The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Marsupial  

Joined: 19 Oct 2014 / Male ♂
Warnings: 3 - TAA
Last Post: 30 Aug 2017
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Posts: Total: 871 / Live: 202 / Archived: 669
From: Australia, Sydney
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: many

Displayed posts: 202 / page 2 of 7
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15 May 2017
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Only our natives sniffed petrol but that's just a result of british genocide on them. They have non sniffable petrol in those places now. I dont partake myself because i prefer glue.
14 May 2017
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

I love Poland because it just put in the final death blow to the petrol car.
9 May 2017
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Its true but brainwashed fanatics never mention planes and schools. Politics is basically just a mass control tool. I certainly would not dive into a river to save a politician from drowning regardless of party.
16 Apr 2017
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

P3 there is no way pis or trump will get in again. Pis protects Poland against progress, that is their sole achievement. Can't wait to see them get decimated at the next electiin.
13 Mar 2017
Love / Fell in love with Polish girl at work : / [22]

Bugga the saintly advice from the do gooders! Go for it! Not married, no kids, doesn't count. Sharpen the knives and harden up. Good luck.
9 Mar 2017
News / Polish MEP Korwin-Mikke's latest outrage, insulting women [216]

Woman are not better at shoppimg they are runbish at it. That's why companies such as those who make shampoo make black bottles for men and pink ones for ladies and charge 50% more. And fill it with identical product. Old trick applies to a whole raft of products.
14 Feb 2017
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Yes ironside we see the school massacres and lots of other public places. All the time. You can lie to each other if you like about your failed society. As for civilizwd us you are insane and you bs proves it. I hope you and your family are massacred next. Some other nut will come on and say it was gangsters. You utterly deserve it.