The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by NorthMancPolak  

Joined: 13 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Nov 2012
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16 Jul 2012
Life / What's wrong with Poland? I don't see anything. [121]

What is wrong with Poland? The answer is simple - imigrants.

lol, are you really that thick?

Unlike some people on here, I'm never going to encourage Poland to take in millions of Africans, just because the EUSSR says so.

But look at the numbers - let's say, for example, there are 50000 of the kind of immigrants you object to in Poland. Then compare that to the number of lazy drunken unemployables in Poland. You will find that the figure is far higher.

Now, I imagine that you would have replied "it's their country, they can do what they want". But that doesn't change the fact that the indigenous useless are a far bigger problem than immigrants, useful or otherwise.
15 Jul 2012
Life / Any good Polish films to watch? [112]


omg I couldn't stop laughing during this film. Like many Polish films, it starts a bit dull/confused... then something happens which turns the film around immediately. In this case, it's the scene where they're weighing the returning Poles at the border. One has lost weight, and is told off - because if everyone went abroad and lost weight, there wouldn't be enough Poles left, and the country needs Poles haha. You have to watch it to really get it :)

Another good one is "Trzy minuty. 21:37". Nothing funny about this one, but it needs to be watched a second time to really get it. Not easy to watch at times (you won't want to be admitted to a Polish hospital after watching this, lol), and probably the best Polish film since "Plac Zbawiciela", in my humble but clearly non-expert opinion ;)
13 Jul 2012
Life / What's wrong with Poland? I don't see anything. [121]

It's so obvious that the OP isn't Polish, or he would think very differently. From trams which stink of beer and incontinence, to town hall bureaucracy, there are many things wrong with Poland - though we all know about the great things too. But he just HAD to turn it into a UK-bashing exercise, didn't he? Meet me at GMEX station at 1700 and we can walk towards Victoria - I've nearly crashed my car on several occasions due to all the fit women around, but it's not really our fault if you come from a town full of porkers lol.
9 Jul 2012
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

fight.. it wouldn't be a Polish wedding without it ;)

trains. polish weddings constantly have people lined up in a train, walking in circles.

We did the conga at my cousin's Polish wedding.

Mine didn't have any of these, and my wedding couldn't have been much more Polish if it tried.

Lots of fat rhythm-free uncles trying to dance, though. :D
9 Jul 2012
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

Problem with the Polish system is that it is so hard to lose your licence compared to the UK. 4 speeding fines and it's a ban in the UK in Poland you can go on forever (it seems).

Have you ever actually been to Poland?

I'm not sure if it's effective yet, but it's not long ( a few weeks) since I saw a news report which stated that points are going to be given out for even the most minor of offences, like not indicating when changing lanes. Accumulate a few of those, and you lose your licence. But then, you answered the question "znasz język polski" with "no", so you wouldn't have understood the report anyway.

Nah!! Just drove down through Romania, they have the Poles beat "hands down".

He's obviously never been to Italy, either.

If he's British, he's clearly never been to Bradford - Britain's insurance-avoiding capital. I always breathe a sigh of relief once I'm back on the M62, the road back to civilisation.

Is sanddancer a gdyniaguy alter-ego? Certainly sounds like one.
8 Jul 2012
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

The Polish Language is only spoken by Polish people


which is roughly 32 Mil people

Wrong again. Not even close.

But mainly, I dislike the lack of English language among many people, specially in important jobs like in government officials, taxi drivers, shop assistants... etc.

English isn't an official language in Poland, believe it or not.
7 Jul 2012
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

- too little tolerance for people who are even a bit different (piercing, wierd clothing, strange haircut etc.)

Indeed. Poland needs more Goth and metal types. And proper ravers. Too many clones with shaved heads and identikit sportswear.

- music culture - too little stations playing metal/rock/alternative music. Pop/techno/electro/disco music everywhere !

Techno's not exactly mainstream. You should go to a proper rave instead of listening to Radio ZET.

- people who think it makes them cool to play some crap techno loud in trams and buses.

True, but at least Paweł and Kasia won't "cap" you or "stab you up" for telling them to turn it down - unlike all the LaTeeshas and Du'Waynes on UK buses lol. The worst thing on Polish buses and trams is the smell of alcohol and incontinence, ugh.
5 Jul 2012
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

You have to be a bit naive to ask how to score drugs online, but peterweg thinks internet trolls (or, more accurately, people he disagrees with) should be jailed, so he can't be taken seriously. He wouldn't grass (no pun intended) round here, not unless he wanted to see his name on walls from the Irwell to the M60.
5 Jul 2012
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

Hi! My name's Officer Dibble, and I thought your weed thread was great! Had a great laugh. Eating doughnuts on a stakeout was getting boring anyway, it cheered us up ;)
4 Jul 2012
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

Hard work, belief in a higher power, discussion of politics, traditional family, loyalty etc

Not disagreeing, but I'd say that's part of Chinese or Japanese culture as well, so it's not exclusively Polish.

Eastern European

Poland's in Central Europe, btw ;)
2 Jul 2012
Travel / What is the ugliest city or town in Poland? [89]

Couple years ago there was a joke in the radio. When you win the contest the prize will be a holiday in Bytom ;)

Runner-up prize is two weeks, lol.

There is nothing in Poland comparable to the rundown hellhole that is New Brighton, for instance.

or Salford. What the council is doing round here is criminal. "Unsuitable for modern needs" my ***.

Just a few minutes down the road from me. There are dozens of streets like this round here. Ruined by council incompetence and benefit-claiming ASBO scum.


30 Jun 2012
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

I've never understood why this forum attracts so many people who are obsessed with (mostly anti-) Jewish issues. I live within a proposed eruv; there are probably more practising Jews within a 2-mile radius of my flat than there are in the whole of Poland, yet you never hear me going on about it. Mind you, I'm too busy stuffing myself with chopped liver and matzo crackers to get involved, lol.
30 Jun 2012
Love / My Polish bf cheated on me with a black girl [45]

He hasn't met her yet, so how can he have cheated on you? He had planned on cheating, though. So you should dump him for being an idiot lol.
29 Jun 2012
Travel / What is the ugliest city or town in Poland? [89]

I was on a bus from Wrocław to Bielawa once (we have family friends there), and it reminded me of the time I once caught an overnight National Express coach from Leeds to London (this was a long time ago, when I was a poor student - I'd fly now. Or, I would if bmi hadn't cancelled the service, lol. Then again, I have no reason to go to Leeds, but I'm sure you see my rather waffly point. haha).

The coach stopped at some Midlands dump (Chesterfield, I think) - one of those places where one person gets on, and no-one gets off. Just like when the bus pulled up in Wałbrzych, lol :D

However, despite all this, there is still money to be made, even in these depressing places - the aforementioned family friends have made a fortune from running pharmacies and dry cleaners around Bielawa/Wałbrzych. I've never seen a house like theirs in my life, amazing.
28 Jun 2012
Travel / What is the ugliest city or town in Poland? [89]

Later on, in the 60s and 60s they started copying styles from capitalist countries but without the wherewithal to do it well

Le Corbusier would turn in his grave if he saw some of these cost-cutting hell-holes.

However, I've still never seen anything in Poland which looks as bad as many similar estates in the UK. I lived on such an estate as a child, but it didn't turn me into a mugger or drug dealer, honest :)


My mum has the misfortune to come from this city. I've been a few times myself. Żeromskiego makes The Rock in Bury look like Krakowskie Przedmieście :D lol

Kielce and Wałbrzych are pretty depressing too. I've managed to avoid Górny Śląsk so far, but I imagine there are plenty of ugly places there.
22 Jun 2012
Life / 3 reasons why winter is the best time of the year in Poland [58]

Well, I love cold weather/snow. If I won the lottery (and therefore became wealthy) I'd only move up the road from where I live now. One of those big houses on the other side of the nearby main road would do nicely. There's no way I'd move to some mock-Tudor footballer country like Alderley Edge, even if that is where many wealthy people move to! lol
9 Jun 2012
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

No more so than an ignorant non-registered poster should expect.

I won't reply to guests. Let them register if they want replies.

Then, if we don't like them, we can block them. And if they cause trouble, the mods can ban them. Which, let's face it, is exactly why they won't register.

If we all ignored them, they would either go away, or register. As it should be ;)

surely not true? if so, i am like Einstein on coke

Oscar Wilde on ketamine, more like ;)

I did Latin ... now that WAS bloody hard

True. I only did about six months of it (and Greek) at school, but we had to stay after school to do it, as an extra subject.

I eventually decided that it would be more fun going to metal pubs with my girlfriend instead lol (good choice :D ).

Of course, I didn't tell my mum this (my excuse was "as if I'm ever going to need Latin at work!" - famous last words, as it turned out, haha).

oh yes, I did German as well - and you are right - Polish again way easier.

So how many languages do you know/speak, then? You almost sound familiar.

I used to know an English woman from Oxford who also "looked Polish", and was very multilingual, but I can't imagine her ever wanting to marry a Pole somehow lol.
8 Jun 2012
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

lol, any language is easy if you've grown up with it.

Try Inuit languages, then you can talk. It's all tusaatsiarunnanngittualuujunga oqaatiginerluppaa nammineersinnaassuseqarlutik and stuff like that. haha :)

German often looks like it should be easy for English speakers, because some of it looks familiar, and I think the syntax may be similar (but don't quote me on this).

You'll get something which sounds a bit like English like "und der top...." but then it's followed by a word like "...Eisenbahnknotenpunkthinundherschieber" and I just think "lol, forget it, I'll stick to Slavic languages" haha :)
7 Jun 2012
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

In 80's it was polpular to say:
"Fly or not, but never LOT"

Yeah, but that was 23+ years ago. Things have changed since then. You know, like ETOPS 180 and stuff. And no more "LOT Cafe" meals, just a bloody cold baguette. And they don't give us hand wipes any more, either. I blame the EUSSR. lol
4 Jun 2012
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

+ I love the rather loose interpretation of baggage weight limits :)

I think this is unlikely the case these days. They have reduced their baggage allowance recently. I remember once cramming 22kg into a case, plus hand baggage which was probably about 8kg, and I got away with it. No chance now - you can only take 6kg as hand baggage now and, iirc, 14kg checked. Time to buy a super-light new case I think ;)

Apparently that is due to the expansion work at Warsaw airport.

Well, that and LOT being too cheap to use the more expensive slots which do exist.

It will be the latter. The new terminal's been open for years, yet the situation is no better than in was in the "old terminal" days - on flights from the UK, anyway.

Perhaps they have too many oversized passengers on their transatlantic flights, so they save the airbridges for them - as only Brits and real Poles can fit on the buses :D

I'll be flying with them four times next week, so I'll act as PF's roving reporter and will report back, lol
27 May 2012
News / Poles start to feel arrogant and superior to Southern Europeans [182]

Nice try, troll. But you couldn't even get the ethnic slur right.

If anything, we're the Filipinos of Europe - Catholic, willing to move anywhere for work, and few of us cause trouble.

If anyone's "the blacks of Europe" (whatever that means anyway), it's uneducated UK-born benefit-breeders like you.

And we're entitled to feel superior to those south-eastern tax avoiders.
23 May 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Those aren't "defects" ffs

it's a matter of taste

Thread should have been closed after this :)

There's plenty of attractive Polish women, but Monica Bellucci or Sophie Marceau-style beauty isn't really that common in Poland. in my opinion ;)

My problem is, I go for women who look like Noomi Rapace, but always seem to end up with women who look like Amanda Holden lolz :D
13 May 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Great Britain - 14%. hehehe :D

Mind you, most of the Polish women round here (and there are many) are average at best, so don't get too excited ;)

At least we don't marry-off our nine year-old daughters to old men, and we don't make habit of aborting female foetuses.
11 May 2012
Genealogy / I love Asiatic influences in Polish peoples' faces [59]

The truth is that you would not be able to tell the difference between a German or a Frech and a Pole if shown a picture.

Yet we can always spot a Pole on the streets, in milliseconds ;)
2 May 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Dodgefan, you are getting yourself very worked up about this. You are adamant that you are right. You think anybody who thinks otherwise has absolutely no grounds whatsoever for their opinion.


Why does this forum attract so many weirdos?

If he's gay, then fair enough. But if he's not - why on earth does he spend so much time discussing other guy's c*cks online?? weirdo.