History /
Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]
You mean did I ask them? Sure I did not!
Too bad. Had you knew one, your views might have been altogether different from what you're producing.
What is the point of the question? Russia is a different country than Poland, and even if few intelligentsia idealist are in opposition, so what? Who will support them before they become a government? Few lost individuals and among them FSB agents !?
I'll tell you what the point is. Having understood that Russia is a different from Poland coutry (as much as two different countries could be different), I'm yet asking you to name those fabulous distinctions, that makes you think that a Russian would do whatever he's told to, while a Pole supposedly wouldn't.
You are too far away from common people. There is only one good expression to describe your social stratum - "sranaya intelligentsiya". You cannot understand one simple truth that all reforms in such state like Russia need to pass several stages:
Kostia, with all due respect I must say that you’ve failed to produce anything substantive against my harmless questions. Shall I say it again? Why did you get to waffle as only I hit a raw nerve of your hero or did I touch that of yourself perhaps? Why does it always take to twist everything to keep the overall picture fitting your pink world of the unleashed putinism? Why not just be a dab realistic?
Reforms you say? Well… not that I was waiting or not but Russia was pretty much drastically reformed in comparison to what we’d had at Eltsyn’s reign. The question is were those reforms any good for Russia. You can already give a candid answer to this one. By no means this was good. It made happy but a small group of near-the-power people with their pitiful apologists who are in the first place deserve the name “srannaja intelligencia” in the meaning of the “fake”, “plastic”. Those who you’re apparently trying to recall with the expression are all gone with the commies en masse. Nowadays has given us an altogether diverse image of “intelligentsia”. This is just the ones who want to think free, which I set equal to being progressive.
Why do you say that I’m far from so-called “commoners”? Maybe I am one. Oh yeah, I actually believe I am. Do you think they don’t need to eat, read, create, develop themselves the way they want, have a president they want as well as you or me?
And the list you came up with… What the heck has it to do either with our discussion or with today’s Russia? The government steals milliards; the corruption is beyond the scope of comprehensible; the court is a circus one may come with popcorn to; the functionaries of the ruling party becomes clowns when it comes to serious debates (see the recent debates Navalny/Fedorov). And you say “government should realize…” That’s ridiculous. How long did it take to a literally mad man Saakashvili to reform the police? Do you honestly believe we’re gonna have anything similar after the 1st of March?