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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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13 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

you know how looks like that what you said? Like you were there and sow it with your own eyes and you now want to convince us. To me who is familiar with European and Slavic history, your fabricated tales actually `sound` as `stories from the thousand and one nights`.

Jolly, even Vandals were germanized Slavs. One who knows history can even ask- what else they could be?

Spot this

This is the latest Roman state border, mid-fifth century. Colored in yellow are Sarmatian settlements within in the Roman Empire. Anywhere outside of the eastern and northern Roman borders (also all around Black Sea) were Sarmatians (ie Proto Slavs). Even if you look British islands, outside of the Roman border to the North lived Picts, Sarmatian tribe. This all means that Roman Empire expanded onto the Sarmatian territory. Ultimately, Roman Empire was originally created within Sarmatian realm (or on the most southern most Sarmatian borders on Mediterranean), due to different historical circumstances (i won`t go into it now). So, Sarmats lived within Roman borders and outside of them. With time, some Sarmats were Romanized.

Roman-Sarmatian border

Now here is something we should definitely not do, unless you have something that can back your claims up?

Poles have all historical reasons to trust to Serbs. On the other side, Poles have all historical reasons not to trust to west of Europe.

Ah ok. So, it is all within "Slavia". I believe we have heard similar arguments when Serbs went on a rampage in Kosovo to rape women and kill children. It was all within Serbia, right?

Listen. Delegation of the Poland`s parliament made independent investigation on terrain. They founded that Serbs are innocent and that actually crimes were committed on Serbs.

Please do not drift away from the topic
13 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Prussia itself was germanized Slavic realm.

Prussia was subjugated to Germanics back in 1226, when was conquered by the Teutonic Knights (a military religious order), who converted the Prussians to Christianity. But, Prussians turned for help to Poles, pledge their loyalty to Poland if Poles help them against Teutons and then rebelled against Teutonic Knights, in 1454. In 1657, after an invasion by the Swedes, Poland surrendered sovereignty over last portions of Prussia that still controlled. Rest is history of subjugation, partitions and revival of Poland.
12 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Does that mean that (using your words) "any separation from" the German Empire "must be considered as illegal, juridically null and void." as well?

Did you heard for a term `Drang Nach Osten`? You are, i suppose. See, German Empire was result of Drang Nach Osten. So, any eventual separation of some region from Germany, in order to merge that region with some Slavic state (Poland for example or Russia), represent something legal.

Actually, that`s what happened on the example of Kaliningrad. It was liberation. Same is with Silesia that was attached to Mother Poland. There is no love then it is love of Mother.

There is no consensus on whether Silesian is a separate language or a somewhat divergent dialect of Polish.


I don't understand what it has to do with the fact that Silesian people are not Germanic.

Beautifully defined. i wouldn`t tell it better.

I believe

you absolutely have all rights to believe what you want. i believe in something else but, i am even ready to defend your right to believe what you want.

This is very interesting.

Please, note

The names of Silesia in the different languages most likely share their etymology-Latin and English: Silesia; Polish: Śląsk; Old Polish: Ślążsk[o]; Silesian: Ślůnsk; German: Schlesien; Silesian German: Schläsing; Czech: Slezsko; Slovak: Sliezsko; Kashubian: Sląsk; Upper Sorbian: Šleska; Lower Sorbian: Šlazyńska. The names all relate to the name of a river (now Ślęza) and mountain (Mount Ślęża) in mid-southern Silesia. The mountain is believed to have served as a holy place in prehistoric times.


Let me offer etymology of the word from the angle of Serbian language

In Serbian (Slavic language; Central Europe, South-Eastern Europe and Balkan), Silesia is `Silesija`. Meaning is `numerous and powerful`. Word `silesija` originate from word `sila`. In Serbian `sila` can be understand as `power` and `numerous`. So, both at the same time. `Silesija` is version of `sila` and is regularly understand as `truly numerous`. Now, in context when Serbian language designate some region as `Silesija` it means that Serbs understand that is region `heavily populated`, `with numerous population`. To say, `Silesija` is `land of great/big tribe/people`.

Anyway, trusting to Serbian language, which is probably most archaic Slavic speech, i investigated more in Wikipedia >>>

The Silings or Silingi (Latin: Silingae, Ancient Greek Σιλίγγαι - Silingai) were a Germanic tribe, part of the larger Vandal group. The Silingi at one point lived in Silesia, and the names Silesia and Silingi may be related.


Trust to Serbs. Their language remembered. Silingi were not Germanic but they were Sarmatian tribe and, as it is proven, Sarmatian name was deep in past universal name of all Slavs. Also, this way or another, we know that Sarmats lived in what is today`s Silesia.

Beware Poles, west of Europe distorted Slavic history. You can`t trust them. You either resist to them or you giving up from yourself. Its simple as that. Its just so simple.
12 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

when a minority asked for more rights for use of their language, was when

So? What you didn`t understand? That people don`t intend to attach their land to some non-Slavic state. Its all within Slavia.

Now you are saying that Silesian people can't have the same rights because it would be anti-Slavic or anti-Polish?

as you see, anti-Polish is anti-Slavic. Nobody within Slavia can`t secede Slavic land and attach it to other civilization. i mean, it can be tried but, not without serious consequences and disturbances.

But, if solution isn`t possible within Poland, solution in any case must be found within Slavic civilization, with mediation of Poland, taking in account interests of Poland. Ultimately, some hypothetical future Silesian independent state would be still Slavic Silesia. It can`t merge with Germany. Never.

Actually, there are already many regions in today`s Germany with population of Slavic origin, on Slavic ground, by force occupied by Germanics who then introduced germanization. Those regions and that population also have its rights.

Then why did the ethnic Polish population participate in the plebiscite in the first place?

If so, then its wrong and it is possible to happen because Poland isn`t independent but subjugated.

See if we win that thing and everything's perfect, and if it doesn't go according to plan let's revolt?

as i explained. Poland isn`t independent and so, any separation from Poland must be considered as illegal, juridically null and void.
11 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

i repeat, plebiscite isn`t applicable in this and similar cases. You can`t apply plebiscite on population that was under the pressure of ideology (germanization; in this particular case) for hundreds of years and expect that population show serious resistance to that ideology when exposed to situation such is plebiscite. It simple isn`t realistic, its wrong and also even isn`t honest neither to that originally Slavic population in Silesia, neither to the Slavic civilization in general.

i really don`t care what thinks France, UK or Germany. They are anyway all the same to me.
11 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Prijatelju Pane TheOther, why did you said to me `nonsense` and then practically confirmed what i said- that `plebiscite isn`t applicable in this and similar cases`? France and UK were nonsensical, as you yourself said and, as i already knew.
11 Apr 2015
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

Crowie, you've forgotten that Tusk was already the leader. Kaczinski's brother had already been dumped from his role as premier.

yes, Tusk was PM back then, in heavy disagreements with President Kaczinski. After Kaczinski died, it was Tusk who directed foreign policy of Poland and Poland still follow that direction.

Don`t forget that Tusk play role of EU`s obedient boy. Man is well positioned in EU circles. Rewarded.

Crow, would there be any point whatsoever in sharing my thoughts with a loon like you?

As a loon to loon, you are welcome.
11 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

As we concluded, plebiscite isn`t applicable in this and similar cases.

Most important thing here is that Poland have its sovereignty. Let us hope that some people don`t suggest violation of sovereignty and borders of Poland.
11 Apr 2015
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

So, Rogere5, in other words, you don`t think that NATO and EU magnates assassinated president Lech?

Well, who knows. i would leave it as open question. Thanks for upload of your thoughts, Rogere5
11 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

No matter violent or due to economic incentives, Germanization is mental process. It affecting brain. So, people need more time to get rid of effects and start to behave normally.
10 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Unless you have some facts you want us to discuss?

alright. When started Drang Nach Osten? When started pressure on Slavs in what is today`s Silesia?

If that pressure started 500 years ago or even earlier, you should wait another 500 years that people live free in Slavic Poland and then you can expect realistic plebiscite.
10 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

no questions. Everything is clear

Pro-Germanic `plebiscite` organized in a region that was historically exposed to violent Germanziation means nothing. Plus, region don`t belong only to Silesians but to all Slavs.

If that plebiscite really occurred, Poland is for sure already targeted by EU. Beware Poles.
10 Apr 2015
News / Polish final report on Smoleńsk aircrash [859]

there is strong possibility that Lech Kaczyński was assassinated by high ranked circles within NATO and EU. Plan eventually was that their player Tusk replace Lech. Why? Lech wanted solved Polish-Russian antagonism. It was dangerous idea for ambitious magnates of NATO and EU. Plus, Lech was patriotic Polish president and wanted Poland closer to other Slavs.

It was coup d`etat in Poland?
10 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

JollyRomek - You see.

you see, west of Europe won`t get a single peace of Slavic land. Everything would be explained to Silesians and they, being children of Slavia, would understand.

Also, if west of Europe continue to insist on meddling in Slavic world, things may reverse and Slavic world may start to meddling in situatioon on the west of Europe. You know, you don`t have quite strong democracy there. Maybe we can help.

Please stick to the topic - all the mostly off-topic posts will be binned
10 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

You mean the way Mother Russia is showing her love to her children in Ukraine at the moment?

You know that Russia isn`t responsible there. Neither the Ukrainians. Conflict have its historical background. But, they both have their mistakes. Yes, they should found way of love.

Or how Mother Serbia went on a killing spree in Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia to -

Kosovo? Its not example for this story. There on Kosovo, Albanian national minority turn to terrorism in order to expel native Serbians and then rebelled against Serbian state in order to create Greater Albania. When Serbian state reacted NATO openly attacked Serbs to help secede Kosovo from Serbia.

In Bosnia and Croatia, situation was similar to Ukraine. Those are complex regions, founded not by one single people but more. In Bosnia and in Croatia, Serbs were people that ruled and created those states/regions since their beginnings, side by side with other sides. We needed negotiations about borders but Germany and then EU cut political dialogue and pushed us in bloody Civil War. So, Serbs were just one side in conflict in war they didn`t start and, Serbs were biggest victim and losers of that Civil War. Problem is that NATO and EU leading powers, for their political agenda labeled Serbs as bad guys, while being themselves sides in conflict, created Greater Croatia and Muslim Sharia ruled Bosnia.

I think the Silesian people are well able to decide for themselves what they need and want without the "motherly love" of your "slavic kind".

We Serbs would just tell to Silesians how are Anglos and Germanics treacherous partners and that would be enough to prevent penetration of anti-Slavic ideas in Silesians.
10 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Ziemowit - Crow, what kind of slavicization do you have in mind: voluntary or imposed by force?

no, for sure not by force. Our kind suffered already too much, just for being Slavic. We have to hug our people and help them, we must show them understanding, we must tell them that we need them, we need to share our resources between us, we have to return to nature, we must found way. There must be some way of love
9 Apr 2015
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

Are Silesians people German/Germanic?

That is wrong question. If Silesians feel for themselves to be Germanic, we can only conclude how are they Germanized.
5 Apr 2015
History / Any good sources on Kashubian history/culture? [4]

By some sources Kashubs are oldest Sarmats (back in past universal name of all Slavs) in what is today`s Poland. They belong to main Sarmatian Baltic-Danube-Balkan line. It was backbone line or if you want `core line`.

What we learn from ancient sources is that there were sedentary and nomadic Sarmats in the region. After all, that is what we know of way of life of ancients. In their world existed sedentary tribes with sporadic migrations of nomadic tribes. They lived together in any sense. All had their place in order of things. But, old sources also speak of conflicts between sedentary and nomadic Sarmats. Those conflicts weakened Sarmats, when sedentary Germanics appeared on scene. With time, it disturbed unity of Sarmatian world from within. Oh, this is very interesting topic to me.

First Germanic settlers in the region around Gdansk are described as sedentary. Now, if one have elementary knowledge in history (and general knowledge in some fields), he understand that first Germanics in region actually represent Germanized urban Sarmatian (Slavic) population. Very interesting. So, some authors, with time, tend to label sedentary Sarmats as actually Germanics (but they write about and describe their confusion and we actually clearly understand situation). What happened? In initially Sarmatian sedentary settlement come the Germanic trader. Then comes more traders. Trade zone is formed. Mixed marriages. Then comes other non-Sarmatian (non-Slavic) speaking traders, Jews, Danes, Swedes, etc, etc. Germanic languages are accepted as universal trade languages. With time, rest of urban population accepts Germanic languages as speaking language. That`s it, the moment when Slavic (Sarmatian) became Germanic.

What is even more interesting, that is how, most probably, Germanics even appeared on historical scene. Just, there was no interaction of some ancient Germanics and Romans but, in fact interaction of Sarmats (Slavs, natives of Europe) and Romans. Practically, traders did it. Later comes the brute force when there was formed critical mass of new Germanic population.

These are the undescribed and untold fundaments of Europe. Slavs (Sarmats) are in fundaments. Its the biggest public secret of Europe.
30 Mar 2015
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

i think that Poles don`t need to emulate Jews, with all due respect on Jews. Why more foreign elements in Polish culture?

Poles should emulate themselves. When we are at giving advices to Poles, i think, in my opinion that Poles needs to start to celebrate (to re-celebrate) SLAVA, for example. Its a nice, known back in ancient time, universal Slavic family celebration.
30 Mar 2015
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

Merged: Why Wilno Voivodeship wasn`t returned to Poland, after WWII ?

This is about land that was illegally seceded from Poland following the German and Soviet invasion, in 1939. Since 1991, the former territory of the voivodeship is a part of Lithuania and Belarus.

Searching for some facts from Polish history i came to this info. i found it not only interesting but even disturbing that land that was taken from Poland illegally in the spring of WWII, actually was never returned to Poland, after WWII was finished. This isn`t reason for hostilities (those countries can`t be even blamed directly) but, is this at least open question between Poland and Lithuania/Belarus?

The Wilno Voivodeship, was one of Voivodeships in the Second Polish Republic, with the capital in Wilno.


29 Mar 2015
Work / I'm retired teacher, age 69 - I want to teach English in Poland voluntarily, in return for Polish language [18]

Dziękuję, przyjacielu, za komentarze.

see? you already speak Polish. Its not hard

Why do I want to teach? I l have been teaching English for forty years and although I am retired I am now enjoying teaching adults from different nationalities.

i know, i know. But relax man. You have money. Just relax and enjoy. If somebody insist, you teach him. But to promote your teaching is something wrong. you aren`t on some kind of missionary work in Poland. You are now retired
27 Mar 2015
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

i don`t follow. i admit. What then Messiah have with Jesus influenced by Svetovid? Why would Poles emulate Jews for the sake of Messiah, as you said? Jewish Messiah?
27 Mar 2015
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

i agree. Can`t. i don`t know for any historical example of mass killings of people in the name of Svetovid
27 Mar 2015
History / Poles should emulate Jews? [153]

For the sake of dear Messiah....well, there's why.

You point on Christian-Jewish common religious/cultural roots? If so then you are right. It puts us in related cultural context. Still, not the same. i like to underline Svetovid because it is something specific.
24 Mar 2015
Work / I'm retired teacher, age 69 - I want to teach English in Poland voluntarily, in return for Polish language [18]

I'm retired teacher, age 69 - I want to teach English in Poland voluntarily, in return for Polish language

Dear Sir, may i say my opinion? Alright, here is what i want to say... What i know Poles are very friendly, hospitable and tolerant people. You for sure can found joy and happiness in Poland no matter that you are 69 years old. Just, in my opinion, you don`t need to teach them English. Why would you do that? Too many Poles already abandoned Poland thanks to availability of English language. You know, pressure on them is irresistible. Too many promises for better future, while we all know that is luck something individual, something that don`t travel with English language (culture) inevitably. After all, who can define `happiness, luck`

So, forget English language and come and just enjoy in Poland. If stay long enough you would anyway learn to speak Polish. Love Poles

Best regards
24 Mar 2015
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

We cooperate. Official alliance was never signed. Its just that some foreign media declare our relationship to be alliance. Must be that somebody wants that are things seen that way.

But, we see one other thing from this situation. Russian sanctions to Poland brings turbulence within Slavic world. Those who sanctioned Russia didn`t care of it (as if?), while calculated Russian respond. Russia on the other side must count on that, too.

How i see numbers in different sources, at least some 60-80.000 tons of Polish apples till now finished in Russia via Serbia. We would later see final calculations

development of situation seen by public media >>>

Russia's Apple Threat: Kremlin turns on Serbia over Polish apple imports

Serbia 'Reexporting Polish Apples to Russia'

March 23, 2015 / Novinite

Russia's food safety watchdog is considering a ban on fruits and vegetables imports from Serbia on suspicions that apples arriving from the country are originally from Poland.

Rosselhoznadzor, cited by Russian news agency RIA Novosti, has voiced its concerns over the sharp increase in apples imports and has demanded consultations with Belgrade over the issue.

Drama continues. Who would say that apples could be object of such an interest

Today, on TV evening news at 19:30 in talks with Serbian officials, Russian ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin said that Serbian export to Russia isn`t in question and that are Russian sanctions to Serbia excluded. He said that Russian side wants only consultations with Serbia.

Consultations aren`t problem. We can talk.

Good. For now.

Polish apples are innocent.

Poles, we can continue to do business. It seams that Russians just need some more papers to be in order. Ah, no problem with it. God knows how Serbs and Poles likes when it comes to paper work ;)

Ambassador: Russia will not ban Serbian food exports

March 25, 2015 | 12:39 / RTS, Tanjug

BELGRADE -- Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin has said that the export of Serbia's agricultural produce to Russia had not been compromised in any way.

The system implies the sending of scanned phytosanitary certificates even before a shipment is sent to the Russian market so the competent bodies know in advance the exact content of shipments expected to arrive in Russia, Ljajic's office stated.


first Poland was directly weakened by EU sanctions on Russia (and forced on even deeper economic dependence on west of Europe and USA) and now is being weakened by refuges that needs to receive. Not to mention how was Poland used in dirty CIA black ops prisons and forced to take part in illegal NATO war against Yugoslavia and Serbia. Actually, list of dirty use of Poland by her so called friends is quite long list.

For the sake of personal benefits and privileges on a west of Europe and in USA, Poland`s regime punishing even Polish farmers. Anti-Polish politics of Poland`s regime is demonstrated on every layer of Polish society >>>
23 Mar 2015
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]


i almost collapsed after sow and heard last news, first on TV and then i founded confirmation on online media.

Russia gave Serbia 10 days to prove its innocence or Serbian products would be banned, too. Essentially, Serbia must now prove that Polish apples didn`t grow up in Poland but in Serbia. Sh**! It won`t be easy

Let me tell it publicly! Its not nice, i protest! Why would now Serbia or even Belarus sit on Russian penis and that Germany, for example, escapes? Let Russia stub Germany with penis, not other Slavs. Its not right that we Slavs suffer due to solidarity with each others in moment when Russian-western European penises swing over our heads. Its neither nice, neither right.

What was truly hilarious on TV (evening news in 19:30), was the moment when journalist asked Serbian agriculture minister about possibility of re-export of Polish apples to Russia, via Serbia... minister answered: ``Possible? i would tell you what is possible. Must be that somebody falsified Serbian documents. That is possible.`` Then, TV camera showed some Russian trader (while packing apples to truck) who said: ``i personally was present in many deliveries of Serbian apples to Russia. We in Russia knows how are Serbian and Belorussian traders honest.`` What a joke. It was obvious message to Putin that behind this `operation` stays Serbian-Belorussian-Polish Pan-Slavic circles. It was obvious begging for mercy over TV.

My God, we Slavs are totally crazy people.

Russians "could lose patience and ban fruit imports"

apples are innocent!

Belgrade, Moscow -- Russia's food safety agency Rosselkhoznadzor suspects that Serbia is re-exporting apples produced in Poland.

23 Mar 2015
News / Food producers from Poland should stop suffering from obliged sanctions against Russia [75]

I wouldn't worry so much , and this is why :

Export of apple juice concentrate from Poland

That is very very good. Its always better to export finished product then just raw material. With sanctions or without.

Which means rather than exporting whole apples to Russia (which they don't want )

They want Polish apples. i can tell you that one. Its just that they needed to respond to the challenge of leading EU countries over the sanctions. Why that goes via heads of Poles, is the other question. Still, its already normal and exactable historical situation.

Poland found another way of sending them anyways ..

yes, in any case feed them with Polish apples ;)

I guess we don't need help from Serbia afterall.

well, never say never. :)