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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
4 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Well...the new Poland had huge groups of minorities and the Poles treated them badly...there were the anti-Jewish laws similar to Nuremberg, there were the anti-German provocations, the Belorussian schools got forbidden etc.

An interesting side:

Allied supervised plebiscites favorable to Germany were ignored in three disputed territories

Victory in the border conflicts created a Poland in which a third of the citizenry was composed of non-Polish Germans, Lithuanians, Belorussians, Ukrainians or Yiddish speaking Jews.

The districts of Allenstein and Marienwerder vote to remain German. Results of the Allied supervised plebiscite show 460,000 electors in favor of Germany against 16,000 for Poland.

Upper Silesia votes to remain German. Results of the plebiscite show 702,000 electors in favor of remaining with Germany against 479,000 who favor annexation to Poland.

Jews were not allowed to work in the civil service, few were public school teachers, almost no Jews were railroad workers and no Jews worked in state-controlled banks or state-run monopolies (i.e. the tobacco industry). Legislation was enacted forcing citizens to rest on Sunday, ruining Jewish commerce that was closed on Saturday.
Their economic downfall was accompanied by a rise of anti-Semitism. In the late 1930's a new wave of pogroms befell the community and anti-Jewish boycotts were enacted. War%20I

So the whole situation between Poles and Jews, Poles and Ukrainians and Poles and Germans was quite tense and chaotic I would say.
Poland even denying to negotiate over a railway to the German enclaves (enclaves only after this treaty).

Could a war have been avoided if Poland would had been more accommodating to their German minority aka Germany? I dunno! But I like to think so..

Were they as nationalistic as the Germans? You bet! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Ach so...okay...

I think for the Jews it would have been quite the same...Poland would had stayed sovereign and maybe Poland would had allowed the german troops to gather at the border to attack the Bolsheviks and might have even took part in the war.

On the other hand Poland would had sunk with Germany and Stalin would had ruled till East Germany after the nothing new here!
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Mar 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

So would such an alliance be a bad or a good thing, opinions?

"Impossible" would be more fitting.
Everything I read and learned points me to an annoying, irritating and aggravating Poland which nationalism was as worse as the german one.
And with the feeling of being safe behind the french and british friendship toasts they didn't even see a reason to amend to the neighbor.

It seems the Reich would had said yes if Poland had given some signs...
The nearly complete lack of anti-polish propaganda is still wondrous.

Everything would had gone different!
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Mar 2009
History / Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto? [582],7340,L-3678583,00.html

Germany will give 1 million euros for badly needed restoration work at the Auschwitz death camp museum in neighboring Poland, where more than one million Jews perished during World War Two.

Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Without Bismarck you could have became a European superpower through the might of your economy, political pressure and extreme dynamic of your nation,

Without Bismarck there wouldn't even be a german nation as we know it!
Stop flaming the man, man!

you're only one of contemporary leaders of Europe and in decline at that.

Aren't we all?
I mean rising - declining - rising - declining - rising - nauseam.
Europe's history! All has beens...
In the future there can't be only one Europe if we want to stay competetive!

(See Mods? I mentioned it)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

And make mortal enemies out of them,

He was good at alliances! What are you talking about!
He secured the newborn country, as long as he was at the helm it was safe and on it's way to become a leading nation of the continent.

All was going downhill the moment the Kaiser thought he knew better and chased
him away...

Leave my Bismarck alone!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Any major lost war would have Germany enter a genocidal war of retribution, thats the inflexible mindset which is the legacy of your beloved Bismarck.

So we better win!

Bismarck was a cool man for his time...with him Germany would had sidestepped and overthrown the french and british rivals without shedding any blood (kind of vintage EU)...
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Well, good question. Would you in the nice global position you are in now without the US rebuilding Germany?

Well...without the US meddling in WWI there wouldn't had been any rebuilding necessary...

We will never know what would had happened...

He's quite pro-Russia

I'm pro peaceful Europe...I will bitch about every troublemaker! Be he/she polish, german or russian!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

Well that's kind of true to a point but you guys sunk the Lusitania

The Lusitania was smuggling weapons....
And...was it worth it?

BB, what are you talking about? Be grateful for US intervention. They tipped the balance twice. Do you really think that the Allies would've won the war without them?

Why should I be grateful?

The allies won the first war only with the help of the US.
That didn't stop the french and the british to vomit the treaty of versailles what made some painter in Vienna so mad that he decided to go into politics.

You were saying?
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Mar 2009
News / US to deploy Patriot missiles to Poland [405]

You help Europeans out - They hate you.
You don't help Europeans out -They hate you.

That's just not true!
There are people in Europe who hate the US as a full time job and nothing what
the Americans will ever do will change their opinion. But you can forget about them!
Then there are those who just have different opinions and like/dislike Washingtons policies.
And last but not least there is the broad mass who don't give a sh*it at all!

It's cheaper to do nothing.

But that is certainly true...without the US meddling in WWI for example, there wouldn't had been was not the most smartest thing to do!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

The fact is that Germany pursues an unreasonable and destructive policy,


and should be opposed with all tools available or the consequences will be severe to the entire Europe Germany included.

...then you better invent a better alternative to russian resources soon!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Feb 2009
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Why do you like so much to compare some bygone superpowers with the actual state of affairs?

Ja...a main argument one hears quite often but it get's tiring after 60sumthin years.
Welcome to 2009 Poland!
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Agreed about the past!

But times have changed and it just isn't in Germany's national interest anymore to invade and to destroy another potential customer market for our products. Quite the contrary is the buy our goods we need happy, prospering people with their bags full of money, you understand?

And why should Russia attack and try to invade Germany???

There won't be any war between us anymore...
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

As there were always a 'difficulties' in communication between our countries (were there ever any communication platforms?) , I stated that there are no communication platform for Poles and Germans nowadays in my opinion.

Okay, then WHAT is a "communication platform" in your eyes?
Does Steinmeier visiting Sikorski in his private home count? Does the Weimar triangle count? What?

If they describes themselves as a Germans they are not Poles but Germans, sounds reasonably enough to you?

Nope...that's those about 3 millions who see themselves as Poles, hence Polonia.
There are so man polish surnames, so many 'skis in Germany, that's far more than only 3 millions...
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

That is why I put a census between pre-nazi and after-nazi Germans...

No you don't! Your

I just think that there is no communication platform for Poles and the Germans.

...was quite generally!

BTW: The second largest Polonia is in the UK.

Well...that is a quite recent development then! :)
But do you have numbers? Wiki says this:

Estimates for the total number of people living in the UK and born in Poland, or of Polish descent vary significantly. The figure has been quoted as 600,000 (February 2007)[10] and "well over a million" (October 2007),[11] but more recently it is reported that the numbers are decreasing.[12]


The second largest Polonia in the world, and the largest in Europe, is the Polish German community. As many as three million people living in Germany may be of Polish descent, although the vast majority of these identify themselves as Germans. The main Polonia organization is Kongres Polonii Niemieckiej / Polnischer Kongress in Deutschland. Polish surnames are very common in Germany.

Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Boy Rafal...our peoples live since millenias side by side, there is barely another peoples with so much interaction and mixing!

Lot's of Poles lived and live in Germany forever...ever heard of Klose and Podolski? And the coach of your successful handbal team learned the game in Germany and even played for the german national team before and that are just a few actual examples.

Polonia in Germany is the second largest in the world and the largest in can't be all that bad, can't it!

Get a grip man!
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

I'm not killing anyone. I am just asking a questions...

No you don't!
You are talking all the time how you can't communicate with will you ever find answers then? You are not interested in the first place, you prefer to wallow in generalizations and bombastic phrases, still seeing the modern Germany as Nazi state...remember our last discussion!

You said you "endured" one year in Hamburg but you have prejudices like someone who never set a foot into Germany. You are perfectly happy with the "bad Germans"!
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

I can't believe I was so wrong about you. You're so cute and delectable (I hope I'm tolerant and bright enough now ;-])'s never to late!

Funny thing: Whenever I met a German on the forum and someone mention a WWII topic all of them (Germans) swears that their predecessor were fighting against the regime.

You don't know many Germans, do you....till some years back resistance or deserters were seen as traitors in the broad german public, it's only changing slowly...well...with resistance as Stauffenberg anyhow....

Deserters have still a hard stand!

How old are you?

Not old enough to remember the war and I doubt you are!
Bratwurst Boy   
12 Feb 2009
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

As for Germans. We just don't understand each other, we don't have a 'common language' and I doubt we ever will.

Well, millions of Poles who came to Germany over the centuries, settled here and assimiliated might think differently...

It takes a special closed mind to hate whole peoples and to believe neighbours can't understand each have a long way to go still!
Bratwurst Boy   
9 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

Till you bring a link for this I rather tend to think your prof meant this study:
(and it's not talking about polish women)

...But new research appears to turn this theory on its head. Scientists now believe that people of mixed race, particularly Eurasians, possess certain genetic advantages that lead to greater health and, as a result, increased attractiveness.

Then there is that:

Psychology: People in wealthy areas perceived to be most attractive


Short women with long legs are the most naturally attractive to men, according to a new study.

And of course this:
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Jan 2009
Travel / Entering Poland from Germany on the A4 motorway [23]

Just wondering how you felt about Turks running businesses in Germany.

It ain't the quiet, industrious taxpayer running businesses who are a problem in Germany...