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Posts by sobieski  

Joined: 1 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 106 / Live: 95 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 2118 / Live: 1951 / Archived: 167
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Good
Interests: Polish culture and history, cooking

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2 Dec 2013
Work / Does google voice work correctly in Poland? [22]

What is the benefit / difference from Google Voice as to Skype?
I am using Skype since many years (paying and not paying version), never heard of Google Voice.
2 Dec 2013
Food / Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland? [289]

That would be double the price though, at around 12PLN for 200g instead of about 6PLN. For people like me, that's quite a lot more to pay on a regular basis and hurts the old pocket.

That's indeed not cheap. Speaking about cheese and Lidl...They used to sell Dutch Gouda cheese in chunks which was quite good (it even tasted like cheese, which cannot be said from the majority of the cheese sold in Lidl). Sadly I do not see it anymore on the shelves.
2 Dec 2013
Language / Frustrated Polish Learner -- people in Poland try to speak to me in English [31]

In that case, you must speak it perfectly.

A2/B1 is not perfect, far from it. What I still have problems with though is the "language"used by US, NFZ, ZUS...It seems to come from another planet. But then, for my (Polish) wife their correspondence is also hard to understand.
30 Nov 2013
News / Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa [72]

And the Serbs are one of the most disliked by Poles nationalities. Crow is a few cards short of a full pack.

He thinks everybody in Europe is part of this mystical entity called Sarmatia, ranging from the Scots to the Greeks. I doubt anybody likes the Serbs at all. Specialists at bombing innocent cities (Sarajevo), mass-raping women...And thanks God being bombed back into the Stone Age by NATO. Wasn't it Bismarck btw who told that we should build a wall around the Balkans and leave them to their own devices?
29 Nov 2013
Food / Coffee in Poland: cheap and undrinkable / expensive and good [89]

Merged: Coffee in Poland

Since I moved to Poland ages ago, I always have had an issue with coffee in Poland - not the Starbucks invasion, but the one you buy in the shop.

Or you have the cheap (and equally disgusting) Jacobs, Tchibo etc...or you have the idiotically expensive Lily, Lavazzo etc...
But there is nothing in between. I always stock up when I am back home in Belgium. Costs half price as compared to Poland, much better quality.
28 Nov 2013
USA, Canada / Indian citizen working in Poland want to apply for US student visa [3]

Translation: You tried to sneak into the EU via Poland. The idea was afterwards to sneak into the US.
Questions: 1. Why didn't you apply for a US visa straight from India (because you would be refused, point-blank? ) 2. Why are you getting tired from Poland? Could it be that you realize your Polish working visa entitles you just that...working in Poland? 3. Did you perhaps "study" at a Polish "university" before? 4. Why not study back home in India...or in Singapore...Malaysia...
28 Nov 2013
Love / Best, safe Polish dating sites? [95]

It reminds me of this "speed-dating" thing. I once watched this on TV. I do not know whether to call it funny, sad, or pathetic?

Still, dating two girls in one week's time.....
28 Nov 2013
Life / Conflicting views about life in Poland? [45]

graduates of low-quality programs from low-quality universities,

Including all these "students" from Third World countries coming to "study" at "universities" (which are in fact commercial companies, earning hugely on these kind of customers) whose degrees have practically no value at all. There lately seems to be a real invasion of this.

decent tea bags.

Marks & Sparks have a decent selection...according to my wife (I stick to coffee)

Overall backwardness of the country in relation to its neighbors to the west is another.

This mentality I think is typical for "Polska B"

By the I am living in Poland already for many years, and the coffee situation... As I see have Jacobs, Tchibo etc..which are for me hardly drinkable but cheap. And then you have Lavazzo, Ily...which are in my view outrageously expensive.

I always stock up with coffee when I go back home to Belgium. Thanks God Wizzair has a 32 kg luggage allowance :)
28 Nov 2013
Travel / Ryanair flying domestic in Poland? [46]

Ah, thanks a lot for the information :)

Also after March there are no Ryanair domestic flights available...I wonder if they exist somehow?
28 Nov 2013
Travel / Ryanair flying domestic in Poland? [46]

Did somebody here already fly with Ryanair on domestic routes in Poland. Supposedly they fly from Warsaw to Wrocław and Gdańsk. But I was looking for tickets, and whatever date I filled in, nothing came up.
27 Nov 2013
Love / Best, safe Polish dating sites? [95]

It shows why he came to Poland, what he thinks of Polish women and of women in general. Maybe I am old-fashioned, but for me this is distasteful.
22 Nov 2013
Law / Buying a custom/private Polish number/registration plate in Poland [20]

It doesn't work like that in Poland.

Exactly. First you need to register your car, and then go to your local Gmina, where they will issue plates.
If you are a foreigner without permanent residency, you will be directed to one central office who issue plates in such case
19 Nov 2013
Life / Do Polish children have a typical bedtime? [11]

Each flat I've lived in here has had problems at night of some sort

In our kamienica here in Bielany, Warsaw, there is a very clear sign "Cisza Nocna 22:00 - 06:00", which in general well observed.