The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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5 Mar 2021
Law / Taxes working remotely B2B, Poland [8]

2500 is a lot of money most Polish people in Poland on unemployment or retired dont even make this much. What an eastern European country.
1 Mar 2021
Work / Job prospects in Warsaw, Poland with top-10 MBA [25]

a better question should be why Poland doesn't recognize MBA or differentiate between a bachelors degree of fine arts and just a bachelor of arts?

in the USA it is considered mor prestigious as you see above but what about the rest of the world or Poland for example?
1 Mar 2021
Work / Can I find a job in Poland that requires speaking in English? [82]

it is also ageist when it comes to university degrees I think even masters and giving people like ex cons second chances. they expect everyone to be geniuses or superstars with maturas who known as in written perfect Polish or something as well.

"Also, if you're planning on living in Poland, you really, really, need to learn the language."

what about Portugal tho? which is worse?
27 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

i posted this already last page. What I dont get is why they wont just ally with the bandera guys they hate and Russian nationalists and ger,and and create a new teutonic order or the new order in northern Poland?
27 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

No you dont but every time anyone flagged my old accounts before i moved and have a new ip address twitter kept getting me to verify it and suspended it since the numbers i use are all from banned accounts. so now i dont engage with any of them on there but just use it to see the smut they post. and it is a leftist platform anywhere outside of polish twitter it seems where these people many females use it to spread hate and polish supremacy on the world or try to. i dont see why twitter doesnt just ban them?
27 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

Like I mean its fine to have constructive criticism or her not believing i can make it as a graphic designer or illustrator but why the **** do i have to be respectful and not look her bullshit credentials taking one course online and getting a job due to diversity or being female and respond back to her little insult or low down passive aggressiveness back? like everything i did in my journalism or writing career is the objective truth better than what she did including the ****** book she half wrote about Poland called being polish she likes to lie and claim she wrote it on her own. why would twitter take her wide just because shes female born with a poon or sumthin? she has lies all over her website like the full stadk dev thing or how she claims she charges clients 50 us dollars for some consulting on startups. what does this ***** know about starting her own company other than her failed attempt at some translation business not even registered and a couple of freelance writing or journo assignments she did? she also claims she does graphic design and is a digital nomad without a single example of it anywhere on the web or her site while i have many of mine.
27 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

You have no idea how twitter works. it works based on having a phone number you can verify your account if enough mass complaints appear even if unjustified they dont check it its based on an algorithm. I also do not know why they allow these retarded polish ppl to do what they do while american twitter literally bans anyone saying anything against black people or females as long as they claim harassment or some bullshit like how i criticised anna spysz for being a fraud and not a true coder because she doenst have a uni degree and simply took some online course or bootcamp and is lying and got a job due to diversity in Portland saying she is a full stack dev when she only knows half stack or front end dev which is javascript. they banned me literally just for constructive criticism at oewst once before. do you need proof? i can show you when twitter literally suspended an old account without reason given or another time for no reason at all other than anna spysz and her friends as well as the right wing polish twitter mob all tricking the algorithm. I have it in emails how they wouldnt even respond or give me any legit reason. I mean I dont get it she is allowed to low doen insult me or be passive aggressive for simply replying to one of her tweets how she changed her career to a writer to some sort of a genius programmer which she isnt with me saying how i wanted to change my career to an illustrator but im now allowed to reply back and insult her back to her first insult? makes no sense man.
27 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

whats funny is I remember this chick and this other weirdo who got me banned from twitter before under my previous handle as they gained up pn me with their polish supremacist friends tricking the twitter algorithm to ban me and give up my phone number. but her website during this whole time only has like 300 views from the actual site while my just youtube about me section ranks in at like 2000 views. yet this is what she spends her days doing...

Poloniusz, I liked and still like what they stand for with their anti govt anti police anarchy ****. id still join em if I wont end up in prison.
27 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

" To make peace with them? To have any chance of governing the place?"

By basically removing the Soviets only chance for a credible translator between the Polish society and the Soviet leadership (thinking that default-general rules apply to Polish society, relativism -.-)

They shot themselves in the foot. Outside forces tend to think that those governing Poland are there to protect Polish society from outside influence. I tell you... it's Polish elites job to keep em happy and satisfied. As to save the world from them :)

Until you understand that, you will always misunderstand Poles"

the thing is you are naive my friend. By making peace with them they would be making peace with Churchill and London who were the real culprits and criminals behind the massacre. They were calling the shots and it was an attempt for them to reverse the Yalta agreement with Polish blood all directed by London. Plus like ai said their logistics were not ready and the Polish AK or London didn't ask the soviets for coordination ahead of time.

they could have came in and helped AK but with the fact Stalin imprisoned AK members why would anyone expect him to. You guys should really blame London not Russia for this one.

" Good, it's a aggressive militarily expansionist empire - hem them in and don't let them feel like a normal country - cause they're not."

how is USA with its extreme capitalism with its slave colonies in Latin America with the way it treats its own citizens or people with three strikes law and the largest penal colony in the world a normal society? or its sex offender laws destroying entire families for a single mistake often consensus or not even a crime in another state or country a normal society? its super huge bum or homeless population or the have nots vs the haves? what is a normal society to you? look up or google the caracel system to see what sort of society America is. look up the death penalty there. believe me compared to western Europe or even a place like germany your lovers homeland America is no normal society by any means and we are not even talking about Georgia, Texas, nebraska those places.
27 Feb 2021
Work / Is 400000PLN per year a very high salary in Poland? If so, what kind of job can make this money? [33]

you have no clue on any percentages. I would say 10 percent of society is also connected with organized crime somewhere and some of that dirty money infiltrates them or their organizations or their fskturas. I still stand by my mafia statement. only mafia can make that kind of money in Po

and even govt agents or politicians dont without being connected to it.
27 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

who the hell would want to even sleep with or mate with a Polish freaking supremacist? besides some skinhead or ex con or meathead nor members? do you guys think her family is proud of her new obsession in life and the website she made and her daily social media outreach?

I am not a Polish supremacist. I am not a Russian supremacist. I am actually an elven supremacist. Is that cool with you man can I be an elven supremacist?
27 Feb 2021
Life / I think once Amazon arrives it will make Allegro totally irrelevant and bankrupt within a year [28]

imagine if your boss at your new job told you to write some negative reviews about some company? would you do it or how would you say no? In Poland many jobs like marketing jobs which Warsaw is full of entail you to or **** like this I think. aits common for them to call you on your phone and try to convince you to purchase their products for instance even in just marketing but not telemarketing jobs. how do those guys do it and cant say no in Poland or they'll get fired?
27 Feb 2021
Life / I think once Amazon arrives it will make Allegro totally irrelevant and bankrupt within a year [28]

I wouldnt be surprise if actual companies have their own staff review their own products though especially in Poland with how aggressive marketing tactics are here. You guys know in America ho people get mad when commercials get louder than TV channels? well in Poland they do it to the freaking max even youtube when I watch youtube content the commercials in polish are so loud I have to turn down my tv every time. It is same with Africans and third world people like peter mugwagwa owner of clubspot beverage in San Jose santana row who hangs out trying to ruck all th flwssy high end ladies there with his African dick. he is a fwke businessmen and claims to want to be the president or an African country a pilot and boxing promoter in addition to a wine salesman. When i lived there in that srew in San jose i used to hang out in santana row which is like hala koszykow in Warsaw and this guys... gpthis guy... this joker would make pics of himself in one of the posh bars and restaurants and advertise them as if he is in china and selling his products or clubspot beverage brand to the Chinese market.
26 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

Guys, news just in on ONR:,35612,26828383,sad-najwyzszy-orzekl-ostatecznie-mozna-nazywac-onr-organizacja.html?disableRedirects=true
26 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

hey amiga,

what is her goal tho what does she want to accomplish polluting twitter with pictures of dead people gone a hundred yrs ago she or her immediate family never even met?

The better question is why do so many journalists feel so self entitled and why does anyone care about this chick?

why the fuk am i supposed to care about her or her stupid dog? guys help me out here.
26 Feb 2021
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

How are people like this even allowed on twitter? She even calls herself a nationalist and her obsession oh my her obsession with those marginalized people today she is trying to blame for **** that happened 70 yrs ago like those Jews blaming the Polish for stealing their lands and properties until this day they hate I dont get it guys:

Why would anyone especially a woman spend all day doing nationalist and hate **** like this? who has time for that?

And this is the country you people wanna be proud of or live in? Imagine if the next popular trend here is to remind ppl of Germans and hate them or Jews or even you Anglo Saxons and start doing klisternachts and breaking your windows and ****. Who would feel proud existing with such vermin of people or such a country?
26 Feb 2021
Life / So I found out the guy I was prepping myself to fight in Warsaw [19]

but in my opinion how can you even deal with guys like this without taking them our or ghe very last making them unconscious or using weapons like guns and ****? i mwn the guy was backing up and one of them was still coming after him ven as he possessed a switchblade with a rucking rodk. ho do u deal with such patologia and no care iw anna b gottn mentality besides just take em out or kill em? i mean they are not gonna stop. you think a guy so reckless is gonna stop? even if you punch him or whatever? so what solution against ppl like this is there but kill m? or choke them out like i did luciano? until theyre not moving. i hate ******* construction workers lo income or low class people and pathology. this isnt even in Warsaw btw. oh and the rucking pathology was waving his arms around like an ape wt the old man before he threw the rock. than one of his pathology lo income apes tried to join in. hat else can u do but take ppl like this out for the human race? if thy come after u at least. i mean what other solutions r there for them if you like th ole man accidentally scratch their human filth white trash car?

i mean if you were that dude wouldnt you have stabbed or killed or even shot them? he is backing up and the pollack animals are after him with ******* stones and numbers and look like loiterer pollack cave,en. what would u do johnny or u embassy protected non white turd rats like cargo or whatever ur name is if such pollacks were swarming you from constitution with their hands moving around like apes and throwing rocks at you because u grazed their car? i bet ur homosexual embassy wouldn't protect u fsggit. especially since it doesn't even exist in this city i as at or lodz fsggit.
25 Feb 2021
History / What Hitler really thought about Poles? Hitler's letter to Himmler 1944 [111]

exactly they captured lands from other countries full of other nationalities than continue to cry like ******* till this day because the soviets came in when they were practically defeated and their own govt ran like cowards to England to prevent Germans from capturing all those lands. then they cry like ******* about Warsaw uprising too thet soviets didnt save them.
25 Feb 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

show me w single American or western European who agrees with toun that Poland is central Europe or such a concept as central Europe is taken seriously in those countries or places. why would you eant to be that anyway? why would you want to be central Europe or west? so you can follow the Vatican closer? makes no sense man. just be proud of who you are thats what they keep trying to convince me of on the Americans and British there so maybe they're right.
25 Feb 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

it isnt central at all. its not central in any way no one uses the term central. secondly its very right wing antisemitic homophobic racist and east European in every sense of the word retard. it has much more in common with Russia than any other country in Europe and everyone but you knows this just ask the English what they think of Poland or actual western European moron. they are exactly right. you are just w hypocrite who thinks Ukrainians killed Polish but Polish were nice guys to the Jews etc.

I bet you even 60 yrs ago the Germans considered Poland eastern Europe and so did the Vatican and it is like everyone knows about because there is no such thing as central Europe there is Europe and iron curtain thats it. the haves vs have nots black and white etc. if you want to follow by strict geography than the middle east or Arabs would be Europe too or Georgia which is bs and Moscow is also Europe then. and so is turkey which is bs turkey never will be Europe as Poland has always been east Europe even after they shifted the boundaries west in reality it was artificially shifted.