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Posts by Sasha  

Joined: 19 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Oct 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 1 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 1083 / Live: 210 / Archived: 873
From: Moscow/Kyiv
Speaks Polish?: Russian, English, Swedish, Ukrainian
Interests: Slavic countries, politics, languages, culture, people

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17 Dec 2011
Off-Topic / Ukrainian language [50]

hat is why they speak Russian over there, my Polish neighbor told me, the Ukrainians don't like their own language.

I think it's logical that if you want to move to Ukraine, you should learn to speak Ukrainian in the first place. Russian won't hurt (you can take advantage of the opportunity to learn them both, since they're pretty close) too, particularly in Kiev and in Eastern cities of the Ukraine. Although in the West speaking Russian may bring you into troubles or have you treated not as well as you expected.

Ukrainian if not spoken by everyone is understood by everyone. Go for it and good luck.

P.S. If you are Polish, then studying Ukrainian will be easier for you than studying Russian for it's sort of bridge-language between us two. And I'm Russian.
7 Dec 2011
Language / "Hilarious" Mistakes? (Esp. Across Polish and other Slavic Languages) [82]

He says, położyć. I look down my list, check off положить and move on.

"Polozhit" (moloko) is absolutely fine to say in Russian. I mean it doesn't grate on one's ears. You can as well say "postavit" though.

But in Russian I guess it's always to lay something flat, like a rug.

Not necessarily.
It's usually used when you don't know the form of objects you're going to place to the fridge. When you for instance have a bag of groceries you want to put to the fridge.
5 Nov 2011
News / Poles start to feel arrogant and superior to Southern Europeans [182]

Its called pure, clean hate.

Hate appertains to a narrow mind which are eventually pawns in the big game. The intellectuals are given more complicated feelings.
Simply saying if one says "I hate Russians/Poles" that's a clear sign of a dull wit.
3 Nov 2011
News / Poles start to feel arrogant and superior to Southern Europeans [182]

God said to a Russian peasant :" I will make one of your wishes come true, but be aware, whatever you wish for yourself, i will double that for your neighbor", the peasant's answer was " God take then one of my eyes" :) (folks wisdom, you have to love it)

Ironically the story well pictures Polish attitude towards the Russians, whether it's vanity, envy or perhaps jaundice. There are loads of alike stories from the other end though.

I am Latvian and I must admit I DO SOMETIMES feel superior to other nationalities but it is not restricted to southern Europeans. I actually think that as a Latvian I am better then any other race and nationality in UK including Poles, Portugese, English etc. Sorry guys I cannot help myself and I DO THINK that lots of other immigrants and locals are nothing more then scumbags.

Too bad very few of the Teutonics would have a gut to tell that to face. The humankind could have avoided lots of wars.

Rama undoubtedly has a point.
2 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

Madatnet, after watching the video I can tell you that:

- I haven't heard a single word in Polish;
- I haven't heard anything but a siren at 0.54
- the audio track seems to be laid upon the video
- the video doesn't contain any evidence of shooting or the like
- you must get a grip on reality
1 Aug 2011
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

I'm impressed by your ability to chew the cud for ages. If there's a fatal flaw on either part we will hardly ever know on which one caused it's gonna be obscured by the politicians.

Sympathy is the best what we people can do about it.
13 Jul 2011
News / Tragedy in Russia - shouldn`t Poland declare national mourning? [41]

Dear Russian brothers, my deepest sympathy is with you. My heart is so saddened by your loss.

Thanks for the kind words, Pan Pawian!

I'm being a bit sceptical though about the national mourning. The point is that the latter is more a political gesture, that of two governments: Polish and Russian and in my mind that would be somewhat odd to condole with the regime (putin's regime) which had up till now by every move encouraged the corruption and negligence in the RF.

Again, I highly appreciate your act of good will i Vashe dobroe serdce but I do believe that in this case it may be only personal: from a Pole to the Russians.

Besides, personal feelings of the Poles may be various...

Are you for real ?

5 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Now why would you suggest that this could be an insult, calling somebody a non-Slav?

Generally speaking it can't be an insult to call somebody a non-Slav. Though when deliberately calling a Slav not a Slav could be that.

It's about a specific group of nations, so discussion about a strict definition of this group is a prudent thing to do, I'd say. Might help us find those elusive Slavic features.

What did the statement have to do with a definition of the group? Ok. I don't consider Americans Slavic, if this would help.

but if you could take this accusation seriously and took some effort to prove us that Russians are Slavs like any other Slavic nation, this would help us immensely in this discussion

Not earlier than you prove me that the Poles are Slavs.
Im większe kłamstwo, tym ludzie łatwiej w nie uwierzą. /Herr Goebbels/

Obviously it's quite an easy task for a Slav to tell Mr. Novak from let's say Mr. Neumann. But I'm not really willing to discuss it in the suggested ridiculous vein.
4 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

I personally don't consider Russians Slavic

Not that it can insult me or the Russians in general but I somehow don't understand how can anyone in his right mind can take the thread seriously after this statement. :) Though I must praise you since you've managed to contain yourself for a few posts! (One shouldn't be a soothsayer to predict what you always end up with).

Hint: when lack of argumentation/spit to splutter with use "an old Communist sadistic fart"-spell. :)
23 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

You mean did I ask them? Sure I did not!

Too bad. Had you knew one, your views might have been altogether different from what you're producing.

What is the point of the question? Russia is a different country than Poland, and even if few intelligentsia idealist are in opposition, so what? Who will support them before they become a government? Few lost individuals and among them FSB agents !?

I'll tell you what the point is. Having understood that Russia is a different from Poland coutry (as much as two different countries could be different), I'm yet asking you to name those fabulous distinctions, that makes you think that a Russian would do whatever he's told to, while a Pole supposedly wouldn't.

You are too far away from common people. There is only one good expression to describe your social stratum - "sranaya intelligentsiya". You cannot understand one simple truth that all reforms in such state like Russia need to pass several stages:

Kostia, with all due respect I must say that you’ve failed to produce anything substantive against my harmless questions. Shall I say it again? Why did you get to waffle as only I hit a raw nerve of your hero or did I touch that of yourself perhaps? Why does it always take to twist everything to keep the overall picture fitting your pink world of the unleashed putinism? Why not just be a dab realistic?

Reforms you say? Well… not that I was waiting or not but Russia was pretty much drastically reformed in comparison to what we’d had at Eltsyn’s reign. The question is were those reforms any good for Russia. You can already give a candid answer to this one. By no means this was good. It made happy but a small group of near-the-power people with their pitiful apologists who are in the first place deserve the name “srannaja intelligencia” in the meaning of the “fake”, “plastic”. Those who you’re apparently trying to recall with the expression are all gone with the commies en masse. Nowadays has given us an altogether diverse image of “intelligentsia”. This is just the ones who want to think free, which I set equal to being progressive.

Why do you say that I’m far from so-called “commoners”? Maybe I am one. Oh yeah, I actually believe I am. Do you think they don’t need to eat, read, create, develop themselves the way they want, have a president they want as well as you or me?

And the list you came up with… What the heck has it to do either with our discussion or with today’s Russia? The government steals milliards; the corruption is beyond the scope of comprehensible; the court is a circus one may come with popcorn to; the functionaries of the ruling party becomes clowns when it comes to serious debates (see the recent debates Navalny/Fedorov). And you say “government should realize…” That’s ridiculous. How long did it take to a literally mad man Saakashvili to reform the police? Do you honestly believe we’re gonna have anything similar after the 1st of March?
19 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

What allegation? Only my opinion plus some knowledge of Russia.

Well... like this one:

Which one?

Most of them!

Whilst you still don't watch Russia that closely. :)

I strongly doubt you have surveyed even ten Russians in your life to assert that, however assuming that

Well, the Russian will do whoever the boss tell them to do.

is true it would really nice to listen how would an average Pole behave in the situation. Would he still obey whatever was told to do or?..

Thank you Shura, I made 25 clicks for "NO"

And you Kostia... would you be so kind as to explain to me the phenomena of putinoids' existence over thirty (I could have said "over twenty" which would have been more plausible but I consider your age)? I thought that all those bed-time stories about stability and (ba)nanotechnologies had sunk into oblivion, hadn't they? What makes you support the guy?
18 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Its a difficult and complex question.

It is. :) Though I assumed considering your previous pretty serious allegations, you would have an answer on this one too.

Who would support you?

I strongly believe there are many people who would.

Well, the Russian will do whoever the boss tell them to do

Which one?
7 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

to rule Russia by putting bombs in towns and blaming Chechen's

I wish I had any evidence of that.

but what damn them is their inability to mange and organize properly,institutions and to build and maintain infrastructure.

I believe their main task was to enrich themselves at the expense of the Russians which they had perfectly coped with. They are still doing that, remaining at the helm tooth-and-nail.

What in your mind the Russians should do since there's no democratic way to rid of them?
7 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Yes, because you have no real alternative to the current regime.

No people with the proper agenda?

nything you could come out with would have to be backed by force, and that means that it would be a regime as well

Can you elaborate? Is that because we simply do not have a candidate with liberal/democratic enough views or there's no narodnaja vol'ja (people's will) to provide the right one with such credentials?

New style revolutions like those in Georgia and Ukraine were practically bloodless. They were hardly backed by force. Don't you believe in similar scenario for Russia?
6 Feb 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Revolutions is planned by geniuses, performed by enthusiasts, and bastards use their fruits".

Geniuses may well be bastards.

Revolutions are planned by maniacs, preformed by idiots, and regime uses bastards to enjoy fruits of ultimate power.

Does that mean that you wouldn't support revolution in nowadays Russia (as there don't seem to be any legal way to overthrow putin's regime)?

There is lots of cases when same mistake was done without russians ever been close.

Like what?
26 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

It was my joke.

I guessed so. :) I was just speaking in general. A piece of reflection on my part.
I know that many people still can't give up their ideas of bringing light (read "civilization") to others... even here, in the RF.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

I would love to see Russia let Chechnya go =)

It's half the trouble when the Chechens didn't want to live with the Russians in our country; the real trouble will start when the Russians seize be willing to live with the Chechens.

These words belong to Alfred Reyngoldovich Koch - the most cynical nemec Russia has given a birth to. In spite of his dubious past he has a point here. Do not really want to serve as eyeopener to you but Chechnya is to its fingertips on Russian payroll. With no money from Moscow they would be just another economically and socially retarded region. Once tasted this type of life most of sane, religiously moderated Chechens do not want to be ever deprived of it. The problem as of today is that the Russians do want to let them go.

I like Ruskies and I'm pretty sure under Polish boot they are able to develop some kind of culture and civilization.

That might be the root of the evil. One can't meddle in the natural flow of things, namely you can't build Poland in Russia same as we can't build Russia in Poland - neither geographically nor ethnically. The sooner one grasps it the better it would be for both parties. You can't "civilize" us your way for that we've simply got a different way.

Russia already have Polish contribution both in its history and its genepool, yet that didn't make Poles out of the people... and never will.
11 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [178]


My bad, sorry. Well... I gave him some credit.

It is an offense to all pigs to call this moron a `ham``.

I heard that from a Ukrainian who worked with me. Apparently I mean a Slavic interpretation of the word. Janukovic is said to have that nickname in his youth.

I warn the Polish people who happen to read this - to think about that, because this is important.

Now you're dodging. These are not apparent for every other Russian things you listed I reproach you for. These are bias, double-standards, intentional lie&ignorance, barefaced animocity, I disdain to notice here. Were you a teen, I would write this off for your hormones. You're obviously not...

If you're the product of the SU, then I would say the latter is an evil for a single fact it gave you a rise.

на добраніч!
11 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [178]

but planet Poland is still a completely undiscovered country for you, totally.

So is Russia for you then, which perfectly fits his sentiment of that neither Poles nor Ukrainians can have a sole right to label any other nation.

Or, if it works better for you, he has as equal rights as yourself to do so.
10 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [178]

People like you make countries defeated before anything even starts.

People like you make countries both attack and being attacked... :) Though do not I mean to worry you. Your posts will always reach their audience.

Your notion on the whole leeds me to a thought of that it surely better for Ukraine to have a semi-literal "ham" at the helm, than an educated (unless it's related to history and politology) psycho like yourself, providing I've always wished the best to Ukraine as a state. Being a spiteful mockery of a young Stepa, you, certainly without meaning it, make Russia and Poland look more similar than either of those compared to the seal between. I'm sorry yet again to dissappoint you but a scarce Russian or Ukrainian of a sufficient sanity would be any touched by a pathetic beatching about Russia and her evilness on your part, since you're yourself the evil I hadn't had a chance to contemplate in either of 16 countries I've hitherto visited (though I haven't been to Canada and that may be the case).
21 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

I do not see why Russians just bomb the building

Witnessed that? Come to Russia and testify in court... we'll imprison these bastards! The Russian people will owe you.
26 Jul 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

I've been busy lately and not really in the mood to post/convince anybody.
However here I've fallen into temptation of posting something. Looks like you friend ran into a really decent Russian woman. My congrats! :) Drop a line when you're in Moscow and of course good luck! How did you earn your living in Poland? Native speakers of English have good chances to get a seemly job in Moscow. You won't starve for sure...

Nat, you can't imagine what a big pleasure for me to see zapadny ukrainec being kind (even obliquely) toward a Russian woman. :)