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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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19 Apr 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

its all the same to me. Absolutely same.

my reaction depend on others with whom i communicate

For example, if i communicate with you and using cyrillic in that moment, i automatically switch on cyrilic and opposite, if you using latin, i using latin
12 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

solidarity from Ukraine >>>

Flags at half mast on Ukrainian ships in Sevastopol to mourn Polish president

Today at 12:38 | Interfax-Ukraine

SEVASTOPOL - Military and naval flags are being flown at half mast on the ships and auxiliary boats of the Ukrainian Navy on Monday to mark a day of mourning in Ukraine for the victims of an air crash in Smolensk, Russia, that killed Polish President Lech Kaczynski and an entire Polish state delegation.

The press center of the Ukrainian Navy told Interfax-Ukraine that state flags were also flying at half mast at the coastal military units of the Ukrainian Navy, while entertainment and cultural events, which were planned earlier, had been cancelled.

12 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

word of Racowie >>>

Serbian PM signs book of condolences at Polish embassy

b92/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2010&mm=04&dd=12 &nav_id=66426

BELGRADE -- PM Mirko Cvetković signed the book of condolences at the Polish embassy in Belgrade, after the death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski.

"I sincerely mourn the tragedy that has befallen the families of the deceased and the entire Polish people. The Serbian people stand by their friends in Poland in this difficult time," the prime minister wrote.

People have been laying flowers and lighting candles in front of the Polish embassy since the news about the tragedy reached Belgrade on Saturday.

Kaczynski and 96 others, including many senior state officials, were killed in an airplane crash near Smolensk, in western Russia.

12 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Unless you present a credible case, Crow, the position is clear. No outside forces were involved.

i am sure that if sabotage of plane happened, professionals were in charge and paid well, whoever wanted that plane down and whatever reason may be. So, i don`t expect credible evidences to be found. Simple, Russian investigation must announce that WEATHER was reason.

We all would then have to agree that WEATHER was reason and, life goes on. Life goes on, without few people
12 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

I also don't believe in jumping to conclusions and let's just hope that the black box info comes out ASAP in an unbiased fashion.

be realistic. What you expect from black box or from Russian investigation????

You expect Russians to say (just hypothetically),... ``We would like to announce that investigation proved that EU or NATO or Islamic league or Germany or France or Britain or Turkey or Saudi Arabia or etc, etc.... assassinated Polish leadership on Russian ground, violating that way even Russian sovereignty and practically that way declared war to Russia??!!``

Russia must be very careful, for here we speak of powerful forces (if plane was sabotaged).

Practically, Poland is already object of trade between great powers. Again in history. Don`t say that Racowie wasn`t here to warn Poles
11 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Would you believe me if i say that i was absolutely sure in tragic destine of Polish president Kaczynski? Would you?

Let me explain

That confidence of mine in destine of Polish president, coming from hate on Serbian people of which i became aware from long time ago. Its powerful hate of powerful forces. Simple, somebody decided that Balkan must be remodeled and pledged to do so. Serbs opposed and generated great hate on itself. Our old foes decided to finish with us once and for all.

You can`t imagine what THEY did to us,... in media, in economic blockade, in trade embargo, in bombardments, in support to Muslim terrorists against us, in military actions side by side with Arab mujaheedines, in land and air attacks, in assassinations of our state representatives, etc, etc.

So, when i sow how strongly Polish president defended Serbian (South Slavic) interests, i was sure, i was sure in his tragic destine... for this man was one of rare who dared to be open and honest. Sure, Kaczynski was politician, too. He calculated and he was intelligent enough to conclude that after Serbs are crashed turn coming to Poles, as always in history. Those who attacked Serbs would attack Poles sooner or later, Kaczynski was sure. So, he defending Serbs, defended Poles as Wladislaw Warnencyk, as Zawisha Czarny and Jan Sobieski before him. Brave man died defending Poland, time would prove it. He didin`t hide, he wasn`t selfish, he served to Poland.

Thank you Mr. Kaczynski. Thanks in the name of Serbian children for you were not selfish

[Hvala Gospodine Kaèinski. Hvala u ime srpske dece, jer ti nisi bio sebièan.]
10 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

Dear friends, Polish President's plane crashed because of fog and decision not to land in Minsk or Moscow. There were 4 attempts to land in fog and the fourth attempt was fatal.

so, you say that Russia is that incompetent, stupid and idiotic country that can`t provide regular plane to representatives of foreign state, who coming as guests to Russia??? If it is the case then Russia isn`t world power but Russia is world`s greatest sh**.

BUT, we all know that its not the case. It is obvious that somebody decided to humiliate and provoke Russia. Its on Russia to say who is responsible for death of Polish president and not to hide behind comments such is ``plane crashed because of fog``. Its the question of Russian credibility as world power. Russia was responsible for security of Kaczynski.

i hope that Russia can manage to answer on this challenge, or i would conclude that Russia afraid to point with her finger at the those who are responsible. Somebody sabotaged that plane and Russia must say who was that
10 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

my condolences to Poland

i can`t believe this. Latest moves of Polish president Kaczynski presented him as real Serbian friend. Death of Kaczynski is great loss for Slavic south. What a pity. Now, that traitor Tusk who forced recognition of Kosovo and betrayal of Racowie (Serbians) has no real opponent on Polish political scene

Did Russians killed Polish president?

i seriously doubt this. Russians are last who could seek for his death. On the contrary, Kaczynski presented Polish politician that had identical approach to Kosovo situation as main protagonists of Russian politics.

Then, all happened in Russia. Why would Russia kill Kaczynski in Russia?? If they wanted to kill him, they could initiate (for example) his heard attack in Kaczynski`s own house. when great power wants that you died you simple died. Realy no need to blame Russia on this sad event. Actually, this is great humiliation for Russia, attack on Polish-Russian relations in crucial moment and if you want attack on complete Slavic world- because we all know that, without Polish-Russian agreement as soon as possible, there is no Slavic world.

Who ever killed Kaczynski, he directly provoked Russia.

Who could kill Kaczynski, who could profit from it, who could lose in case that Poles and Russian agree on something/anything?

Saudi Arabia? NATO? EU? Shiftars (Albanians)? Israel? Turkey? France? Britain? Its hard to say. It could be any of them. It could be their united action against Slavic civilization
10 Apr 2010
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

i don`t know Polish language but as a Serbian i can say that i quite nice understand Polish. i understand Polish well when listen and when read. i am sometimes slow to understand full sense (eventually some particular word) but, in general i always understand meaning of talk/text.

let me show you something...


Some significant similarities between Polish folk poems: Ach, ptasku w lasku, wsystko stanowis..., Ty ptaszku w lasku, wszystkich rozweselasz... and A ty, ptasku, w lasku, co wsystkich spokoisz... from Kolberg's collection Mazowsze (VI, 533-534; VII, 1593) and Serbian folk lyric poems Tri najveće tuge (Vuk, I, 542) and Kletve djevojaèke (Vuk, I, 368) encouraged the authors to focus their research to possible intertextual connections between Serbian and Polish poems.


O matko, matko! Bodajś nie pożyła,
żeś nas obojga ze światu zgładziła.


(Približno: O majko, majko! Dabogda ne poživela,
zato što si nas oboje na onaj svet oterala).

When you have such a similarity, practicality overlapping in epic poetry you know that analyzed ethoses were one and same ethos in past. We know Slavic, Polish and Serbian history, we know that we are separated (territorially) by hostile foreign force.
9 Apr 2010

maybe this fellow...


Zawisza Czarny

yes. For sure one of greatest sons of Poland. He is seen as national hero of Serbs, too. There is his grave and monument in Serbia, near Golubac (Pigeon) fortress. After killed him and mutilated, Turks took his head and still hold it in Turkey
9 Apr 2010

Let me guess - something connected with Serbia, right? ;)

not necessarily

i really want to know. What would one average ordinary Pole mention as example of individual Polish military bravery in whole Polish history, if somebody ask him?

Probably the beat down of Turks in the battle of Vienna.

but, is there any individual (except King Sobieski himself) that was remembered by his bravery in that battle

Then, what is biggest Polish national hero from WWII, by opinion of modern Polish historians and by opinion of Polish people?

Or the battle of Grunwald - we'll be celebrating the 600th anniversary of the battle this year.

individual from that battle? Zawisha Czarny maybe? Somebody else, too?
9 Apr 2010

Poljaci, tell me what is best example of Polish individual bravery and military virtue in Polish history?
4 Apr 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]


i hope so

I would like to see Hungary, Serbia and Poland toghether.

then, force Visegrad group and forget NATO. Serbs would join to Visegrad group if it declare military neutrality on global military alliances

But, Polish patriots knows,... Poland don`t need Visegrad group to control Serbia. Poland just need to come and take what rightfully belongs to her, while bringing justice of Sarmatia. Racowie still stand
4 Apr 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

How would you react to this Crow?

yes, i know

Dlaczego ważna jest Serbia?

Dla nas z powodu mniejszości węgierskiej w Wojwodinie. Ale Serbia to też brama do Bałkanów i na Bliski Wschód. To naturalna droga dla towarów z Europy Środkowej. Dlatego mamy nadzieję, że Serbia będzie członkiem UE tak szybko, jak to możliwe. Ale z Polską ważna byłaby też współpraca energetyczna. Uważam również, że tradycyjnie dobre relacje między naszymi krajami stawiają nas w dobrej pozycji do reprezentowania Europy Środkowej w UE. Razem możemy walczyć o nasze wspólne interesy – w sprawie mniejszości narodowych, bezpieczeństwa, całego regionu.

speaking of Hungarians, as long as Poland is sure in Hungarians and can prevent German influence there, its ok with Serbs. But if Hungary betray Poland, then... well, then... Poland and Serbia always can liberate hungarized Slavs of Hungary
16 Mar 2010
News / Poland's trump card, the most famous Pole alive (L. Walesa) - what do you think? [38]

its all pure anglo-muja-germano propaganda against Serbs. Polish journalists and parliament investigated and concluded that there were no reasons for military intervention against Serbs so, i don`t need further explanations here.

Kosovo is important because justice is important. So, Serbian people and Serbian order would return to Kosovo, after NATO occupators leave region and, as we all know NATO would go. Simple, go

Only fellow rapists and murders support you: Walesa is neither.

you have tongue of snake, of sick snake.
16 Mar 2010
News / Poland's trump card, the most famous Pole alive (L. Walesa) - what do you think? [38]

true? Never?

Then, he is wise. He is aware of importance of that question for international relations, for the Serbs and that way for Poles. So, he won`t lure himself easely in discussion on that matter. No doubts that he knows history and knows a lot of about Serbs, about Balkan, about.... If he didn`t support Tusk on Kosovo then, Tusk is already pollitical oblivion. Probably, Polish inteligentsia keeping some cards for the last moment and Walesa could be that card or aware that card must exist and must be played, sooner or later.

No doubt, if Walesa didn`t publicly support Kosovo separation (recognition by Tusk), Walesa most probably support Serbs, meaning... Walesa probably belong to progressive Polish inteligentsia that hold to Polish national and specific interests.
8 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

given the rouchness and resistance of Serbs

Serbs are bearers of Dinaric genes that is proved to be autohtonous on Balkan. i am sure that Poles didn`t come to Poland via Eurasian stepes but with slow migration along the Danube river, from Balkan. Ancestors of Slavs were first Whites that populated Europe.

Serbs are biggest proof that Balkan was Slavic in deepest past, that so called Indo-Europeans most probably were Proto-Slavs. Even name of Serbs- SRBI is proved to be archaic, as it is said by linguists- oldest ethnic name of Western civilization. Many rivers, lakes and mountains has root SRB or some archaic form of it. It is only ethnic name of Western world that is mentioned in Rg Veda texts, what is logical.... Sarmatians lived from Europe to the Asia via Eurasia.
8 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

So you suggest that the Slavs who emigrated in 7th century from Oder(white Serbs) mixed with Slavs who already lived in Balkans but had been reduced due to barbarian invasions?

no, i don`t suggest that

as i said.... Slavs are autohtonous people on Balkan (not only on Balkan, speaking of Europe). They didn`t emigrate there in 7th century as German historical school penetrated its lies/propaganda about Slavs.

So, those autohtonous Slavs from Balkan were target of Greek and Roman conquests, who killed a lot of Slavs, took many of them into slavery. Ancient Balkan Slavs were reduced in number but their number soon was strenghtened by migrations of new Slavic tribes into the region who mixed with their kin brotherly tribes from Balkan. There were ancient Slavic alliances and Slavs outside of Balkan always were aware of situation here.

Then, Roman limes (border) was created, was cut thru ancient land of Slavs mostly following Danube river. Slavs as Slavs didn`t give a sh** for border that was created by Romans, for them border didn`t even exist. But, Romans monitored border and they were vitnesses of inter-Slavic migrations, some tribes left the Balkan, some other arrived. Slavs outside of Balkan often sent reinforsments and help to Balkan Slavs and, Romans recoreded everything. Considering that Slavs didn`t respect border of Roman Emire, Romans didn`t liek them and call the by pejorative names, among else `barbarians` (you can bet that barbarian coming from Sarmatian/Sabratian/Serbian) which meant, let say `savages, those who aren`t civilized`. They used pejorative names for ancient Slavs no matter that almost all Roman knowladge was actualy collected knowladge of Europoean natives- anciant Slavs.

Then, one day, when was suitable to them (it was very early in history) young German nation started to read Roman insciptions and German authors concluded as it was suitable to them... all inter-Slavic migrations were declared as Slavic invasions. German chronicles even choosed the exact century of the beggining of those fictiuonal invasions. They choosed 7th century.

You know, my grandmother knows batter then German chroniclers. i spit on them and i taking back my history!
8 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

descend straight from the ancient tribes who lived there before the Slavs came

you are on the wrong way. We can speak only about migrations inside of Slavic world/ancient Proto-Slavic world.

Ancient tribes of which you talk about (and many more, under different designations) were all Proto-Slavs... `Illyrians, Macedonians and Thracians were also tall as described by Greek historians`... and they were all Ras (Rashani, Trashani, Thracians, Triballi)/Srb (Sorabi, Sarmatians) people... all native people on its own, old autohtonous Slavs, representatives of first European civilization, first light of Western world.

All eventual genetic add-mixture in modern day Serbs (speaking of Serbs as speakers of shtokavian Slavic dialect) coming because of arrival of Scordisci (central European tribe) and because of constant inter-Serbian or to say inter-Proto Slavic mixing. What i mean... when Romans committed genocide on Dacians/Proto Slavs/Sarmatians (kin tribes to Thracians/Proto Slavs/Sarmatians) numerous refuges from Dacia (south-eastern Europe) moved deeper into European inland and arrived on western Balkan in what is today`s Serbia. Then, we know that after Scordisci (due to Roman onslaught in western Europe) other Galic and Celtic tribes went thru today`s Serbian lands and settled from here to Anatolia (ancient Anatolia was also Proto Slavic region- that`s why refuges because of Greek/Roman onslaught migrated in safety, among other kin tribes).

That`s why today`s Serbs still using name of Serbs (by linguistics original form of Sarmatian name)... because many ancient Sarmatian tribes passed over western Balkan. That`s why local tribal name didn`t survive but modren day Serbs still use universal name of all ancient Slavs (Proto Slavs) name of Ras (Racowie) and Srbi (Sarmati) and names of Serbian medieval states were `Rashka` and `Srbija`. `Rashka` name is based on racial concept, meaning land of Red/Rose people (Whites) and final meaning of `Srbija` is `land of numerous brothers` referring on time when ancients started to organize in tribal alliances/societies/states (many brothers that organize in bigger group).
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

everything wents according to plan

we shall see. When Serbs prevent Russian-German schemes, Germany going down

This germanic brain takes you for a fool again and again and again

you would be one who would cry on the end
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Crow this Kreaturo is the reason why most Poles have a real careful approach with pan-slavism

Poles should focus on their loyal partners, on Serbs. Serbs would absolutely support Poland and only that is important. Russians are Serbian problem. In return Serbs have only two conditions:

1. Polish-Serbian alliance should be military neutral on other military alliances. It mean, Polish-Serbian alliance shouldn`t be nor anti-Russian, nor anti-western parts of Europe. Simple, neutral. Rely neutral;

2. Poland must support integrity of Serbian nation and right of Catholic Serbs to be declared as Serbs, what is now forbidden in Greater Croatia. In order to deal with this problem Polish Catholics should help in Serbian-Vatican communication;

Polish-Serbian alliance with time can become Confederation, with Polish language as official. Serbs would support even that, i`m sure and, Serbs would support Warsaw to become capital of Confederation. Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenians would follow.

So, Russians aren`t problem. Poles should focus, that`s all.

Bratwurst Boy

@ What you want? @

Go found yourself some goat and free yourself from frustrations. To put cross on myself [incredible how germanization affecting human brain]