The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Rysavy  

Joined: 25 Sep 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 7 Jul 2014
Threads: Total: 10 / Live: 0 / Archived: 10
Posts: Total: 306 / Live: 105 / Archived: 201
From: United States, Payson
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Varied and ecclectic

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27 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

quote=Barney]The slave owners revolt? [/quote]

quotes from a bunch of morally dubious slave owners

a few pointless quotes by some slave owners

Posting a bunch of quotes from the slave owners about tyranny

to quote slave owning government apparatchiks

WTF? are the mods asleep? This should get mod attention.
It is NOT FACTUAL and blanket statements. It is inflammatory and meant to derail thread.
It is over borderline insulting to any patriotic US citizen regardless of leaning to be repeated so many time WITH NO REFERENCE DATA.

Otherwise I get to say that Poland is nothing but white liberal commies that hate Jews and wish they could kill some more 5x per thread as counterbalance?<- this is sarcastic rhetoric by the way

If was mod I'd move this and remove EVERY post he made talking about slavery which is NOTHING to do with GUNS as well as all that had to respnd to it (so the quotes are gone too). But while it is here-then here is THIS.

I mean Kudos to Poland... while sovereign they were an early signer on abolition (being good catholics how could they not?) 1588: The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth abolished slavery. Should they be held accountable for anything that happended while partitioned? Hmmm

EU was still a bigger in the slave trade... who do you think sold them all to us after they purchased them from rivals or kidnapped them? Who built their own countries on backs of slaves with PLENTY of time to reap all the benfits before "freeing them"

Way earlier was this (and a few other edicts from various regimes)........
1435: Papal Encyclical - Sicut Dudum - of Pope Eugene IV banning enslavement on pain of excommunication.
1537: Pope Paul III forbids slavery of the indigenous peoples of the Americas as well as of any other new population that would be discovered, indicating their right to freedom and property. However, only Catholic countries apply it, and state that they cannot possibly enforce what happens in the distant colonies (Sublimus Dei).

Yet it persisted. and serfdom was also considered slavery to abolishionists.Many countires had practice that is hard to pinpoint until laws for and against were enacted.

Spain tried in 1542 but had to avoid enforcing it or suffered economic disaster. Slavery was not using Africans so much at that time BTW. Many anti slave laws were made and later reversed with new regimes or needs of the nation.

1799: The 'Colliers (Scotland) Act 1799' ends the legal slavery of Scottish coal miners that had been established in 1606

And looookee here -after the US civil war... EU hypocrites (I wont include all UN superpowers-only the EU ones who are active with US bashers here on PF.

So SHUT UP about the slavery already your hands are not clean!

At least when US had it's collective "no" it applied to ALL of US and her cheating!:
1869 (February, 27th) - Portugal: King Louis signs a decree of the government, chaired by the Marquis Sá da Bandeira, abolishing slavery in all Portuguese territories.

1869: Portugal abolishes slavery in the African colonies
1874: Britain abolishes slavery in the Gold Coast (Ghana)
1896: France abolishes slavery in Madagascar
1899: France abolishes slavery in Ndzuwani

General source: Abolition_of_slavery_timeline wiki

Note that held territories were MUUUCH later than offcial country responses.And many countries freed slaves in same century as US. No bragging rights for being first to stop if you had it going on TWICE as long! most EU countries had slavery longer than US was a country! They just were not black all that time.
27 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Cool calm discussions don't usually involve insulting the other side.


but the fellow in the videos was quite mild and his negativity was saying Piers Morgan is biased.

Well he is. No matter if you agree or disagree with him he has a personal motivation and agenda.
26 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

LAWL..wrong quote..that was MAYBE

Rysavy: I'm glad I don't have a gun, since the temptation to shoot irritating people would probably be to much for me....then don't get one. You might try yoga though.

however I do Yoga anyway, am moderately armed and more likely to Falcon Punch someone than shoot them if they annoy me that much.

.No, we can only offer the Italian, Albanian and Russian Mafia, illegals from Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe and the drug trade from Northern Africa and the Middle East. And we still don't want guns.

has no where near the drug trade

We have Russian Mafia here- there was big local huff in AZ when they were running ilegal insurance scam accidents in CA and AZ.
We have had Italian mafia strong here since before the prohibition. opium trade has been replaced long ago by meth.

And be honest....African drug trade does not have as easy an access even if it is run by peoples as dangerous as the Cartels of Latin America. No single country in EU specially the ones near suspect countries have 3,169 km of border to watch over with 350mil LEGAL crossovers yearly. It is THE MOST crossed international border. Period.

edit : horrible typo
25 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Blarghle! mixed posts while trying to quote and make video post proper! (sorry Zimmy)

You have no idea how europe works do you? there isn't lunatics running aboutwith guns. Unlike the USA, the mentally ill and hospitalised and treated.

So crime down for lack of guns
or ........................from less mentally unstable people running around with OR without guns?????

So where is our mental health legislature behind all this gungrabbing? And now you see part of the problem us "gun nuts" are having with the premise of guns cause crime. And even if not jaundiced our own govenrment those of us in border states defintely feel safer ARMED.

The EU hasn't yet settle with impact of illegals from more hostile less civilised areas and has no where near the drug trade. Even with open travel vias you still have pretty tight borders for most of your countries. Share a border with a country in constant turmoil and come back with the safety comparaisons..oh can't!

I have never been tempted to shoot anyone for bothering me- beatin the carp out of? yes. Killing? no
Now excuse me... fascinating as all this is.. I ate faaar too much icecream cake and am going into dairy coma so into the brisk outdoors for a walk I go!
25 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]
for every pretty video with ominous gangbanger music with flashy large print by an association with agenda specifically for gun control=gun removal?
There is another refuting it. (I resisted putting Ted Nugent or NRA backed ones here ^_^)

So what was your point ZIMMY?
That a pretty video and important sounding association means it must be the unrefutable facts?
which of many statistics did they use? how old was the studies? Whose and what agency paying?

and ask Australia...
25 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Hey Rysavy, I was curious if you had looked at the "Realities of firearms" thread, particularly the part about AR's and the Ruger GSR as hunting rifles with regard to HD applications? Comment over there if you are of a mind to do so.

No, I usually don't get all ruffled on firearms...I'll take a peek..I don't often go looking for threads to necro.

I ghosted then posted this thread because I really wanted to see what REAL Poles thought and their individual answers. I was hoping thoughtfully mused.

Answers OTHER than "OMG don't even mention GUNS! NOBODY in POLAND wants them! We have NO gun crime! None are allowed to have them! Poland doesn't wish to be a hellhole like U.S.!" And often by transplants or expats.

25 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

As for the comment by Rysavy all I can say is that Polish people can defend themselves better than any other group of people I know.Normally we say this with modesty but I see that on this forum it does not work, most western people misinterpret Polish modesty as incompetence

Aww..I wasn't inferring anything of the sort : ( Actually I was never taught that "Polaks are incompetent"... I was always taught they fought bravely before overwhelmed and that they were as good as betrayed by their allies. My Czech ancestry had good things to say. My dad liked the pilots he worked with in WW2.

But that said, fighting bravely did not prevent Poland from being off the map as Poland .. more than once.
By countries that were taken into full govenrment control before marching off to spread the love.

But am noticing that some here say 'keep your gun rights out of our Poland' are usually first to post how US should be like EU.

And many still hide where they are really from, yet speak for Poland all the time. Or are very recent transplants of only a few years or less.

A dozen US,Brits & Expats cant say in any surety. Half the time they are saying disparaging general things about Polish and Poland that point how much they have not assimilated.

And the original question is still unanswered.
I say again...we need polls ^_^
I know my BF would be NOOOO! -His mum not care- Sister 1 Noooooo- Sister 2 & DAD Hellya. His bud we play on Steam with says Hellya . So that is 6 Polish people in North I know opinion of, that were born , raised and live there. My study buddy, by our conversations, would have been another No, but not Nooooooo. Not all have same reasons..but the Yes or NO is what answer is wanted, yes?
24 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

Why is it obviously inefficient to have a hunting rifle for defense?

Fair question...

Hunting rifles (which are not the same as long guns or shotguns) are meant for distance as the rifling of the long barrel helps that and in its accuracy (how straight a trajectory), they are unweildy and not good for close quarters. They are best used against an unaware target aka Bambi's mother. they are unconcealable so in open the posible assailant would simply wait to waylay you so you cannot draw a bead. Though if you can at least remove it from back holster you could slam them upside head with the butt end I guess.

Many hunting rifles are smaller calibur like 5.56 which is great for Thumper but not so good for bigger game
They also would not be good with multiple targets like flash mobs in anarchy or the door to door gestapo of a govt gone bad.

If you want to single target or snipe small groups of humans from greater distance a bolt action in a big game calibur is viable as defense in certain situation. Not a good scenario if defending is needing preplaning for a siege...^_^

other longuns...well shoulder sling maybe... sure are not the thing to easily put under your jacket. Unless it is common sight like in open carry states of US, it wil llikely attract as much trouble as it can prevent.

Assault Rifles (aka originally called Sport rifles) have problem in a most likely normal home situation that they overpenetrate. a wild shot can end up being more harmful than the intruder. And ARs for hunting unless you are good shot will likely wound not kill, unless auto (assuming you can hold point of aim and point of impact on the fleeing target after first hit). BTW US Govt calls them Personal Defense Weapons when purchasing AR-15s with tax dollars.

carbines vs shotguns is just matter of choice for a weapons user.

Carbines are also nice all round but usually too small a calibur to be of use in life or death situation unless automatic. They have less recoil and better capacity, easier to learn use of that AK or AR. They are more forgiving to inexperinece or unpractices owners.

Riot guns (short length shotguns) are good all round weapon. Some shotguns have exchangeable choke and available rifled long barrels for riot and hunting. Mossburg 500s are popular as are the Remy 870s (Remy is higher quality tool). A riot gun with magnum load is the point and shoot direction of sound in the dark -hear resulting hit kinda usefulness. (oh let me add they make a lareg hole up close but are better stoppers from 8ft or more)

Pistols still are top for personal protection but can only help you if you have become familiar with it. They are far better than rifles in walk down the urban street scenario... but only if you can actually shoot with it.

In other words as much as I trust mine, for Joe Shmoe? Handguns SUCK. But they are convenient sized and still better than a stick and harsh words. Realistically a two charge tazer is likely a better stopper in the pocket sized man stopper dept.

As the trainer said:
Personal defense with a weapon means when you shoot somebody in self defense, the goal isn't necessarily to kill them, it is to stop them. You want the bad guy to stop doing whatever it is they are doing that caused you go pull a gun in the first place. Live or die is really irrelevant. You want them to leave you alone. Sadly, the best way to make somebody leave you alone is to shoot them in their vital organs, and that often results in the bad guy's death. But that's his problem, not yours. when you are legally justified in shooting somebody, it is normally in a situation where you want them to stop RIGHT NOW. Regardless of method, you want to inflict enough trauma on their body that they have no choice but to quit immediately. Sure there is PT baddie who says carap! victim+defense =too much work/risk and leaves. Then you have guy that talks to the streetpost between recreational drug meals or is just plain crazy evil. That person is the one you are preparing for.The guy that attacks past 2 hits or being tazered 4 times.

In Poland we don't fight tyranny with guns, it is only used as the last resort.

talking modern politics? right? is there a chance of tyranny right now?
if attacked from foreign angle I wonder how supportive EU would be?

And you are saying Poland never overthrew or rose against its govt to get to its present day politics?
(Im sure some know that answer and wil jump to list them or prove they never were)
Not a good endorsement how its worded. Because last run in Poland had with major tyranny it was wiped off map as free country. Before that was wiped off map completely for a century? longer? I dont know if it counts as overthrowing govt when the govt is that of conquerors.

Our first insurrection/revolution was 300 years ago and stayed effective that long we put safeties in place to attempt to make it stick and prevent the need for another. But nothing lasts forever. Our second was internal and enforced a singlar nation a century ago. So we are due another in 30-60 yrs if history repetition has any cycle.

Not saying that Poland should be as suspicious as we US citizens are..or that Poland SHOULD have open gun laws even.
Tyranny is why Americans hold their right to bear arms. Poland's reasons should be Polish if they decide something.
23 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

is this thread full of Americans basically discussing Americans gun and gun crime problem

1) This forum is created by AmPoles

2)There are NON americans discussing as well but it is English forum . Plus some are US expat Polish citizens

3)Because US gun law/gun problems were used without context as example of why not...
INSTEAD of simple Polish opinion answer why they wouldn't feel a need for personal firearms more than allowed now

Though comparison was made it should not be be. Not for or against because as said last page= Poland isn't America.
though progressive with a history of democratic styled governments.
Personally I hope that Poland (and all countries emerging from dark places) as it grows ,selects what it can use and discards what it doesn't from other countries models. And holds HARD to her sovereignty.

BTW : ZIMMY is my Heeeero currently
22 Mar 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

If they removed all the US gun death stats

remove the firearms statistics involving youth gangs along with about 8 or 10 cities

Dont see ALL there. Might wanna read before blowing smoke...

When you go cherry-picking for crimes

and by the SAYS town is SHAKEN. That is NOT everyday occurance business as usual. Not even for KY/TN. There are no feuds or Revenuers trampin t'hills a la Justified on daily basis. And even an exaggerated peek like Justifed shows it revolves around DRUGS.

Its fun to play statistical fear monger til you break it down. Some states are extremely dangerous places to live in the general neighborhoods. Some are fully armed and crime is a word.

Find an american state NOT on mexican border with size and population of Poland then do a"study".
how about a mostly rural with a few big city place like..oh..Montana
or same size N.M
(notice leap in murder numbers for border state)
I think California has about same population or more. That can skew it to much MORE murder
Studies like thsi are rare becuase it shows real damge-even in Clinton years
a DOJ study that showed a skewed number of firearm murder arrestees and juveniles were mostly illegal.
During this year also was a study done of inmates incarcerated with criminal offenses by gun. Survey of Inmates in State Correctional Facilities (SISCF)
During the offense that brought them to prison, 15% of State inmates and 13% of Federal inmates carried a handgun, and about 2%, a military-style semiautomatic gun.
On average, State inmates possessing a firearm received sentences of 18 years, while those without a weapon had an average sentence of 12 years.
Among prisoners carrying a firearm during their crime, 40% of State inmates and 56% of Federal inmates received a sentence enhancement because of the firearm.
In 2009 -

An offender was armed with a gun, knife, or other object used as a weapon in an estimated 22% of all incidents of violent crime.
Offenders used firearms to commit 8% of violent crime incidents in 2009.
Robberies (47%) were the most likely crime to involve an armed offender.
Firearms (28%) were the most common weapons used in robberies.
Most rapes and assaults did not involve the use of a weapon.

Our Foreign born population as 2011 is 38 million =12+% last count. Isn't that population of Poland btw? Does Poland has 12% foregn born citizens and an open border?.

Raw data is best for big pictures. Stats are biased in criteria by the researchers conducting study. 2011 is special since it had mechanic to allow illegals to be counted if they answered the door without self incriminating questions to worry them.

America is NOT a good comparison at all to any of these squealings about guns. It is not equal nations of size and population... nor continent apple to continent orange.. is Apple to Flounder.
this is not as nice with raw data as the disaster site

Poland had 111 gun deaths alone that data year 2002
But from these we can say -2002- that compared to U.S., Poland with annually has more Murders (Compared to a regionally similar State of close size) MT was 16 by all methods(and for 60 years is avg 28)

or slightly less crime (compared to a border state)NM 152 with median amount 140 between 1960-2011

far far less crime (compared to state with same population as whole country- states ARE kinda like countries)than CA which btw has had restrictive gun laws in place for some time. 2395 murders. Cali hasnt had fewer murders than 1000 since late 60s.Has even broke 4k mark

And even this does not break down that Poland gun rate is compared to ALL murders in those states that year
Poland had ttl 662 murders in 2011 (and 680 in 2010). NM had ttl 156.... CA of course far more 1,792 (equal rate to Solomon Islands and Niger)
Maybe I can say by country rates 1.1>4.8 you are 3x more likely to be murdered in US. Break down by method-legality of tool and citizenship of killer. A whole new statistic .

The rampart drug cartels run by unwelcome guests from other countries. Illegal shipping- illegal immigrants who are 75% the DREGS of their former homeplace, have not yet found a way to be as prevalent.

My main point above is statistics are only as reliable as the bias of the researcher.

Personally with a very very big family and 50% of them in Southern Cal and one set of gangbanger cousins in Sanfer.. No person in my family has ever been murdered. Those bangers never killed anyone though one did time for stabbing a person and having ilegal firearm.I have lived in 11 different states and only in WA have I ever lived even near a murder (5 miles away-murder suicide DV).

For the thread question it has everything to do with how safe citizens feel, how well violent crime is stamped- hard, how many opportunities for outside criminal element (and domestic) are there.

Poland isn't that bad..still not quite so good.. as the saying goes- "can't squeeze blood from turnip". Poland has a low murder rate by most standards. One of the lowest in EU? I doubt guns would change that by much. When the first meth labs are found-then we know they in trouble ^_^

Poland would not likley be enriched by the American model of gun ownership, but guns shuold be legislated somehow if the majority of people wish to legally own some.
oh..and here is link to recent crime studies of plans done by poland
21 Mar 2013
Love / My Polish wife's family hate me. Maybe it is because I'm black. Advice needed. [87]

you're funny, LOL

well..they are... all half dozen. Unless you have a better word.

My Polstina friends (and Polsky BF) are all people to the last man who would answer "Does this dress make me look fat?"

with "No, but that color lipstick is horrible! You should wipe it off!"/or/ "Yes, it makes you look like a should get a nicer one" /or/ "No but it makes you look cheap..what happened to that blue one?"

Better than letting me as their friend out the door appearing as I would not like.... I suppose.

and as long as you ain't saying "funny looking " itz awl gud n yer doin me well ^_^

As for poster...he has not answered if there are any other just base factors than color alone -like religion. Or circumstances surrounding the marriage. He only answered what city his woman's family is near/in. So how can anyone advise him? Karzoch has a point too.

I still wonder how he can be "fighting" EVERY day so hard with them daily if there is no common language between. It casts suspicion on the whole affair.
20 Mar 2013
Love / My Polish wife's family hate me. Maybe it is because I'm black. Advice needed. [87]


if you have to say "maybe" it is probably a lot more than just your color alone. I don't know a lot of polish peeps but those I do are all quite blunt. Some might even think rude depending on upbringing. I am pretty sure if it was just your color you would have already have no doubt by hearing the key phrases/ words repeated by now.

So far all I can assume is that you ar male, have black skin and are not Polish or American

reasons they may not like you:Bieganski mentioned some.......
Are they Catholic? is she? ...are YOU?
With that in mind are you : Divorced- not catholic- did you marry with church blessing?
How long have you been married?
Are you applying for citizenship not your birth country when she met you? Are you looking for Polish citizenship after a short time married? Would they think you married her for EU citizenship?

Are you much older-an immigrant in your usual location? Are you/were you illegal? Do you have a good job? Is it better than hers (traditionlists do not approve of manwives)?

Do you have other children previous?
Are you overweight? ..are you (it is always subjective lol) homely? Are you from same class/ Education level as her family?

Were they expecting you? are you staying with family (if not expected could be seen freeloading) or in Hotel? Do you speak Polish? If not how can you "fight" with them? they speak english to you.

Anything can set protective parents off. And even less can set off trolly ones. I doubt anyone here can help you without a least a couple details like

Nationality-time married-religion(if any)-respective ages- and employability.

My mum-in-law to be hates me already. They don't even know my ethnicity. Many of her reasons are not applicable and will fade with time. But some of her reasons may never be resolved. My guy is hurt and was surprised, he loves his family and is quite close, but he waded through it.

We plan our plans regardless. Sometimes only time and proving them wrong is the option.
As long as your wife is strong enough and connected enough to you to be able to not have family support? I would just smile, nod and move along.
13 Mar 2013
USA, Canada / Rodeo Ben the "Polish Cowboy" [50]

Wrangler jeans are still widely sought after

Lee and Wrangler are still popular brands amongst real "cowboys" and farmers as well as Carhardts, Maverick, good ol Sears Rustlers (Lee sub?).

Especially slender people, the average American looks like a sausage in those brands. But nothing frames and enhances a cowboy butt like Wrangler.
Cowgirls lean towards Lee.

a search "cowboy butts" and most images have 80% the iconic large tan Wrangler patch.
27 Feb 2013
Language / Differences in Polish and English idioms [69]

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

yep heard that one.. rock n a hard place.. horns of dilema

oh and near forgot
pot calling the kettle black (hypocrisy
out of the frying pan into the fire (choosing bad to worse
no guts no glory (nothing ventured nothing gained
don't burn all your bridges (dont shut off all options
dont judge a book by it's cover (saying don't judge at first glance
27 Feb 2013
Language / Differences in Polish and English idioms [69]

(Eng) "kick the bucket"(Pl) "Kick the calendar"

My polish language buddy cracked up when he heard me say that..then came me listing all the similar I knew> he was very interested in colloquials like "dirt nap""bought the farm"

My Fiance cracks up occasionally and has to stop the presses so I can explain when one just flows into the conversation

And while we're on the subject of idioms, note to all, virtually NOBODY uses the phrase "raining cats and dogs" !!

I'm american born and heard that one all my life in every location. But I have always lived south the 40degree mark and mostly West Coast

Southern expressions..
happier than a dead pig in sunshine - happy indeed
plumb tuckered -exhausted
he loves her so much he'd rope the moon for her- loved indeed (Pecos Bill , texas fairy tales)
get off your high horse -quit being pretentious/being condecending
Ain't got sense to come in from the rain - irresponisble or no common sense
right as rain- correct

because my generation dad was older maybe..but I use and many of my family in Texas family use:

Now your cooking with gas! (now your have a great idea/are on the right track
Best idea/greatest thing since sliced bread! (innovative or simply great
someone is "The cat's meow"= all that and a bag of chips( AWESOME
up the creek without a paddle (in serious dilema
so broke he can't even pay attention
naked as a jaybird (completely disarmed or unrobed..though birds have feathers ; / )
apple didnt fall far from tree (about a child resembling parent in habit or appearance
almost only counts in horseshoes 'n' hand grenades (it doesnt count/matter
what's that got to do with the price of tea in china? ("that" -usually a coment or observation- has no bearing on current conversation/problem

6 ways from sunday (using every option
shutting the barn door after the horse got out (too late
you can "x" (argue, run, sleep etc) til the cows come home (til the end

so many more... but these are the ones that amused my verbal contacts
24 Feb 2013
Language / Why is the Polish language so difficult? [309]

I am not sure it is so difficult after first barriers are passed. In my case it is pronounciations.

My problem is not so much the Polish as certain consonant combinations close to each other. But then again, I have a mild
speech impediment only exacerbated by wisdom teeth, still having baby teeth and having my adult upper "first molar" set knocked out.
Which is where these letter sets are supposedly to be pronounced I came to find out recently.

I can hear the differences, but lot of the "shushing" sounds mentioned earlier are my bane since I lisp them terrible. What are they called Frictives?

(though I thought ch= hard "H"? even a nearly "f" sound if like the word for moment)
23 Feb 2013
Life / Video games centers and culture in Poland [22]

Merged: Popularity of video games in general and the shift to MMO/MMORPGs with Polish playerbase

There is no specific area for Games-Video-Electronic media but it is hobby/entertainment /recreational activity. And let me state up front "with Polish" is not because I think OMG can they rise to this? But it is Polish I am curious about and the main object of this forum. One can mentally replace "with German":"with Slovakian":"with Turkish" if you wish to :p :::::

I am not sure how many nerdy gamer types lurk here specially those of us who play less as adults with responsibilities, but never give it up totally...

I am one who went d20 RPG>RP VideoGames>Muds >MMORPGs
I've always enjoyed international penpals. Internet forums, Online games combined with communication like vent , skype and teamspeak has indulged that pleasure to a fuller amount.

What is the median age of a gamer in Poland?
Which came first to lead to gameplay in co operatives that are more than often English speaking? Embracing consumerism or "westernization"? Are any studies curently done?

Not so big a population change in services like Steam, but I have noticed in several MMO games I play, there is an exponentially growing number of openly Polish players, and Polish oriented Guilds, Especially Star Wars. I just wonder what the change is.

Since EU servers split generally in English/German/French language regardless of the company; I would think they would choose German server for better frame rates and latency. But they are usually on English servers. US eastern servers when their internet will tolerate it.

And the players I've been in vent with improved their English by leaps and bounds are so driven once they are not shy anymore (though sadly picked up very slangy versions to sound so fluent in -lol). I do not think I would fare so well so quickly had I been in all-Polish speaking guild..

Added note: Most of my longtime and close EU "gaming friends" that are not already native speakers or German are Hungarian, Polish, Finns, Swedish and 1-2 Russian & Netherlands,. When I lived west coast I made permanent (over 10 years now) connections with 3 Aussies and 5 S Koreans. ^_^ plus of course handfuls that are in US like me. We have even met in groups at selected locations.
23 Feb 2013
Language / POLISH 18 - 30 years old know MUCH BETTER ENGLISH language than their own native language! [102]

Hmmm... can I be against circuses like Spelling Bees (yes I admit they are entertaining to peek at) and not sound like I think a grasp of spelling (not just hooked on phonics) is bad?

But wish for better base education in the majority of childen... ? even "gasp" if it means no money goes to sports programs?

(<--former jockette. ...was painful to suggest it)
No need fer'n no fancy talk wurds aint gonna git me a job izit? (seriously if my father was alive to see me use lazy composition and grammar as I do on the webz, he'd have to take some bismuth!)

And on the subject.. my fiance has college level written English and quite passable spoken english including a steadily growing vocabulary of colloquial. His accent only becomes apparent in certain words or when he is very tired, but is so soft; I honestly think if he lived in an English speaking country , specially the States he'd be indiscernible from an average Joe after 5 -6 years.

I do not think that would be case if I came to him or we move later to Poland >_<

: ( (why this dropped from post and wouldn't edit.. I cannot guess. Likely user error ) <_<
23 Feb 2013
Language / POLISH 18 - 30 years old know MUCH BETTER ENGLISH language than their own native language! [102]

the New Math craze

NO NO NO NO You cannot MAKE me go back!!!!!!!! *runs away crying and throwing ashes in hair*

Least that was the last time I was at a public school til my teens! Thank Bob my parents had money back then at least.

To be fair on how we Americans are speaking English different from our originating speakers in so many ways (regional dialects) are almost directly related to type of immigrants prevalent in the area during the major settling of it. And phonetics from the standpoint of each type of immigrant is different. Not to mention after the well to do grabbed futures of position and land for lessor sons, the next few waves of Anglos were not exactly educated cream of the crop. And immigration was generally an approved and welcome concept until well into the early 70s (haters were gonna hate the immigrant ethnic of the season.

Spelling bees usually showcase the ability to know and use complex and rare latin/greek based or non-english Laodicean (here the southern "lackadaisial" comes's biblical btw)..or haecceity ...or Bewusstseinslage (used in written portion of a test a few years back).

Hee heh heh... I wait for spelling bees to incorporate words coming common now from places like Netherlands, Poland, Turkey (won't count languages that use different type lettering Cyrillic or Arabic..that will be the Spelling Bee Xgames of future >_< )
15 Feb 2013
Life / Polish sentimental ballads [38]

Ahh.. I like the sound of that last one Paiwan, and I really like the post with 'Anna Szałapak', I truly enjoy tangoes. and of course on different music thread I mentioned my fangurl squeals for the more modern balladeers like Andrzej Piaseczny (heh,,I even remembr to spell his name by remembering Sexy-secksni).

Accordians are smexy for Polish? I will have to brush up!! I here I have been wooing him with guitar ballads!
11 Feb 2013
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

to add to the fray..
In school... admittedly mostly private tutor during travel or perochial.. I was never taught that Poland was "Eastern Europe.." and my family was suspicious of "Commies" but that nearly always translated to "=Russians" >_<

I was taught it was an "East Bloc" country which a BIIIG portion of Germany was part of.

The laziness of my children's schools and their generation of educators seem to have arbitraily assigned anything east of the line in 'western' Germany separating it as Eastern Europe.

My curiosity what is the center of Western Europe supposed to be geographically?

AS for why some feel the need to correct what they are being called. Why so adamant on siliencing their opinion about their OWN selves?

I don't think it's Rocket Science. Just because the betrayers of the "eastern European" countries trust assigned them off with a "not one of us" label to feel better about Warsaw pact..doesn't mean the indigenous peoples agreed wholeheartedly with being aportioned.
30 Jan 2013
Love / Are Polish men handsome to you? [182]

Not all Polish men are hooligans

So far my contacts who are native Polish are gentlemen.
And are not likely to ever wear army pants.

So many males commenting here <_<

what about track suits and hoodies with pitbulls on them, finished off by those outdated bizarrely tight fighting white puma sneakers?

I am afraid despite my affection , I would point and laugh if my beloved popped in front of me wearing such a get up.

When not in casual at the University he wears Wranglers and T shirts. His mom and sister tried recently to talk him into purchasing 'more fashionable' "skinny jeans". Thankfully he resisted.
25 Jan 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

buthere you have to keep a low profile and dont let your passion rule what one can legally and live with it.

You mean Poland, yes?

My passion to own firearms here in US are motivated by things that would be moot in Poland as I understand.
I never intended anything illegal on my own part. ^_^ Never have and don't intend to change that.
As I said ... once/if/when I live in Poland ..I may very well not even desire or miss a handgun
(except the antique piece handed down thru my family in it's capacity as memorabilia)

As for passion in temperment..meh. My daddy said never handle your guns, stay in an arguement or correct your kids when your dander's up.
25 Jan 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

oh for feck sake. How about you keep yourself and your paranoia right where you are

You know for a canuck you can be one of the most baiting trolls on this forum. I'm glad the first Canadians I met were nothing like you. And do you live in Poland now? or even in past year? Hmm think not. Were you born there..if I recall...No.

And my attitude on my own government where I was born (which as someone close to her tsalagi family has extra distrust of) has no bearing on my view of Polish government which I really do not have an opinon on nor comment on here. I don't judge my opinion of foreign governments on media hype, So in general do not make strong opinions about governments where I did not see local politics in action or live under the rule of. I commented here becuase it seemed rather more about teh US policies than about why Poland should or shouldn as it's own entity. I still couldn't say if Poland would benefit or not from a "right to bear arms" type of law.

I sure don't need no frou frou liberal making foam at the mouth insults at me just because it send them to an insane rage that someone thinsk a different way about a subject, when I said nothing to invite such. >: (

Should we marry as is planned..(becuase spending more time togethe always has chance to reveal an imcompatibility) , chances are he will want to go back to Poland when his parents need him. Which is why I orginally (Oh LOL was I wrong) came here to see what Polish people are like. For when in Rome do as the Romans do. There is everyone but native Polish it seems. Or they lurk.

To become a hunter you have to join a club (and attend the hunts I presume), go on training every year and pass exams (in Polish). You would be able to buy a hunting rifle, I doubt a handgun is an option as its useless for hunting. If you are interested in guns, not hunting I suspect the hunters in your club can refuse you.My brother in law has spent years getting his license.

What are you going to rob a 'modest' bank? murder a 'modest' citizen?Why on earth would you think you need a pistol in Poland? There is no chance you would ever need it.

Statistically, yes.

But if she is in the wrong place at the wrong time? Yes, it happens one to million, but you never know.

^--------------------------------^ this ^ and C'mon Peter you 'rebeing exaggeratingly silly and obtuse with that part one statement. I am an avid hunter with gun and bow.

I do like hunting, mostly large game that isn't simply 3 bites worth. I do not know what Poland's crime rate is in a realistic term other than much lower at present. I do not know what it will be in 5 years or so. Since there is not a rampant drug problem or cartel/gangs at present, I may very well not wish to have a handgun once I am there and settle.Specially since he really wants to live in the country.

Realistically, the only people I'd need a handgun against are those who would use their own, likely illegal handgun to accost me in some way with. any other weapon it would take a big man with equal skills to take me down.

But I also have personal reasons to prefer to have a legal personal sidearm. I know people can be evil and sometimes unexpectedly so. Ever been dead? I have. Unfortune for my Ex and his (stil standing) life insurance policy- I was revived after he drown me. One of many reasons I have church permission to remarry as I please.
23 Jan 2013
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2237]

(quote:MoOli: Infact not true.Yes it is a bit harder to own a gun in Poland) It is a lot harder to own a gun in Poland. Needless to say there is no the right to own guns.

How much harder? expense? security check?
As for right to own gunns..what kind of history of the Polish govt selling the citizens out is 16th century?
also how many generations of "guns are bad-citizens don't need guns : have been raised to present day voter age?
How much do Poles trust your government as a whole regardless of dislike of party choice?

I do not trust mine regardless of party in power. I firmly believe that if some of the more serious final safeguards were removed...we would have a Presidente' for life within 10 years. Or lose our sovereignenity in silent paperwork by some unremovable administrator.

I know my Honey is a little unsettled, in his plan to live here, on the ease of obtaining and hiding firerams here. And boggles at the number of various weapons in my possession.

As for me..I will keep mine.

And I will do all that is required to legally obtain a modest pistol, a shotgun and a hunting gun when we move (if we move) to Poland.
21 Jan 2013
Love / What to answer to the Most annoying phrase that EVERY and EACH polish girl always says? [58]

everything has to be perfect otherwise you are stupid and uneducated. Polish people are picky yet have so called 'low self-esteem'. They like to criticise both themselves and others( especially). For them trying is not enough.

THAT is what I would assume from my fiancee and my language buddies. Specially my BF. When he is well rested there is accent only on certain letter combinations and his vocabulary is FAR better than average American or even my German friends.

Sure is clearer than my own Asperger twisted Souther-ese english! Though it was not my first language either.
But he also calls himself lazy and various other negatives that simply are not so. And he definitely has his depressed phases. LOL

I am a thwarted perfectionist that has had time to get over it (kids mostly wore that edge dull).
21 Jan 2013
Love / Do you think these renowned Poles are hot? [150]


You're a regular laugh riot Pawian...

9_9 Course another flag is fact she is all happy with soneone who left another woman for her. Not a survivor of a past failed marriage...but actively ended one story to start another. And I am considered kinda naive by many of my friends but can read the wall on this one ^_^
21 Jan 2013
Love / Do you think these renowned Poles are hot? [150]

Ryszard Kalisz, leftist party activist, divorced his young and beautiful wife to start a new romance:

OK..NOT hot
It isn't rocket science to guess she is shallow after the power, money and opportunities
17 Jan 2013
Love / Do you think these renowned Poles are hot? [150]

My taste of course is IMO. But in pure physical criteria? I definitely don't go for hairy guys or guys that could look better in make up than me. Or at least make a great woman. I like masculine features and a balanced face. Great smiles, bright intense eyes, good complexion, facial keys. I personally adore modest gap in teeth.. a fetish one might say and fuller mouths. A balanced body, a look of health. I'll go more for overweight than bones showing. Heroine chic is not for me.

Sometimes live adds subtle varitions that a photo cannot do justice for

Page one.. Hmm Bierdon (specially as youngster) is nice looking enough. Kinda generic, not my taste.
The second fellow..Donald. .....meh. Not Hot. His lips are kinda pinchy. And not right kind of rugged... he looks worn. Like a strung out Neil Patrick Harris.

Page 2 Nowak..Okay.. I would not kick him out of bed for eating crackers! Hot body though still not my type.
Rutlowski- YEEK! No! night I would shoot him as a bear! But I am NOT into hairy dudes at all. His face is also kinda..I dont know..sterotype movie thug named Boris.

Olejniczak..gorgeous eyes! Great smile..He is a nice looking guy. Still not quite HOT , but I'd say yes to a date.
Cichoki... hmmm a lil light on the feet looking..does have that Dan Quail "when i grow up..." look. ^_^

pg 3:
Gowin is a a very dapper older guy.... he wears it well
Sikorski.would be genric/meh but does have a personable smile
Bartosz..mmm.. cant say why but NO. Kinda looks like some of my Rus ex-inlaws
Cimoszewicz.. has the generic politician look..
That hippie is a hottie by many standards...for me? if I can take the clippers to him. Its the flashy smile, blonde hair and bright eyes. I like longer faces too I guess. He looks vain tho

Gromoslaw...not bad. I bet he was a cute guy in his youth. Not really my type. Though I rarely date my type anyway since personality can sway me past appearance.

The page 4 Dr Who guy..Hmmm. Nice looking.

All and all the "hotties" would be the fellow with the butter face and the narcisitic seeming hippie