The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

"luckily they just either turn to drink and drugs"

somewhats the difference between them and the ultras? arent ultras also generally unemployable many with records and cant fit in with normie or society? hence why they turn to the arenas or stadiums and war on the cops? i mean are ultras also deep downs usually frustrated hence why they're angry?

lol but Im eurasian guys:

"True that. Young people in general need occupation, something to keep them busy."

going to the stadiums or arenas and fighting other fans or th cops kps th ultras busy.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

Maybe they're losers because they're antisocial or don't have good game? Or bs their way through ****?
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

" They can't cope with women being independent and not beholden to losers."

A lot of those women are losers themselves like those women in the Warsaw Irish pub who allow those two pimps to kiss them and dance with them but think of you or Me or some other guy as losers when they themselves are. Just because they make money or have some job doesn't define happiness or if they are or are not losers.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

" I've seen this in action. The women run things in matriarchal societies while the men lie around chatting and smoking weed/cigs."

Sounds good to me.
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

at least they dont teach pis or right wing Polish dogma or religion in those schools so they are still better than the Polish ones with worthless Polish university degrees outside Poland. they focus on practical skills and critical thinking not dogma or rycie me orizatiom **** no one caes about or uses anyway like Poland does.
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

i dont get why they co plain about Russia doing the exact same thing NATO does. it reminds me how Polish people complain about Ukrainians killing them during the war and their racism but never their own atrocities toward Jews or what others did to non white nations like Americans to slaves or Indians who they love so much (murdering Americans not the Indians). its ok if it happens to someone else but not to them or america is just fine when it does it to others but Russia cant entoach on their borders. i dont get it guys.
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

"We know that the US is our only hope if sh*t ever really hits the fan."

no because Poland is fukl of cowards who hide behind others or big brother like a little child on the playground going to his dad or big brother after starting s fight and having them fight for them. thats why.

" Start acting like a great power, and not frantic teenager with the need of a gigantic tube on tractor belts to show off.

If their able to do that, nobody is going to ask for any American soldiers."

hope Biden gives you the fingers and sells you right wing retards to Putin see how tough you ste then.
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

they actually teach that old movie about the partizans destroying the Soviet army the Hollywood movie in American history classes in high school. growing up there in California i had to watch that us propaganda garbage. enemy at the dawn or whatever its called. what a bunch of looney tunes USA is.

" Inspired by the discussion of German and Russian atrocities in WW2 including Katyń, in another thread, here's some thoughts on the topic."

what about jedwabne tho? do they teach that in Polish schools yet?
19 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

however the thread or topic started of this thread is a total retard. it isnt Russians who are hostile toward Poland in fact they consider us brothers its retarded pollacks who are racists and think they're west who hate Ukrainians jees Russians and everyone but themselves and white supremacist Donald Trump. Russians are some of the best most friendly people and it is only pollacks who get mad if they speak their language in their country not the other way around. ive never seen or heard Russians mad at Polish or mad at hearing Polish language or blame Jews for their problems like pollacks do. and thats probably a really good book much better than the american crap i had to read in California schools about Americans supposedly saving everyone.
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

how would you expect russia or any nation to act when natio is trying to sandwitch them and enroach them on all parts of their border?
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

It is sort of funny how Polish people alwqys want to act like the victims and point fingers at Russia or other countries in europe for being colonists or having salves (america) but they dont realize they couldnt do any of those things. they were in no position to and were mostly vassals of other countries or so inconsequencial they had no power but if they did theyd be doing all that stuff too like russia and everyone else.mlike the white debil did to natives arkund the world. thats what polisha re like the white devil or whitey too. they would call these countries there snd the inhabitants savages than enslave them rape their women and pillage their lands. the fact is polish people in usa or polonia supports trump and the narcissism white supremacy entails shows me they are just another group of the white degil ready to enslave so called savages if they eevr had the chance.
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

more about American blood on their hands:

" That was the protestants' modus operandi both in Britain and Colonial America."

so you wre saying the in didnt exist? also what about those spanish slaying millions of natives of the Americas or so called savages? theybwere very catholic.
19 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

I was reading that article and it seems bs to me. I have not met a single woman especially since being back in Poland who would want to be equal with me or who bought her own beer for instance and did not just sit there waiting for me to buy her stuff. i also met very few who sexually were able to do oral stuff without demanding it done to them first or at all thirdly they are the ones who have wymagania or expectations and it isn't equality i seriously doubt but like paulina on here flirting with johnny and looking for a foreign wealthy american man they want a mr right or mr somebody not a mr right now.
19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

it is ewstern europe tho. I am a proud ewstern europewn. i listen to disco polo wewr wdidas gewr with a chwin and soak in the entire eastern europewn culture and existence poland is known for. i also like to show off ky newfound wewlth or cspitalism and drive wround csrs too expensive for what I can afford.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

" Then, what we tell Polish children about Rome and Vatican? Do we have the same standards as we apply to Russia?"

the Vatican killed way more people like burning witches at the stake and the crusades and all than Russia did. it was Stalin who killed his people or those he perceived as enemy not Russia. plus us does the same or acted and continues to act similar look at their three strike laws how for no reason at all like someone stealing a pizza a hungry homeless person has to have life in prison in its gulags.
17 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

lol Geneva convention give me a break. Nobody followed that in that war. if they followed it the ak wouldn't kill thousands of Ukrainian civilians or women and children just because they did it first. or the Jews to Germans or the bkuenpolice who escaped the ghetto instead of dealing them to Germans and hating armia ludowa for helping in the uprising (obviously some did not and took them in their ranks but according to Jewish survivors who wrote books like about zob or Jewish armed resistance fighters: many did just that). did Americans follow Geneva convention at Dachau?
17 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

i agree with that why would anyone feel sorry for those Germans especially Polish fellow Slavs and victims and members or almost members half their country of the great patriotic war? guys is it pis? also why would Polish hate soviets like the nationalists on here who basically made them part of something bigger than themselves and their failed versilles dictate state?
17 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

i just read an article in a Polish history magazine that basically confirmed just as many us and British and even French soldiers raped as the Germans, and and Russians did. it was like hundreds of thousand of cases. Americans were probably the worst of all.
17 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

yea but for me i became almost like a male prostitute for older women or just fat chicks even a gypsy with flabby tits i ****** from that Irish pub. i just took a step back and realized what i was doing with my life and its almost better being an incel than what i was becoming. i mean just being used and abused by women or even servicing fat chicks while buying them beers i walked around with old town from that Irish pub then trying to figure out wtf did i do last night and how to get them out of my flat the next morning. when I was making out with a 58 yr old woman and trying to invite her over than being ripped off by a bartender and her stsrting to kiss me across from that statue of kilinski after i I met her st that Irish pub and she actually rejected coming over for sex i knew something was wrong and just said fuk it quit cold turkey. and I was buying her drinks she didnt even want to buy her own drinks this is a 58 yr old lady with a fuy more than 20 yrs younger like i said i knew something was wrong. if this is hoe loe i have to go just for sex and sm that undesirable than id rather just not hive sesmor look at these females these creature sin this country.

not only that but in Poland unlike other countries they literally think its the mans job to buy them crap and support them on that crappy sympatia or badoo they even flat oit admitted this or didnt deny being users. at least in the west they try to deny it or be equal at least when they are students but not here. theyre all just trash. theyre all like white trash or Santana row in San Jose fake new money. the craziest thing in this country they expect you to chaparone them or walk them to their bus or tram like a dog the next morning or at night yet when they invite you over and fuk you they make some excuse like their daughter is calling to kick you out. **** that **** man enough is enough.
17 Feb 2021
Love / Incels in Poland [299]

im sort of an incel myself. or at least lately. i totally gave up particularly how they are here and how i was attacked kr treated just for looking at them or smiling after my deportation. and now that the bars are closed and pandemic i totally gave up. on sympatia there were only white trash and users. same with badoo.

I think this movement is gonna spread worldwide guys zi truly do even its hitting east euro now or Poland then it will spread everywhere.
16 Feb 2021
Work / Working as a PL-EN translator - good idea? Sworn translators in Poland. [27]

Some are though. I used to write articles for Pluralsight and they had a high turnover of these always female communication leads or editors who knew dip **** about the tech they were covering or editing guides for but probably were hired due to diversity and were usually on a huge ego trip. the last one malissa or melisa was a total nitwit who would make me essentially rewrite entire articles or prove to her shoe to her where my statements were true because she was too lazy to look **** up herself and despite not bring a tech nerd or guru somehow she had expectations i would be one or some it expert just for contributing to them yet she herself and their ****** diversity tactics wasn't hypocrites i tell ya. They paid 100 bucks per article so i never tried so hard but later they upped it to 200 but by that time the ***** and me didnt get along and she cancel cultured me. basically she would try to make me to rewrite their entire articles ro prove to her basic facts she could look up about the **** i was covering on google and put it in her little ****** notes or track changes section or comments. not only that but by the time i edited it it would take her weeks so i had to essentially rewrite it once or twice as i forgot exactly certain things or how the tech worked fully or my previous research. why they hire such people or always females to be their editors is beyond me or care about any sort or diversity when there are ppl who are good at tech and not stuck up ******* or ego trips they could hire instead for the role and even save money if it was someone like me remote from Poland to take her job. she also made my writing worse through her edits just to save on space or cram it instead of worrying about readability or if all facts are presented in the article or quality by the end of it. she could have easily split them and paid me for two but no she wanted to constantly change **** like it is to it's and just take out sentences to make **** sound different. I imagine they did some seo research or studies and probably think peoples attention spawns arent wrong and started forcing 1000 word per guide or some ****. but to me i dont work this day. im gonna present the most full and best article i can and worry about quality not quantity. i take out repetitive **** but she would just take out **** period or make it sound dumb or written by a female.
16 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

you misread what he wrote. Is English you guys' second language? He was talking about Germans not Jews.
16 Feb 2021
Work / Working as a PL-EN translator - good idea? Sworn translators in Poland. [27]

ok tlumacz przysiegly then? I would not want to do that sort of work anyway as it would drive me nuts and make me pull my hair out and my Polish isnt good enough for it. Plus I don't think it pays that much. Id rather translate articles like for gazeta wyborcza kr websites for tech firms.
16 Feb 2021
Work / Working as a PL-EN translator - good idea? Sworn translators in Poland. [27]

what is a "sworn" translator? How does one become "sworn"?

" you want some samples of what you can do that a prospective customer can look at and see, rather than force prospective clients to dig around in a blog put them together (originals and your translations) in a nice looking format and send it with a cover letter to translation bureaus, as many as you can with or without some editing samples (make it clear you're not British and wouldn't be competent in translations meant for a British audience - making it as a translator is about knowing your limitations and sticking to them)."

do they really require to print everything and sent it in postage to them or even put it all on pdf file and are too lazy to click on a link to a blog post that has the links to original articles and translations in a top down fashion? Plus I dont have a subscription to gazeta wyborcza so this is the best option for me.
16 Feb 2021
Work / Working as a PL-EN translator - good idea? Sworn translators in Poland. [27]

well I can always link to my blog post with the samples but I dont see the point of making a separate page or site for just three articles I translated particularly since my site is filled to the brim with separate pages from the homepage and in a way crams it up or my top navigation bar is too crammed but i dont want to remove stuff after putting the work in I did. My resume is also filled two pages mac and it will be hard to find some line to replace to put those translation samples. I also do have a generic cover letter on my page as a pdf file and also I had a separate pasted on page about it but pages has cool formatting so i just added the pdf file embedded on my top nav bar under resume cover letter section. The one problem is my cover letter is a page and a half and not just one page but I rather be thorough or make it nice to follow and read rather than a short one.

This is the problem ith poland and trying to find any copywriting or translation work here:

this is why i usually only apply with us companies on linkedin and such and just lie about having a visa or legal standing there hoping they'll look past it or allow me to work under the table or something via paypal or something. I mean I make so little money as is I cant imagine also having to create some company and hire accountants not to mention dealing with some polish bureaucracy or urzèdy just to get translation or writing jobs once in a while.
16 Feb 2021
Work / Working as a PL-EN translator - good idea? Sworn translators in Poland. [27]

I went to this mma club just now to do the k1 kickboxing class so I didnt get a chance to do that translation sample you posted. I may do it in a bit as zim tired or I may not. Either way, yes on my site I out the three articles I translated as part of that gig for or or whatever the company is called the scammers as at least I figured I would do it then all three long ass gazeta wyborcza articles (even though there was no way I could ever do all three in an hour - maybe one) and put them all in a single blog post a bit buried on my site. So yes they are there. But I never see or know of anyone looking for this type of person or posting this sort of job so I never really even showed those samples to anyone.

That reminds me I should link them to my journalism or copy-writing resume. I already have an infographic and other **** i did on my own linked.

By the way that mma club i went to was weird. it was like mixed filled with hooligans ultras wearing their shirts or jerseys and like some younger kids and normies. I ended up paired with this hooligan dude tho who was just off the hook in terms of how dumb he was. he literally tried to take my teeth off or head off not even in sparring which we didnt do but technique training. he did not pull back at all and would try kneeing me in the face and **** like a retard out to hurt his training partners. How would you guys deal with such a guy you are paired with or situation? I told him to calm down a bit as I want to keep my teeth and he sort of did but never even apologised or said anything and after a while he just went back at it. I was just out of shape and havent even trained for a long time somi couldn't really get him back but i could tell he is the type to be a hypocrite and start crying if i did it back to him full force to his face. he also tried arguing with me about holding the gloves when he was doing it wrong snd would hold it sideways but tell me to hit straight and other **** like a hooligan retard from jail. This is the exact thing i was talking about how these polish people are wll hard headed hypocrites and cry when they dont get their eay but will argue with you while being wrong.

" Do you have a portfolio? It might be worth working up some samples and knock on some agency doors as the first step into making connections..."

I have multiple portfolios and one separate site and even a facebook services page however not for pure translations just for writing copywriting journalism and a separate pen for graphic design and s third for illustration. all on my main site I have like 10 tabs on top with all sorts of things like that and the portfolios are all on their own pages withing the site.
16 Feb 2021
Work / Working as a PL-EN translator - good idea? Sworn translators in Poland. [27]

I am quite good at translations. if someone would just give me a chance and pay descent id translate anything to English. my from English to Polish translations on the other hand would be hit or miss as I do not write academic or high level Polish. but my translations to English are much better than any ai system could muster plus the editing i could throw in for good measure. There is this company called on linkedin that i applied for such a translation job and it made me realize this is probably a scam company and they are looking for suckers on linkedin.

I couldn't find a way to flag linkedin job postings or report them anyone know? They literally had this guy call me and claim i was supposed to start my assignment now and would have less time than what he said two nights prior and at a different time frame. he claimed I was supposed to translate three full articles from gazeta wyborcza and i did not even have a subscription and you have to have a paid subscription to read entire articles. it was all a big scam man and later the same job posting was posted again and he keeps posting it for this ring or outfit called on linkedin. I think they just get free work this way because they claim its part of the trial than post the job again. I barely finished one within a time span of an hour but turned the other one to him later but it just did not make any sense. why would you time such translation work and want someone to do three in an hour vs quality and longer lasting work? also, why change your mind give diff time frame and even less time than originally agreed upon? Have u ever heard of this scam on linkedin and know how to report them John?

I mean it is one thing to have high expectations but very technically written articles and three within an hr from gazeta eyborcza plus changing of the time frame and all for free then keep posting the same job on their company page or the linkedin job board for free samples like this? this is why this country is so ****** up or being here is so ****** up is no one respects you from other countries or pays you well and full of scammers trying to get free work from here.
15 Feb 2021
USA, Canada / American wanting to move to Poland from USA - how hard is it? [11]

Most companies out of Poland wont even hire you here unless you run tour own company or dzialalnosc and can print invoices or fakturas and I just found out they even want you to register for some nip number or some vat registration not to mention us companies wont work with you at all here unless its like Chinese or Indian wages. so they penny pinch or make you go out of your way to go to govt offices here how the hell can you make any good money to buy 40 glass proseccos? plus those jobs always come and go and are never long term from my experience even the good ones ive had.
15 Feb 2021
USA, Canada / American wanting to move to Poland from USA - how hard is it? [11]

"Next question is, "why would an ex-pat want a teaching job in Poland ?"."

the bigger question is with these pay rates and expenses of living in Warsaw how do those people even afford to go to those clubs or doms whiskeys and buy 30 zloty drinks? And the apple products etc.? also why do they feel like they have to try so hard and show off?