The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / Live: 2 / Archived: 30
Posts: Total: 1522 / Live: 203 / Archived: 1319
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

Displayed posts: 205 / page 2 of 7
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6 Apr 2011
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

As I said before on the first page in my first post here ...

I disagree, I DISAGREE that all Polish people are "not" polite ... I disagree with this lame stereotype ... imagination!
5 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

This thread is not appropriate and certainly should not exist.

There is no such thing as violent and frequent or higher number of rapes in Poland compared to others. I always felt that this thread had to be dumped ... but then the moderators are better equipped.
4 Apr 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

Monia ... rape is everywhere. In Poland and elsewhere. However, drunkenness can result is more violence and irrational behavior, so if there be found a correlation I would definitely not be surprised.
2 Apr 2011
Classifieds / Asian community in Poland [113]

Yes, my own wife is Korean, and recently met some wonderful Korean people in Poland through my father in law's contacts. Although they are mostly here for business purposes ...

Not too much in contact with Asians ... but I am sure there is a diverse community present in little amounts across Poland. We are not really very diverse ... very few international community :) ...

Welcome :) ...
2 Apr 2011
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

its centuries since anyone called me a girl

Are you human than?

Anyways ... please don't set a preconceived idea in yourself unless you fully understand all the dimensions of truth about something/someone/some phenomena :).
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

I agree that Slavs are humans too, but what makes them unique, likeable and dispisable, funny and serious, talented or not that much capable?

In this planet, every individual is unique, just like you :)

The rest of the things you mentioned depends on the particular person and how they manage themselves, how much they can focus on their specific positive and creative inclinations.
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Let it all out

We are all humans, and this specific group of humans had their contributions too for the development of human civilization in this planet.
29 Mar 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

But I really expect something more concrete in Europe about safety of women.

Why only more in Europe? Its no paradise of the saints in here.

Rape often goes unreported due to many social and psychological reasons. You need to study the matter (big books available) to understand how the whole mechanism work.

The man who does the rape is not a man, but worse than an animal. I cannot imagine how they do it. Disgusting.

By the way, its not anything so particular about Poland that it will make you think specifically of it. You can look into India too and find many more examples ... where you can perhaps understand the scenario better as you are brought up there (isn't it?).

It is done by tyrants, messed up people ... no matter whether he/she is a Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Army or a Mob or rioters ... or a humanoid in the form of a relative/relation.

Remember: In Muslim countries a woman may be judged&killed because she was raped.

I think its a lame generalization by you. Perhaps some regimes can do this, but it has nothing to do with that religion if closely studied. I don't think their systems are adjustable in the modern world, but just for that I would really not find it right to just hurl any kind of accusation on them.

I've been to a predominantly muslim country as in Bangladesh for some business interest of my ex employer, and found that country interestingly fare in its treatment of both the genders. Call it politics, employment or services. They are developing, but very promising.

Lets just not make a distorted picture just for the sake of hatred. It is not right.
28 Mar 2011
Love / Is rape so common in Poland? [95]

Hey ... is this unseen or something?

Its all relative. There are things which get reported, and things which don't. There are forms of it, including post marital rape as well.

This is certainly a depressing topic ... but surely this is not exactly "uncommon" anywhere, including Poland.
24 Mar 2011
Love / Polish girls and traditions (esp. between mother in laws and daughter in laws) [45]

don't confuse what is being done to gain your acceptance with what a person understands to be their own cultural values.

And you don't confuse yourself to be the master of intelligence on relationships. I think this shows how good the upbringing of this Polish girl is ... I am very impressed and proud of her.

Polish girls from good upbringing have a great appreciation for family and values. They surely know how to handle it, as they really dream for it.
22 Mar 2011
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

This person "Jabwaw" has been so understanding and spoken in such an educated manner, that I find others who tried their best to insult him on the basis of his nationality or race to be nothing more than scums. Just read through all of his posts, and you will definitely see what I am trying to say (if you have eyes).

This is the first time I came across this age old post ... but very impressive.

I know some very nice people from Kashmir (so called terror striken) and they have not only honest but also very intelligent. It depends on which kind of people you welcome in your country, and how well you integrate with them (as well as how well they integrate with you).

Just ranting about integration doesn't work. The government and the people must allow them to get integrated, but being friends and including them in family even. Not those who are mad. For the mad people there can be jail or other measures. Importantly, I am always in favor of bringing in REAL STUDENTS from anywhere in the world (I mean for immigration). Students are flexible, they are intelligent, they get groomed into the host culture very quickly, and they can contribute to the economy in a positive way too.

How should citizenship be given? The student must complete his/her undergrad or graduation in the host country completely, and show genuine interest to work and integrate. None should be allowed to live in their separate communities, and their children must be put into schools predominantly white ... just 10% of them in a class with whites, and the teachers must make them sit separately, with the whites, so that they learn to break the ice.
14 Mar 2011
Love / Polish girls and traditions (esp. between mother in laws and daughter in laws) [45]

It is very nice Neharika. All the best to you and your family, as you can see the Poles are warm hearted people, and be sure that she will be loving to you all, and you should be the same to her so that you all can enjoy a happy life with each other. Your grandson is very much Polish with Indian heritage, and I am sure he will carry his name well together with your family respect or the cultural things you have :)!

I see this thread incredibly peaceful and surprisingly populated with us Poles more than any other ... ofcourse anyone with something good to say will be here, and Poles love to dwell and celebrate goodness :)! Visible clean atmosphere. On topic! Cheers!!! :) ... !!

Waiting to read more ofcourse Neharika :) ... keep us updated, will come to see what happened after 2 month :) ...
11 Feb 2011
Love / What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys? [134]

(I'm not trying to be offensive)

I don't know how offensive you have tried not to be ... but this thing I found very foolish from you:

^ My whole family and all the Polish people i know feel the same way.

Are you really so stupid about "all the Polish people"? ... or is it another one of your sincere attempts. Trust me, with this attitude, you will have a very difficult life ahead. It seems that you don't know what it sincerity. You can like an Italian or a British, it is perfectly fine, but not the way you described it. It is called blindness, and blind people get hit more times then those who can see.
8 Feb 2011
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

I just think like a man

You think like a scared little girl :D ...

Good luck with your theories.
8 Feb 2011
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

A man who loves you will just give you the money and tell you to go by yourself.

Then you have no idea what love is ...

At least when I look at a man he knows exactly what I'm thinking

He knows what he is thinking ... and he wants just one thought around, and its not important that you have to think it ;)

happily stand in a ladies clothes shop while I try the 20 dresses they have in stock.

Perhaps a few times ...

Anyways ... if this is what you think of as what you want, then you should have it. It is your choice :) ...
7 Feb 2011
Love / What do Polish girls think about dating Asian guys? [134]

You were her pet while she was in UK right? :D ...

I wonder how her boyfriend back in Poland would feel if he would know this! ... Some women are worthless. Had she been a serious person she would stick with one man. Infact I'm sure she cheated on her boyfriend back home ...
7 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Both people should be responsible and reliable ... also a little simpleton ... the world have too many geniuses ...
28 Jan 2011
Food / The most typical ingredient used in Polish cuisine [28]

Go to his profile. He is a Nepalese trying to show some respect and admiration. Maybe he got the same in Poland as he came? :) ... maybe love too :D ...

Romi Shahi

Whatever you say correct or not well researched ... in whichever way! ... I THANK YOU!... welcome to Poland.
18 Jan 2011
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Not if you are writing in Polish forums I thought while I put that question up.

All love fades

Lust fades ... love lives forever ... because God is love, and He is eternal :)

We often mistake between love and lust. Love doesn't need a body of matter ... its something more about the soul than the flesh.
30 Dec 2010
Food / Is brain-damaging vegan fad growing in Poland? [176]

Veggies are good and I love 'em but I want some meat with it too.

Right ... without meat life is tasteless =).

Though ... I've read somewhere that the human body and teeth are more suitable towards vegetables and fruits.
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Oh please Lodz...come back to Earth!!!

But I am on Earth =). We all can have our opinions right? And it is not a must that you and me agree on everything.
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

anti-EU movement

I am not looking to be anti-EU ... just I think its not exactly what would be priceless.

When the majority wants out of the EU

Lets not put words into anothers mouth. I never said such a thing. And this idea or a slavic club is not anti-EU.
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

the majority thinks otherwise.

Polish forums is not a representative of Poles, and I don't think the majority would think exactly like you. Neither in Germany nor in Poland.

I edited my last post to try and give you the reply of your previous post. Thank you.
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

"fare"? Do you mean fair?

Ok I am not an Englishman. I can make spelling mistakes. But you got the idea didn't you?

.is it fair to profit massively from the EU-feeding through?

BB, this was demeaning. We are not such loosers that without EU we could never have progressed. We all need each other for a better future isnt it?

All I am trying to say is that there are some more powerful countries in Europe which try to dominate the EU. Do you disagree? Dont you think there should be a better structure assuring overall equality in the structure?

Well...that is hardly a "slavic union" anymore, isn't it! Changed your mind already Lodz?

BB ... we are not enemies, so lets keep that attitude away.

I am talking about an evolution to a more stronger International Union ... beyond even EU. Slavic Union is nothing but a small club of member states who share similar culture, tradition, language etc, joining to make all those similarities a bonus towards a more united economic force. Its not a threat for anyone or any other organization. This is seperate, and the other club I mentioned is a seperate or futuristic idea for all of us - "Germans, Poles, Turks, English, Chinese, Russian, Indian, South African, Australians, Japanese etc...". All who are in a position to be great determinants of positive change in future. I hope I could clarify myself.
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

You can do that muche more easily inside the EU.

But EU is not a fare club is it? ... Think of it for a moment keeping your German Helmet down. Is it exactly fare?

If EU could be more fare, I would not want to think any other way. Plus, I personal (please note) feel that EU is a possibility but the future lays in a more united group of countries with much more equality. Someplace where USA, Canada, South African, Australia, NZ, India, China and Japan can also come in as a member.

who really don't have progressivity, friendship or peace in mind (as you very well know).

I think Crow is just hurt. All the time I've known him, he suddenly turns soft without any alarm. He turns soft even for his Muja's or his Albanian so called enemies. But he is just hurt. He can be changed right? ... Why turn away from your own brothers just because they have turned their back on prosperity through friendship for the time being?
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

A slavic alliance plus Turkey?

I mean friends ... I think no one would deny that it is a privilege to be friend with progressive, friendly, and respectable Germans too provided they have honesty and good sentiments to offer.

Being enemies with people for petty reasons is not my intention, with Slavic Union or anything similar I would expect a club of progressive people ... who can be members in another club with Germans and Turks aswell. The only purpose is trying to come up with something that benefits a few more people than just ourselves ... and we can all rise as together as success stories.
29 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Turkic union includes Turkey,Azarbaycan, Uzbekhistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhistan and Kırghızistan.

If its constructive ... and helps to the development of these poorer nations ... you should go ahead for it ... and everyone else should help.

if Turkey can not enter EU .

I am not in favor or against ... I am in favor of a greater union than just EU.


We need to be a little more liberal in terms of accepting the world as it is ... and how changes affect our region too.