The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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25 Feb 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

your a retard. only retards like you think like this and there is no such thing as "central European" and no one in England or any other country will believe you or care. Next?
25 Feb 2021
Life / So I found out the guy I was prepping myself to fight in Warsaw [19]

I am not a narodowiec or nationalist in any way. That was sort of a joke to call myself that. sort of like Cracovia call themselves the Jude gangs or Jews.

Im all about positivity now guys. I dont care about the Asian left-wing guy even though he is a garbage pos attacking ppl due to feeling empowered by being wt his place of work and is just as bad as the right tards across the street in the march he hates. dont you agree jon? i mean someone should knock his teeth out i just font want to risk any arrests if some of his friends from the inside join in or hit me from the side if i end up fighting him and just using mace from the get go would defeat the purpose and make me sort of like him or a coward plus he never got over on me or beat me up it was pretty much a stalemate at the end anyway. he just scratched or marke dme w bit where i had a scratch for a week but he is still garbage and hope some right wing tards jump him if he continues on with hie behavior.
25 Feb 2021
Life / So I found out the guy I was prepping myself to fight in Warsaw [19]

I didn't get involved in the way I have in the past meaning fight those guys or put my hand up to stop them I simply got involved later to tell the truth of what happened or what I witnessed to prevent what happened to me in America to happen to others around me if I have the chance. But if they swarmed him and started stomping him I dont know what I would have done hopefully fought them but if one is prepared to use a rock and there are 4-5??? what would you guys do?

I mean I will get involved for truth or right. Like when I got involved in Luciano due to what I felt form him or how he was acting and his narcissism I simply had some questions I asked while I happen to walk by and the guy became a **** talker and loud mouth. Or how I got involved in Chico, CA helping these kids form other kids and ended up jumped by a bunch of mixed race mostly black gang members one of them that guy i showed from Chico named David Pachenco who is now also an ex con but with tattoos on his face. I get involved and have my whole life for truth and justice.
25 Feb 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]


As Eastern Europeans

We should be proud of who we are and embrace our culture rather than fight it or try to be something we are not. We need to fight the vatican and realie what our strengths are as a people guys. And be proud to be form eastern europe.
25 Feb 2021
Life / So I found out the guy I was prepping myself to fight in Warsaw [19]


I just witnessed a fight outside guys

It was crazy as hell. I also got involved and told the cops now regrettably my full name and they even asked the name of my parents i dont even know why and my address which later i realized i ****** up because i should have gave them a good number but fake address so they cant pinpoint me or know where i am at as this is what ****** me in santa cruz against luciano. Basically the only reason the cops in santa cruz were able to find me after my fight with the wielodzietny luciano was a single cop named daren or darren kerr recognized I had a polish accent and from a diff incident pinpointed me as I also gave my full name and phone then.

But back to the fight I just saw. I saw some yelling and a bunch of patologia guys like construction worker types real prosty gosce or real knuckleheads like caveman type guys were surrounding and attacking this old man who held a knife to defend himself and was backing out. One guy even threw a big ass rock at him. I told him to step back and leave the poor guy alone and they just kept at it but I had no phone on me as I wanted to just buy a couple of beers.

I went inside and said before the old man gets hurt maybe the lady working in the zabka can do something or call services. She sort of wanted to but this other weird guy who either works at the zabka is a manager or some hangaround who knows her like told her he didnt want to be written up (for what I dont know) and to not get herself involved in a bunch of Żule who are going at it or zuliki who are infighting lol but to me the old man didnt seem like one of them.

I didnt see the beginning but I think it reminded me of one of those scenes I see on youtube in Russia all the time where some guy hit another guy in a car vehicle and they start fighting right away. It really reminded me of that but I havent seen that in Poland so it was sort of shocking also the potential for violence was really there and I felt fear like what Im gonna do if they get at the old man or he drops the knife. Like I feel guilty i didnt get more involved or just put my hand out in front of the guy with the rock or something.

Anyway, the cops came later after I bought the brews and was coming out and I told the cops that even though the guy had a knife he was going backwards and attacked but I didnt see the beginning of it so who knows what it was about but it seemed something about a car being hit or something. Also, the old guy wasnt so innocent or both sides were ******** calling each other jail terms or cwele and saying who is Polish or who isnt (more nationalism or like what does it matter where who is from?).

Anyway there was a bunch of those guys and I heard the old man say that there was a dog he had in his car or something and it seemed ****** up. But the stupid girl at the zabka right away like a normi thought he was te culprit just because he held a weapon for defense and tried to tell him to put it down like right away this is how normis are and what they did to me in that bar fight in santa cruz where just because i used a pint glass didnt mean the guy didnt attack me firs tor had bad intentions or there was a half circle of his buddies forming arounf me sort of like what these guys were doing to the old man as he went backwards. The difference was I wanted one good hit in as a payback and this guy seemed to just try getting out of there but couldnt fully since he head a dog in that car and a car there. But the cops put him in the back or I assume were arresting him which is ****** up and what happened to me in the usa.

This is why you can never rely on normis as witnesses and if you have noc amera youre ****** as cops jut believe what sounds right or what most people say vs what a believable person would say even if they are all patologia or zulikis. What would you guys do if you saw something like this or was a victim of those guys? How would you react to them or the situation? Hopefully not like the normis and just put your head in te sand like an ostrich or blame him for having a weapon?

Its crazy how nationalism plays a role among such people and I cant imagine what it must be like being Ukrainian in a Polish jail. Or how such a person in such situation would be treated by the cops. I can just imagine hooty croy and how native Americans are treated by USA cops in California. And even if youre alone in any such situation in USA or Poland ur ****** if your outnumbered because if you defend yourself with a weapon youll get arrested later but if you just dont then they'll swarm you. How can anyone be jackie chan and fight like four guys especially if any of them is big alone gets me. Everyone was Polish in this case but how they were using that as an insult or trying to prove who was or wasnt just shows you the level of nationalism and pathology here.

It would be funny if a bunch of drunk Indians and those Polish construction worker types all met in some pub in California and smashed each others heads with rocks.

I mean look what they did to me. The deportation ice center for months after singing the waiver to come back, San Quentin, etc. Yea I will got to court and tell the truth if I have to because no one did that to me. No one stood up to the truth in that bar or in the fight with the gypsy for me. So I will make sure I am never like those normis. Or live the normi lifestyle and stand up like a knight like the radical lawyer tony Serra for the truth.
25 Feb 2021
Life / I think once Amazon arrives it will make Allegro totally irrelevant and bankrupt within a year [28]

I bought a keyboard for my iPad on allegro and it was so cheap and plasticky it was crazy compared to a 20 dollar that lights up keyboard i bought on amazon and had my family send me from us when they came to visit that works perfectly and works on both my mac and ipad. this is an example why I cant stand allegro. Plus the images many of the sellers use are diff from products and there is no quality control. Plus if youre a seller they force you to pay up front for listings which is unheard of and threaten to sue you if you dont pay this if your product didnt sell.
25 Feb 2021
Life / I think once Amazon arrives it will make Allegro totally irrelevant and bankrupt within a year [28]

people will realize just how inferior allegro is with its weird business practices and price hikes or priced items before they're even sold and how superior western sellers and products are on amazon. The company somewhat ensured quality control and makes sure junk isn't being advertised and sold on it unlike allegro.
25 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

what I dont get is why they are so focused on their language and think its so important yet refuse to learn German properly and hate being criticised for their accents when they go to Germany for work? Do these people on twitter never leave Poland and have always been there never even seeking jobs in other countries like everyone else did in the 90s from here and early 2000s or something. They act so oblivious to the ay their own countrymen act abroad criticising others like economic migrants in their country or simply being picky about minor pointless things like someone not speaking native level Polish that really is impossible to unless your raised here. whats their deal or true agenda?

A lot of them probably do not even speak perfect or good Polish. like those people from Praga or at the one rallies and ****, but not witter this is what they use to shut any criticism of them or shut any argument they are ****** up down by looking for something trivial or unrelated like your language to criticise so they dont have to deal with the message by attacking the messenger so to speak. Even ir you wrote perfect Polish to them theyd act like they didnt understand you if you didnt use the same jargons. If that doesnt work theyd probably blame you for being a spy a foreigner etc. like the lames and garbage on this forum like that Ironside do to anyone with different views from their own. They also never try pushing those views to non Polish speakers or non Polish people abroad because they know deep down those views are garbage. Or simply foreigners like those who make netflix documentaries dont give a **** about Poland or who did what to them 100 yrs ago.

I think part of it is these ladies on twitter had family killed or something decades ago but they never met this family I mean these incidences are like over 70 yrs ago that is what doesn't make sense to me about their paranoia and focus or obsession.
24 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

Lol at hopw ignorant and stupid they are:

Right there and then they name their enemies in one tweet. It is funny how everyone against them in any way is their enemy but its ok to kill the Jews or put white power symbols on their walls and act the way they do. They dont even know English I bet but get mad if someone speaks another language near them like Poland matters or anyone cares about Poland. Even Biden Im sure doesn't care about it nor do their so called friends Americans respect them in any way. Who respects them actually outside their backward third world country?

and the ones not like that are just as bad because they ignore it or pretend there is nothing wrong with their country or this doesn't exist there around them. Like a paulina on here or those chicks on twitter who work at gaming sites or try to be popular online etc. they just talk to their own little peer groups and pretend their country isnt rucked up and when i mention to them how it was strange when another polish guy asked me or on two occasions where in the USA they can go where blacks arent around she acted like i lied or its not true or just put their heads in the sand like paulina does on here about her on country.

I am thinking of taking pictures of all the white power signs outside of Warsaw because with Warsaw they usually cross them out but in places like Lodz they stay and all the other **** and just putting it up for the world to see. what do you guys think Americans or western Europeans will think of Poland then?
24 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

there is no such thing as central Europe its only civilization vs barbarians or east vs west iron curtain and first world something they'll never be or achieve with their dick minds. but whats funny is its always these lonely females polish females usually not very attractive spamming twitter with that vile weird ****. i mean who wants to see that and its always someone that did something to them never what they did to anyone else as a nation lol. but how are they even allowed to spam twitter like this does twitter only lean left and ban people when it comes to English or USA users and anyone that insults USA minorities like blacks? but leaves other countries alone or something? just because it is a us company or what? how are they allowed to just spam like that with those file images of their victimhood? also who has time to all day be throwing right wing victimhood propaganda about their country on twitter all day?
24 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

lol I dont understand why they hate the Ukrainian nationalists one for this (‪ when they were doing the same **** or acting in similar ways to the Jews or ruthenians? and they are so focused on what happened 70 yrs ago?


thats all they do is live in the past and basically took over twitter or all polish twitter where its just their own victimhood and talking about how hurt they always were while ignoring what they did to Jews.
24 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]


Poland and nationalism

Why do you guys think is the reason for all these nationalists to exist in Poland and all those white power tune circles confederate flags etc everywhere? Ukrainians being killed like the Russian media says I believe it's true same with Jews Arabs etc when they get a chance.
24 Feb 2021
Off-Topic / Anyone into soviet synth wave music here? [21]

This one is awesome its music plus like a whole movie anime or japan is eternal shown and made just for the music:
22 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

"Poland's economy and standard of living was held back due to decades under communism and its dysfunctional central planning.

Portugal has been in the EU far longer than Poland. So given that long lead time alone, along with equal programs where it received EU funding, Portugal should have a much higher standard of living including higher wages. Instead, Portugal blew it.l

and you proved my point and ifnyounwere smart youd know this. i said that you cant blame communism on everything wnd protugalw as my point younjust proved. maybe its borrowing maybe its something else maybe they jsut had abd elasers or a **** neighbour or eocnomy or whatever the bottom line my point stands even if what you claim is true. it jsut proves my point about communism not being the blame for everything or all countries going to **** like you claimed.

my point also still stabds thwt depsite all that most people including me would rather live ther in poland and the country is a much better place with a better uality of life than polqnd will ever be.nthey just have better weather and peopl which you cannt replace in poland. they dont stab each other in the back, help their neighbours, dont rip off customers, have **** boucners standing looking like ex cons wanting to mug you at every club like poland, get super defensive wnd have an inferiority complex on russia or using pan and pani etc. i also doubt all thir banks ar forign owned and they are run by the vatican (although im sure it has some influence but probably not at highest govt level).
22 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

over 100 latyns how can you justify them murdering civilians because they were jewish or urkainiqn or some other reason? how can anyone justify such filth?

"The conquest of Poland's eastern borders gave rise to nationalist and anti-semitic outbursts that caused a wave of bloody pogroms affecting 100 localities. "

Youa re teuly ignorant:

"the difference is very small but still exists. Add to it that the Russians were the aggressor whereas Poles in Katyn were not. Now the difference is huge."

the polish That difference is very small but still exists. Add to it that the Russians were the aggressor whereas Poles in Katyn were not. Now the difference is huge.ith pilsudski did start it in 1920 and polqnd didnt exist by the time the russians came in to liberatentheir old territories in 1939 as they ran like cowards to england or the polish govt so no govt existed there. if they didnt come the nazis would have just took it moron. and your hero pilsudski also amde a pact with hitler so how was he better than stalin?

ask the jews what they think of poland.
22 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

no youre wrong read the article the russians never claimed such thing. just a wuick glance at the article youll see the word eksterminacja or edterminatiom.

and portugal even if it was twice as poor a spoland would be a much better country and place to live simply due to having much more honest wnd better people who domt act like ex cons or hooligans or california cdcr inmates at every mma clas syountry to join or even going to a zabka store. and for sinply having nice weather.

more for you to read

over 100 katyns:

"The conquest of Poland's eastern borders gave rise to nationalist and anti-semitic outbursts that caused a wave of bloody pogroms affecting 100 localities. "
22 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

its not jsut about over borrowing. and i know they rent alone. youre not telling me anything new here bro. what does them borrowing have to do with poland being contolled by th vatican and even havinf similar wewlth having such **** pople and society? and just people that stab one another neighbours whor efuse to help, a stupid govt etc,
22 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

they were esterminated or genocide worse than katyn. katyn was small acale.

"Nazi Germany renegade on the deal and invaded the Soviet Union under Operation Barbarossa because Hitler wanted more territory for his Lebensraum policy.

The Soviet Union never saved Poland and never would either."

it did because it didnt absorbe it into the su or extermiante it like hitler was doing quite well. how many jews survived? and thy could have rally stablished the former stalin line and still kept half of the terrirtory but choose not to at the very least.
22 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

"Poland's economy and standard of living were wrecked by the Soviet Union. The EU has been paying billions under its cohesion and agricultural policies to Poland (the largest beneficiary in the EU) since it joined."

I disagree look at Portugal a country with similar wages and eocnomics to poland that was never communist. You cant blame communism for everything. look at the. hec republic and others. Geography has a lot to do with it as well as culture, politics etc. also, by being stupid and buying expensive gas from usa or war planes and antagonising the bewr isnt helping. id rstehr be part of the empire or the ebwr than some small vassla state of the usa who i hate. trust me id like my lineage if that was it.

"Read up on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact."

i know about it but read up what pilsudski did in 1920s first to our brothers. read up on pow camps in poland during this time.
22 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]

"We wouldn't be us or even here today if it were otherwise."

how so? im sure wed be just fine.

"Poland hasn't always won the battles but ultimate it has prevailed in the wars."

when was this against hitler it prevailed if the societ union did not join and save it?

When was the vatican brainwashing while poland was under effective russian control? they were enjoying higher living standards than russians during soviet times but despite this they kept bitching they were being oppressed.

the next time germany attacks them they will probably start talking about how slav brothers need to unite and rescue them.

let poland become a failed state i say and let the piece of **** EU pay for it, not russia.
22 Feb 2021
History / History of Polish-Russian relations [186]


regarding the military exercise

Yea but so what? Why the **** is polsha a separate country even from Russia? To be a country you need a military that will bring forth violcene. Why should slavs fight other slavs?

If only all of eastern europe could unite and stop taking **** from the vatican...

the keyword and only word worrh reading here guys is brothers:,_Czech,_and_Rus
22 Feb 2021
Law / Can somebody explain ZUS to me? [40]

not everyone uses or gets zus. zus is only useful for healthcare. freelancers or digital nomads like me get no zus.

Polish zus is garbage money anyway for those who get it or retirees. its like a hundred dollars a month. how can you compare hundred or thousand dollar stimulus checks to zus? are you out of ur mind?
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

" One of the women told a sympathetic punter, he went to the police and the guys who'd done it ended up in a bigger building, further up the hill in Armley."

were they respected upstate or by the russian mafis fuys who were also doing it and masters at it?
21 Feb 2021
Life / I love Poland, but... [58]

most of the time there isn't even such a thing as human trafficking its willing teenwgers or adults maybe prostitutes or their parents sell the, but in the definition term human trafficking or what you see in movies like taken where people are thrown in a car and taken by force or drugged up its much more rare. whats funny is the usa or most us states and counties and cities arrest underaged teens accussed of prostitution while at the same time calling them human trafficking victims.