or it is assumed $6,5 K is the price to replace a deficient battery before guaranty has expired? I cannot believe it is a price for a whole new battery.

Some people on forum mention that:

Battery replacement price of 85 kWh was $44,564 in Dec 2013
It couldn't drop so much just in 7 years. A verification is needed.
12 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

for a Tesla Model S85, the price is at around $6,500

And surely new Model S costs $103,000 CAD in Canada, because battery costs just $6,500.
12 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]
540 kg!!! I guess they can even underestimate the price of the battery...
12 Sep 2020
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

I think the very notion of Eastern Europe is a Cold War relic. Until 1990 even Eastern Germany on Western geographic atlases was part of Eastern Europe. I think there is no country which could be regarded as completely Eastern European because even Kaliningrad region of Russia is located in Central Europe. I think it would be better to move away from divisions of Europe into West, Center or East. Why all European countries cannot be just in Europe?!
13 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Besides, it really doesn't matter because a Tesla is way out of your affordable price range.

I'm interested in electric vehicles more like inventor.
13 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Chevy Volt electric range is 85 km and price of its battery is $10,000, at least. So, if price of a large Li-ion battery is directly proportional to its weight, then Tesla model S battery real price should be around $70,000! But likely they avoid to mention it directly. Sorry, but it looks like all-electric aren't a cars for an average customer in the nearest 50 years, at least.
13 Sep 2020
History / Battle of Vienna - history movie about Poland / Commemoration [36]

What you really fear is the end of the Western Civilization as you know it

Try to define "Western civilization". Rather I worry about civilization in general. It was a joke about Turks in particular. I do NOT see them as a civilization destroyers. Rather it is an interesting culture. There should be a reasonable balance between our worries about our own fate and the fate of a next generations even if we personally have no children. What would happen to us now if our ancestors (not necessarily the direct once) wouldn't care about the future of our civilization in slightest? We don't know how long we will personally live. Someone could invent an "immortality" when we will be very old. I have suspicion that such methods may exist already. Those people who could be our grand-grandchildren may invent it. And someday we may use it. So, let pay a due respect for forthcoming generations and their fate.
17 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

A small off-topic:
Do you know when Americans will start to measure everything in km, kg, L and C like all the normal people around the World do???

Mercedes plans to introduce a plug-in hybrid with electric range 60 miles (100 km) in 2020. If true, it is a breakthrough.
18 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

according to Statistics Canada, the typical daily driving distance for Canadians is around 23 km
20 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

The average single-trip distance? Just 5.95 miles. 95 percent of all rural-based trips were still under 50 miles.
23 Sep 2020
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

In my opinion the largest disadvantages of Slavic languages:
1) Many words are long and sometimes difficult to pronounce.
2) A lot of consonants.
3) A lot of "r", "sh", "sch".
I would say they sound more melodic than majority of Germanic languages, but less melodic than Romance languages. Do you think a reform is needed?
23 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Majority of Western-European countries have plans to prohibit sales of a new gasoline and diesel cars in 2030-2040 and permit to sell only all-electric. I think such prohibition would be excessive if they will prohibit even plug-in hybrids with electric range more than 50-100 km. It could hurt drivers with extreme expenses and inconvenience of the current all-electric vehicles, unless they will invent something completely revolutionary. Also I think there may be no need to prohibit those cars which run on biofuel or propane/methane, as they are relatively clean.
24 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

From what I've understood they are planning to ban just new diesel car sales in 2030-2040. So, those people who already have such cars will probably able to keep them as long as they want.,zero%20carbon%20emissions%20by%202050.
25 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Probably, the cheapest way to produce vegetable oil will be algae farms, ultimately. Maintenance and repair of plug-in hybrids is not more expensive than regular cars on average, from what I know.
7 Oct 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

According to 2019 IMF estimated Poland was on 56-th place in the World by nominal GDP per capita behind that of Croatia, Panama and Maldives.
27 Oct 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

the same can be said about poles doing bad things to Russians and Germans in the past.

Poles caused some unmotivated cruelties to Germans? When it happened?

Stalin had launched a invasion on Poland and executed 22 thousand Polish officers at Katyn

This is very sad, of course, but it happened more than 80 years ago...
2 Nov 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Last time I checked Vlad1234 wasn't a self proclaimed communist

I don't understand which relation does my personality have in this context. I just wanted to point out that both invasions of Nazi Germany and USSR of Poland had happened more than 80 years ago. And what difference does it make if some person is a communist or not if he doesn't want to force anyone to live under communism?
3 Nov 2020
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

Communists later filled it with the engine and other components

Does system which existed in Poland more than 30 years ago really requires such an exotic name as "communism" or it can easily fit under definition of a "monopolistic governmental capitalism"?
3 Nov 2020
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

State capitalism is an economic system in which the state undertakes business and commercial economic activity (i.e. for-profit) and where the means of production are organized and managed as state-owned enterprises.

In my understanding a "communism" is something utopic, which never existed yet. Some hypothetical system under which "everyone contributes according to abilities and receives a share of a total product according to her needs".
5 Dec 2020
News / The Witcher 3 game - Poland's great success [37]


A song from The Witcher

A song from the Witcher Polish game have inspired a singers from different countries to create versions in their native languages:
In Ukrainian:
In Russian:
In Polish:
And versions from the game:
In English:
In German:
In French:
In Japanese!:
There are versions in other languages.
A good chance to compare beauty of diffеrent languages.
The Witcher is very successful project.
8 Jan 2021
News / Der Spiegel: "Poles are now the masters of Europe" [49]

the authoritarian-ruled and plagued by human rights violations of Ukraine. "Exemplary student and a naughty boy" - he writes, "Spiegel" of the two countries.

Interesting, what could be the origins of this difference? Could it be, for example, that genetics between two nations is so different? If yes, why?
4 Feb 2021
Love / How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women? [157]

Wonderful! Diversity rulez!

I afraid that interracial marriages work against human diversity if they result in childbirth. If all people on Earth will intermix evenly and will all become people of the same brownish color and share the same facial features, much of diversity and unique traits will gone forever. As well as diversity and uniqueness of cultures and languages will suffer seriously. Differrentiation contributes to human development.