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Joined: 9 Sep 2015 / Male ♂
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7 Jun 2017
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]

> May: I'll rip up human rights laws that impede new terror legislation
"PM says she is looking at making it easier to deport foreign suspects as she seeks to gain control of security agenda before election"

Agree or Disagree?
7 Jun 2017
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]

May is saying the same thing, .

Well, I think we can all agree the recent crisis (at-least) was engineered most likely to take away civil liberties from people. I.E. create a problem, then the so called solution and profit.

It is a bit disheartening (but interesting) to hear the response from Westeners to May's comments. For the most part they not only disagreed but even labeled her some extremist wacko that needs to be stopped. Maybe because I'm Polish and our definition of human rights has drastically gone from one extreme to the next in the past 100 years but I think the West is now held hostage by the rights and laws they created in the past. I do recognize how quickly "monitoring and arresting radical Muslims" can morph into "monitoring and arresting radical White supremacist". Maybe the disconnect occurs in deciding just how dire this situation is or if we are even currently at War with an ideology. These are such basic starting points and we are still arguing/discussing them years later.

I personally feel an individual such as Putin could clean up Western Europe and rather quickly. But how far/what steps would he then take after? I guess I am just surprised that a people/civilization would prefer to uphold rights/values over their own blood line. At this current pace not only will they be demographically replaced but better chance than not those rights/values will be replaced as well down the line. I think these people are very short sighted and don't realize how young these rights/values really are and only you and your only people will uphold them.
7 Jun 2017
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]

Fk all that I wrote above

East: the problem is lack of will
West: we lack resources

Haven't nearly all the recent terrorist been known? Then how is the West lacking the necessary resources to apprehend? Seems more a case of political correctness keeping someone - anyone from stepping forward and ordering it. Reminds me of Merkel not ordering border closure out of fear of media backlash
7 Jun 2017
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]


Can't stop the stream of bodies because muh international law
Can't arrest/deport them because muh human rights
Can't allow them to drown because muh humanitarian values

These people/societies/nations stand no chance against Islam.
20 Jun 2017
Love / Advice needed... Canadian guy to meet a Polish woman in Poland [15]


Your experience is quite common and only increasing in numbers

- how much of this North American influence there really is in daily life in Poland In my experience it still exists but actually dropped since the 1990's. Just like in the West - girls between the ages of 14 to 24 are most into Western music, TV shows, fashion and all that comes with that. At that point they will immigrate to the West OR they set their sight on starting a Polish life.

- how easy is it for a guy from Canada to meet a traditional Polish woman in Poland, fall in love, relocate to Poland and make a decent living financially with limited knowledge of the language (at first) - Low language skills would require working in Art or I.T (information technology). Improved language skills would allow you to work in financial sector or in language (translator). Beyond that I would not recommend immigrating without a college degree (at-least). In your scenario the women is the final piece so I wouldn't make such a dive without first visiting and spending time with the locals. You obviously line up and even enjoy Polish culture so that is a big part of the equation. There are plenty of Polish women and their preference is obvious: straight Polish male. So with a Polish background you will be fine (even a plus in other girls eyes because of your international experience). This isn't like the West where bisexuality, racial taboos and gender confusion clouds the dating scene.

As long as you have the credentials - degree or job experience: you should be fine. It is easy to return to the West and rebound if it doesn't work out for you. Do you have any immediate family in Poland that you can communicate with or even rely on in the early stages? Regardless you need to visit Poland A.S.A.P before making such a decision. Also connect with your local (Toronto) Polish community. You need to network.
27 Jun 2017
Food / Poles prefer pizza & kebab? [64]

Polish and Central/Northern European food isn't very "street friendly". As in something you can grab in one hand and eat. Zapiekanki comes to mind. This is why Currywurst is so popular in Germany. When I am in the USA - I frequently eat burritos which is similiar to kebab.
27 Jun 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

^ Trump doesn't drink or do drugs. I don't think he's much of a risk taker when it pertains to what he digests. For example I think he was using ketchup on his overcooked steak recently.

Haha targeting hillbillies? That's not why he won the election. He dominated the Northern states, the ones Hillary was too lazy (or arrogantly felt no need) to even visit. If it weren't for degenerate California & New York which always vote one ideology - Hillary would have been completely annihilated
27 Jun 2017
Food / Poles prefer pizza & kebab? [64]

I think I've only eaten Mexican once in Europe and it was in Berlin. Was decent but I think the owners wife was latin so there were some distinct differences.

Do you usually go with carne asada burrito?
27 Jun 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

IMO he won the South by being anti-PC. If I watched confused from leftist California Hillary's pre-election concert: parading Hollywood artist on stage (talking down to "fly over" states) and even having the national anthem singer take a knee AND Jay-Z (former drug dealer now rapper) cursing on stage; then you can guarantee people in the South were paying attention completely disgusted. Indeed the hillbillies probably voted because of social issues. While the North was jobs.

I think he's doing okay with the job promise, or at-least buying himself some time. But I think he's losing support in these areas by repealing Obamacare without a solid replacement.
27 Jun 2017
Food / Poles prefer pizza & kebab? [64]

Even Rubio's fish tacos are damn good for a franchise chain. You have a point with the fresh veggies and salsa compared to the kebab. I also think when you eat Mexican food from a restaurant/taco shop with a grill - then the Kebab shop can't compare. That BBQ'd grill taste is unmatched to me at-least.
1 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Multiculturalism + Public transport = nightmares.

Personal cars allow Americans to ignore the reality outside their car windows. Western Europe does not have this liberty but they are increasingly enjoying the same fractured societies. The beggers, the thiefs, the outrageous characters. I can roll up my window and ignore the panhandlers sign. You can't escape their speech or even smell......
1 Jul 2017
News / Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow [106]

I'm joking but we all recognize Germans somewhat unhealthy obsession with football. The multicultural teams victory in 2014 (before the Migrant Crisis) was used for social acceptance of minorities.

I try not to lose sleep over what is occurring in Western Europe. This isn't some invasion by physically and or technologically superior outsiders. There are politicians preaching solutions but clearly the majority of Westeners do not notice the risk (of demographic replacement) or simply accept it. I still think we are just seeing the initial acceptance of right wing leadership in Europe BUT if it never reaches the West? Good riddance inferior culture and civilizations
2 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

health, their kids education, opportunities, infrastructure, having a stable economy and being secure. The EU supports all of those

EVERYONE "supports" those. But if the EU truly wanted the best for Europeans, they wouldn't be so preoccupied with Non-Europeans. Unless the EU plans on adding Africa into the Union, then they are flushing our resources down the toilet. Fk them for that. More for Non-Europeans is less for Europeans. Straight forward non-Leftist concept
6 Jul 2017
Love / Filipino guy with a Polish girl.. [60]

we visit them regularly every week.

How do Filipinos manage to import their entire families to foreign continents? Was he in the British military (common story in the USA)
6 Jul 2017
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

will skirt around the question of visa free travel (just as the 3 previous presidents have).

This would be very bad for Poland. Possibly over night tens of thousands of Poles would migrate to the USA

What is there to discuss? USA gathers data and it illustrates a significant portion of Polish travelers disappeared. Do you feel America is doing this out of spite?
7 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

^ Merkel's handling of the Greek crisis was not admirable. Her deal with Turkey left people scratching their heads. Her career reputation is of a calculated and rather conservative leader [I.E. her recent remarks after the same sex marriage vote] and yet her legacy might fall squarely on a quick and miscalculated move during the Migrant Crisis.

Merkel is on pace to defeat Schulz and without having a player in this race (because they are both globalist) I would prefer to see Merkel fix her historic blunder. As for why Merkel is on pace for yet another term [Putin is jealous] the German press is clearly censored and everyday Germans frightened to publicly speak out or even question the government because of laws being passed by said government.

While Poland has it's own issues, they are drastically different. We import foreign companies not foreign people. Germany is openly accepting cheap labor on economic promises. While I will label the Turkish 60's generation a success, the recent Turkish migrants are less so. It must drive the regular German crazy that Poland is importing Ukrainians and they are being flooded with the 3rd World.
7 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

The Migrant Crisis will be a stench in Europe for at-least the next 30 to 50 years. Recent attackers were yesterdays migrants. Every future attack that has any connection from 2015 to ? (when will the influx even end) will be blamed on Merkel's invite

As for the EU - I doubt she will be able to overcome the historic Brexit. At best she can weather the storm of discontent but that is at best.

Germany just passed a law censoring and even threatening to arrest individuals for free speech on social media
7 Jul 2017
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Tacitus - you are telling me calling for murder and inciting violence wasn't against the law before?

Now, hurting people's feeling with letters might be punishable. She is also attempting to force organisations hand I.E. fining Facebook if they don't censor it. How are actual German companies and organizations treated? Will Germany end up blocking Facebook completely if Zuckerberg doesn't comply.