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Posts by Feniks  

Joined: 14 Mar 2024 / Female ♀
Last Post: 18 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 790

Interests: Reading, Hiking, Science, Travel, Art

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8 May 2024
News / Homosexual lobby steps up infiltration in Poland [110]

That depends on two things...Face and weight.

That's just as ludicrous a suggestion.

How many women do you know well enough to make that claim?

More than enough.
8 May 2024
News / Homosexual lobby steps up infiltration in Poland [110]

Modern women

They might be like that on your side of the pond but I don't know any women over here that are like that. I suspect that even in the US the majority of women aren't like that either.

Modern women bought that bs that they are strong and independent and don't need men.

So therefore, according to you and Johnny, they must be lesbian man-haters? How logical 😂. You couldn't make this sh!t up.
8 May 2024
Travel / Kielce and the area - amazing Polish Pocket Knives live there [105]

I tend to like the old-fashioned ones, not changed much from the PRL era

I haven't seen many of those to be honest although I've been in some very nice cafes in Poland. I've been to a couple of milk bars but that's not quite the same thing.

I did have coffee in Restauracja Stylowa in Nowa Huta once.

Bob & Bert's.

I've heard of them. There's none in my area though :(
8 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [255]

You want to hear a true English accent, best go to Devon or better
still Dartmoor.

That's ridiculous. You're talking about a West Country accent, or rather, dialect. England has many dialects depending on the particular area.
Dartmoor is in Devon btw.
8 May 2024
News / Homosexual lobby steps up infiltration in Poland [110]

This is probably the most idiotic theory I've ever heard.

It's coming from one of the biggest idiots on this forum. What were you expecting? The women run rings around him anyway 🤣
8 May 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [315]

Im not like Biden or Johnnys age.

I know you're not but over here slip on shoes are generally worn by older people.
Obviously not the case in the US.
8 May 2024
UK, Ireland / "Strange " English language.. [255]

Shall I close the window?

The use of 'shall' has nothing to do with being pompous. It is a word many people use over here.

For example: Shall I put the kettle on?

Perfectly normal thing to say. I asked a few people at work of varying ages today about the use of 'shall' and nobody seemed to think it was outdated or a strange thing to say.

didn't know about it not sounding very natural

In the UK it sounds completely natural.
7 May 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [315]

I wear my heels crooked.

You mean you wear them down on one side more than the other?

The shoes can be thrown away after one year at the latest.

Every pair or are you talking about the Fratelli Rossetti ones? I would keep getting them reheeled, it's got to be cheaper than buying new shoes.
7 May 2024
Travel / Kielce and the area - amazing Polish Pocket Knives live there [105]

@ Paulina.

I love the cafe interiors you posted on the other thread :)

I really dislike coffee chains such as Starbucks as the coffee isn't very good. I much prefer independent coffee shops and I go out for coffee and cake quite often:)

Those cakes look amazing btw :)
7 May 2024
Off-Topic / Eurovision - Today I will be ashamed to be Polish [481]

I think he was in a talent show.

Lead singer of a band called Years and Years. You might have heard this:

King - Years and Years

He's also an actor.

That guy's been all over the tabloid newspapers.

I think that's due to his decision to go ahead with Eurovision amid calls for a boycott due to Israel's participation.

The UK song is ok but to me it's a bit on the bland side. Something and nothing.
7 May 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [315]


For me they ruin an outfit. When they're worn for sports etc I don't have a problem with them, but over the years they're worn with just about everything. Trainers and a dress or skirt for me are a big no no. The whole outfit just looks wrong. Maybe I'm too fussy but trainers for me are for sportswear only.

The floral ones in the pic are quite cute but I would say they look a bit more like canvas type shoes than trainers.

1 pair of shoes - PLN 2,300.

That's cheaper than it would be over here. Still expensive though. Have you got any handmade shoes?

Sketcher slip ons

Aren't they for old people?
7 May 2024
Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation [1756]

shouldn't that read: "To catch(grab?) two magpies by one tail"

In Polish the idiom is: trzymać dwie sroki za ogon

I think the translation is correct? I think there are other versions of this idiom though.

two birds, one stone.

Yep :) Or to deal with several matters at the same time.
5 May 2024
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [315]

It is easier for woman, they usually have many pairs of shoes

Not always. I wear mainly boots and sandals as I have one foot a good half size bigger than the other. Shoes generally cripple my feet :(

Handelsman & Royce,

They actually have some really nice men's shoes. Nice to see men in a decent pair of shoes rather than trainers. They are made to order though and there's no indication of price. I would have mine handmade if it weren't so expensive simply so they actually fitted me properly..

I still can't get used to the fact that you can wear sneakers with a suit.

Tasteless. I loathe trainers
2 May 2024
Food / Polish cakes made in Poland [115]

those look like cookies....

To me they look like biscuits. Cookies, at least the ones I have seen over here, are large and have a soft consistency. Often they have dried fruit or chocolate chips in them. Biscuits are harder and have a crunchier texture.

Those Hungarian creations definitely look like British scones.
2 May 2024
Off-Topic / Should people be free to cut their hair and dye it as they want? [16]

piercings, tattoos and garishly dyed hair,

As in the punk rock era of the late 70s in the UK. People were disapproving back then too.

I think attitudes in Poland have changed a lot over the last 10-15 years or so. Young people in Poland are becoming less conservative. I remember having a convo with a young Polish guy about 10 years ago who was very disapproving of tattoos. He said only people who had been in prison had them. He wasn't the only person who expressed that view either.

These days I see lots of Poles with tattoos.

Should a bunch of middle aged men dictate how young people present themselves

They shouldn't but some things never change. Unfortunately, some people will judge purely on appearance.

freedom loving right

Narrow-minded and intolerant people generally.
2 May 2024
Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation [1756]

How did the idiom come into being ????

I have no idea.

A clue is that the term originates in a very non-standard form of Polish that has its own name for things.

I have no idea about this either. I thought maybe you meant Lechitic languages but I don't think you do. Still can't get the 'spider' either.
30 Apr 2024
Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation [1756]

he activity which is performed on the guitar is playing it.

I wasn't thinking along those lines, I was thinking how sound is produced.

How did the idiom come into being ????

I'm too tired to do this now......

Still don't get the judas thing.

Something external.

Is it a high-wheeled carriage?

Fenix said nothing about it and she holds the priority for such opinions

I don't know everything!