The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

Ironside, I actually am pretty educated and a student of history. Show me in history where Poland was regarded as even Europe much less central Europe besides the Lithuanian Polish commonwealth when it was still not Vatican, tied to Vatican deeply or really looking for expansion anywhere but the east. Even Russia, show me examples of peter the great or Russians referring to Poland as central of Europe. I dont get why you are so ashamed of who we are. I am quite pleased being eastern European. do you really want to be associated with values of western Europe which is free migration, lgtb, trannies and liberalism? as well as things like diversity on a massive scale even forced diversity?

What is wrong with being eastern Europe or associated with Russia? Polish people are pretty much like Russians outside the religion crap which I dont buy anyway as I just pray the way I wish at home and dont really go to any church. plus, at one point from a historical sense we were together with Russia or part of the empire just like Ukraine outside certain parts of Poland which were Austria Hungary and Germany but those parts dont count as they were and are insignificant.

Also, you can look into Cossack traditions, the dress or style of clothing to see the strong ties Poland had with Ukraine and the east and how in a way it continues so with the dress element or dresiarzy and nationalists like you or that march. you guys are so similar might as well just everyone join Russia again or something lol.
20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

he said america western Europe and the entire world is in a bubble so Poland is the only place on earth with the right way of thinking and most intelligent minds and crux of the world while everyone else lives in a bubble? such intelligent minds live here. just brilliants. those nationalists or narodowcy specially. just brilliant minds. pure intelligence for the world. i wonder why they else refer to themselves as central Europe or narodowcy but not nacjonalisci? why such brilliant minds change meanings or words?
20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

you nationalist pollacks only stay in ur retarded bubbles. the world on the other hand doesn't give a duk about you while you consume american goods, american movies, American content reminding you every day about your worthlessness. if they are in the bubble and not you why do you consume their content and rely on their goods while nobody outside Poland consumes Polish content or cares about Poland? why do you wear their jeans, listen to their music and are entrenched in their culture? everything in the world is influenced by america even the music you listen to. why dont you compare the content people watch on netflix even in Poland polish vs Hollywood or USA made i bet you the majority is from America again.
20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

my point is nobody gives a ruck about poland or what those retards think of themselves. Thats my point. theyre not even mentioned in any sort or global news like bcc cnn al jazeer unless it has to do with **** like racism anyway.
20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

not a single one of you have proven how anyone in western Europe or the usa or in holy wood movie thinks of poland anything other than western europe.
19 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

I always heard Germany was central Europe either in Hollywood movies or what Americans think like in their school textbooks and everything east of Germany is eastern Europe.
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

im sure Merkel doesn't view Poland as some equal or some big European power or some central Europe. they view themselves which is true or Germany as central Europe nobody else is.

all Slavs are pretty much eastern Europe besides the Balkan ones like Croatians. I dont know what Serbians would be considered or Czechs. it usually referred to ws countries still catching up or backwards due to being behind the iron curtain but nowadays it seems the way Hollywood does it is certain countries get called this mostly from upper or north east of Europe past Germany.

I dont see how that is wrong holywood or americans or actual western europeans like the british refer to polish as eastern europeans. or why i should be offended being called this? why would you or I want to be a western or central european? what advantage does this give you other than liberalism, trannies, tolerance of lgtb rights, etc. that exists there? you think any country thwt had a right wing nationalist march every yr and riots at said march is going to be ever called by anyone as central or western europe? or a country obsessed with bandera amd ukriwnians and hate is going ever be part of that club of countries like germany who are tolerwnt wnd have no more enemeis or hate and let history go? or a country so obsessed with the past or that lives in the past? I just read this wuote on linkedin where activision and blizzard took some stand against racism or some company statement and someone commenting wrote this:

" Long ago people separated humanity creating invisible lines across our lands for a means to control humanity within those lines. The earth has no lines, nor does humanity. We are humanity, we are one."
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

show me a single holywood movie thst refers to polish people as central europeans. also that march that happens yearly the march of indepndence is typical eqst euro behavior. stuff like that doesnt happen or on such scale anywhere in eu outside of eastern europe.
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

"whonis the rest of the world"

how bout for one countries running it or the elite or ruling vlass of the world of even the eu such as merkel and france the uk etc. those countries who were making deals with ukraine before putin came in, those countries giving money to places like poland and allowing it to even exist.
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

it screams eastern europe whether it is wrong or not becquse western europe moved on from it about 50 yrs ago and the only couńtries like this left are known or called "eastern europe."
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

because everything poland does the racism, the homophobia, the government communism style bureaucrasy, the style of dress, the style of culture screams eastern europe. it has nothing to do with some arbitwry map or geographicalmlocwrions you seem obsessed with but the people and the way they live.
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

nobody in america even knows what central europe is or would know what youre talking sbout and they all would clal you an eastern european which we sre. so just admit it and role with it.

and it has nothing to do with geography but your state of mind like the anti gay anti abortion **** that characterizes eastern europe wnd the crime kidnap of girls prostitution human trafficking etc. Just ask the ameicans and they will explain to you the average person on the street in cslifornia what eastern europe is and what they consider poland.
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

There is no such thing as central europeans. And it doesnt matter what "they see themselves" as nobody else cares. Its no different how the russians see themsleves as europeans or western ukrainians. it comes from inferiority conplexes because the west sold them out at yalta. Instead of worrying about what they see the selves ask the americans or british what they see them as or the french.
17 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

I hate radist polish people or nationalists who go to history forums online and clsim russians were mongols or some **** when they themselves were also messed up by them and intermized at krajow and other places. such hypocrytes.
17 Mar 2021
Work / Jobs in Poland for screenwriters? [14] and linkedin have many openings for copywriters or journalism type roles but i haven't seen much for copy-writing. your option is also to continue working for your agencies while abroad and not pay taxes or do it on the download and continue to pay us taxes they cant really prove you left or wont track you until you find something full time. or you can start a b2b business or self employment but thats w huge headache in Poland due to the communistic bureaucracy still present here with old ladies behind counters and much paperwork.
14 Mar 2021
USA, Canada / Resided in Poland for several years (looking back, my personal opinions.) [4]


In some ways reading stuff like this reminds me of Poland and how the people are in it:

I mean they dont even clean dog **** on the streets and in some coastal places or near baltic sea the dog **** seems into water or into the sea or lakes and sewage. And that snot mentioning piles of trash and plastic in such towns that exist in Poland.

This is from the 1800s how London used to be. In Poland for instance today at places near the baltic coast there is dog **** all over the ground and trash everywhere. People even in Warsaw like in old town throw out dirty water like sewage water or what they use to clearn the shop floors to the drains. Some of these places dont even have their own bathrooms like the 24hr market carefour in old town warsaw as well. Anyone beside me see parallells here and are susprised there are not cholerra outbreaks in today's poland?
11 Mar 2021
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]


how can you be pro vatican with what that church did? read up on the dark ages or burning of witches or the inquisition.

lol at this article writer or journalist basiclaly making fun of in his opening statement of guys like miroslaw:
11 Mar 2021
Life / Is cancer treatment in Poland covered free of cost or almost free of cost for people registered in NFZ/ZUS? [17]


If you get a job and are on unemployment medical care or nfz

Do you really have to register and go through the form to send them what they want plus your umowa o prace or whatever (also is it just full time or also part time that covers medical in Poland?) or can you just not to anything and it will automatically switch over in their system that you are covered by a new employer?

Basically if you don't do it or send them the register form an d scan your umowa or whatever and go through all that bullshit, what will happen?
11 Mar 2021
Life / Are there street gangs in Poland like in USA? [18]

lol at the guy mentioned in 7:25 igor:

this guy was seriously off the hook named igor. he was operating in Poland but was stealing cars from Germany and somehow they let him off two rapes of women and he killed 7 people na zlecenie zabojstwie or contract killings. Damm these guys were seriously off the hook they than barricaded themselves knowing the cops and forces are after them with grenades and high caliber machine guns wanting to go out in a shootout. Im still watching this guys...

holy ******* **** 18 cops wounded in the first minutes trying to go inside the safe house. they had a booby trap for swat or special cops in Poland killed the squad leader than threw grenades from top window within seconds of raid.

this guy at the second half of this vid Robert k or whatever was totally off the hook:

he was in front of a terrorist suspect in Germany murdered a family of rich gypsies and ran from Poland later to Ukraine where even there he was so brutal they deported him back to Poland and he has multiple life terms now,
10 Mar 2021
Life / Are there street gangs in Poland like in USA? [18]


These guys were off the hook: Bukaciak's gang in Warsaw

I know you guys dont speak or understand polish but this came up on my recommended list of my youtube feed. apparently this is some recent **** like they are still taking down the remnants of this gang. there was a gang called gang of mutants sort or like the batman dark night returns comic I read in San Quentin these guys either were offshoots of or inbred with. apparently there is 200 confirmed me,bers and they are still finding offshoots or guys that escaped the Rico and indictments as well as the other rival gangs the main guy their leader took with him when he went to prison and told the DA or prosecutor about and has a death hit on him. he also had like graves in two different places of people they found. Still, according to polish law they can only give him 25 yrs max and they did:

its crazy thinking i was in Warsaw when i got deported when some of them were still around or they were still active.

hey jon have u ran i to those guys or heard of em or gang mutantów (the gang or mutants i think batman graphic novel return of batman was based off of)?

lol here is the translation of first thing the voice over dude says:

"mutant gang became famous and started from late 90s as a gang that hired professional murderers and car thieves. they were packed with steroids... they were famous for their brutality. they took over trucks and killed for contracts...

i never knew such people exist... professional murderers lol.

damm only 15 yrs for killing a cop (he appealed it to 12 yrs lol) cold blooded these guys got love and im glad im in Poland. in California they'd either be killed or shot by cops or get life or the death penalty.

they made the batman comic and even i guess video adaptation based off these guys
7 Mar 2021
Off-Topic / Trans-Siberian railway the most legendary ride of a lifetime [13]

I'm seriously thinking of going after watching this refent Facebook in Polish trip or image show from this Polish guy and his wife who organize trips. this has to be the most legendary ride or trip of a lifetime. they have this YouTube channel here:

they organize trips basically for Polish people. but imagine the experience the countries and civilizations you'll see even while overcoming the challenge of basically living in a jail cell for three weeks or whatever. such a beautiful experience.